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It’s being selfless, caring,

compassionate and u
unconditionally kind.

Leadership, both as a research area
and as a practical skill, encompasses
the ability of an individual, group, or
organization to “lead”, influence, or
guide other individuals, teams, or
entire organizations. “Leadership” Is
a contested term
Consideration is kindness and
thoughtful regard for others,
or an act of thoughtfulness.
Treating others as you would
have them treat you (the
Golden Rule) is one example
of consideration.


A person or animal that is intelligent

has the ability to think, understand,
and learn things quickly and well.
The ability to use tactics and strategies
to overcome setbacks and achieve goals.
This skill is all about individuals being
equipped to manage their emotions
effectively and being able to remain
motivated, and ultimately to motivate
others, even when facing setbacks.


Suitable or fit to be relied on: dependable.

Giving the same result on successive trials.
You are thoughtful if you consider
how your actions and words will affect
other people’s feelings. It is thoughtful
to cook your friend’s favorite dish when
you invite him over for dinner. The adjective
thoughtful describes someone who pays
attention or considers others’ feelings when
they speak and act.

Full of or characterized by that quality
which appeals to a sense of the ludicrous or a
absurdly incongruous full of or characterized
by humor funny. Humorous stories.
Shared a humorous anecdote.
If you describe someone as apathetic,
you are criticizing them because they
do not seem to be interested in or
enthusiastic about doing anything.
Even the most apathetic students are
beginning to sit up and listen.

Cowardly, timid, timorous refer to a lack
of courage or self-confidence. Cowardly
means weakly or basely fearful in the
presence of danger. The cowardly wretch
deserted his comrades in battle.
He’s too argumentative to be part of a
project in which teamwork is critical.
Synonyms for argumentative.

Showing behavior in which, you do
things suddenly without any planning
and without considering the effects
they may have.
Limited to or caring only about
yourself and your own needs.
Synonyms egocentric, egoistic,
egoistical, self-centered self-absorbed,

Using remarks that clearly mean the o
opposite of what you say, in order to
hurt someone’s feelings or to
humorously criticize something.
If you say someone is dishonest,
you mean that they are not honest
and you cannot trust them.
It would be dishonest to mislead

Unpleasantly proud and behaving as
if you are more important than,
or know more than, other people.

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