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Think Globally, Act Locally

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Tarak antara 2 pusat
m r Distance between 2 centers
Think Globally, Act Locally

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Think Globally, Act Locally

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Casio fx-991ZA

Casio Fx 100au Plus Casio fx-991MS


Think Globally, Act Locally
1. Rajah menunjukkan dua jasad, tikus yang berjisim 2 kg dan kucing yang berjisim 5 kg, dipisahkan
pada jarak 20 m di antara satu sama lain. Hitung daya graviti yang bertindak pada dua jasad itu.
The diagram showst Ftwo bodies, a rat with a mass of 2 kg and a cat with a mass of 5 kg, separated by
a distance of 20 m from each other. Calculate the gravitational force acting on the two bodies.
[G = 6.67 × 10-11 N m2 kg-2]

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1.668 10 N
2. Rajah menunjukkan dua jasad, planet Marikh yang berjisim 6.39 × 1023kg dan kucing yang berjisim 5 kg,
dipisahkan pada jarak 20 m di antara satu sama lain. Hitung daya graviti yang bertindak pada dua jasad itu.
The diagram shows two bodies, planet Mars with a mass of 6.39 × 1023kg kg and a cat with a mass of 5 kg,
separated by a distance of 20 m from each other. Calculate the gravitational force acting on the two bodies.
[G = 6.67 × 10-11 N m2 kg-2]



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5331000 000 00 N


Think Globally, Act Locally

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3. Sebuah kapal angkasa berjisim 5 000 kg yang mengorbit pada jarak 15 760 km dari pusat Bumi mengalami daya
graviti 6 900 N. Berapakah daya graviti yang bertindak pada kapal angkasa dalam orbit yang sama jika jisim kapal angkasa
F sehingga 2 000 kg?
itu dikurangkan
A spacecraft of mass 5 000 kg orbiting at a distance of 15 760 km from the center of the Earth experiences a gravitational
force of 6 900 N. What is the gravitational force acting on the spacecraft in the same orbit if the mass of the spacecraft
is reduced to 2 000 kg?

[G = 6.67 × 10-11 N m2 kg-2, jisim Bumi = 5.97 × 1024 kg]

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4. Sebuah kapal angkasa berjisim 5 000 kg yang mengorbit pada jarak 15 760 km dari pusat Bumi mengalami daya
graviti 6 500 N. Berapakah daya graviti yang bertindak pada kapal angkasa yamg sama dan dalam orbit yang sama
jika jarak di antara kapal angkasa itu dengan pusat Bumi berkurang menjadi 4 000 km?
A spacecraft with a mass of 5 000 kg orbiting at a distance of 15 760 km from the center of the
Earth experiences a gravitational force of 6 500 N. What is the gravitational force acting on the same spacecraft
in the same orbit if the distance between the spacecraft and the center of the Earth is reduced to 4 000 km?
[G = 6.67 × 10-11 N m2 kg-2, jisim Bumi = 5.97 × 1024 kg]

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F 100 903.4N
Think Globally, Act Locally
5. Sebuah satelit mengorbit bumi pada ketinggian 15 760 km dari permukaan. Kira
pecutan graviti pada kedudukan satelit yang berikut:
A satellite is orbiting the Earth at a height of 15 760 km from the surface. Calculate the gravitational
acceleration at the following position of the satellite:

a) Pada permukaan Bumi, At the surface of the Earth.

b) Pada satelit yang mengorbit Bumi pada ketinggian 15 760 km, On a satellite orbiting the
Earth at an altitude of 15 760 km.
(G = 6.67 x 10-11 N m2 kg-2, M = 5.97 x 1024 kg, R = 6.37 x 106 m)

6. Jisim Planet Musytari ialah 1.898 x 1027kg dan jejari planet adalah 69,911 m. Jika terdapat jasad yang
mempunyai jisim 10 kg di permukaan Planet X, kira;
Mass of Planet Jupiter is 1.898 x 1027kg and its radius is 69,911 m. If there is an object with mass 10 kg on the surface of Planet X,

a. pecutan gravity / gravitational acceleration

b. berat objek / weight of object
(G = 6.67 x 10-11 N m2 kg-2)

Think Globally, Act Locally

7. Sebuah satelit berjisim, m = 500 kg mengorbit Bumi pada ketinggian, h = 183 km dengan laju linear, v = 6.96 km s-1.
Berapakah daya memusat yang bertindak pada satelit itu? Seterusnya, tentukan pecutan memusat satelit.
A satellite of mass, m = 500 kg orbits the Earth at an altitude, h = 183 km with a linear velocity,
v = 6.96 km s-1. How much force is acting on the satellite? Hence, determine the centripetal acceleration of the satellite.

(G = 6.67 x 10-11 N m2 kg-2, M = 5.97 x 1024 kg, R = 6.37 x 106 m)

NOTES : Think Globally, Act Locally


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