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Answers for multiple choice questions

1. B
2. D
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. E

Answers for the Essay Question

1 What are information systems

 Information systems is when an individual or a group of people build a device that
includes hardware, software, and telecommunication networks which are used to
collect, create or distribute data.
2 What are the five components that make up the information system
 The Five components of the information system are hardware, software, data, people
and the process.
3 What is system software and what is application software
 System software is the category that communicates with and manages the hardware.
Examples of system software include Microsoft’s windows in personal computers or
Googles Android in mobile phones. On the other hand, Application software is the
category that communicates with the user in other words, are programs that do
something useful to users. Examples of application software are Microsoft word, Excel
spreadsheet, I tune music player etc.
4 What do we call information system hardware?
 Every physical part of a computer that you can see and touch is called hardware. The
hard ware can be categories in three sections the system unit (motherboard, RAM and
CPU), the input devices (Game controller, Touch screen, Microphones etc.) and the
output devices (Scanner, headsets, printers etc.)
5 Name three examples of hardware and their use
 The Central Processing Unit: Its job is to carry out all the commands that are sent to it by
the software and returns results that needs to be acted upon.
 The Random-Access Memory: It is used to transfer and run data. It runs data faster than
the hard disk this is why when ever a computer is switched on data is loaded from the
hard disk to the Ram to increase effectiveness.
 The Hard Disk: While the computer needs the RAM as the working memory it also uses
the hard disk to store data for the long term.

6.What is the difference between data and information

 When we are talking about data we are talking about raw facts and figures which have just
been collected. Examples of data can be numbers, letters or any words with no added
meaning. On the other hand, information is data that has been processed and organized to
give a meaning.
Practical Exercise

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Cellular Phones
Cellular phones have become a modern staple in communicating with others. Mobile phones
can keep people in touch who are far apart, keep friends up to date on each other's lives, and
overall have made communication easier than ever before. Cellular phones have very humble
beginnings; the first handheld phone was introduced on April 3, 1973 from Motorola.

However, his phone did not look like the cell phones people use today. His phone was:

1. Weighed approximately two and a half pounds.

2. Was approximately nine inches long.

3. Five inches thick.

4. Over one and a half inches wide.

Cellular phones have evolved throw years

Everyday a new cell phone comes out that has some new feature that flat out transforms the way
people utilize their phones. What started out as just a tool for making calls has now transformed
into something far beyond that and into a tool with more functionalities than you can shake a
stick at.

Student Age Subject

Adam 15 Biology
Adam 15 Maths
Helen 16 Computers
Alex 14 Maths
Stuart 17 Maths

O’brien,J.A.,&Marakas,G.M.(2005).Introduction to information systems(Vol.13).New York

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