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1. This involves the relationship of one part to another.

Uneven space relationships are more interesting than

even ones.

2. This is the feeling of rest and equilibrium.

3. This refers to the pleasing combination of hues, values, and intensities.

4. This refers to the movement of the eye from one part of the design to other

5. A type of design which is formed by the arrangement of lines, forms, colors, and textures.

6. A type of design which refers to the surface enrichments of a structural design

7. A principle of design which means that one part of a design must be more important than the other parts

8. A type of balance is achieved by using space, color, and the varying importance of objects to produce a
feeling of rest.

9. An element which appeals strongly to the sense of touch, whether it is coarse, fine, smooth, rough,
wrinkled, sleek, glossy, slippery.

10. This is the basic part of any design.

Test II. Identify the Principle of design being showed in each picture.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

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