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Key Principles Of Graphic Design

1. The Line

The line graphics is used everywhere in every shape, colour and form. Lines are
mostly used to split in sections of a website. A line can vary in between being a
thick solid border or very thin.

Using darker colours can attract more attention to the viewer whilst using more
pale colours can do more the opposite. Vice versa goes towards using more
thicker borders and thinner ones.

The usage of lines now and days have more minimal but a dynamic aspect toward
where the creators of their website want to go.
2. The shape

Shapes and forms are the second most used element of web design to hook their
viewers into. Still lines but combined in different shapes.

Their can be circles, rectangles, squares, triangles or any other form of a shape.
Just like some lines themselves, the different forms of a shape can really alter the
look of a website!

Circles for an example are seen as more dynamic, soft. For squares they are seen
as more structured, and study.

3. Textures
Although textures weren’t very popular years ago, more and more were now used
for websites for their background!

Textures are like solid backgrounds but if seen closer, more subtle detail pops out.
Texture styles can come in paper, stone, brick, fabric and other elements.

Although it may be overlooked first, different textures can offer a completely new
visual effect.

4. Colour
Colour may be the most important element of design because it sends off the
most powerful impact on the visual side of things.

If used correctly, colour on websites can make such a drastic difference between a
website looking good, or just drop dead gorgeous!

Thus why colour theory is really important to know and learn.

5. Value
Value in graphics is how light or dark a design is. Like colour, Value can also send
out an effective visual and message towards viewers.

Understanding colours and how they work together is one thing, but knowing
how to De-saturate and saturate colours together is a whole other level.
6. Space

Space (Or otherwise known as negative space,) and how it’s used is extremely
important in graphics. It doesn’t exactly mean the space is just filled with “white”
but as every area of design is only filled with background colour.

If a lot of negative space is used in your web design, it offers a more open feeling.
Lacking of white space may clutter and turn your website into an old one.

The use of colour is extremely important as well to the white space because it
points where you want attention for the eye to see first.

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