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bAi tap


ii n h A x u a t BAN HA n Oi
Tron Bo SGK:




nh A x u a t b a n t h e gicji

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Cac ban hoc vien than men!

De co them tai lieu thiet thUc phuc vu nhu cau hoc tap va luyen
thi chiing chi A, B, C tieng Anh ngay cang nhieu cua dong dao cac
ban hoc vien, chung toi da bien soan va lan lUdt cho ra mat loat
sach gom 13 tap nhu sau:
1. Bai tap Trac Nghiem Tieng Anh trinh do A. B (tap I)
2. Bai tap Trac Nghiem Tieng Anh trinh do C (tap II)
3. Bai tap Doc Hieu Tieng Anh.
4. Bai tap Dien Tti Tieng AnJi.
5. Bai tap Dat Cau Tieng Anh.
6. Bai tap Bien Doi Cau Tieng Anh.
7. Bai tap Cum Dong Tif Tieng Anh.
8. Bai tap Trac Nghiem Gi6i Tu1Tieng Anh.
9. Bai tap Tif Vung Tieng Anh.
10. Cac Bai Luan Tieng Anh.
11. Bai tap Nguf Phap Tieng Anh.
12. Bai tap Thanh NgU Tieng Anh.
13. Bai tap Luyen Viet Tieng A.nh.
Loat sach tren co nhulng dac diem cau:
Cung cap doi dao so lu!dng bai tap ve cac bai gui dinh doi vdi
mon thi Doc - Viet nhu trac nghiem, doc hieu, dien tCf, dat
cau v.v.............
Moi mot tap sach la mot chuyen de luyen thi rieng re giup
ban ren luyen va nam vUng kien thijfc cung nhil kl nang ma
moi loai hinh bai tap doi hoi.
Cac bai tap dUdc bien soan cho ca 3 trinh do A, B, C theo dung
dang thtic de thi cua Bo Giao Due - Dao Tao. Rieng ve Bai Tap
Bien Doi Cau Tieng Anh chi co bai tap cho 2 trinh do B va C
vi theo m iu de thi A cua Bo khong co ph4n bai tap nay.
Rat m ong nhan ditoc nhieu dong gop qui bau cua ban doc gan xa.
Chuc cac ban thanh cong.
>71 /
Tac gia
• f

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1/ T e n s e s ...................................................................................... 5
II/ S eq u en ce o f T e n s e s ......................................................... 31
III/ T h e p a ssiv e a n d a ctiv e s e n t e n c e s ................................ 45
IV / T h e p a rts o f s p e e c h ........................................................... 58
1.N o u n s ...................................................................... 58
2 .P ro n o u n s 72
3 .A je ctiv e s 84
4..A d v e r b s .............................................................................. 94
5.W ord s t u d y ....................................................................... 102
6 .D egrees o f com p a rison o f A djectives and A d v erb s 133
7..V e r b s ...................................................................................... 145
8 .N u m e ra l s 162
9..P r e p o s it io n s ....................................................................... 170
1 0 .C o n ju n ctio n s 195
11..A r t i c l e s ............................................................................... 199
V/ C la u ses a n d P r a s e s ............................................................ 206
V I/ E xep ression o f q u a n t it y .................................................... 245
V II/ E m p h a s is ............................................................................... 251
V III/ S t y l e s ...................................................................................... 254
IX / R ep orted s p e e c h ................................................................ 259
X/ S e n t e n c e s ............................................................................ 266
X I/ P ra ctice T e s t ........................................................................ 274
X II/ K e y ......................................................................................... 310

A p p e n d ix A
T o ch iic qu oc te - chvif v ie t tat th on g d u n g 370
• D o, can , d on g
A p p e n d ix B
B an g liet ke cac dong tti b a t quy tac 383

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1 The Simple Present Tense (Thi hien tai dOn)

a. Form

- I, We. You, They + Verb (without to)

- He, She, It + Verb + s/es

- Dong tti chia d hien tai (V,)

(Neu chu ngut d ngoi thti ba so ft, ta phai them “ S” hoac “ ES” vao
sau dong tuf)

ij U sa g e:
Thi hien tai ddn dien ta mot thoi quen, mot hanh dong xay ra
thUdng xuyen lap di lap lai d hien tai.
+ He watches TV every night.
+ W hat do you do everyday?
+ I go to school by bicycle.
Thi hien tai ddn d iln ta mot chan ly, mot sU that hien nhien.
Ex: + The sun rises in the East.
+ Tom com es from England
+ I am a student.
Thi hien tai ddn dude dung khi ta noi ve thdi khoa bieu
(tim eta b les), chUdng trinh (program m es) ... .
Ex: + The plane leaves for London at 12.30 p.m.
+ She departs for Australia tom orrow .
+ The film begins at 8 o’clock.

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- Thi hien tai ddn de chi “ Hien tai lich s t f , nhat la trong nhQng
bai binh luan ve cac mon chdi hoac cac vd kich.
Ex: + The badm inton player sends the shuttlecock over the net.
Thi hien tai ddn dung sau nhUng cum tii chi thdi gian "when” ,
“as soon as” va nhung cum tu: chi dieu kien “ i f ’, “ unless” ...
Ex: + We will not believe you unless we see it ourselves.
+ If she asks you, tell her that you do not know.

c. S p e llin g :
* Ta them S de hinh thanh ngoi thCf b a ’so* it cua hau het cac dong
tu!. NhUng ta them ES khi dong tii co tan cung la o, sh. s. ch. x, z.
Ex: He teaches French.
* Neu dong tii tan cung la “y” va diing tru(6c no la mot phu am, thi
ta doi “y” thanh “ i” trUdc khi them “es” .
Ex: + He tries to help her
+ She studies at Canberra.

d. C ac p h o tif th iid n g dxidc d u n g c h u n g vcfi th i h ie n tai dtfn:

+ Often, usually, frequently thUdng

+ Always, constantly luon luon
+ Sometimes, occasionally thinh thoang
+ Seldom, rarely it khi, hiem khi
+ every day/ week/ month... hang ngay/ tuan/ thang...

e. N e g a tiv e F o r m (T h e p h u d in h )
* Doi vdi dong tu: dac biet (be, can, may...), ta them “not” ngay sau
dong tii do.
Ex: + He is a good pupil.
—> He isn’t a good pupil.
+ My brother can swim.
-* My brother can t swim.

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* Doi vdi dong tti thUdng, ta dung trd dong tu "D o” hoac “ Does” tuy
theo chu ngCt.
Ex: + She doesn’t hke coffee.
+ They don’t want new shoes.

f. I n t e r r o g a tiv e fo r m (T h e n g h i va n )
* Doi vdi dong tu1dac biet. ta chuyen no len dau cau va them dau
“?” d cuoi cau.
Ex: + Are you tued now?
+ Can Peter drive a car?
* Doi v6i dong tii thUdng, ta them “Do” hoac "Does” vao dau cau.
(Nhd dUa dong t if chfnh ve nguyen mau)
Ex: + Her father likes tea.
—> Does her father like tea?
+ They do their homework every day.
-> Do they do their homework every day9

2. T h e P r e s e n t C o n tin u o u s T e n se (T h i h ie n tai tie p d ie n )

a. F orm :
-1 + am
- He, She, It + is + V-ing
- We, You, They + are

b. U sa g e:
- Thi hien tai tiep dien mo ta mot hanh dong dang dien ra va keo
dai met thdi gian d hien tai, (no thUdng di kem vdi cac cum tti chi
thdi gian "N OW ” , “ RIGHT N O W ’, “AT THE MOMENT” , “AT
Ex: + The children are playing football now.
+ W hat are you doing at the moment?
- Thi n ay cung thUdng dude dung theo sau cau de nghi, menh lenh.

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Ex: + Look! The child is crying.

+ Be quiet! The baby is sleeping in the next room.
- Thi nay con dude dung de dien ta mot han h dong sap xay ra (d
tUdng lai g&n)
Ex: + He is com ing tomorrow.
+ My parents are planting trees tomorrow.

c . Spelling
* Neu dong tif tan cung la “e” ddn thi bo "e” nay di trUdc khi them
• ti • y>
mg .
come —> coming
Ngoai trii cac dong tU: to age (gia di), to dye (nhuom), to singe
(chay xem) va cac dong tti tan cung la ee.
* Neu dong tuf co mot am tiet, tan cung la mot nguyen am d giiia
hai phu am thi nhan doi phu am cuoi len roi them “ ing” .
run —> running
* Neu dong tCf co hai hoac hdn hai am tiet, tan cung la mot
nguyen am d giuta hai phu am va trong am rdi vao am tiet cuoi thi
ta nhan doi phu am do len roi them "‘mg” .
begin —» beginning
* Neu dong tti tan cung la “ie” thi doi thanh “y” roi m6i them “ing”
lie —> lying
* Neu dong tti tan cung la “1” ma trUdc no la m ot n gu yen am ddn
thi ta cung nh an doi “1” do len roi them “ing” .
travel —> travelling
Ngoai le: tie (cot, buoc) —> tieing hoac tying
hie (voi va, di voi va) —> hieing hoac hying
L ifu y : Khong dung thi hien tai tiep dien v6i cac dong tiT chi nhan
thile, tri giac nhu: to be,, see, hear, understand, know, like, want,
glance, feel, think, smell, love, hate, realize, seem, remember,
forget, belong to, believe ...

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Vdi cac dong tti nay. ta thay bang thi Simple Present.
Ex: + I am tired now.
+ She wants to go for a walk at the moment.
+ Do you understand your lesson?
Yes, I understand, it now.

d. Negative Form (The phu dinh)

Them “not” vao sau dong tu: “to be” : “am. is, are” tuy theo chu ngU.
Ex: + She is not working.
+ They are not learning now.
Chu y :
is not viet tat la isn’t
I am not I’m not
are not aren’t

e. Question form (The nghi van)

Dao am, is, are len trUdc chu ngut
Ex: + Are you a teacher?
- Yes, I am
- No, I am not
+ Is she watching T.V. now?
- Yes, she is
- No, she isn’t

3. The Present Perfect Tense (Thi hien tai hoan thanh)

a. F orm :__________________________________________________
I, W e, They, You + have + past part,;clple ( v 3)
He, She, It + has

The ph u dinh: S + h a ven ’t/ h asn ’t + Vs...

The nghi vain: H ave/has + S + Vs ... ?

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b. U sage:
- Thi hien tai hoan thanh dien ta hanh dong vtia mdi xay ra. vifa
mdi ket thuc, thUdng di vdi trang tti “just”.
Ex: + The concert has just begun.
+ I have finished my hom ework recently.
- Thi hien tai hoan thanh dien ta mot hanh dong bat dau tif qua
khif, con keo dai den hien tai va co kha nang tiep tuc d tUdng lai.
Ex: + Mary has lived m this house for ten years.
+ They have studied English since 1990.
- Hanh dong xay ra trong qua khif ma khong biet ro thdi gian.
Ex: + I have gone to Hanoi.
+ He has done his housework.
- Th) hien tai hoan thanh dien ta mot hanh dong dude lap di lap lai
nhieu lan d qua khti.
Ex: + Daisy has read that novel several times.
+ I have seen “Titanic” three times.

c. Cac pho tif thu’ofng di kerrt vdi thi hien tai hoan thanh la:
just, recently, lately: gan day, vtia mdi
ever: da tting
never: chUa bao gid
already: roi
yet: chUa
since: tii khi (thdi diem)
for: khoang (thdi doan)
so far = until now = up to now = up to the present: cho den bay
Cac pho tut nay chi dUdc dung kern vdi thi hien tai hoan thanh
trong cac cau ddn. Doi vdi cau co tti hai menh de trd len hoac trong
mot doan van thi dong tii phai dUdc chia theo ngii canh chti khong
phu thuoc vao cac pho tif (xem them d phdn Sequence of Tenses)


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Ex: + He has just seen her.

(but) He said that he had just seen her.
+ I have already done my exercises.
(but) When I came, they had already shown the film.

c. N otes:
- Ta thUdng dung “ju s t ” vdi thi hien tai hoan thanh.
Ex: Would you like something to eat?
No, thanks. I’ve just had lunch.
- Dung “for” de chi khoang thdi gian cua hanh dong, va “since” de
chi thdi diem ma hanh dong bat dau.
Ex: + He has worked there for six months
+ I have learnt English since 1999.
- Dung “yet” trong cau phu dinh va nghi van, dung “already” trong
cau khang dinh.
Ex: + Has John called vet?
+ I’ve already posted the letter.
+ He has already started his new job.
- Ta thUdng dung “ever” va “never” vdi thi hien tai hoan thanh.
Ex: + Have you ever eaten snake meat?
+ He has never been there.
- Dung thi hien tai hoan thanh sau nhting tut so sanh d c£p cao
Ex: + What a boring film! It’s the most boring film I’ve ever seen.
- Diing thi hien tai hoan thanh vdi: This is the first time, it is the
first time...
Ex: + It is the second time he has lost his passport.
+ This is the first time he has driven a car.
- Gone to khac vdi been to
Ex: + Ann has gone to Italy.
Ann da di nUdc Y.


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(Cau nay co nghia la bay gid co ay dang d nude Y hoac co ay dang

tren dUdng den nU6c Y)
+ Ann has been to Italy
Ann da di nUdc Y.
(Cau nay co nghia Ann da den nU6c Y vao mot luc nao do trong
qua khuf nhifng bay gid co ay khong con d Y niia).
- Ta dung thi hien tai hoan thanh v6i This morning/ This evening/
today/ this week/ this term... Khi nhOng thdi gian nay van con
trong luc noi.
I’ve smoked ten cigarettes today.
I haven’t seen Tom this m orning. Have you?

4. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Thi hien tai hoan

thanh tiep dien)
a. Form:
I, We, You, They + have
He. She, It + has + been + V ' mg

b. Usage:
- Thi nay dien ta mot hanh dong bat dau trong qua knu va Keo uai
lien tuc den hien tai.
* Khong dung thi hien tai hoan thanh tiep dien de noi
rihutng tinh huong ton tai m ot thofi gian dai nhat la khi co
AIiCv, has always worked hard.
(Khong dung has always been working)
* Khong dung thi hien tai hoan thanh tiep dien vdi cac
dong tif difctc liet ke d thi hien tai tiep dien. (Cac dong tif
chi nhan thtic, tri giac)


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Ex: How long have Bob and Alice been married?

(Khong dung have Bob and Alice been being married)
* C a c tix’ hay di k e m la : s in c e (+ m o c th d i g ia n ), fo r (+
k h o a n g th d i gia n )
Ex: I have been studying French for five years.

5. T h e S im p le P a st T e n se (T h i q u a kh ti dcfn)
a. F o rm :
1 I, We, You, They C + Verb + ed (regular)
He, She, It________L + Verb in the past tense (irregular)

R egular Verbs la nhung dong t£f co qui t ic nhU:

to work (lam viec)
to die (chet)
to stay (d lai)
to play (chdi) . . .
Irregular Verbs la nhung dong tti bat qui tac co 3 cot nhU:
to sleep/ slept/ slept (ngu)
to go/ went/ gone (di)
to com e/ cam e/ come (den)
to have/ had/ had (co)

b. U sa g e:
Thi qua khil ddn d iln ta hanh dong da xay ra trong qua khii, cham
diit roi va biet ro thdi gian.
Ex: + Tom went to Paris last summer.
+ My mother left this city two years ago.
+ He died in 1980.

c. C a c p h o tu” d i k e m : last (trU6c) ..., ago (cach day), yesterday

(horn qua).


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d. N eg a tive fo rm (T h e p h u d jn h )
* Doi vdi dong tii d&c biet, ta them “N O T ’ vao sau no.
Ex: + He wasn’t absent from class yesterday.
+ I couldn’t open the door last night.
* Doi v6i dong tu: thUdng, ta dat trd dong tti “didn’t” trade dong tti
Ex: + He didn’t watch TV last night
+ She didn’t go to the cinema with him last Sunday.

e. I n te r r o g a tiv e fo rm (T h e n g h i van )
* Doi v6i dong tCf dac biet, ta chuyen no len dau cau.
Ex: + Were they in hospital last month?
+ Could she answer your questions then?
* Doi vdi dong tti thUdng, ta dat trd dong tii “did” d dau cau.
Ex: + Did you see my son, Tom?
Li/u y: Khi d o i sa n g p h u d in h va n g h i v a n n h d diia d o n g tif
c h in h ve n g u y e n m au.

f. S p e llin g
* Thong thUdng thi them “ed” sau dong tfi co qui tac.
work —> worked
* Neu dong ttf co qui tac tan cung la “e” thi chi them “d” thoi.
die —> died
* Neu dong tti co qui tac tan cung la “y” ma trUdc no la mot phu
am thi doi “y” thanh “i” roi them “ed”.
* Neu dong tii co qui-tac co mot am tiet, tan cung la mot nguyen
am d giufa hai phu am thi ta nhan doi phu am cuoi len roi them
“ed” .
stop —> stopped


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* Neu dong i u co qui tac co hai am tiet, tan cung la mot nguyen am
0 giuta hai phu am va trong am rdi vao am tiet cuoi thi ta nhan doi
phu am cuoi len roi them “ed” .
permit —> permitted
* Neu dong tu tan cung la “1” , trUdc no la mot nguyen am ddn thi
ta n han doi “1” len roi them “ed” .
travel —> travelled

g. P r o n u n c ia t io n (C a ch p h a t am )
* NhUng dong tti co qui tac tan cung la am [t] va [d] khi them “ed”
ta doc them am [id]
divide [di’vaid] -> divided [di’vaidid]
* Nhufng dong tu! co qui tac tan cung la am [k], [p], [f], [s], [1], [tj]
khi them “ed” ta doc them am [t].
laugh [la:f] —> laughed [la:ft]
* Ngoai hai trUdng hdp tren, cac dong tif co qui tac con lai sau khi
them “ed” ta doc them am [d]
play [plei] - » played [pleid]

6. T h e P a st C o n tin u o u s T e n se (.Thi q u a khuf tie p d ie n )

a. F orm :
I, She; He, It + was .
We, You, They + were

b. U sa g e: T h i q u a k h ii tie p d ie n d ie n ta:
- Hanh dong da xay ra va k6o dai mot thdi gian d qua khti.
Ex: + Yesterday, Mr Moore was working in the laboratory all the
+ W hat were you doing from 3 p.m to 6 p.m yesterday?
- Hanh dong dang xay ra vao mot thdi diem d qua khii.
Ex: + I was doing my homework at 6 p.m last Sunday.


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+ They were practising English at that time.

+ What were you doing at this time yesterday?
- Hanh dong dang xay ra (d qua khOO thi co mot hanh dong khac
xen vao (hanh dong dang xay ra dung Past Continuous, hanh dong
xen vao dung Simple Past)
Ex: + When I came yesterday, he was sleeping.
+ What was she doing when you saw her?
+ As we were crossing the street, the policeman shouted at us.
- Hai hanh dong xay ra song song cung mot luc cl qua k h i.
Ex: Yesterday, I was cooking while my sister was washing the
Ltfu y: Khong dung thi nay vdi cac dong tif chi nhan thvifc,
tri giac. Thay vao do, ta dung thi Simple Past.

c. Negative form (The phu dinh)

Dat “not” sau “was” hoac “were”
Ex: + They were not (weren’t) eating dinner when you arrived.
+ She was not (wasn’t) watching television at 8 o’clock
yesterday evening.

d. Question form (The nghi van)

Ta chuyen “was” hoac “were” len trUdc chu ngut.
Ex: + Were they eating dinner when you arrived?
+ Was she having breakfast at 7 o’clock yesterday m orning?

7. The Past Perfect Tense (Thi qua khvf hoan thanh)

a. Form:
Subject + had + V 3 - (V3 : past participle)
(- Negative form: S + Hadn’t + V 3
- Interrogative form: Had + S + V 3?)


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b. Usage:
Thi qua khii hoan thanh dien ta mot hanh dong qua khti xay ra
trUdc mot thdi gian qua khil hoac trU6c mot hanh dong qua khCf
khac. (Neu trong cau co hai hanh dong qua khil. hanh dong nao
xay ra trUdc ta dung Past Perfect, hanh dong nao sau ta dung
Simple Past)
Ex: + We had lived in Hue before 1975.
+ When I got up this morning, my father had already left.
+ After the children had finished theu homework, they went
to bed.
+ It was the most difficult question that I had ever known.

8. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Thi qua khtf hoan

thanh tiep dien)
a. Form: ______
Subject +• had + been + V-mg j

b. Usage:
Thi qua khti hoan thanh tiep dien dien ta mot hanh dong qua khti
da xay ra va k6o dai cho den khi hanh dong qua khii thi? hai xay
ra (hanh dong thti hai dung Simple Past). ThUdng thUdng khoang
thdi gian k6o dai dUdc neu ro trong cau.
Ex: + The men had been playing cards for 3 hours before I came.
+ They had been living m Lodon for 10 years when I met them.

9. The Simple Future Tense (Thi tifcfng lai dofn)

a. Form: _______________________________
t You, He, She. I. They + will
I I, W e + shall + V l W .,
------------ - - \ ■
bare-mf: bare-infinitive (dong tCf nguyen the khong “to”)
• IAVe + shall ...

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* IAV e/he/She ... + w ill...

* Negative form: S + W ill/ Shall + Not + V ml-} ...
W on’t/ Shan’t
* Interrogative form: W ill/Shall + S + V (bare int.)

b. U sage:
* Dung khi ta quyet dinh lam mot dieu gi do vao luc noi.
Ex: A: Did you phone Ann'-1
B: Oh no, I forgot. I will (’11) do it now.
- Oh, I’ve left the door open. I will (’II) go and shut it.
* Dung de yeu cau ai do lam viec gi.
Ex: + Will you shut the door?
+ Will you please be quiet9
* Dung de de nghi lam dieu gi.
Ex: + That bag looks heavy. I will help you with it.
O f course. I’ll bring it back this afternoon.
+ I’ve asked John to help me but he w on't.
* Dung de dong y hoac tu1choi lam dieu gi.
Ex: - You know that book I lent you? Can I have it back?
- I need some money.
- Don’t worry. I will lend you some.
* Dung de hiia hen lam dieu gi do.
Ex: 1- I promise I will call you as soon as I irnv^
+ I won’t tell Tom what you said. I promise.
* Dung shall / va shall we de de nghi hoac gdi y.
Ex: + Where shall we go this evening?
+ Shall I open the window?
*Dung I think I ’ll ... hoac / d on ’t think I ’ll ... khi ta quyet dinh
lam dieu gi.
Ex: + I think I’ll stay at home this evening.


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f 1 don't think I'll go out tonight. I’m too tired.

c. Cac pho tiV di kem:

Someday: mot ngay nao do
Tomorrow: mai
Next week, next month ...: tuan/thang ... tdi
Soon: Chang bao lau niia

10. Near future (Tu’cfng lai gan)

a. Form:
1 + am
| He, She, It + is + going to + V lW<,.,nf, | (,Du dinh se)
We, You, They + are :
I + am
He, She, It + is + V-mg (sap sU»)
[ We, You. They + are _______ _j

b. U sa ge:
Thi nay dUdc dung de dien ta mot hanh dong sap xay ra hoac mot
du dinh sap tdi (thUdng thu'dng ti ">ng cau khong co cum tu1chi thdi
Ex: + My father is retiring.
-h W here are you going to spend your holidays?

c. Phan biet giufa ttftfng lai thu’ofng (will) va tu’cfng lai chi’ y
dinh (be going to).
* Ta dung will khi ta quyet dinh lam dieu gi do vao luc noi, chUa
co quyet dinh trUdc.
Ex: Tom: My bicycle has a flat tyre. Can you repair it for me0
Father: Okay, but I can’t do it now. Ill repair it tomorrow.
* Ta dung be going to khi ta da quyet dinh lam dieu gi do roi.
Ex: Mother: Can you repair Tom's bicycle? It has a flat tyre.


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Father: Yes, I know. He told me. I’m going to repau 11


11. The Future Continuous Tense (Thi tiitfng lai tiep dien)
a. Form:
'1 /W e + Will (or Shall)
j He/She/It/You/They + Will + Be + Verb -m g

b. Usage:
*Chi hanh dong dang tien hanh tai mot thdi diem d tUdnglai.
Ex: + At 10 o’clock tomorrow morning he w ill be w orking.
+ I will be watching TV at 9 o’clock tonight.
* Chi hanh dong dang xay ra d tUdng lai thi co m ot han h dong
khac xay ra.
Ex: + I will be studying when you return this evening.
+ They will be travelling in Italy by the time you arrive here.
* Ta dung will you be + verb-ing? de hoi ve du dinh cua mot
ngUdi khi ta can dieu gi hoac can ngUdi do lam dieu gi.
Ex: A: Will you be using your motorcycle this evening?
B: No, you can take n.
A: Will you be passing the post office when you go out?
B: Yes, why?

12. The Future Perfect Tejnse (Thi ttfdng lai hoan thanh)
a. Form:
Subject + will + have + V 3

b. Usage:
- Thi tildng lai hoan thanh dien ta mot hanh dong se hoan tat vao
mot thdi diem cho trildc d tUdng lai.


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- Thi nay thUdng dung trong cau co cac cum tCi chi thdi gian nhtf
“ By (+ moc thdi gian)” ; “BY THE TIME” ; “ BY THEN” .
Ex: + I’ll have finished my work by noon.
+ They’ll have built that house by July next year.
+ When you come back, I’ll have written this letter.

13. The Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Thi tiicfng lai

hoan thanh tiep dien)
a . F o rm :
Subject + will + have been + V-ing

b. Usage:
- Thi tUdng lai hoan thanh tiep dien dien ta mot hanh dong bat
dau tit qua khil va keo dai den mot thdi diem cho trudc d tUdng lai.
- Cac cum tti chi thdi gian di kem la:
+ BY ... for (+ khoang thdi gian.)
+ BY then
+ BY the time
Ex: + By November, we’ll have been living in this house for 10 years.
+ By March 15th, I’ll have been working for this company for 6
1. Khong dung cac thi tiep dien (Continuous Tenses) vdi cac dong
tif chi nhan thuc, tri giac (see, be, hear...)
2. Khong dung cac thi tUdng lai (Future tenses) trong cac menh
de trang ngiit chi thdi gian, thi Simple Future dUdc thay bdng
Simple Present; thi Future Perfect (hoac Future Perfect
Continuous) dUdc thay bang thi Present Perfect (hoac Present
Perfect Continuous).


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I. S u p p ly the c o r r e c t v e r b fo rm s: T h e S im p le P re se n t T e n se
o r T h e P re se n t C o n tin u o u s T en se:

1. Hurry! The buslcom e). H not want) to miss it.

2. Listen! Somebody (sing).
3. How often ^yofu rean; a newspaper9
4. The sun always (ris^j^n the east. Look, it (rise) now.
5. I (hear) you: I(knqw) what you (say)
6. The concert (start^&t 7.30 this evening.
7. Ann, we (go) to town, (jo v l^ r T ^ w ith us?
8. She^have?) coffee(for^breakfast every morning.
9. I (see) that you (wear) your best clothes.
10. She sometimes (buy) vegetables at this market.

11. S u p p ly th e c o r r e c t v e r b fo rm s: T h e P re se n t P e r fe c t o r
P re s e n t P e r fe c t C o n tin u o u s :
1. I (try) to learn English for years, but I (not succeed) yet.
2. Mary (rest) m the garden all day because she (be) ill.
3. She (work) so hard this week that (not have) time to go to
the movies.
4. That book Hie) on the table for weeks. You (not read' yet0
5. He (not, be) here ;ince Christmas. I wonder where he (live)
since then.
6. Jack (go) to Pans for a holiday. He never (be) there.
7. You (sleep) so far? I (ring) the bell for the last twenty minutes.
8. He (write) a novel for two years, but he (not finish) it yet.
9. Mary (lose) her hat and she (look) for ^ until now
1 0 .1 (see) that film several times because I like it.

III. S u p p ly th e c o r r e c t v e r b fo rjn s: P r e s e n t T en se^ .

1. Jack (lo o k ) no trouble with my English lesson up to now .


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2. The weather generally (get) quite hot in July and August.

3. That brown briefcase (belong) to Dr. Rice.
4. Yes, I (remember) that older fellow’s name now.
5. Michael (work) thirty eight hours a week.
6. I (be) sorry. I (forget) that girl’s name already.
7. How many times you (see) him since he went to Edinburgh /
8. Fred’s brother just (graduate) from Oxford University.
9. The earth (circle) the sun once every 365 days.
10. Up to the present, we (write) almost every lesson in the book.

IV. Supply the correct verb forms: Simple Past or Pre'sknt

Perfect. ?
1. We (study) a very hard lesson the day before yesterday.
2. I (read) that novel by HemingwayCseveral times before.
3. We (study) almost every lesson in this book so far.
4. My wife and I (travel) to Mexico by air last summer.
5. I (have) a little trouble with my car last week.
6. What you(do) yesterday?
7. How long you (learn) English?
8. Tom (never be) in Hanoi.
9. The plane (stop) at a small town. It then (take) off
immediately after refuelling.
10. She (be) so happy when she (hear) the news that she (cry).

V . Supply the correct verb forms : Simple Past or Past


1. W hen I (arrive) at his house, he still (sleep).

2. She (water) the flowers in her garden while her next door
neighbour (chat) with her over the fence.
3. As we'(cross) th e street, we (sfee) an accident.
4. The bell (ring) while Tom (take) a bath.
5. She (hear) a noise and (get) out of bed when the door (open)
6. The children (play) football when their mother (come) back.


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7. Who (be) that man that you (talk) to? I (see) him at the gate
when I (come) in.
8. We (wait) for the bus when he (pass) by in his car and (offer) us
a lift.
9. I (be) very tired because I (work) all day yesterday.
10. When the students (hear) the bell, they (get up) and (leave).

VI. Give the right forms of the verbs in brackets: Simple

Past or Past Perfect.

1. He (forget) what I (tell) him. I (remind) him many times, but

he still (not bring) what I (want).
2. He (ask) me whether I (see) his pen on the table. I (tell) him
that I (not see) it around.
3. If I (wait) only a little while longer, I would have met her. I
(not see) her since we last (meet) two years ago.
4. They (go) home after they (finish) their work.
5. When we came to the stadium, the match (already, begin).
6. They told me they (not, eat) such kind of food before.
7. After they had gone, I (sit) down and (rest).
8. After taking a bath, he (go) to bed.
9. What (be) he when he (be) young?
10. It was the first time I (ever, see; such a beautiful girl.

VII. Give the right forms of the verbs in brackets: Past


1. The house (be) much smaller than he (think) at first.

2. Before you (mention) him, I never (hear) of that author.
3. She (win) the gold medal in 1986.
4. When he (go) to see them last night, they (play) cards. They
(say) they (play) since six o’clock.
5. He (teach) in this school before he (leave) for London.
6. Daisy (agree) with other members in the last meeting.
7. Our teacher (tell) us yesterday that he (visit) E n g la n d in 197Q.


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8. While you (play) the piano, I (write) a letter.

9. The little girl (ask) what (happen) to her ice-cream.
1 0 .1 didn’t recognise Mrs Johnson. She (change) a lot.

VIII. Give the right forms o f the verbs in brackets: Simple

Future or Sim ple Present.

1. W'e'll go out when the rain (stop).

2. I (stay) here until he (answer) me.
3. Wait until I (catch) you.
4. She (not come) until you (be) ready.
5. Miss Helen (help) you as soon as she (finish) that letter
6. After the class (be) over, ask the teacher about that sentence.
7. I (come) and (see) you before I leave here.
8. We (go) hom e as soon as we have finished our work.
9. I (wait) here until you (come) back tomorrow.
10. I (send) you some postcards as soon as I (arnve) in London.

DC Give the right forms o f the verbs in brackets: Simple

Present, Sim ple Future, Present Perfect or Future Perfect.
1. I’ll wait until he (finish) his novel.
2. When you (come) back, he already (buy) a new house.
3. Don’t com e until I (finish) lunch.
4. I (hope) it (stop) raining by 5 o’clock this afternoon.
5. The river (not begin) to swell until some rain (fall).
6. By next month I (leave) for India.
7. The film (end) by the time we (get) there.
8. They (build) a house by June next year.
9. We (start) our plan next week.
10. I (give) her your letter when I (see) her tomorrow.


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X. Give the right forms of the verbs in brackets: Simple Present,

Simple Future or Future Continuous.

1. When you (go) into the office, Mr John (sit) at the front desk.
2. Our English teacher^xplain) that lesson to u<= tomorrow
3. We (wait) for you when you (get) back tomorrow.
4. What you (do) at 7 p.m. next Sunday9
I (practise) my English lesson then.
5. When I (see) Mr Pike tomorrow, I (remind) him of that
6. When you (come) today, I (work) at my desk in Room 12.
7. He (work) on the report at this time tomorrow.
8. Please wait here until the manager (return).
9. Don’t leave until you (see) her.
10. The Browns (do) their housework when you (come) next

XI. Give the right forms of the verbs in brackets: Future

1. I’m sure they (complete) the new road by June.
2. He (wait) for you when you (get) back tomorrow.
3. At this same time tomorrow, we (drive) through Pennsylvania.
4. We (see) you next Monday.
5. In two years from now, the contract (come) to an end.
6. Who (look) after the children when you are awav9
7. By November I (work) for this company for 6 years.
8. If you call her at 6, she (practise) the piano then.
9. By March 15. I (be) here for one year.
10. We (move) to our new house at Christmas this year.
11. By the end of December. John (work) as a reporter for ten
12. By the time you arrive, I (finish) writing an essay.
1 3 .1 (give) him your message when I (see) him.
14. He certainly (not do) all his homework by ten tonight.


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15. Don i call him at Z.3U p.m. He (interview) job applicants at

that time.
16. The teacher hope we (pass) our exams.
17. By this time next week, he (write) his novel for 6 month?
18. They (arrive) on Wednesday.
19. I hope the w eather (be) fine tonight.
20. You (finish) your work by 9 tonight?

X II. Supply the correct verb forms: .

1. I’m busy at the moment. I (redecorate) the sitting room.

2. I alw ays (buy) lottery tickets but I never (win) anything.
3. How you (get) that scar9
I (get) it in a car accident a year ago.
4. I (work) for him for ten years and he never once (say) “Good
m orning” to me.
5. The driver of that car (sound) his horn for the last ten minutes.
6. I (teach) hundreds of students but I never (meet) such a
7. This time next month I (sit) on a beach.
8. You (feel) better when you’ve had a meal.
9. I am sure that I (recognize) him.
10. He (lose) his job last month and since then he (be) out of work.
11. I (see) a car accident while I (wait) for you on this corner
12. Mr Jone (be) principal of our school since last year.
13. Violets (bloom -) in Spring.
14. W e (not live) in England for two years now
15. I (never forget) what you Oust tell) me.
16. They (prepare; the Christmas dinner at the moment.
17. W hen 1 last (stay) in Cairo, I (ride) to the Pyramids on a camel
that my friend (borrow) the day before.
18. George (work) at the university so far.
19. When he lived in Manchester, he (work) in a bank.

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20. Birds (build) their nests in the summer and (flv) to the s o u t h in
21.1 (lose) my key. (Can) you help me look for it?
22. My father (not smoke) for 5 years.
23. My teacher wasn’t at home when I (arrive). He (just go) out.
24. How long Bob and Mary (be) married?
25. You (receive) any letter from your parents yet?
26. My brother (join) the army when he (be) young.
27. You (remember) my name or you (forget) it someday?
28. Tom (study) chemistry for three years and then he gave it up.
29. Miss Lee often (write) when she was on holiday.
30. He (leave) home two weeks ago and we (not hear) from him
since then.
31. You (speak) to Mrs Baker yesterday?
No, I (not see) her for a long time.
I (not can) remember when I last (see) her.
32. When the teacher came in, the pupils (play) games.
33. Columbus (discover) America more than 400 years ago.
34. By next month, I (finish) my first novel.
35. By May 5, we 0 ive) ui this city for ten years.
36. Yesterday the police (report) that they (capture) the thief.
37. My friend (thank) me for what. I had done for him.
38. Someone (steal) my handbag on the bus.
39. The Browns (live) m Pans for 7 years when the second World
War (break) out.
40. Last month I (be) in the hospital for ten days.
41. Don't call me in the afternoon. I usually (be) away :n the
42. Mr Clark (be,i .n New York 2 months ago. Mr Rossi (be) in New
York until 2 months ago.
43. John (drive'' that car ever since I (know) him.
44. People (speak) English in most of Canada.
45. The doc (wag) his tail whenever he (see) me.
16. What you (do) when I (ring) you last night0


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47. Up to then I never (see) such a fat man.

48. I (not see) him since last Monday.
49. They had sold all the books when we (get) there.
50. When your father (die)?
I (not know) when he (die).
51. Bill said he (forget) to buy a dictionary.
52. He felt asleep while he (do) his homework.
53. We (not see) them for a long time.
54. It (rain) when we arrived.
55. Kite and I (wait) right here until you get back.
56. He’ll leave as soon as he (hear) the news.
57. Dick (start) school before he (be) seven.
58. How long you (study) in this school?
59. We (not receive) any letter from him since he (leave) four
months ago.
60. Where are you? I’m upstairs. I (have) a bath.
61.1 (speak) to you about that matter after the meeting tonight.
62. At this time next week, we (live) in USA.
63. Hurry up! The train (come).
64. Be quiet! The teacher (be) angry.
65. W'hy didn’t you listen while I (speak) to you?
66. Some animals (not eat) during winter.
67. I (finish) the book before my next birthday.
68. John (watch) TV at 8 last evening.
69. Mr Pike (live) here since last October.
70. Someone (cut) down all the trees in the garden.
71. The house (build) two years ago.
72. Listen! The bird (sing).
73. Trees (plant) since it (stop) raining.
74. Tom Baker (not come) here tomorrow.
75. By the end of last March, I (study) English for 5 years.
76. He often (say) O.K when he (talk) with the guests.
77. What you (do) after you (go) home yesterday?
78. How long you (wait) for me? Just a few minutes.


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79. He (do) his homework before he went to the cinema.

80. By noon, I (wait) for her for two hours.
81. By the time you come there, she (make) a big cake.
82. Yesterday thieves (break) into the house and (steal) a lot of fur
coats while the guests (dance).
83. When I came m. they all (sit) round the fire. Mr Pike (do) a
crossword puzzle. Mrs Pike (knit), and the others (read).
ft4. Mr Jackson (paint) his house since last month.
So. She (ask) me to tell about him several times.
86. The audience (listen) to everything he said last night.
87. At 4 p.m yesterday? Well, I (work) in my office at that time.
88. A: I (play) since you (come) to England?
B: You (play) since you (come) to England?
A: Oh, yes. I (play) quite a lot. I (join) a club the day after I (arrive)
89. I’ m preparing to support anything he (say) tomorrow.
90. Sometimes I (get) up before the sun (rise).
91. He said he (be) mistaken.
92. Don’t speak until someone (ask) you.
93. Mary (come) from London.
94. Please be quiet! I (work).
95. When I (be) a child, I (want) to be a doctor.
96. David (be) born after his father (die).
97. Long ago, my younger brother often (cry).
9 8 .1 (not send) the parcel until I hear from you.
99. The last train (leave) the station at 5 p.m.
100. Up to now. thp teacher (give) our class five tests.


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Trong cdu co hai menh de trd len, cac dong tu phdi co

su phoi hop ve thi.

1. Su" phoi hrtp cua cac dong ti/ trong menh de chinh (main
clause) va menh de phu (subordinate clause) nhtf sau:
/. Simple Present Simple Present
Present Perfect r Present Tenses
Present Continuous '
Simple Future/ Near Future
Simple Past (neu co thdi gian xac dinh d
qua khvi)
2. Simple Past Simple Past 'i
Past Perfect r Past Tenses
Past Continuous
W ould/was going to + V(bare-inf.)
Simple Present (neu dien ta mot chan ly)
3. Present Perfect Simple Present
4. Past Perfect Simple Past

Ex: + People have ^.iid that London has fog.

+ She says she has finished her homeworK already.
+ She said she would visit me again.
+ Tom says he will visit me again.
+ They had done what was necessary.


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+ He says he was born in 1980.

+ My teacher said that the sun rises in the East.
+ Mary said that she was cooking then.

II. Stf phoi hcfp cua cac dong tif trong menh de chinh va
menh de trang nguf chi thcfi gian (adverbial clause of time)
nhif sau:
1. Present Tenses Present Tenses
2. Past Tenses Past Tenses
3. Future Tenses Present Tenses

* Menh de trang ngvif chi thofi gian thiicfng dtfcfc bat dau vofi
cac tif noi nhu’ sau:
when: khi until: cho den khi
whenever: bat ci'1 khi nao - just as: ngay khi
as: khi since: tti khi
while: trong khi no sooner... than: ngay khi
before: trUdc khi hardly... when: kho... khi
after: sau khi as long as: chiing nao, cho
as soon as: ngay khi den khi
till: cho den khi

• Present Tenses: Tat ca cac thi hien tai tuy theo ngU canh
cua cdu.
• Past Tenses: Tat ca cac thi qua khu tuy ngU canh.
• Future Tenses: Tat ca. cac thi titctng lai tuy ngU canh.
Ex: + He never goes home before he has finished his work.
+ I often read a newspaper while I am waiting for the bus.
+ We will go as soon as you have finished vour work.


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+ It was raining hard when I got there.

+ The train had already left when I arrived at the station,
+ Please wait here until I come back.
L iiu y : Khong dildc dung thi tUdng lai (Future Tenses) trong cac
menh de trang ngii chi thdi gian (co the thay bang thi hien tai).
- Trong tritdng hcfp dung til noi SINCE liCu y: ______________________________________
S + V (present perfect/ present perfect cont.) + since + S + V 2

Ex: + She has played the piano since she was ten years old.
+ He has been studying English since she came here.

I. Supply the correct verb forms:

1. I see that Tom (write) his composition.

2. He says that he (look) for a job next week.
3. They think he (be) here last night.
4. He tells us that he (be) to the mountains before.
5. I hoped that he (be) able to attend.
6. He wants to do it before his father (come).
7. The student who answered the question (be) John.
8. This is the house that Jack (build) three years ago.
9. Mary (have) dinner when her friend called.
10. John Give) in the same house since he left school.
11. Shut all the windows before you (go) out.
12. You may begin when you (be) ready.
13. He is saving his money so that he (take) a long vacation.
14. I see that Henry (write) his composition now.


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1 5 .1 had done what (be) necessary.

16. They have found that the road (be) very long.
1 7 .1 saw that I (make) a mistake.
18. The teacher asked Bill why he (not go) to school the day before.
19. We find that we (take) a wrong way.
2 0 .1 want to know how long she (live) here.
2 1 .1 didn’t know who (help) him.
22. Do you hear what she (just, say)?
23. Did you hear what she (just, say)?
24. They believe that the police (capture) the thief soon.
25. Did John say he (call) you again'7
26. She has thought that the work (be) easy.
2 7 .1 wonder what changes the new President (introduce).
28. The students had thought that the English test (be) rather
29. He thinks that it (rain) tonight.
30. She said that she (get) married soon.

II. Supply the correct verb forms:

Many people who are in London (1) (prefer) to live
outside it, and to go to their offices, factories or school everyday by
train, car or bus, even though this means they ( 2 ) ............ (have) to
get up earlier in the morning and (3) .......... (reach) hom e later in
the evening. One advantage of living outside London ( 4 ) ...........(be)
that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London w ithout a
garden ( 5 ) ........... (cost) quite a. to rent. Then in the country one
can rest from the noise and hurry o f the town. Even though one (6)
............ (have) to get up earlier and (7) .......... (spend) tram s or
buses, one can sleep better at night and, during e v e n in g s , one can
enjoy the fresh, clean air of the country. If one (8) ........... (like)


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garden, one can spend one’s free time digging, planting, watering
and one hundred other jobs which (9) .......... (be) needed in a

I was walking along the deserted main street of a small
seaside town in the north of England looking for somewhere to
make a phone call. My car (1) .......... (break) down outside the
town and I wanted to contact the AA. The street (2) ........... (run)
parallel to the sea and was joined to it by a number of narrow side
streets. Low grey clouds (3) ......... (drift) across the sky and there
(4) (be) a cold damp wind blowing off the sea which nearly
threw me off my feet when I (5) ............ (cross) one of the side
streets. It ( 6 ) .............(rain) for a long time.

Last Sunday, Mrs Hay (1) cU.QY£ (drive) along a small

country road when she (2) ........... (see) a man at the side of the
road. He (3) ............. (wave) and pointing at this car. Mrs Hay (4)
............(stop) and ( 5 ) .............. (ask) the man if he ( 6 ) .............. (be) all
right. “My car’s broken down” , said the man.

I’d just parked my car in the street near a football stadium
in Liverpool. It ( 1 ) ..............(be) ten minutes before the start of the
match and I ( 2 ) .............. (be) in a hurry. Two little boys ( 3 ) .............
(come) up to me and ( 4 ) ........... (say), “Give me some money and we
(5 ) (look) after your car while you are at the match” . I (6)
.............. (tell) them to clear off. and one of them (7) ............ (look)
at me with big, round eyes and said, “Unless you (8) ........... (give)
us the money, som ething might happen to your car while you are
away, you know, a scratch or a flat or something like tjiat.”


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It was early evening it (1) .......... (begin) to get dark in the
surgery of Doctor Nigel Harris. The young, handsome doctor (2)
............ (stand) looking sadly out of the window when there was a
quiet knock at the surgery door. The door ( 3 ) .......... (open) and Dr
Harris ( 4 ) ........... (turn) round to see the young girl who had just
entered the room. She was very beautiful. With a sad smile the
doctor ( 5 ) ............ (ask), “Are you the new n u rse?’

After (1) ........ Qeave) school when she was 18, Laura (2)
......... (go) to Bristol university for three years. W hile she (3)
........... (be) at university, Laura (4) ........... (join) a university folk
group and started singing. It was at this time that she (5) ............
(write) her famous song “The Price of Peace” .

My name is Lynne Carter. I work for a travel com pany called
Timeways Travel. I’ve been a travel agent for six years now. I (1)
.............. (be) a manager of Timeways Travel London office. I (2)
......... (have) this job for three years. I’ve got a new flat in London.
I (3) ............ Qive) there for six months. My boyfriend’s nam e is
Bruno. We (4) ............ (know) each other for two years. Bruno is
Italian, but he (5) ............ Give) in England for over five years, he
works for BBC studio. He ( 6 ) ............ (have) this job for a year.

Today there (1) ............ (be) more than 3,000 different (2)
........ (speak) languages m the world. English (3) ........... (be) the
most widely spoken language, over 350 million people (4) ............
(speak) it but more people speak C hirose. You may wonder why


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English (5) ............... (more widely/speak) although more people

speak Chinese. This is because people who (6) ........... (speak)
Chinese are found in China but English (7) ....... (speak) by
people ( 8 ) ............ (find) in almost every corner of the world.

I work up when I (1) ......... (hear) a noise downstairs. I (2)
......... (get) out of bed quietly because my wife (3) ........... (still/
sleep) and ( 4 ) .......... (go) to the top of the stairs. It was dark, but I
could see two men downstairs in the livingroom. They (5) ............
(try) to open the safe. When I ( 6 ) ........... (switch on) the light, the
two men (7) ............ (run) in to the kitchen and (8) .......... (escape)
out of the back door. Then, before I ( 9 ) ........... (have) a chance to do
anything I ( 10) ............ (hear) a police car pull up outside the
house. A neighbour of mine (11) ............ (see) the men breaking
into my house and ( 1 2 ) ..............(phone) the police.

Ronnie has had a busy day. He has been making a lot of
preparations. He (1) ........ (wake) up early, went to a rent-a-car
office, and ( 2 ) ......... (hire) a new car. Then, after a quick breakfast,
he (3) ............. (go) to John’s house, borrowed a long ladder, which
he ( 4 ) ............ (put) on the roof of the car, and ( 5 ) ......:..... (drive) to
work. During his coffee break, he (6) ........... (make) a copy of
certificate, and before he (7) ............ (have) lunch, he visited the
bank and (8) .............. (close) his account. After lunch, he just (9)
.............(have) the travel agent’s book a hotel room.

11 .
Smoking (1) ............ (cause) lung cancer. Lung cancer is the
number one cancer am ong men. Ninety percent of the p*eople who


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(2) ............ (get) lung cancer (3) (die). Smokers have six
time as much cancer of the mouth, tongue, and throat as
nonsmokers. Smoking (4) .......... (give) people breathing problems.
It also (5) ............. (harm) the stomach. Smoking causes one
million yearly deaths in the world every year. Throughout the
world, women (6) ............. (live) longer. W hy? Because men (7)
........... (smoke) more. All of these facts from research (8) ..........
(show) that smoking is bad. So why people (9) ............ (smoke)?
Young people start smoking because everyone else (10) ............
(smoke). They feel grown up and independent.

Mary and John are neighbours. They (1) ........... (know) each
other for several years. Mary (2) ............ (move) into her house in
1985 and John (3) ............ (live) next door since he (4) ............
(come) to the area in 1980.

Rob Fellow (1) ........... (come) from England. He (2) ..........
(come) to Paris six months ago to learn French. He (3) ...........
(start) learning French at school in England when he was eleven
so he (4) ............ Oeam) it for nearly 10 years. He just (5) ...........
(take) an exam. If he passes, he ^6) ............ (move) into the next
class. He (7) ............ (be) excited today because his parents (8)
........... (come) tomorrow to stay with him for a few days.

Shortly after the war. my brother and I ( 1 ) ........... (invite) (2)
............ (spend) a few days’ holiday with an uncle who (3) ............
(just/return) from abroad. He (4) ............ (rent) a cottage m the
country, although he rarely ( 5 ) ........... (spend) much time there.


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We (6) ............. (understand) the reason for this after our

arrival. The cottage (7) ........... (have) no comfortable furniture in
it, many of the windows (8) ............ (break) and the roof ( 9 ) ..........
(leak), making the whole house damp.

Maria Fernandez is Spanish. She lives in Madrid, where she
( 1 ) ............. (work) for an export company. She ( 2 ) ........... (be) with
this company for two years now. At the moment she (3) ...........
(study) English on a one month intensive course in London. She
( 4 ) ........... . (be) in London for one week now. She ( 5 ) ........... (arrive)
there last Saturday. This is not Maria’s first time in Britain. She
( 6 ) ............ (be) there twice before.

I (1) ............ (sit) in the big chair in Henry’s barber’s shop at
that time. Henry (2) ........... (cut) my hair with his big pair of
scissors when we heard the sound of horses outside. The noise was
soloud that we ( 3 ) .............(go) over to the window to look. Through
the window we could see at least twenty gunr.on ridmg into town.
Henry im m ediately (4) ............. (go) over to his desk and (5)
............ (put) on his gun and sheriffs badge.

The last time I went to London, I (1) ............ (not have) time
to visit all the places I ( 2 ) ........... (want) to see. This time 1 hope to
do better. I (3) .......... (be) able to find my way, of course, and 1
soon ( 4 ) ............. (get) to know where the mam streets and the most
famous building were. But I had no time to go inside and (5)
............. (have) a good look at them. I think I (6) ............ (spend) a
day at W estm inter. If I can (7) ........... (go) to the houses of
Parliament of course. I can spend quite a long time in W estminter


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Abbey and (8) ............ (learn) about all the interesting things
there. The parks (9) ............ (be) worth a longer visit too. I think
the one I (10) .......... (like) best is Kensington Gardens, but they
are all beautiful in their own way.

Sometimes dreams are frightening. Terrible creatures (1)
.............. (threaten) and (2) ............. (pursue) us. Som etim es, in
dreams wishes (3) ......... (come) true. At other times we are
troubled by dreams in which everything (4) ............ (be) confused.
We are lost and can’t find our way home. The world seem s to (5)
........... (be) turned upside-down and nothing makes sense. In
dreams, we ( 6 ) ............ (act) very strangely. We do things we never
(7) (do) when we are awake. We (8) .......... (think) and (9)
.......... (say) things we would not say. Why (1 0 ) .............. (be) dreams
so strange? W here do dreams come from?

Mary ( 1 ) ............ (have) to go to New York last week, but she
almost (2) .......... (miss) the plane. She (3) ............. (stand) in the
queue at the check-in desk when she suddenly ( 4 ) .............(realize)
that she ( 5 ) ............ (leave) her passport at home. Fortunately, she
(6) ............ (not live) very far from the airport so she (7) ...........
(have) time to go back home to get the passport. She (8) ...........
(get) back to the airport just in time for her flight.

It was midnight and I (1) ........... (be) alone in the house.
Outside it ( 2 ) ........... (rain) very hard. I ( 3 ) .............. (get) ready to go
to bed when suddenly I heard-a strange noise outside my room in
the corridor. Then, when I (4) ........... (look) at the door. I noticed
that someone (5) ............ (turn) the handle! I (6) ............. (rush)
over the door and quickly (7) ............ (turn) the key in the lock.
Then I ( 8 ) ............. (ask) in a trembling vdice, “who is it ?


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One of the first novels in history of literature ( 1 ) ............ (be)
written in England in 1719. It ( 2 ) ............ (be) Robinson Crusoe by
Daniel Defoe. He (3) ........... (bear) in London in a rich family.
W hen Daniel (4) ........... (be) a schoolboy, he (5) ............. (begin) to
write stories. After (6) ............. (leave) school he (7) ........... (work)
in his father’s shop and (8) ........... (write) articles for newspapers.
Defoe (9) ............. (visit) many countries and (10) ........... (meet)
many people. That helped him much in his writings.

A friend of mine, Judith Nelson, (1) .............. (presently,
work) in the international sales division at an electronics firm. She
( 2 ) ...............(just, return) from a trip to Japan. She ( 3 ) .............. (be)
asked to go there because she can speak Japanese. For four years,
she (4) ............ (never have) the opportunity to use her Japanese
until she ( 5 ) .............(go) to Tokyo last month. While she ( 6 ) .............
(be) there, she (7) .......... (speak) Japanese everyday and (8)
.............(enjoy) very much of it.

Ever since the day I (1) ........... (decide) to move to London, I
( 2 ) ........... (worry) w hether the decision I ( 3 ) .............. (take) was the
right one. As I (4) .............. (already sell) my house and (5) ...........
(arrange) a new job, it is too late to change my mind. However,
since then I ( 6 ) ............. (hear) a lot of negative things about living
in the Capital and lately some of them ( 7 ) .............(begin) to bother
me. I (8) ............ (grow) up in a small town and have spent all my
life there.

It is not necessary to go abroad in order to learn something
new about the world. In our own city, even in our own village,
there (1) ............ (be) probably a great deal to be learnt, and
certainly no one ( 2 ) .............(see) all that is beautiful or interesting
m his own country. We can usually see mountains that we (3)
............ (not climb) yet, and if we (4) ............. (reach) the top of one


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we shall sec another in the distance. If we (5) ............ (walk) along

the river, we (6) .......... (find) streams running into it and ( 0
............ (wonder) where they (8) .....J1..L (come) from. Every valley
( 9 ) ........... (give) us a new view. Even on a short walk we may see
birds and trees and flowers of which we ( 1 0 ) ........... (not know) the

W hen the train reached the sixth station, Tom (1) ...........
(get) off, feeling relieved that his journey (2) ............ (be) so easy.
But he (3) .............. (be) alarmed to see that he (4) ............ (get) off
at a station that he had never heard of. He (5) ............. (not know)
what to do. He ( 6 ) ............. (explain) his difficulty to a man who (7)
........... (stand) on the platform. With a look of am usem ent on his
face the man ( 8 ) ............ (tell) Tom that he ( 9 ) ............... (travel) on a
train going m the wrong direction.

Barbara, the writer, has two children. She ( 1 ) ............. (write)
over 40 books. She ( 2 ) ............ (start) writing after the death of her
first husband. She (3) ............ (live) in many parts o f the world.
She (4) ............. (spend) her childhood in Egypt, but (5) ............
(come) to England in 1966. She (6) ............ (write) both prose and
poetry, but is best known for her romantic novels. She (7) ............
(win) many awards, including the Nobel Prize, which she (8)
............ (win) in 1978.

lvly most embarrassing experience happened when I had just
left university. I just (1) ............ (start) teaching in a Liverpool
secondary school. One morning my alarm clock (2) ........... (not
ring), I (3) ............ (forget) to wind it up. I woke up at half past


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eight and school ( 4 ) ........... (begin) at 9. I quickly washed, shaved,

dressed, jumped into my car and ( 5 ) ........... (drive) to school. When
I arrived, the students already ( 6 ) .......... (be) in class. I didn’t go to
the staff-room but ( 7 ) ........... (go) straight into the class. After two
or three minutes the students (8) ............ (begin) laughing and I
couldn’t know why. Suddenly I (9) ............ (look) down and
understood I (10) ............ (put) on one black-shoe and one brown

While I (1) ........... (walk) across the campus the other day, I
(2) (meet) my old friend, John, whom I (j3) ........... (not see)
since July 10. Naturally we (4) ........... (stop) (5) .......... (talk) to
each other for a few minutes. I asked him how he ( 6 ) ........... (do) in
his classes this semester.

Language is one of man’s most precious possessions. W ithout
it, he ( 1 ) ........... (be) unable to exchange ideas with his fellow men.
In the Middle Ages, Latin (2) ........... (be) the universal language.
Most university classes were conducted in Latin, and all important
documents (3) ............ (be) written in that language. Gradually,
however, Latin (4) ........... (fall) into disuse, and by the 18th
century, French (5) .......... (become) the language of diplomacy.
Today, however English is commonly used to transact
international affairs. For this reason, English (6) ........... (be)
referred to as a universal language.
There are various reason why English (7) ............ (come) to
occupy the im portant position it (8) ............. (do) today. The few
dialects in English ( 9 ) .............(give) advantage of being a standard
language in addition, English has ambiguities that are found in


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many other modern tongues. This (10) .............. (make) it ideal for
the transaction of business and international affairs*

Children’s education is changing very rapidly today. In the
past, teachers ( 1 ) ............ (make) children sit still for hours. They
made them memorise all sorts of things. Today, many teachers (2)
............ (wonder) if it (3) .......... (not be) possible to make children
learn at all. They ( 4 ) .......... (say) they can only help them to learn.
They say you must let children learn and discover things for
themselves. For some children, school (5) ............ (be) a kind of
prison. They are at school only because their parents make them
go. They get out of the classroom as soon as the teachers ( 6 ) ...........
Get) them leave. Many of them want to find jobs but the law (7)
............ (not let) them work until they (8) .............. (reach) a certain
age. And so, they ( 9 ) ........... (have) to stay in school. Often they all
(1 0 ).......... (hate) every moment.


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- Cau chu dong: (Active sentence) Mr Smith teaches
- Cau bi dong: (Passive sentence) English is taught by Mr

M uon chuyen mot cdu chu d6ng sang cdu bi dong, ta thvlc
hien cac bitdc sau:

♦ L&y tan ngti cua cau chu d6ng l&m chu ngi3 cua cau bi dong.
♦ Neu c6 tr<? dong tti trong cau chu dong, ban hay d&t nhutng trd
dong tii &y lien ngay sau chu ngQ mdi.
♦ Them dpng tCr be vao sau tr<? dong tti hay cac tr<? dong tti cung
mot hinh thOic vdi dpng tti chfnh trong cau chu dong.
♦ D£t dong tti chinh trong cau tac dong sao cho trd dong tir vk
dong tu: be d hinh thtic qua khii phan tti.


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♦ Dat chu ng€( cua cau chu dong sau dong tti trong cau bi dong
v6i gi6i tti by di trUdc (cung co th i bo h&n neu no khong quan
trong hoac dUdc hieu ngam)

1. Simple present tense (Thi hien tai thitfofng)

| Subject + Is/Am/Are + Past Participle
Active: Ann writes a letter.
Passive: A letter is written by Ann.
Ann viet mot la thU

2. Present continuous tense (Thi hien tai tiep dien)

Subject + Is/Am/Are + Being + Past Participle
Active: Ann is writing a letter
Passive: A letter is being written by Ann.
Ann dang viet mot la thU

3. Simple past tense (Thi qua khijf thtfofng)

| Subject + W as/W ere + Past Participle j
Active: Ann wrote a letter.
Passive: A letter was written by Ann.
Ann da viet mot la thu

4. Past continuous tense (Thi qua khti tiep dien)

I, She, He, It + Was „ .
We, You, They + W ere + g+ Participle
Active: Ann was writing a letter.


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Passive: A letter was being written by Ann.

Ann dang viet mot la thii

5. Present perfect tense (Thi hien tai hoan thanh)

I, We, You, They + Have ...
, TT Ti TT + Been + Past Participle
| He, She, It________ + Has_______________________
Active: Ann has written a letter.
Passive: A letter has been written by Ann.
Ann da viet mot la thu

6. Past perfect tense (Thi qua khtf hoan thanh)

Subject + Had + Been + Past Participle
Active: Ann had written a letter.
Passive: A letter had been written by Ann.
Ann da viet mot la thu.

7. Simple future tense (Thi ttfotag lai thtfcfng)

I, W e + W ill/ Shall T I
He, She, It, You, They + W ill + Be + Past Participle

Active: Ann wrill write a letter.
Passive: A letter will be written by Ann.
Ann se viet mot la thu.

8. Future o f intention (Tvfofng lai chi y dinh)

Subject + Is/ A m / Are + Going To + Be + Past Participle



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Active: Ann is going to write a letter.

Passive: A letter is going to be written by Ann.
Ann se viet mot la thi*.

9. Future perfect tense (Thi tvfofrig lai hoan thanh)

I, We + W ill/Shall tJ D .. . ,
’ _ + Have + Been + Past Participle
He, She, It, You, They + W i l l _______________________________________

Active: Ann will have written a letter.
Passive: A letter will have been written by Ann.
Ann se viet mot la thii.

10. Modal verbs (Dong tif khuyet thieu)

can, may, must, ought to, should, would, could, might, ...
Subject + Modal Verb + Be + Past Participle
Active: You can see him now.
Passive: He can be seen (by you) now.
Bay gid ban c6 the g$p anh Ky.
Active: He should type his term paper.
Passive: His term paper should be typed.
Anh £y nen danh may b&i thi hoc ky cua minh.

11. Modal verb + perfect (Dong tif khuyet thi£u + hoan

M odal Verb + Have Been + Past Participle
Active: Somebody should have called the president this
Passive: The President should have been called this mcrrung.


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Ai d6 le ra nen goi cho vi chu tich v&o sang nay.

Active: They ought to have cancelled the football match.
Passive: The fottball match ought to have been cancelled.
Ho 1§ ra nen huy bo tr&n da b6ng.

+ Ta c6 the bo by me, by him, by her, by it, by us, by you, by
them, by som eone, by somebody, by people trong cau bi dong
neu kh6ng muon neu ro tac nhan, ho$c th&y khong quan trong.
+ Neu cau chu dpng co cac trang tit (ngii) chi ndi chon thi dat
chung triidc “by + tfin ngii bi dong”.
Ex: The police found him in the forest.
-> He was found in the forest by the police.
+ N&u cau chu dong c6 cac tr^ng tut (ngii) chi thdi gian thi dfit
chung sau “by + tan ngii bi dpng”.
Ex: My parents are going to buy a car tomorrow.
A car is going to be bought by rAy parents tomorrow.
+ Neu tan ngii trong cau bj d$ng chi sii v$t, s\£ vi$c thi ta dilng gidi
ti!f “with” thay “by” tnidc tan ngii fiy.
Ex: Smoke filled the room.
—> The room was filled with smoke.
+ N3u dong tif chu dpng c6 hai tan ngii thi mpt trong hai tdn ngii
c6 th§’ dilng l&m chu ngii trong cau bj d§ng. Tuy nhien tfin ngii ve
ngtfdi dtfdc sii dung nhilu hdn.
Ex: I’m writing her a letter.
-> She is being written a letter.
-> A letter is being written to her.
Cac dong tti: ask, tell, give, send, show, teach, pay, offer thiidng c6
hai tan ngii.


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Mot so dang bi dong khac

I. Dang nhd bao (Causative forms) “ HAVE, G E T ’ ________
Active: Subject + HAVE + Object (person) + bare infinitive + Object
- » Passive: Subject + HAVE + Object (thing) + Past Participle (+ by
+ Object (person))

Ex: I has him repair my bicycle yesterday.

—> 1 had my bicycle repaired yesterday.

Active: Subject + GET + 0 (person) + to infinitive + O (thing)

Passive: Subject + GET + 0 (thing) + Past Participle (+ by + O (person))

Ex: I get her to make some coffee.

- » I get some coffee made.

II. Dong tif chi giac quan (Verbs of perception) “see, watch,
Active: Subject + Verbs +Object + bare infinitive/V-ing + ...
Passive: Subject + be + Verb (past participle) + to infinitive/V-ing + ...
Ex: They saw her come in.
—> She was seen to com e in.

III. Dong tti chi ve y kien (Verbs of opinion): say, think,

believe, report, rumour,...
Active: Subject + Verb + (that) + Clause (S2 + V2 + 0 2 ...)
Passive: • It + (be) + Verb (past participle) + (that) + Clause
• S2 + be + Verb (past participle) + to infinitive...
____________________________ _______________+ to have + past participle...


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Ex: - People say that he is a famous doctor.

-> It is said that he is a famous doctor.
-> He is said to be a famous doctor.
! - They thought that Mary had gone away.
-» Mary was thought to have gone away.
- » It was thought that Mary had gone away.

IV. Cau menh lenh (Imperative sentences)

j Verb + Object + Adjunct
-> Let + Object + be + past participle + Adjunct.

Ex: Write your name here.

—> Let your name be written here.

2. (Subject) + let + sb + do + sth.

Ex: He let me go out.

-» I was let to go out.
—> I was allowed to go out.


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I. Change the following sentences from active to passive.

1. Somebody has taken my briefcase.

2. The teacher returned our wntten work to us.
3. She had finished her report by noon.
4. The mad dog bit the little boy.
5. The police have arrested five suspects.
6. The doctor ordered him to take a long rest.
7. Lightning struck the house.
8. A group of students have met their friend at the railway
9. They didn’t allow Tom to take these books home.
10. The teacher won’t correct exercises tomorrow.
11. Mary has operated Tom since 10 o’clock.
12. This is the second time they have written to us about this.
13. Mr. Smith has taught us French for two years.
14. They didn’t look after the children properly.
15. Nobody swept this street last week.
16. People drink a great deal of tea in England.
17. People speak English all over the world.
18. Tom was writing two poems.
19. She often takes her dog for a walk.
20. They can’t make tea with cold water.
21. The chief engineer was instructing all the workers of the plant.
22. Somebody has taken some of my books away.
23. They will hold the meeting before May Day.
24. They have to repair the engine of the car.
25. The boys broke the window and took away some pictures.
26. People spend a lot of money on advertising everyday.


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27. They may use this room for the classroom.

28. The teacher is going to tell a story.
29. Mary is cutting the cake with a sharp knife.
30. The children looked at the woman with a red hat_
31. She used to pull my hat over my eyes.
32. For the past years, I have done all my washing by hand.
33. A pair of robins have built a nest in the porch since last week.
34. The police haven’t found the murderer yet.
3 5 . T h ey sold one of her own paintings at $ 1 ,0 0 0 .
3 6 .1 will put your gloves back in your drawer.
37. People speak English in almost every corner of the world.
38. You mustn’t use this machine after 5:30 p.m.
39. Luckily for me, they didn’t call my name.
40. After class, one of the students always erases the chalk board.
41. You must clean the wall before you paint it.
42. They told the new pupil where to sit.
43. I knew that they had told him of the meeting.
44. Nobody has ever treated me with such kindness.
45. No one believes his story.
46. A sudden increase in water pressure may break the dam.
47. We must take good care of books borrowed from the library.
48. A man I know told me about it.
49. We can never find him at home for he is always on the move.
50. They use milk for making butter and cheese.

II. Change the follow ing sentences from active to passive.

1. Yes - No questions:
1. Do they teach English here?
2. Will you invite her to your wedding party?
3. Did the teacher give some exercises?
4. Is she going to write a poem?


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5. Have they changed the window of the laboratory?

6. Is she making big cakes for the party?
7. Has Tom finished the work?
8. Are the police making inquires about the thief?
9. Must we finish the test before ten?
10. Will buses bring the children home?

2. Wh - questions:
11. When will you do the work?
12. How many days did she spend finishing the work?
13. How do you spend this amount of money?
14. What books are people reading this year?
15. How did the police find the lost man?
16. Who looked after the children for you?
17. How long have they waited for the doctor?
18. What time can the boys hand in their papers?
19. Why didn’t they help him?
20. Who are they keeping in the kitchen?

3. Sentences with verbs “ Continue and Begin”

21. W e’ll continue to use this computer. '
22. They began to plant rubber trees in big plantations.
23. People can continue to enjoy natural resources.
24. People will continue to drink Coca-Cola in the 21st century.
25. American people begin to love football.

4. Sentences with Phrasal verbs:

26. They gave up the research after three hours.
27. Someone should look into the matter.
28. Don’t speak until someone speaks to you.
29. A neighbour is looking after the children.


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30. Your story brings back pleasant memories.

, f

5. Sentences with verbs of perception:

31.1 have heard her sing this song several times.
32. People saw him steal your car.
33. The teacher is watching them work.
34. He w on’t let you do that silly thing again.
35. People don’t make the children work hard.
36. They made him work all day.
37. The detective saw the woman putting the jewelry in her bag.
38. The terrorists made the hostages lie down.
39. Police advise drivers to use an alternative route.
40. She helps me do all these dificult exercises.

6. Sentences of imperative:
41. Open you book!
42. Take off your hat!
43. Don’t do that silly thing again!
44. Let’s tell them about it!
45. Don’t let the other see you!

7. Sentences with “Advise, Beg, Order, Urge, Agree, Decide,

46. She advised me to sell that house.
47. They begged us to help him.
48. He orders us to clean the floor.
49. He recom m ends me to do the job.
50. She urged him to visit her parents as soon as possible.

8. Some special sentences:

51. It is dangerous for us to take the short cut.
52. You need to have your hair cut.

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53. You must see it to believe it.

54. Hew wants someone to take some photographs.
55. We enjoy writing letters.

III. Read a sentence and then write another sentence with

the same meaning.

1. It is believed that the wanted man is living in New York.

The w a n te d ........................................................................ .....................
2. It is said that many people are homeless after the floods.
Many p eop le............................................................................................
3. It is known that the Prime Minister is in favour of the new
The Prime M in ister...............................................................................
4. It is-expected that the government will lose the election.
The govern m en t.....................................................................................
5. It is thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing over the
The p rison er............................................................................................
6. It is believed that the thieves got in through the kitchen
The th ie v e s...............................................................................................
7. It is alleged that he drove through the town at 90 miles an
H e ...............................................................................................................
8. It is reported that two people were seriously injured in the
Two p e o p le ...........................................................................
9. It is said that three men were arrested after the explosion.
Three m e n .......................................................................................
10. It is said that he is 108 years old.


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11. They rumoured the man was still living.
The m a n ..................................................................................................
12. They declared that she won the competition.
S h e ............................................................................................................
13. People believed that 13 is an unlucky number.
Number 1 3 .............................................................................................
14. They say that John is the brightest student in class.
J o h n ..........................................................................................................
15. People believed that the earth stood still.
The e a r t h .................................................................................................

IV. Change the follow ing sentences from passive to active.

1. Please wait here while your luggage is being examined.

2. How are candles made?
3. For a long time the earth was believed to be flat.
4. W ere you taught how to apply this theory by your teacher?
5. Apples are said to be good for our health.
6. Don’t let the dog be teased by the children.
7. It is believed that red is the symbol of luck.
8. W hat have been done to help the poor in this city?
9. The jewelry must have been stolen while she was out.
10. W here did the treasure use to be hidden by pirates in the old
11. This job has to be done at once.
12. These animals at the zoo are fed twice a day.
13. The operation is going to be performed by French doctors.
14. All the arrangem ents have been made.
15. W hen was this radio manufactured?
16. They couldn’t be found anywhere.


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17. Is mathematics taught in this school?

18. Fortunately the machinery wasn't damaged by the accident.
19. These artificial flowers are made of silk.
20. The lesson are being written by the students now.




Danh til la nhilng til dung de chi svC vat, sil viec hoac con

I. P h an loa i d a n h tvf:
A. D a n h ttf c o th e du’ofc ch ia lam 2 lo a i c h in h :
1. Danh til cu the (Concrete nouns) chi nhilng gi hilu hinh,
thay dUOc, sb diiac nhit: house (nha), man (ngi/ai), cloud
(may), ...
+ Danh til chung (common nouns) diiac dung lam ten chung cho
mot loai.
Ex: man. country, city ...
+ Danh tu rieng (proper nouns) dilctc. dung lam ten rieng cho mot

cai trong mot loai.

Ex: John, England. Paris ...


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2. Danh til trilu tUOng (Abstract nouns) chi nhilng gi vo

hinh nhil trang thdi, tinh chat, quan niem, ...
Ex: health (siic khoe), beauty (ve dep), democracy (nen dan chu)

B. Ve tinh cach van pham, danh tif con co the la:

* i

1. Danh til tap hop (Collective nouns) chi mot nhom ca the
nhu mot todn khoi.
Ex: crowd (dam dong), army (quan doi), class (giai cap).
2. Danh til dem duoc (Countable nouns)
Ex: book, student, idea ...
3. Danh til khong dem duoc (Uncountable nouns)
Ex: water, grass, information ...
+ Tat ca cac countable nouns deu co the dung d so nhieu, va khi cl
so" it thUdng co “a” hoac “an ” diing trUdc.
+ Cac Proper nouns vi la ten rieng cua ca the, thUdng dung d s6 ft
nhiing doi khi cung co the dung d so^ nhieu.
Ex: The Smiths (gia dinh Smith)
There are three Davids m my class. (Trong ldp toi co ba ngvfdi
ten David)

C. Ve hinh thufc, m ot danh t£f co the la dcfn (simple) hay

kep (compound)
Simple nouns: war (chien tranh), peace (hoa binh), tram (xe lUa)...
Compound nouns: world peace (hoa binh the gidi), non-stop train
(tau suot) ...
Cac thanh phan cua Compound nouns co the la:
* noun + noun: toothpick (tam), schoolboy (nam smh)
* adjective + noun: quick silver (thuy ngan)
* adjective + verb: whitewash (voi trang)


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* verb + noun: pickpocket (ten moc tui)

* adverb + pronoun: overall (ao choang) (ao bao ho lao dong)
* adverb + verb: outbreak (sU bung no)
* gerund + noun: w alking stick (gay chong)

II. Chtfc nang cua danh tif trong cau (The Functions of
Nouns in the sentences).
Danh tif co nhQng chtic nang khac nhau trong cau. Mot danh tti co
the dUdc sii dung nhU:
1. Chu nguf (Subjects)
Ex: The children have gone to bed.
(Bon tre da di ngu ca roi)
2. Tan nguf trute tiep, tan nguf gian tiep, tan nguf cua gicfi tif
(Direct object, Indirect object, prepositional object)
Ex: + You did such a splendid w ork. (Ban da lam mot viec tuyet
+ The mother gave her son a cake. (Ba me da cho cau con trai
mot cai banh)
+ He won’t listen to any advice. (Anh ay khong chiu nghe bat
cOf ldi khuyen bao gi ca)
3. Bo nguf (complement) r
Ex: He is my closest friend. (Anh ay la ngUdi ban than nhat
cua tci)
4. Bo nguf cua tan nguf(objective com plem ent)
Ex: They elected him president of the club. (Ho bau anh ay
lam chu tich cau lac bo)
5. M et phan cua nguf giori tii. (part o f prepositional
Ex: He spoke in a different tone. (Anh ay noi vdi m6t giong
dieu khac)


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8. Dong cach vdi mot danh ttt khac. (oppositive phrases:

nguf dong vi)
Ex:He told us about his father, a teacher, who died in the war.
(Anh £y ke cho chung toi nghe ve bo" cua minh, mot thay giao,
ngUdi da hy sinh trong chien tranh)

III. So cua danh tvf (The number of Nouns) la hinh thufc

bien dang cua danh tit cho ta biet dang noi ve mot cai hay
nhieu cai.
Ex: The girl is singing (singular)
The girls are singing (plural)

Cach thdnh lap SO nhieu (Formation of the plural):

1. Hau het cac danh tit khi so nhieu thtfcfng them “s” d
Ex: boy —> boys, hat —> hats
Cac chii cai, chii so, cac d&'u hieu va nhilng tiif loai khac
khong phai la danh tijf ma dUdc dung nhu danh tOf thUdng them “s”
vao cuoi.
Ex: There are two 9 ’s m 99 (Trong so* 99 co hai con 9)
Dot your i’s (Nh6 cham d&u cac chii i)

2. Cac danh tit ket thuc bang “s, sh, ch, x, z” khi chuyen
sang so nhieu deu them “es” vao cuoi.
Ex: dish -> dishes; church —> churches; box -> boxes
* Cdch phat dm dudi “S'’, “ES”:
“S”, “ ES” d cuoi cac til dUdc phat am la /S/, I7J, /IZ/
/S/: danh tvf tan cung bang “ k. p, t, f,~.”


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cups, cats, books...

IZI: danh tti tan cung bang “n, d, v, y, m, 1, r, g, b”
toys, answers, lessons...
/IZ/: danh til tan cung bang “s, x, ch, sh, z...”
watches, boxes, bridges...

3. Cac danh tit ket thuc bdng “y ” sau mot phu dm khi a so
nhieu bo “y ” va them “ies”:
Ex: lady -> ladies, story -> stories, key -> keys ...
Nhilng cac danh til rieng (Proper Nouns) tan cung bang 'ly” chi can
them “s” thdi:
Ex: Mary —> Marys, Murphy —» Murphys

4. Cac danh til ket thuc bang “f ” hoac “f e ” khi chuyen sang
so nhieu se thanh “ves”.
Ex: wife —> wives, calf -> calves, thief —> thieves
Cac danh tit ket thuc bang uf ' sau nguyen dm “ o o ” khi sang
so nhieu chi them “ s” .
Ex: roof —> roofs, proof —> proofs.
Co mot so danh tit ket thuc bang “f khi chuyen sang so
nhieu co the co 2 hinh thiic.
Ex: scarf -> scarfs, scarves
dwarf —> dwarfs, dwarves

5. Cac danh til ket thuc bang “ o ” Sau mot ph u dm khi

chuyen sang so nhieu them “es".
Ex: tomato —> tomatoes, potato —> potatoes, hero —> heroes.
Cac danh tit ket thuc bang “ o” sau mot nguyen am, hoac cac
tit mitcm cua nixdc ngoai khi chuyen sang so nhieu chi can
them “ s” .


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Ex: radio —» radios, piano -> pianos

6. So nhieu bat qui tac (Irregular plurals).

■ Mot so" danh til khi d so’ nhieu doi nguyen am:
man —> men mouse -» mice
wom an —> wom en louse -» lice
tooth —> teeth goose -> geese
foot —> feet
- Mot so" danh tif khi cf so nhieu them “en”:
child —> children
ox —» oxen
- M ot so danh tif khi d so nhieu van khong thay doi hinh thOfc:
a sheep —> sheep
a deer —> deer
a fish —» fish
a swine —> swine
a craft —> craft
- M ot so" danh tii cham dilt bang “s” khi d so nhieu van khong doi
hinh thilc:
means, works, series, species, barracks.

7. So nhieu cua cac danh tii miiOn tit nitdc ngoai (Foreign
- Cac danh tif ket thuc bang “a” khi d so" nhieu “a” doi thanh “ae” :
Ex: formula —> formulae
alum na —> alum nae
- Cac danh tu! ket thuc bang “us” khi d so" nhieu “us” doi thanh “i”:
Ex: focus —» foci
alum nus -> alumni


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- Cac danh tii ket thuc bang “um” khi d s6’ nhi§u “um" doi thanh
“a” :
Ex: bacterium —» bacteria
curriculum —> curricula
dictum -> dicta
- Cac danh tit ket thuc bang “on” khi d so' nhieu “on” doi thanh “a”:
Ex: criterion —> criteria
phenomenon - » phenom ena
- Cac danh tii ket thuc bang “ ma” khi cl so nhieu “ma” doi thanh
“ mata” :
Ex: dogma —> dogmata
stigma -> stigmata
- Cac danh tii ket thuc b ang “ex, ix, yx, is, sis” khi d so nhieu cac
duoi nay doi th a n h “es” , tuy nhien thUdng thay doi dang trU6c khi
them da'u hieu so' nhieu:
Ex: basis —> bases
crisis —» crises

8. Hai hinh thuc so nhieu vdi hai nghia khac nhau:

Ex: brother -» brothers (anh em ruot thit); brethren (dong doi, dong
cloth - » cloths (vai v6c); clothes (quan ao)
penny - » pennies (cac dong xu); pence (so' tien xu)
staff —►staffs (nhan vien); staves (danh tif am nhac)

9. So nhieu cua cac danh tu kep:

■ Cac danh ti* k6p viet thanh mot chii hoac viet rdi thanh hai chii
co gach noi diidc coi la danh tif ddn va neu phan cuoi la danh tii thi
khi chuyen sang so nhieu cung doi nhu tii ddn vay.
Ex: toothbrush —» toothbrushes


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horseman - » horsemen
- Cac danh tii kep ma phan dau la mot danh tii theo sau co sd hiiu
cach, nhom gidi tif, trang tii hay tinh tCf thi doi danh til ay sang so
Ex: brother-m -law —> brothers-m-law (anh em re)
passer-by —> passers-by (ke di dUdng)

10. M au thuan giua hinh thuc so va y nghia:

- Danh tii tap hdp (collective nouns): Hinh thvic so it nhUng ngu y
so nhieu:
Ex: army, police, cattle, people, government, team, family.
- Hinh thiic so nhieu nhUng ngu y so it:
Ex: means, measles, mumps, the United States, mathematics,
physics ...

IV. Hcfp so giufa chu nguf danh tit va dong tit (Subject and
Verb Agreem ent)
1. Singular Verb:
* Noun + Noun:
(the same idea, person, thing)
Ex: My best friend and adviser, Tom, is coming tonight.
Each . ,
singular noun
E ither . . .
of + plural noun
N either
Ex: Each of the children has a toy.
* Each/every + Singular Noun and Each/every + Singular

Ex: Each boy and each girl has a book.


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^ ny + (body, thing, one)

Ex: Everything looks bright and clean.
* The forms o f som e plural nouns before a singular verb
(News, physics, economics, politics, linguistics, genetics, athletes,
measles, mumps, the Philippines, the United States, Wales...)
Ex: Physics is more difficult than chemistry.
* Uncountable nouns
iFurniture, water, traffic, progress, knowledge, homework...)
Ex: The furniture was more expensive than we thought.
* Distance, time and money
Ex: Four weeks is a long time to wait to hear from him.
* A title o f the book, an article, a story...
Ex: ‘T om and Jerry” is very well known all over the world.
* Subject is used as a clause, gerund...
Ex: That you get very high grades in school is necessary.

2. Plural Verb
* Noun + Noun (diffferent thing, person)
Ex: Water and oil do not mix.
* The + Adj (noun)
Ex: The rich are not always happy.
* People, police, poultry, cattle
Ex: The police have arrested the thieves.
* Some, a few, both...
Ex: Some books I read yesterday are famous.

3. Singular or plural Verb:


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* Either Or
Neither + \ ou n , + Nor + Noun2 + Verb (N-J
i__________ 1
Not only but also
Ex: Not onlv my brother but also my sister is here
* The number o f + plural Noun -> Singular Verb
A num ber o f + plural Noun —> Plural Verb
Ex: The number of students in this class is small.

Pronoun + Prepositional phrase Pronoun

+ Verb (N,)
N oun t + Noun -2

Ex: A box of cigarattes contains 20 pipes.

\ll, Soma, None,
Singular Noun Singular Verb
Plenty + 0F*
* Half, Most, The
Plural Noun —> Plural Verb
A lot/Lots
Ex: None of the boys are good at English.
A lot of coffee has been hot.
* No + Singular Noun —> Singular Verb
No + Plural Noun —> Plural Verb
Ex: No exam ple is relevant to this case.
* There + (be) + Noun
Ex: There is a fly in this room.

V. Cach cua danh tu? (The Case o f nouns)

+ Cach (Case) la hinh thiic cua danh tii cho biet sU Hen he giuta
danh tii vdi cac tii khac trong cau.


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+ O day, chung ta chi de cap den ph4n sd hiiu cach (Possessive


1. Usage (Cach sOf dung):

- Chung ta thUdng them dau sd hiiu c a c h 's vao cac danh tit rieng
chi ngUdi (Ex: Sally, Andrew) de chi sd hiiu.
Ex: Sallv’s motorbike = The motorbike of Sally (xe may cua Sally)
- Chung ta cung sU dung sd hiiu c a c h ’s vdi cac dai tii bat dinh chi
ngUdi (Ex: someone, nobody...)
Ex: someone’s passport: Ho chieu cua mot ngUdi nao do.
nobody’s problem: Van de kho khan khong cua rieng ai.
Chung ta co the dung sd hiiu c a c h ’s v6i cac danh tii chi ten cac
con vat.
Ex: a dog’s life (kiep song cua con cho)
- Chung ta co the dung sd hiiu c a c h 's v6i danh tii chi mot nhom
ngUdi, hoac vdi danh tii chi ndi ngUdi ta song, lam viec ...’
Ex: The com pany’s office (Van phong cua cong ty)
London’s traffic (Giao thong cua London)
- Chung ta cung dung sd hiiu c a c h ’s trong mot so" tii ngii chi thdi
Ex: a week’s holiday (Ky nghi k6o dai mot tuan 1£)
Two days’ work (Cong viec lam trong hai ngay)
- Chung ta co the d u n g ’s sau mot nhom co hai danh tijf trd len. .
Ex: Jace and Jill’s wedding (Le cUdi cua Jace va Jill)
- Chung ta co the d u n g ’s ma khong co danh tuf theo sau.
Ex: This isn t my book, it’s my brother’s (Do la sach cua anh trai
- De chi sii vat, y tUdng, ta dung “o f ’.
Ex: The roof of the garage (Khong dung “the garage’s r o o fr)
The name of the school.


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Dung “o f ’ vdi “the beginning/ end/ top/ bottom/ front/ back/ middle/
Ex: The back of the car (Phi'a sau xe)
The beginning of the month (Dau thang)
■Co the dung “’s” hoac “o r vdi danh tii chi mot to chiic.
Ex: The governm ent’s decision hoac
The decision of the government (Quyet dinh cua chmh phu)
- The com pany’s success hoac The success of the company.
(Thanh cong cua cong ty)

2. Form (Cach thanh lap scf hufu cach)

- Sau danh tii d dang so it chung ta them “’s” .
Ex: M y father’s car (Xe hdi cua cha toi)
- Sau danh tii d dang so nhieu t^n cung bang s chung ta chi them
Ex: M y parents’ car
- Sau cac danh tii d dang so nhieu nhUng lai khong co tan cung
bang ,s chung ta th e m 's.
Ex: The men’s car.
Children’s clothes.
- Sau cac danh tii o' dang so” it nhung lai tan cung bang .s chung ta
doi khi c6 the chi them “ ’ ” .
Ex: Mrs Tones’s husband
Sherlock Holm e’s best friend
Archim ede’s law
- Chung ta co the th e m ’s vao sau mot cum tii.
Ex: Sue and Frank’s daughter.
- Chung ta co the dung ’s ma khong co danh tii theo sau (Khi y
nghia ve vat, dUdc sd hiiu la cua ai da qua ro rang)
Ex: My car is next to Ken's (= Next to Ken’s car)


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I. Choose the right form of the verb.

1. The picture of the soldiers (bring/brings) bacK manv memories

2. Anything (is/are) better than going to the plav tonight.
3. A number of reporters (was/were) at the conference yesterday.
4. There (was/were) some people at the meeting last night
5 . Each student (has/have) answered the first three questions.
6. Either John or his wife (make/makes) breakfast each morning.
7. The army (has/have) eliminated this section of the training
8. The number of students who have withdrawn from class this
quarter (is/are) appalling.
9. These pictures as well as this photograph (brighten/brightens)
the room.
10. Gymnastics (is/are) a favourite sport.
11. The trousers you bought for me (doesn’t/don’t) fit me.
12. Where (do/does) your family live?
13. Three days (,isn’t/'aren’t) long enough for a good holiday.
14. What he told you (seem/seems) to be of no importance.
15. Measles (is/are) cured without much difficulty nowadays.
16. Neither the moon nor stars (is/are) visible in this aarK night.
] 7. W heat (is/are) used to make fiour.
18. The staff (was/were) opposed to any change.
19. Fortunately tne news (wasn t/weren’t) as bad as we expectec.
20.1 dont like hot weather. Thirty degrees (is/are) too warm for

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II. Join two or three nouns together using “’s’" or “o f

1. The mother/Ann
2. The top/the page
3. The newspaper/yesterday
4. The nam e/this street
5. The garden/our neighbours
6. The children/Don and Mary
7. The weddm g/the friend/Helen
8. The ground floor/the building
9. The car/the parents/Mike
10. The economic policy/the government

III. Rewrite the follow ing sentences as directed

1. Peter’s photograph in the exhibition was much praised.

A photographic p o rtra it......................................................................
2. W edding presents received by John were magnificent.
John’s ......................................................................................................
3. If I leave my house at 9 o’clock and drive to London, I arrive at
about 12.
It’s a b o u t .................................................................................................
4. The storm last week caused a lot of damage.
L a s t ..........................................................................................................
5. The meeting tom orrow has been cancelled.
Tom orrow’s ..............................................................................................

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Dai til (pronouns) la nhilng til dung thay cho danh til.
Dai til co the diioc chia thanh nhilng loai sau day:

I. Dai tit nhan xitng (Personal Pronouns) ditcfc chia lam 2

1. Subjective pronouns (Dai tit lam chu nguf)
Singular Plural
Ngoi thti I 1st person I We
Ngoi thii II 2nd person You You
Ngoi thii III 3rd person He/She/It They

Ex: I am going to the store.

George and I would like to leave now.
It was she who called you.

2. Objective Pronouns (Dai tit lam tan nguf)

I >me he him we - » us
vou vou she her

Ex: They called us on the telephone.

The teacher gave him a bad grade.
The policeman was looking for him.

* Cdch dung cua “It” (the use o f “I t ”)

Dai tif It dUdc dung cho nhung sit vat cu the, y niem trifu tUdng
hoac dung cho con vat.
Ex: I tried the door. It was locked.
He promised his help if ever I needed it.


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Dai tii “It” dung de nhan danh mot ngUdi con chUa biet la ai. Va
khi n h a n ra roi, thi “he” hay “ she” dUdc sd dung tuy theo do la
ia m hay nU.
Ex: T here was a knock at the door. I thought it was the
postm an. He usually com es at that time.
Dai tii “It” dUdc dung de de cap den mot y tUdng dUdc noi den
:rong m ot nhom tii, mot m enh de, mot cau d trUdc.
Ex: He tried to break the clock. It was not easy either.
The music had stopped. He didn’t notice it.
Dai tii “It” dUdc dung nhu mot chu ngii gia (formal subject) khi
101 ve dieu kien thdi tiet, thdi gian, khoang cach, do lUdng.
Zx: It is raining heavily.
It is half past three now.
It is six miles to the nearest hospital from here.
It is five feet deep.
“ It” nhu mot formal subject con dUdc thay trong nhiing cau ma
not tii dUdc bo nghia bdi mot cum tii hoac mot menh de sau no.
i^x: It is stupid to fall asleep like that.
It is no use hoping he’ll ever change his mind.
It was a surprise that he had come back so soon.
Dai tii “It” con dUdc sii dung n h u mot tan ngii gia (formal object),
heo sau no la m ot tinh ttf hoac danh tii dUdc bo nghia bdi mot cum
ii h ay m enh de.
ix: I found it difficult to explain this to him.
He thought it no use going over the subject again.
She thought it odd that they had left him no message.
Dai tii “It” dUdc sii dung de nhan manh cho mot tut hoac cum tu!
i-rong cau.
Cx: It was my question that made him angry.
Dai tii “It” doi khi dUdc sii dung trong cac dac ngii co tinh chat
han mat.


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Ex: Hang it all, we can t w ait all day for him

(Ro btic, ta khong the ddi no suot ngay dUdc)
When I see him. I’ll have it out with him.
(Kni gap no, toi se phai lam cho ra le mdi duot'
If tne teacner sees you doing that, you’ll catch it.
(May lieu hon neu thay ma thav m ay lam vay)

II. Dai tit sd hufu (possesive pronouns) co lien he mat thiet

vdi dai tit nhan xitng. No khong ditng trvtdc danh tit, chi
thay the cho danh tit da dufdc noi den.
1 —> mine cua toi
You —> yours cua ban, cua cac
He —> his : cua anh ay
She —> hers : cua co av
It —> its : cua no
We —> ours : cua chung toi
They —> theirs : cua bon ho

Ex: She put her arm through mine, (my arm)

They are not my gloves; I thought they were yours, (your gloves)
+ Doi khi ta co the thay dai til sd hiiu ditng sau gidi til “of”.
Su" ket hdp nay ditdc goi la sd hitu kep.
Ex: He is a friend of mine.
It happened through no fault of his.

III. Dai tit phan than (Reflexive pronouns) ditdc svt dung
nhuf dai danh tit trong cau. No cho thay rang chu nguf vita
cho vita nhan hanh dong. Hay noi cach khac chu nguf va tan
nguf cua cau deu chi mot ngitdi nhit nhau.

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You —> yourself
He —> h im self
She —> herself
It —> itself
We -» ourselves
You _> yourselves
They them selves

Quan sat 2 vi du sau:

Ex: John bought him a new car. (him = another person)
John bought him self a new car. (himself = John)
- Dai tCr phan than co chiic nang nhu mot tan ngii trong cau.
Ex: She served herself in the cafeteria.
I’m sure you both remember the day when you talked about
yourselves and the past.
He sent him self the letter.
- Dai tu: phan than con co the dUdc sii dung de nhan manh. Dieu
nay co nghia la chinh chu ngu thuc hien hanh dong. Trong trUdng
hdp nav no thUdng diing sau chu ngii.
Ex: You yourself told them the story.
The students themselves decorated the room.

* by + dai tu phan than = alone (mot minh)

Ex: John washed the dishes by him sel:"
= John washed the dishes alone.

IV. Dai tii chi dinh (dem onstrative pronouns) gom co:
+ this (ngUdi nay, cai nay) -> these (cac ngUdi nay, cac cai nay)
+ that (ngUdi kia, cai kia) -> those (cac ngUdi kia. cac cai kia)
+ such (nhu the n ay, n h u the kia)

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+ same (nhu nhau)

- Dai tu1 “ this (these)” de chi nhung gi d gan ve khong gian. thdi
gian hoac khai m em . “that (those)" de chi nhung gi d xa hdn.
Ex: + Do vou know these people0 This is Harry and this is Jake.
+ "Look at this," he said and showed me his tie.
+ Do you see those houses in the distance? T hat’s where we
are going.
■ Trong vai trUdng hdp. “ this (these)” noi den nhting gi di theo sau.
"that (those)” noi ve nhung gi d trUdc.
Ex: + .After I’ve listened to you very attentively. I’ll tell you this. I
don’t think you should trust the man.
+ I’m glad to know that you have an interest in sport. That
means we have two things m common.
• Dai tCr “this (these)” and “that (those)” thUdng dUdc dung vdi
danh tif chi thdi gian.
Ex: + Father had to go to Chicago this morning.
+ I remember that he woke up early that morning.
- Dai tii “that (those)” co the dUdc sii dung thay cho mot danh tii da
dUdc noi den roi.
Ex: + He hung his daughter’s portrait beside that of his wife's.
+ These poems are not so good as those written by you last
- Dai tii “those” dUdc thed sau bdi mot menh de quan he hoac mot
ngii phan tii de noi ve ngUdi.
+ Those (= people) injured in the accident were taken to hospital.
+ Even those who do not like his pictures are not indifferent to
- Dai tii chi dinh “ such” co nghia “nhu the nay, nhu the kia” .
Ex: + If I were you. I would not say such a thing about him.
■+■ He was a silent, ambitious man. Such men usually succeed.


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- “Such” thinh thoang co the dUdc thay trong mot cum tii.
Ex: They export a lot of fruits, such as oranges, lemons, etc.
- Dai tii chi dinh “ same” luon luon diing sau mao tv( xac dinh.
Ex: I found her just the same as before.

V . Dai tif bat dinh (Indefinite pronouns) gdm cac nhom

chinh sau:
1. “Som e” —> “somebody, someone (ai do), something (cai gi
d o)"
—» diidc dung trong cau khan g dinh va di v6i dong tii so it.
Ex: + There’s somebody at the door.
+ I’ve got something to tell you.
—> dUdc dung trong cau hoi khi cau tra ldi se la “yes”.
Ex: What’s wrong with you? Have you got something in your eyes? (I
see something in your eyes).
-> dUdc dung khi m uon “ mdi” hay “yeu cau” dieu gi.
Ex: Would you like som ething to drink?

2. “A n y ” - » “ anybody, anyone (bat cit ai), anything (bat cH

cai gi)
—> dUdc dung trong cau phu dinh va nghi van va di v6i dong tii so"
Ex: + Is there anybody in the room?
+ I’m very tired now. I don’t want to eat anything.
—> dUdc diing trong m enh de “i f ’.
Ex: If anyone has any questions, I’ll be pleased to answer them.

3. “N o” -> “nobody, noone, nothing” (khong ai, khong cai



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-* dUdc dung v6i nghia phu dinh, co the diing dau cau hoac diing
mot minh.
Ex: + “W hat did vou say?” “ Nothing”
+ Nobodv (Noone) came to visit me when I was in hospital.
—> "nothing, nobody...” = “not + anything, anvbody” .
Ex: She didn’t tell anybody about her nlans. (= she told nobody ...)
-» dUdc dung vdi dong tii d hinh thiic so ft.
Ex: The house is empty. There’s nobodv living there.
Khi dung "nothing, nobody...” thi khong dung dong tii phu dinh.
Ex: + He said nothing.
Nobody tells me anything.
-> Sau “nobody, noone” co the dung “they, them, their” .
Ex: + Nobody phoned, did they?
+ Noone in the class did their homekwork.
+ The party was a disaster. Nobodv enjoyed them selves.

TT1. Dai tu1lien he (Relative Pronouns)

Dai tii “who, whom, which, whose, that...” dUdc dune de noi
menh de chfnh vdi menh de phu.
^Xem phan “Relative Clause” trang 83)

VII. Tu* xac dinh dufng tru’dc (Predeterm iners):

Co chiic nang lam dai tu: (Pronouns). Chung co the’ dung
trUdc gidi tii “O F ’ va m6t danh tii so it hoac so nhieu. dem dUdc
hoac khong dem dUdc. Dong tii theo sau cac tii xac dinh diing trUdc
co the d hinh thiic so it hoac so nhieu, tuy loai.
All (tat ca), some (vai), a few (mot vai), several (vai), both (ca
hai), each (moi), either (mot trong hai), neither (khone co ai/ gi
trong hai), none (Khong co aiI gi trong nhieu), little (it), much
(n h ie u )...


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1. “Som e of.../Most of.../None of... v.v...” + the. this, that,

these. those, my, his, A n n ’s... v.v...
—» Co the di vdi dong tii so it hoac so nhieu tuy thuoc vao danh tii
sau no:
Ex: + Some of the people I work with are very friendly.
+ None of this money is mine.

2. Co the dung “Some of/None of...” + us/you/them.

Ex: How many of these people do you know?
None of them/A few of them

3. Co the diing “Some, Most, Many, Little,...” mot minh ma

khong co danh tit.
Ex: Some cars have four doors and some have two.

4. K h i dung “both, neither, either” + o f can phai them “the!

these! those! my Ihis/Tom ’s...”
Ex: + Both of these restaurants are very good.
+ I haven’t been to either of those restaurants.
—> Khong can dung “o f ’ sau “both” .
Ex: Both my parents are from London.

5. Co the diing “both of/neither of/either o f + us, you, them ”.

Ex: Both o f us were very tired.

6. Sau “Neither o f” dong tit co the 6 hinh thiic so it hoac so

Ex: Neither of the children wants (want) to go to bed.

7. “Both, neither, eith er” co the duoc diing mot minh.


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Ex: + I couldn’t decide which of the two shirts to buy.

I like both.
+ Is your friend British or American?
Neither. She’s Australian.
+ Do you want tea or coffee?
Either. I don’t mind.

8. “Either, Neither, both” chi hai stf viec va “Any, None, All”
chi hon hai sU viec.
Ex: + We tried two hotels. Neither of them had any rooms.
Both of them were full.
+ We try a lot of hotels. None of them had any rooms.
All of them were full.

9. Khong dung “all” de chi “everybody, everyone”.

Ex: Everybody enjoyed the party.

10. “Everyone, Everybody (moi ngiidi), Everything (moi thit)”

ditdc dung vdi dong tit 6 hinh thiic so it.
Ex: Everybody has arrived.

11. “A ll” diing vdi ca danh tit so it hoac so nhieu. D ong tit d
hinh thiic so it hoac so nhieu tuy thuoc vao danh tit tritdc no
d so it hoac so nhieu.
Ex: + All of the women in this factory are working
+ All of the money has been spent.

12. “Little, M u ch ” chi ditpc diing vdi danh tit khong dem
ditdc (so it)
Ex: Much of the time in my life was in the countryside.


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Tron Bo SGK:

I. Choose the correct form of the pronoun in each of the
following sentences.

1. Richard is expecting (us/our) to go to class tomorrow.

2. You shouldn’t rely on (him/his) calling you in the morning.
3. They don't approve of (us/our) learning early.
4. George asked (me/my) to call him last night.
5. W e understand (him/his) having to leave early.
6. John resented (George/George’s) losing the paper.
7. W e object to (the defense attorney, the defense attorney’s)
calling the extra witness.
8. W e are expecting (Henrv/Henry’s) to call us.
9. They are looking forward to (us/our) visiting them.
10. Susan regrets (John/John’s) being in trouble.

11. Complete the sentences using reflexive pronouns.

1. Sue’s children are two young to look a ft e r ................

2. An elephant h u r t ................. when it tried to get out of the zoo
3. I couldn’t borrow my mother’s car last night because she was
using i t ................
4. I don’t need any help. I can take care o f ..............
5. Mr W oods fell over and h u r t .............when he was running for
a bus.
6. Would you all like to h e lp sandwiches and cakes.
7. Sarah and I didn’t really e n jo y ............ at the disco last night.
8. They need some help; they can’t manage b y ...............
9. Since the old L ady’s husband died, she’s been living b y .............


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10. Did someone help you move all the furniture, or did you do it
a l l ............ ?

III. C o m p le te th e fo llo w in g s e n te n c e s w ith “ som ebody,

s o m e th in g , a n y b o d y , a n y th in g ” .

1. Quick, let’s go! There’s ............ coming and I don’t w a n t ............

to see us.
2. Sally was upset a b o u t............ and refused to talk t o ................
3. This machine is very easy to use................can learn to use it in
a very short time.
4. I’m going out now. I f ........... phones when I’m out, can you tell
them I’ll be back at 11.30?
5.................who saw the accident should contact the police.
6. I was too surprised to s a y .............
7. There’s the door. Can you go and see who it is?
8. D o e s .............mind if I open the window?
9. I wasn’t feeling hungry, so I didn’t e a t ..............
10. You must be hungry. W ould you lik e ........... to eat?

IV. R e w r ite th e fo llo w in g s e n te n c e s u s in g p r o n o u n “ it”

1. My question itself made him angry.

2. Meeting each other on this occasion is a good chance.
3. Do you think that to explain to him what happened is difficult?
4. People think that he is a famous doctor in this city.
5. To fall asleep like that is stupid.
6. To learn English is very interesting.
7. The journey to Brighton from London takes only one hour by
8. Some parts o f King Lear are extremely difficult to understand.
9. That he will fail is clear to everyone but himself.


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10. Finding our way home won’t be easy.

V. C o m p le te th e fo llo w in g s e n te n c e s u s in g “ th e ” o r “ o f t h e ”
if n eccessa ry .

1. I wasn’t well yesterday. I s p e n t .............. in bed. (most/ day)

2 drive too fast, (many/ people)
3 you took on holiday were very good, (some/
4 learn more quickly than others, (som e/ people)
5. W e’ve eaten .......... we bought. There’s very little left, (most/
6. Have you s p e n borrowed? (all/ money)
7. Peter can’t stop talking. He ta lk s ...............(all/ time)
8. W e had a lazy holiday. We spent ......... on the beach, (most/
9. George is easy to get on w it h ............ like him. (most/ people)
10. The exam was difficult. I could only answer .................... (half/

V I. C o m p le te th e fo llo w in g sen ten ces u s in g “ n e ith e r ,

e it h e r , n o n e , a n y ”

1. W e tried a lot of hotels but .............. o f them had any vacant

2. I took two books with me on holiday but I didn’t r e a d .............of
3. I took five books with me on holiday but I didn’t r e a d ........... of
4. There are a few shops at the end of the street but ............. of
them sell newspapers.


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5. You can phone me at ............. time during the evening. I m

always at home.
6. I can meet you at the 6th or 7th. W o u ld .............o f those days be
convenient for you?
7. John and I couldn’t get into the house because .............. of us
had a key.
8. There were a few letters this morning but .............. of them
were for me.
9. I was invited to two parties last week but I didn’t go t o ...........
of them.
10. Sarah and I play tennis together regularly but ............ of us
can play very well.


* Tinh til (adjectives) la til diing de mieu ta hoac cho biet

them chi tiet ve mot danh til dong thdi gidi hqn six dp dung
cua danh tit ay.

I. P h a n lo a i tin h tvft
Tmh tt( co the dUdc phan lam 2 loai: ti'nh t£f mo ta va tinh tii gidi
1. T in h tvf m o ta (descriptive adjectives) la nhilng til mo td
ve mdu sac, kich thildc, phdm chat... cua con ngilbi, vat
hoac sU viec.
Ex: good, bright, tall...


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2. T in h tif gid i h a n (limiting adjectives): dat gidi han cho

nhilng tit ma no bo nghia.
+ Tinh tii sd hiiu (Possessive Adjectives)
my cua toi
your cua ban, cac ban
his cua anh ay
her cua chi ay
its cua no
our cua chung toi
their cua bon ho, chung no

—> Tinh tii sd hiiu luon lu6n c6 danh tii theo sau.
Ex: This is my hand.
Her father is a teacher.
- Hinh thiic sd hiiu thay doi tuy theo giong va so.
Ex: Susan has eaten her breakfast.
We have taken our baths already.
+ Tinh tii chi dinh (Dem onstrative adjectives)
This (nay) —» T hese (nhufng cai nay)
That (kia) —> Those (nhiing cai kia)
Ex: I dcn’t like those people.
I want this car, not that car.
+ Tii xac dinh (determ iners) co chiic nang lam tinh tii. Chung co
the diing trxidc danh tii so" it hoac so" nhieu, dem diidc hoac khong
dem diidc. Dong tii theo sau co the d hinh thiic so" it hoac so" nhieu,
tuy loai.
* Some (vai), A few (mot vdi, mot it), Several (vdi), Many (nhieu),
Both (ca hai), Each (mdi), Every (moi), Either (mot trong hai),
Neither (khong co ait gi trong hai), All (tat ca), Much (nhieu),
Little (it).
a) “Much, Little' ditdc dung vdi danh til khong dem di/dc.


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Ex: Much time.

Little money.
‘'Many, Few” vdi danh til so nhieu, dem ditdc.
Ex: Many friends.
Few cars.
b) “A lot of, lots of, plenty o f (nhieu): Dung vdi danh til so nhieu va
danh til khong dem diidc.
Ex: + A lot of luck/a lot of friends.
+ Lots of time/lots of people.
+ Plenty of money/plenty of ideas.
c) “Much / Many” diidc diing chu yeu trong cdu hoi va cdu phu
dinh. (cung co the dung “A lot o f’)
Ex: + W e didn’t spend much money.
+ Do you know many people?

d) “A lot of' diidc dung trong cdu khang dinh hdn la “Much, Many”.
Ex: + W e spent a lot of money.
+ He goes out a lot.
e) “Many, Much” diidc dung trong cdu khang dinh khi di vdi cac
trang til “very, too, so”.
Ex: + There are too many people here.
+ I like him so m uch.
f) “Little, Few” mang nghia phu dinh (khong dang ke).
Ex: + W e must be quick. There is little time.
(not much/not enough time)
+ He isn’t popular. He has few friends.
(not many)
g) “A little, A few” co tinh khang dinh nhieu hdn.
Ex: + Let’s go and have a drink. W e’ve got a little time before the
train leaves.
+ I enjoy my life here. I have a few friends and we meet quite


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h) "Each, Every’ dung vdi danh til so it.

Ex: + Every time I see you, you look different.
(Each time)
+ There’s a telephone in each room of the house.
(every room)
—> “ Each” dUdc dung khi noi den nhtfng sU vat rieng biet, het cai
nay den cai khac.
+ Study each sentence carefully.
—> “ Every” dUdc dung khi noi den nhiing sii vat theo nhom.
+ Every sentence must have a verb.
—> “ Each” dung chi so hidng nho.
+ There were four books on the table. Each book has a different
—> “ Every” dung chi so hidng ldn.
+ I’d like to visit every county in the country.
—> “ Each” dUdc dung de chi hai sii vat.
+ In a football match, each team has 11 players.
—> “ Every” diidc dung de chi sii dien ra thUdng xuyen the nao.
+ There’s a bus every ten minutes.
i) “The other” + danh til so it: co nghia la cai thil hai trong hai cai.
Ex: The insurance office was on the other side o f the street.
j) “Another” + danh til so it: co nghia la mot cai khac.
Ex: I must find m yself another job.
k) “The other” + danh til so nhieu: co nghia la cai con lai, phan con
Ex: W hen I returned home I found my wife talking to our
neighbour. The other guests had gone.
I) "Both, Either, Neither” diidc dung de noi den hai ngitcfi hoac hai
vat, sii viec.
Ex: + Both men were interested in the job.
+ Neither restaurant is expensive.


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+ We can go to either restaurant. I don’t mind.

* Many = a large number of, a good number of.
* Much = a great deal of, a good deal of, a large quantity of.

II. P h a n tif d u n g lam tin h tii (P a r t ic ip le s fu n c t io n in g as

a d je c tiv e s ).
Co mot so" tmh tti xuat phat tut dong tii va t&n cung bang
‘ing” hoac ‘ed” :
interesting / interested (thu vi, hay)
boring / bored (chan)
exciting / excited (hao hiic)
—> Somebody is bored if something is boring,
hoac —> If something is boring, it makes you bored.
- Tinh til tan cung bang “ing” cho biet tinh chat cong viec, sit viec.
Ex: + Julia thinks politics is very interesting.
+ It was quite surprising that he passed the examination.
- Tinh tie tan cung bang "ed” cho biet trang thdi cua ngitcti nao.
Ex: + Julia is very interested in politics.
+ Everybody was surprised that he passed the exam ination.

III. D an h tii d u n g la m tin h tti (n o u n s f u n c t io n in g as

a d je c tiv e s ).
- Trong tieng Anh, nhieu danh tii co chilc nang nhu tinh tii khi
chung xuat hien tni6c nhung danh tvf khac, vi du: a wool coat, a
gold watch, a history teacher.
- Danh tii dau tien cua sii ket hdp nay co chiic nang nhu mot tinh
tii. Nhiing danh tii co chiic nang nhu tinh tii thi luon luon d hinh
thiic so' it ngay khi chung bo nghia cho danh tii so nhieu. Sii ket
hdp giuta “so + danh ttf’ luon co dau gach ngang.
Ex: + We took a tour that lasted five weeks.
(“weeks” co chvlc nang nhu mot danh tvi).


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—> We took a five-week tour.

tinh tii (adjective)
+ That student wrote a report that was ten pages long.
-> That student wrote a ten-page report.
tinh-tii (adjective)

IV. Chvfc n a n g c u a tin h tvf (F u n c tio n s o f a d je c tiv e s ).

1. B o n g h ia (m o d ify ) c h o d a n h tvf th ifd n g dvfng n g a y trvfcfc
d a n h tvf dvfcfc n o b o n g h ia .
+ He is a nice man.
+ Do you see the small green boat, which has such an odd
Tinh tii co the diing sau danh tii dUdc no bo nghia trong cac trUdng
hdp sau:
+ Khi tinh til dUdc dung v6i cac tii “sdmething, someone, anything,
Ex: + I’ll tell you som ething interesting.
+ Is there anything new?
+ K hi tinh tii dUdc tach rdi trong cau:
Ex: My father, happy and tired, kissed me good night.

2. B o nguf (C o m p le m e n t ) c u a d o n g tvf d i sa u c a c d o n g tvf

“ b e, g e t, lo o k , b e c o m e , se e m ...”
Ex: + The weather becom es cold.
+ He looked m ature, sober and calm .

3. B o nguf cu a ta n nguf (o b je c t iv e c o m p le m e n t ).
Ex: + She wore her hair short.
+ We should keep our room clean and tidv.

4. B o nguf cu a c h u nguf.


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Ex: + Her hair was dyed blonde.

+ The vegetables were served raw, the way he liked.

V. Trat txi tii cua tinh tii (word orders of adjectives)

Doi khi chung ta dung hai hay nhieu tinh tif di vdi nhau.
Ex: My brother lives in a nice, new house.
+ In the kitchen there is a beautiful large round wooden table.
Nhung tinh tC( nhu “new, large, round, wooden” la nhilng tinh tif
mieu ta. Nhiing tinh tti nhu “nice, beautiful” la nhung ti'nh tii chi
cam nghi.

* Tinh tie chi cam nghi thudng dung trUdc tinh tie mieu td.
Ex: + a nice long summer holiday.
+ an interesting young man.
* Doi khi chung ta diing hai hay nhieu tinh tie mieu td trong
mot cdu. Khi ay trat tii cua chung duae sap xep nhu sau:

Chat Kich X u a t xii

So luring thUt'te Tuoi tac M au sac hoac quoc C h a t lieu - Danh
(number) (quality) (size) (age) (colour) gia (origin (m aterial) tti
or country) (noun)

Ex: + a small black plastic bag.

+ an old Russian song.
* Tinh tie chi kich thudc va chieu dai (big, tall, long...)
thudng di trUdc tinh tie chi hinh dang va chieu rong (round/
fatl wide...)
Ex: + a tall thin girl.
+ a long narrow street.
* Khi co hai hoac hctn hai tinh til chi mau sac, ta diing lien
til “and”.
Ex: + A black and white dress.
+ a red, white and green flag.


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I. C h o o s e th e c o r r e c t fo r m o f w o r d s in p a r e n th e s e s .

1. Are you (interesting/ interested) in football?

2. The football match was quite (exciting/ excited). I enjoyed it.
3. It’s sometimes (em barrassing/ embarrassed) when you have to
ask people for money.
4. Do you usually get (embarrassing/ embarrassed)?
5. I had never expected to get the job. I was really (amazing/
amazed) when I was offered it.
6. She has really very fast. She has made (astonishing/
astonished) progress.
7. I didn’t find the situation funny. I was not (amusing/ amused).
8. It was a really (terrifying/ terrified) experience. Afterwards
everybody was very (shocking/shocked)
9. Why do you always look so (boring/ bored)? Is your life really so
(boring/ bored)?
10. He’s one of the most (boring/ bored) people I’ve ever met. He
never stops talking and he never says anything (interesting/

11. P ut th e a d je c t iv e in th e c o r r e c t o r d e r in th e fo llo w in g
se n te n c e s .

1. a new pullover (nice)

2. a new pullover (green)
3. a (an) old house (beautiful)
4. black gloves (leather)
5. an American film (old)
6. a long face (thin)


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7. big clouds (black)

8. a sunny day (lovely)
9. a wide avenue (long)
10. a metal box (black/ small)
11. a big cat (fat/ black)
12. a little village (old/ lovely)
13. long hair (black/ beautiful)
14. an old painting (interesting/ French)
15. an enormous umbrella (red/ yellow)

III. C o m p le te th e fo llo w in g s e n t e n c e s u s in g th e c o r r e c t
fo r m o f th e v e r b s a n d a n a d je c t iv e b e lo w .

feel look smell sound taste

awful fine interesting nice wet

1. I can’t eat this. I’ve just tried it and i t .....................

2. I wasn’t very well yesterday but I .................. today.
3. What beautiful flowers! T h e y ...............too.
4. Y o u .................. Have you been out in the rain?
5. Jim was telling me about his new job. It ................. quite
............. much better than his old job.

IV. R e w r ite th e f o llo w in g s e n t e n c e s

1. Her call to California lasted ten minutes.

She made a ...............................................................................................
2. Sam’s new apartm ent is in a building which has twelve
Sam’s new apartment is in a ...............................................................
3. We teach languages.
We a r e ...........................................................................................:...........


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4. My parents saw a play in three acts last night.

My parents saw a ..................................................................................
5. Manager said that the sale would last for two days.
The m a n a ger...........................................................................................
6. Mai bought a tool set containing 79 pieces.
Mai b o u g h t...............................................................................................
7. I need two cans of tomatoes that weigh 16 ounces each.
I n e e d .........................................................................................................
8. I’m looking for a pressure cooker that holds six quarts.
I’m looking f o r .........................................................................................
9. He is a specialist at building houses made of bricks.
He i s ..........................................................................................................
10. Mrs Brown just bought her daughter a bicycle with two speeds.
Mrs Brown just b o u g h t........................................................................

V . F ill in th e b la n k s w ith “ m u ch , m a n y , fe w , a fe w , little , a

little ”

1. “Have you ever been to P aris?’ “Yes, I’ve been t h e r e ..................

times” .
2. She’s lucky. She h a s .................problems.
3. I need some money. Have you got any? - Yes, but n o t .................
4. You made s o ................. mistakes in your writing.
5. I do not k n o w .............about biology. I h a v e ............... knowledge
about genetics.
6. The boys are making t o o ................noise.
7. How ................. languages can you speak? And how ..............
time do you spend on learningEnglish?
8. Ann is very busv th^se days. She h a s time.
9. Did you Lake............... photographs when you were on holiday?
10. I’m not very busy today. I haven’t g o t do.


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11. The museum was very crowded. There were too ............
12. Most of the town is modern. There a r e ................old buddings.
13. The weather has been very dry recently. We’ve had .........
14. Listen carefully. I’m going to give y o u ................advice.
15. Do you mind if I ask y o u ................questions?
16. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so ..........
tourists come here.
1 7 .1 don’t think Jill would be a good teacher. She’s got ......
18. We must be quick. We h a v e ................time.
19. “Would you like milk in your coffee?’ “Yes, p le a s e ................ ” .
20. This is a very boring place to live. There’s do.


* Trang tii la. nhiing tii diing de dien td tinh cach, dac tinh,
mite do... va diidc diing de bo nghia cho dong tit, tinh tit,
trang tit khac hoac cho ca. cdu.
I. Hinh thufc cua trang tif (Forms o f Adverbs)
Trang tu! co the la:
1. Nhiing chii ddn: very (rat, lam), too (qua), then (luc do) ...
2. Nhiing chuf bang cach them “ly” vao cuoi cac tinh tii: slowly
(mot cach cham cham), clearly (mot cach r6 rang) ...
3. Nhiing chii kep: everywhere (khap ndi); som etim es (doi khi) ...
4. Nhiing cum tii: at the side (d ben), at first (thoat tien. trU6c
het), the day after tomorrow (ngay kia) ...


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II. P h a n lo a i tr a n g tif (c la s s ific a tio n o f a d v e r b s ):

• Trang tit ditc/c phan loai diCa vao nghia cua no.
1. T r a n g tif c h i tin h c a c h (A d v e rb s o f M a n n e r) c h o b ie t
h a n h d o n g d ie n ra c a c h n a o, ra sa o.
Ex: He works carefully. (Anh ay lam viec can than)
She sings beautifully. (Co ay hat hay)
- Trang tti chi ti'nh each thUdng dUdc thanh lap bang “tinh tii + ly”
Ex: Badly, quickly, deeply...
- Co mot so”trang t£t co cung hinh thiic vdi tinh tCf.
Ex: hard (cham chi, sieng nang)
fast (nhanh)
early (s6m)
late (tre)

Chu y:
+ hardly (adverb): rat it, hau nhu khong, kho long.
Ex: I’m not surprised he didn’t find a job. He hardly tried to find
one. (Toi khong ngac nhien khi anh ay khong tim dUdc cong viec.
Anh ay hau nhu khong co’ gang de tim)
+ lately (adverb): gan day
Ex: He has come to see me lately. (Gan day anh ay co den tham

2. T r a n g tvf c h i th d i g ia n (a d v e r b s o f tim e ) c h o b ie t h a n h
d o n g d ie n ra lu c n a o .
then (luc ay), yesterday (hom qua), tomorrow (ngay mai), soon
(chang bao lau), immediately (ngay lap tiic) ...
Ex: + Can you do it now ? (Ban co the lam bay gid khong?)
+ What’s going to happen next? (Ke den chuyen gi se xay ra?)


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3. T r a n g titf c h i d ia d ie m (a d v e r b s o f p la c e ) c h o b ie t h anh
d o n g d ie n ra ntfi n a o.
along (doc theo), around (quanh), somewhere (dau do), here (d day),
through (xuyen qua) ...
Ex: She came here just a few minutes ago.
(Co £y mdi den day vai phut)
Where are you gomg? (Anh di dau day?)

4. T r a n g tif c h i ta n su a t (a d v e r b s o f fr e q u e n c y )
often (thiidng), sometimes (doi khi, thinh thoang), seldom (hiem
khi), always (luon luon), never (khong bao gid)...
Ex: He always does his work well. (No luon lam viec tot)
She has never done that before.
(Co ta chUa tu!ng bao gid lam cai do)
* Cac trang tii nay thiidng diing triidc cac dong tii thiidng
(go, hear...), ditng sau dong tii dqc biet (be, can...), diing
giiia trd dong tit va dong tii chinh.
Ex: + He is constantly in debt.
(O ng ay thudng xuyen mac nd)
+ Mary sometimes goes to the cinema with Tom.
(Mary thinh thoang co di xem phim vdi Tom)
+ He has ever been there.
(Anh ay da tOfng den do)

5. T r a n g tvf c h i m tic d o (a d v e r b s o f d e g r e e ) c h o b ie t hanh

d o n g d ie n ra d e n m tic n a o .
too (qua), absolutely (tuyet doi), extremely (vo cung), nearly (gan
nhiC) ...
Ex: + I’m very pleased with your success.
(Toi rat vui vdi thanh cong cua ban)
+ I’m terribly sorry I’m late.


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(Toi het siic an han la minh den tre)

6. Trang tvf nghi van (Interrogative Adverbs) dung de mcf

dau cau hoi.
where (d dau), when (khi nao), how (cdch nao), why (tai sao) ...
Ex: Why did you say that? (Tai sao anh noi the?)
How did you come here? (Anh den day bang cach nao'.:>)

II. Chvfc nang cua trang tvf ( Functions o f adverbs)

1. Bo nghia cho dong tvf:
He speaks English fluently. (Anh ay noi tieng Anh lvfu loat)
-» trang tvf “fluently” bo nghia cho dong tii “ speaks” .
2. Bo nghia cho tinh tvf:
I led a very pleasant life there. ((3 do toi song rat vui)
-> trang tvf “very” bo nghia cho tinh tii “pleasant”
3. Bo nghia cho trang tvf khac:
She acts too badly. (Co ay dien qua toi)
-> trang tvf “too” bo nghia cho trang tii “badly” .
4. Bo nghia cho ca cau:
Luckily, he passed the final examination.
(May man thay anh ay da dau ky thi cuoi khoa)
—» trang tvf “luckily” bo nghia cho ca cau “he passed the final
* Chu y cdch dung cua trang tit “S O ”.
- Trang tvf “ so” dUdc dung de thay the cho ldi phat bieu trtfdc do.
Ex: + “W ill he do it ? ’ “I think so” .
(Anh ay se lam viec do chii?) (Toi nghi the)
+ “Will they ask you to do it ? ’ “I don’t think so” .
(Co phai ho da bao ban lam vay khong?) (Toi khong nghi vay)
- Trang tif “ so” dUdc dung v6i “to do” de noi den dong tvf d truf6c do.
Ex: + I told him to com e and see me the next day, and he did so.


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+ If they want me to help you, I will do so.

- “SO” co nghia la “cung vay” dUdc tim th ay trong cau true sau:
Ex: + My brother is fond of pop-music and so is his wife.
(Anh toi yeu thich nhac nhe va vd anh ay cung vay)
+ I like to drink coffee and so does Lan.
(Toi thich uo"ng ca phe va Lan cung vay.)

IV. Dao ngtfdc giufa chu nguf va dong tif khi trang tif mcf dau
cau: (Inversion o f Subject and Verb with Adverbs)
1. Khi mot trang til hay mot trang n gu binh thudng khong
diing dau cdu nhung lai duoc dat dau cdu vdi dung y nhan
(Neu la dong tti dac biet thi dao dong tvf ay trUdc chu ngut va neu la
dong tCf thudng thi phai mUdn dong tii “to do” nhtf hinh thiic cau
hoi vay).
Ex: + Never does my father drink coffee in the evening.
(Khong bao gid bo" toi uong ca phe vao buoi toi)
+ Twice within in my lifetime have world wars taken.
(Hai lan trong ddi tdi da chting kien the chien dien ra)

2. Khi mot trang tuf phu dinh mcf dau cau:

Ex: + In no circumstances would I agree to such a proposal.
(Khong ddi nao toi lai di chap thuan mot de nghi nhu the)
+ Nowhere else will you find such a kind man.
(Khong d dau anh co the tim thay mot ngUdi tu te nhii the)

3. Khi co trang tif “only” m d dau cau va khong am chi “chu

nguf” nhtf:
Ex: Only with the full agreem ent of everyone cafi we hope to succeed.
(Chi co khi nao diidc sU dong y hoan toan cua moi ngUdi chung ta
mdi thanh c6ng dUdc)


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I. C h o o s e th e c o r r e c t w o r d s :

1. Rita plays the violin (good/ well).

2. T h a t is an (intense/ intensely) novel.
3. The sun is shining (bright/ brightly).
4. The boys speak Spanish (fluent/ fluently).
5. The table has a (smooth/ smoothly) surface.
6. We must figure our income tax returns (accurate/ accurately).
7. We don’t like to drink (bitter/ bitterly) tea.
8. The plane will arrive (soon/ soonlv).
9. He had an accident because he was driving too (fast/ fastly).
10. Your cold sounds (terrible/ terribly).
11. They became (sick/ sickly) after eating the contaminated food.
12. I always feel (happy/ happily) when the sun is shining.
13. You look (terrible/ terribly)! Are you all right?
14. There’s no point in doing a job if you don't do it (proper/
15. Please keep (quiet/ quietly)! I’m learning my lessons.
16. We didn’t go out because it was raining (heavy/ heavily)
17. You should make your clothes (clean/cleanly) when you go out.
18. Rose is (terrible/ terribly) upset about losing her job.
19. Linda likes wearing (colourful/ colourfully) clothes.
20. I think you behaved very (selfish/ selfishly).

II. Fill in th e b a n k s w ith th e w o r d s b e lo w .

careful (ly) complete (ly) continuously)

happy (ly) nervous (ly) perfect fly)
financial (ly) fluent (ly)


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quick (ly) special (ly)

1. Our holiday was too short. The time passed v e r y ...............

2. Tom doesn’t take risks when he’s driving. He’s a lw a y s .............
3. Sue w ork s...............She never seems to stop.
4. Alice and Stan are v e r y ..............married.
5. Monica’s English is very .............. although she makes quite a
lot of mistakes.
6. I cooked this m e a l..............for you, so I hope you like it.
7. Everything was very quiet. There w a s ...............silence.
8. I tried on the shoes and they fitted m e ................
9. Do you usually fe e l..............before examinations?
10. I’d like to buy a car but it’s ............... impossible for me at the

III. R e w rite th e fo llo w in g s e n te n c e s .

1. She rarelv smiles at me.

R a re ly .......................................................................................................
2. I hadn’t known her until he told me.
Not u n til...................................................................................................
3. You will hardly finish your work before it’s dark.
H ard ly ......................................................................................................
4. You ran buy this book only in this shop.
O n ly ...........................................................................................................
. My teacher is no longer teaching in this school.
No lo n g e r..................................................................................................
6. She has never seen such a beaufitul sight.
N ev er........................................................................................................
7. This rich man seldom helps the poor.
S eld om ............................................................................................


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8. She never in life felt happy.

N ev er................. .....................
9. People did not discover AIDS until 1981.
Not u n til......................................................... :....................................
10. Martin had no sooner sat down than the telephone rang.
No soon er.............................................................................................
11. The lost child could be found nowhere.
N ow h ere..............................................................................................
12. I got no help from him.
No h e lp .................................................................................................
13. He not only refused to help me but he also laughed at me.
Not o n ly ...............................................................................................
14. He never smokes in bed.
15. She has m ake good progress only w ithin two m on th s.
Only within two m on th s..................................................................
16. You should not travel alone under anv circum stances.
Under any circu m stan ces................................................................
17. It is hot enough to sit outside only in Sum m er.
Only in su m m e r.................................................................................
18. It is seldom wise to say too much about oneself.
S eld om ..................................................................................................
19. He found a job nowhere after he had graduated from college.
After he had graduated from c o lle g e ............................................
20. I know little about computer.
L ittle .....................................................................................................


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A. W o rd fo r m a tio n s (C a c h th a n h lap tif)

I. Noun formations (Sii thanh lap danh tif)
1. Mot so danh tu duac thanh lap bang cdch them cac hau
to (suffixes) vao sau dong tit.
a. tion/ _____action (sU...)
Ex: + to conserve —» conservation
+ to preserve - » preservation
+ to prevent —> prevention
+ to combine —» com bination

b. ment (sU...)
Ex: + to develop —> development
+ to achieve - » achievem ent
+ to employ —> em ployment
+ to disappoint -» disappointment

c. er (ngUdi / vdt hanh dong)

Ex: + to fertilize —> fertilizer
+ to do —> doer
+ to teach -> teacher
+ to work —> worker
+ to sing singer

d . ____ or (ngUdi...)
Ex: + to deposit —> depositor
+ to act —> actor
+ to instruct —> instructor


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c. ant (ngitch...)
Ex: + to assist assistant
+ to account accountant
+ to apply applicant
+ to contest contestant

f. ____ ing (viec..., nghe...)

Ex: + to teach teaching
+ to poison poisonmg
+ to dirty dirtying

g- - __age (sit...)
Ex: + to dram drainage

2. Mot so danh tit ditac thanh lap bang cdch them cac hau
to (suffixes) vao sau danh tit.
a. ship
Ex: N -> N
+ friend friendship
+ scholar scholaiship
+ neighbour neighbourship

b .____ ism (chu nghia, hoc thuyet)

Ex: + capital —> capitalism
+ hero -* heroism
+ critic —> criticism
+ Marx —v Marxism

3. Mot so danh tit duoc thanh lap bang cdch them cac hau
to vao sau tinh tit.
a. adj - ity -» N


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Ex: + possible > possibility

+ able -> ability
+ responsible —» responsibility
+ special —> speciality
+ real reality
+ national _> nationality

b. adj - ism —> N

Ex: + Racial -> racialism
+ social -* socialism
+ feudal —> feudalism

c. adj - ness —>N

Ex: + rich —> richness
+ happy -> happiness
+ sad —► sadness
+ cold coldness

4. Mot so danh tu duoc thanh lap bang cach them cac tien
to (prefixes) vao trUdc mot danh tu khac.
____ (cao, gioi, sieu)
a. Super ■
Ex: + man —> superman
+ market —> supermarket
+ structure —> superstructure

b. Under____(d ditch)
Ex: + achievement underachievem ent
+ growth undergrowth
+ clothes underclothes
+ pass underpass

c. S u r____ (d tren, ben ngoai)


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Ex: + face
+ name
+ plus

d. S u b ____ (d ditch)
Ex: + way - » subway
+ continent -> subcontinent
+ com m ittee —> subcommittee

5. Mot so danh tii co goc Latinh khi doi sang so nhieu

khong theo quy luqt chung la them “S ” hoac “E S ”.
Ex: + (sing.) datum —> data (pi.)
+ (sing.) phenom enon - » phenomena (pi.)
+ (sing.) criterion —> criteria (pi.)

* Mot so danh tii khac can ghi nhd:

Ex: + a child —> children (pi.)
+ a man —> men (pi.)
+ a wom an —> women (pi.)
+ a person —> people/persons

6. Mot so cdch thanh lap danh tii kep.

a. Noun + Noun
Ex: + tooth-brush + book shelf
+ kitchen table + river bank
+ petrol tank + shop window
+ school year + winter clothes
+ hitch-hiker + hall door
+ garden gate + picture frame


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b. Noun + gerund
Ex: + flower picking + lorry driving
+ coal mining + pressure-cooking

c. Gerund + noun
Ex: + dining-room + writing-table
+ swimmmg-pool + reading-lamp
+ driving licence

d. Adjective + noun
Ex: + blackboard + gentleman

II. Adjective formations (Sii thanh lap tinh tif)

1. Mot so tinh tii diiOc thanh lap bang cach them cac hau
to (suffixes) vao sau danh tii.
a. _ f u l (day)
N Adj
Ex: + harm harmful
+ use useful
+ success successful
+ hope hopeful
+ help helpful

b. _ _ less (khong co)

Ex: + child childless
+ odour odourless
+ tree treeless
+ home homeless

c. _ ly (co ve, co tinh cdch, hang (gid, nam.j)

Ex: + man —> manly
+ brother —> brotherly


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+ world —> worldly

+ hour —> hourly
+ year —> yearly
+ day —> daily

d . ____ like (giong nhit)

Ex: + child —> childlike
+ god —> podlik.e
+ life —> lifelike
+ statesman -» statesmanlike

c. y (nhieu, day)
Ex: + rain -> rainy
+ snow —> snowy
+ dust —> dusty
+ sand —> sandy
+ health —> healthy
+ fog _> foggy

£ ____ is/i (theo cdch cua)

Ex: + fool —> foolish
+ self —> selfish
+ child —> childish

g . ____ a/ (thuoc ve)

Ex: + magic -» magical
+ agriculture —» agricultural
+ industry -> industrial
+ nature natural

/ ) . ____ ous
Ex: + poison —> poisonous
+ nerve —» nervous


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+ danger —» dangerous
+ fame -> famous

2. Mot so tinh tu duoc thanh lap bang cdch them hau to

vao sau dong tii:
a. ive (co tinh chat)
V -> Adj
Ex: + act —> active
+ progress —> progressive
+ abort —> abortive
+ attract _> attractive

b . able (co the)

Ex: + accept —» acceptable
+ count -» countable
+ achieve —> achieveable
+ agree —> agreeable

3. Mot so tinh tii duoc thanh lap bang cdch them ticn to
vao trUdc tinh tii mang nghia phu dinh.
a. u n ____ (khong)
Ex: + happy —> unhappy
+ fortunate —> unfortunate
+ lucky -* unlucky
+ forgettable -> unforgettable

b. in _ (khong)
Ex: + direct indirect
+ convenient inconvenient
+ dependent independent
+ formal informal


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c. im ____ (khong)
Ex: + patient -> impatient
+ possible -» impossible
+ mature immature
+ perfect -> imperfect

cl. i r ____
Ex: + regular -* irregular
+ religious -> irreligious
+ removable irremovable
+ rational -* irrational

c. i l ____
Ex: + legal illegal
+ logical illogical
+ literate illiterate

4. Mot so tinh til ditoc thanh lap bang cdch them tien to
vao trildc tinh til.
a. Super____ : qua, sieu.
Ex: + human —>■ superhuman
+ natural —> supernatural
+ sonic —» supersonic

b. Under____ : ditdi, thap, khong du.

Ex: + cover -» undercover
+ developed underdeveloped
+ done underdone

c. over____: qua...
Ex: + anxious overanxious
+ confident overconfident


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d. su b ____; d ditdi
Ex: + conscious —* subconscious
+ human -> subhuman

5. Tinh tii con co the thdnh lap tinh tu bang cdch dung
“WELL” hoac “IL L " ket hdp vdi mot qud
Ex: + well - prepared
+ well - known
+ well done
+m prepared
+ ill bred
+ ill judged

6. Tinh tit kep co the dupe thdnh lap theo cac cdch sau day.
a. Adjective + Adjective
Ex: + dark-blue (xanh den)
+ red- hot (nong do)
b. Noun + Adjective
Ex: + snow-white (trang nhti tuyet)
+ knee-deep (sau den dau goi)
+ pitch-dark (toi den nhu mUc)
c. Noun + Past participle
Ex: + man-made (do ngvfdi che tao)
+ home-made (lam d nha)
+ fur-lined (lot bang long thu)
+ long-haired (co toe dai)
+ blue-eyed (co mat xanh)
+ blue-uniformed (co dong phuc mau xanh)


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d. Adverb/Adjective + V + ing
Ex: + good-looking (de coi)
+ bad-locking (kho coi)
+ long-suffering (chiu diing lau dai)
+ ill-smelling (co mui kho ngiii)
+ slow-moving (di chuyen cham)
+ fast-running (chay nhanh)
+ nice-looking (xinh xan)
+ hard-beating (dap manh)
e. A d v e r b + P a st p a r tic ip le
Ex: + well-educated (co giao due tot)
+ well-lit (dtfdc thap sang tot, co anh sang tot)
+ newly-born (mdi srnh)
+ ill-founded (vo can cii)
+ ill-bred (vo giao due)
+ well-dressed (an mac dep)
+ well-built (vam vd)

III. Verb form ations: (S ii thanh lap dong tvf)

1. Mot so dong tU duac thdnh lap bang cdch them tien to:
“OUT___” vao tu dong tu (intransitive verb) de bien no
thdnh mot tha dong tit (transitive).
Tien to “OUT___” co nghia la “tot hdn, nhanh hdn, dai hdn v.v...”
Ex: + grow —> outgrow (ldn hdn, phat trien hdn)
+ live —> outlive (song lau hdn)
+ run —► outrun (chay nhanh hdn)
+ weigh —> outweigh (nang hdn)
+ number —► outnumber (nhieu hdn, dong hdn)
Transitive verb: Deng ti_f nhan mot tan ngii triic tiep (V + O d)
Intransitive verb: Dong tii khong co tan ngii theo sau.


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2. Mot so dong tu duoc thdnh lap bang cdch them tien to

“EN___” vao sau tinh til, danh til hoac mot dong til khac.
Tien to “ EN___” co nghia la “bo vao, lam cho, gay ra”
Ex: + danger (N) endanger (V)
+ case (N) encase(V )
+ rich (adj) enrich (V)
+ large (adj) enlarge (V)
+ close (V) enclose (V)
+ act (V) enact (V)
+ force (V) enforce (V)

3. Mot so dong til duoc thdnh lap bang cdch them tien td
vao cac dong til.
a. Over____ (qua...)
Ex: + act overact
+ stay overstay
+ take overtake
+ throw overthrow
+ work overwork

b. Under ____ (6 dU&i)

Ex: + study understudy
+ write underwrite
+ sell undersell
+ charge undercharge
+ do underdo

c. Super _ (sieu, qud)

Ex: + impose superimpose
+ intend superintend
+ pose superpose


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+ charge -t supercharge
+ abound superabound

IV. Adverb formation (Cach thanh lap pho tvf)

Pho tii thudng duoc thdnh lap bang cdch them hau to “
ly” vdo sau tinh tii.
adj adv
Ex: + beautiful —> beautifully
+ careful —> carefully
+ careless carelessly
+ strong strongly
+ main —» mainly
+ bad —> badly

Lvfu y: Mot so pho tvf dac biet can g

Ex: + good —> well

+ late -> late/lately

+ ill - » ill
+ fast -> fast

B. Word forms: (Hinh thufc cua tvf)

Duoi day la cac cdch nhan biet tii loai cua mot tii khi lam
bdi tap:
I. Danh tvf (Nouns): Danh tvf thvfcfng dvfcfc dat d cac vi tri
1. Lam chu nguf (S)
Ex: + Computers are being used in all kinds of work.
+ M aths is the subject I like best.


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2. Ditng sau cac tinh tit thudng hoac tinh tu sd hitu (his,
my, her...). Chu y cac cdu co nhieu tinh tu.
Ex: + She is a good teacher.
adj. N
+ Dirty air is chiefly a city problem.
adj. N
+ His talk was sucressfull.
adj N
3. Diing sau “enough”:
Ex: He didn’t have enough money to buy that car then.
4. DOfng sau cac mao tif “a, an, the” , hoac cac tif “this, that,
these, those, each, every, both, no...”
(LUu y cdu true an + adj + N)

Ex: + The scientists have becom e im portant people in our society.

+ Some difficult problems have been solved by this man.
+ She is such a kind girl that everybody loves her.

5. Diing sau gidi tit (in, on, of, with...)

Ex: + The robbery is under investigation.
+ He has a good knowledge of science.
6. Ditng sau cac tit chi ve so luctng (qualifiers: few, a few,
little, a little, some, any, many, most...)


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Ex: + You have to do a lot of exercises of grammar.

+ I have little knowledge about genetics.
+ Most boys like playing football.

II. Tinh tif (adjectives)

adj. + N
Ex: Modern society needs engineers,
adj N
be/ seem/ appear/ feel/ taste/ look/ keep/ + adj.

keZ + O + adj.
Ex: + She is beautiful.
+ Tom seems tired now.
+ Peter felt upset because he failed the test,
+ Mary looks happy now.
+ We should make our school tidy.
O adj.
be + too + adj.
(hoac seem, look, taste...)

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Ex: + He is too short to play basketball,

+ Daisy is too young to drive a car.
be + adj. + e n o u g h
Ex: +She is tall enough to play volleyball,
+ Ben is rich enough to buy such an expensive house,
be + so + a d j. + th a t
* “be” co the duoc thay bang cac dong tu tri giac: seem, look,
feel, smell, taste...
Ex: + The weather was so bad that we decided to stay at home.
+ The film is so exciting that I’ve seen it many times,
6. Tinh tii con duoc diing duoi cac dang so sdnh (luu y tinh
tu ddi hay diing sau “m ore”, “the m ost”, “less”, as ... as).
Ex: +Meat is more expensive than fish.
+ This is the most intelligent boy I’ve ever seen.
+ He is as deaf as a post.
7. Tinh tii trong cdu tan than: How + adj. + S + V
Ex: + How beautiful the girl is!
+ How nice the day is!


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III. Pho ti/ (adverbs)

j V(tro> d o n g tii) * * d v . + V ( t h U i r t i g ) __j

The South of Vietnam was completely liberated on April 30, 1975.
I have recently finished my homework,

Ex: + I’m truthfully grateful to you for your help,

+ Nitric oxide is highly harmful,
+ I feel com pletely interested in this book,
3. V (lhlrtnf) + too + adv.

Ex: + He studied too lazily to pass his exam.

+ She came too late to see him yesterday,
4. ^V(th^ng) + so + adv- + that

Ex: + Jack drove so fast that he caused an accident,

+ The child ate so much that he was sick,
+ He works so hard that he rarely goes to the cinema,


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5. S + V ( + 0 ) + a dv.

Ex: + The doctor told me to breathe in slowly.

S V O adv.
+ She did some odd jobs at home disappointedly.
S V O adv.
+ The surgeon, performed the operation successfully.
S V O adv.
6. V (lh-M, + a d v . + e n o u g h

Ex: + She drives carefully enough to be safe,

+ He worked hard enough to succeed,
7. “A d v c u n g thudng diing mot minh 6 dau cdu (hoac giila
cdu giUa hai dau
Ex: + Suddenly, he heard a strange voice,
.+ It’s raining hard. Tom. how ever, goes to school.

IV. Dong tif (Verbs)

Vi tri cua dong tir trong cau rat de nhan biet vi no thiidng
diing sau chu ngii. (Nhd can than do'i vdi cau co nhieu menh de).
Ex: + Tom ’s behaviour improved at his new school.
+ I believe her because she always tells the truth.
+ The film which was shown on T.V last night attracted me.


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+ The girl sitting on that chair has won the gold medal.
Chu y: Khi dung dong tif nhd ltfu y thi cua no de chia cho

I. Complete each sentence with the correct form o f the
word in capital letters. In some cases you may have to
make a negative form by using the prefix dis-, in- or un-.

It was v e r y ................of him to steal that money.
I ................. think that this is the best thing to do.
They praised her for h e r .................
Have you got some kind o f ...............on you?
UFO m e a n s..............Flying Object.
They said my illness w a s .................. Don’t they realise I’m in a lot
of pain?
He hasn’t got t h e ................ to think up such a clever plan.
I’m a fr a id ................relations aren’t very good in this company.
She was a much le s s ...............student than her sister.
He’s a lea d in g ................, with factories all over the country.
In the past few years this srea has become h e a v ily .................
T h e ............... said he wouldn’t change the radio without a receipt.


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They are taking over t h e ............. of the com pany next week.
Only t h e ............. Director can make that decision.
She’s got a job as t h e ............. o f a dress shop.
If he isn’t Spanish, w h a t he?
The coal industry was originally private but w a s the 1940’s.
There’s n o ............ service in the United Kingdom.
It was v e r y ...............of you to notice that.
T h is .............. houses the largest telescope in the country.
He’s under -,..............all the time.
He couldn’t give a ...............explanation for his actions.
I get n o ................from doing this.
I’m afraid I was v e r y ...............with the travel arrangem ents.
She’s a t o p ...............working on our space project.
There is n o ...............explanation for what happened.
The connection hasn’t b e e n ..............proved yet.
Mrs Bailey will be with y o u ..................
I had t o ................ my speech as we had started late.
There is a ..............of carrots because of the bad weather.
11. VARY
The temperature is v e r y this time of the year.
Do you like this n e w ...............of apple?
There a r e ................desserts to choose from.
Politicians ................ blam e the media if they don't wm the
election. They’re so predictable.
I’m afraid it won’t b e ................for me to see you tomorrow.


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The house i s ...............situated near the centre of town.

This is v e r y .......... ! Can’t you practise your violin somewhere else?
I would like to show you my latest .............. , which I have called
‘Boats on a Lake’.
The chameleon is a very stra n g e ..................
Conan Doyle was famous as the ................ of the great detective,
Sherlock Holmes.
Why does ev ery b od y ...............him all the time?
After so m u ch ................ he felt he had to resign.
They were v e r y ...............of his efforts to improve services.
v 15. DECIDE
They’re going to announce th e ir............... tomorrow.
He’s s o ...............! He just can’t make up his mind'
T h e ............... said he would charge me £1,000 a room.
During the fe stiv a l...............were hanging from every tree.
T h e ................all sat down in the middle of the road.
He offered to give me a ............. of how the machine worked.
We a r e ................on other countries for most of our food.
Every year we celebrate o u r ..................
The boss wants you to take s o m e ..................
He acted in an extremely .............. manner, which made him very
Are you sure we’re going in the r ig h t ...............?
She look ed ................ at me as she said it.

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I had to look up the number m the teleph on e...................

Hitchcock is one of my favourite film ..................
My new car is m o re ...............than the one I had before.
She stu d ied .............. at university.
On my salary we have to live a s .............. as possible.
If we don’t .............. on electricity, there will be power cuts.
He works as a n ................for a local firm.
The price o f ...............has gone up again.
The fire was caused by a n ................fault in the television.
He is a n .............. engineer.
Last December the boss gave all h i s ...............a bonus.
I’ve b e e n ................since June. I must find work soon.
H e r ..............was so angry at her attitude that he fired her.
He hoped t h e would find him a job.
They all ch e e re d their team came out.
I’m afraid they weren’t v e r y .............. about your idea of going out
this evening.
25. ACT
We must ta k e ...............before things get worse.
There’s a lot o f ..............outside the stadium.
Don’t worry about the volcano. It’s b e e n ................ for years.
She said she wanted to be te le v isio n ..................
26. ADD
Are all th o s e ..............they put m food really necessary?
I n doing the cleaning, I make the coffee.
This is a n .................piece of work.


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I am full o f ................ for the improvements he’s made.

Unfortunately, you’ll be at a ...............if you can’t drive.
Knowing a lot of languages, he’s in a v e r y ..............position.
He works for a n ............ agency.
I saw a n ..............for the job in our local newspaper.
He gets very angry if y o u ............ with his ideas.
T h e ............ we made was for one year only.
I only had a day to visit all the to u ris t................
She smiles s o ................ , doesn’t she?
32. BASE
My grandfather only had a v e r y
The organisation is run on a v olu n ta ry ................
Half of t h e s e ................ are wrong!
My son wants a p o c k e t...............for his birthday.
He was a very c o o l,...............kind of person.
S ta m p ................can be a very expensive hobby.
Here’s a special offer to a l l ...............of foreign coins!
T h e ...............was very successful. It raised £3,500.
I’m just a beginner i n ...............with her.
Crimes of violence were .............rare until a few years ago.
What happed two years ago is not r e a lly ............... to the situation
Would a l l ..............please make their way to the start?


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We’re selling these toys at a v e r y ...............price.

If I win t h is .............. , I'll get a new bicycle.
She received a letter o f .............. from the hotel.
W e’ve received an .............. report of an explosion outside the
President’s house.
His latest book is a .............. of his previous one.
The train service was ............. because it wasn’t used by many
I couldn’t get much work done as I w a s ...............being interrupted
by people telephoning me.
After four hours’ ...............typing I had a terrible headache.

II. S u p p ly th e c o r r e c t w o r d fo rm s :

1. It’s hard to fin d the summer. (ACCOMMODATE)

2. She has a la r g e ...............of stamps. (COLLECT)
3. He made an un favou rable...............between food in his country
and mine. (COMPARE)
4. They made a ..............about the heating. (COM PLAIN )
5. I had to write a ..............for homework. (COM POSE)
6. She gave a ................ of the new computer. (DEMONSTRATE)
7. I h a d ............ starting my car this morning. (DIFFICULT)
8. Have you got some kind o f ................. on you? (IDEN TIFY)
9. How serious is h e r ................ ? (ILL)
10. They had a very h a p p y .................. (MARRY)
11. There was a s tra n g e ................ m the bowl. (MIX)
12. Gardening is a relaxing ............... for some people, but not for
me! (OCCUPY)
13. Could I h a v e go hom e early? (PERM IT)


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14. There are se v e ra l......... mistakes in this letter. (PUNCTUATE)

15. I have made a ...............for next weekend. (RESERVE)
16. He made a ..............about the robbery. (STATE)
17. He made a n o th e r................about who to invite. (SUGGEST)
18. Can I get a ..............of this book? (TRANSLATE)
19. He’s h a v in g ...............for his bad back. (TREAT)
20. I’ve put o n ................since I arrived here. (W EIGH)
21. He’s s o ................! No wonder he has no friends! (AGREE)
22. We must meet s o o n ,...............before Saturday. (PREFER)
23. The earthquake c a u s e d ...............damage. (EXTEND)
24. The roads w e r e .............because of the snow. (PASS)
25. This place has changed b e y o n d .............. (RECOGNISE)
26. She took the job to b e ..............independent. (FINANCE)
27. He died u n d e r ................ circumstances. (SUSPECT)
28. We can look forward to a period o f ...............(PROSPER)
29. I’m afraid this plan will prove v e r y ...............(DIVIDE)
30. They were caught in a n ............ shower of rain. (EXPECT)
31. I’m afraid I ra th e r..............agreed to help. (WISE)
32. She spent hours getting the h o u se ............. clean. (SPOT)
33. If I were you, I w ouldn’t make a ............. just yet. (DECIDE)
34. It’s ................o f motorists to drink and drive. (RESPONSE)
35. If you have any s p e cia l.......... . please let me know. (REQUIRE)
3 6 .1 don’t mind ................ criticism but there’s no need to be
unpleasant. (CONSTRUCT)
37. If you’re not too busy, I could do with s o m e ...............(ASSIST)
38. I had my tro u se rs.............because they were too short. (LONG)
39. If you lose your cheque book, you should .............. the bank
without delay. (NOTE)
40. It was a ...............letter addressed to the boss and the secretary
shouldn’t have opened it. (CONFIDE)


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41. The ............... of the flight was delayed so wfe had to spend the
night at the airport. (DEPART)
42. The teacher warned the children that if they ............... again,
they’d be punished. (BEHAVE)
43. It’s .............. to study a language if you’re never going to use it.
44. I’m afraid I’m in t h e .............. position of being out o f work and
heavily in debt. (ENVY)
45. Great works of art like the Mona Lisa a r e ............... (PRICE)
46. I’m afraid you’v e .............. me because that’s not what I meant.
47. Why do we always end up by having a n ............ 0 (AGRUE)
48. I’ve been a ..............since I had a heart attack. (SMOKE)
49. Unless y o u ..............I won’t forgive you. (APOLOGY)
50. I wish you’d b e ............... instead of telling me lies. (TRUE)
51. The weather in this country is s o ...............that you never know
what to expect. (PREDICT)
52. It’s a ................ doing business with you. (PLEASE)
53. Although the stone in your ring looks like a diamond, I’m
afraid it’s ................ (W ORTH)
54. How can you ............... the fact that som e- people live in
mansions while others live in slums? (JUST)
55. It’s expect to get som ething for nothing. (REASON)
56. If you’re hoping to make a g o o d ..............., you should pay more y o u r ................ (IM PRESS/ATTEN D/APPEAR)
57. He made a n ................for the position of manager. (APPLY)
58. We need h e r ................before we can go ahead. (APPRO VE)
59. He m ade a n ............. to see me at two o’clock. (A R R A N G E )
60. Have you g o t ...............of your booking yet0 (CONFIRM )
61. This time h i s ............... were not believed. (DENY)
62. This new centre is an in terestin g ............... (DEVELOP)


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t53. He used the com pany for u n fa ir................(DISMISS)

54. I’m a fr a id hard to find round here. (EMPLOY)
j55. She made a th orou gh ............ of the body. (EXAMINE)
56. He gave n o .......*.........for his absence. (EXPLAIN)
?57.1 hope to be a minister in the n e x t ...............(GOVERN)
58. Has she got any kind o f ...............on her? (IDENTIFY)
;59. H is ...............definitely needs working on. (PRONOUNCE)
:0. He made a proceed with the sale. (RECOMMEND)
[71. We were shocked by h i s .............. to see his son. (REFUSE)
u’2. I wish you a very h a p p y ................(RETIRE)
’3. This is my favourite chair. It’s s o ...............! (COMPORT)
•?4. It’s drive so fast. (DANGER)
:o. I must clean t h is ............. floor. (DIRT)
'6. Elvis Presley was a ............ pop singer. (FAME)
'7. It w a s they had to drive very slowly. (FOG)
.'8. Is lunch ready yet? They’re v e r y .................. (HUNGER)
79. Be careful. The roads are v e r y .................(ICE)
50. I’d like a n ic e ............... orange. (JUICE)
51. How m a n y ...............holidays do you have? (NATION)
52. Why do they give s u c h ...............parties? (NOISE)
53. His broken arm is still v e r y ................(PAIN)
54. The President was a v e r y (POW ER)
(55. The children always get bored on a (RAIN)
.56. He always f e e ls ........ ...... in the morning. (SLEEP)
57.1 live in t h e .............. part of the country. (SOUTH)
58. The film w a s ............... and he becam e very rich. (SUCCESS)
}9. I hope we h a v e for our holidays. (SUN)
)0. We have a ................ newspaper in this town. (WEEK)
31. Thanks for everything. I had a .............. time. (W ONDER)
32. He lives in a ............... house by the sea. (WOOD)
33. Most orphans are bred i n ................(ORPHAN)


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94. Thousands of people were m a d e the war (HOME)

95. Mrs Brown lived lonely in h e r ...............(POOR)

96. He w a s ........... because he could not pay his debts. (SADNESS)
97. Dickens’ novels were fir s t ...............m 1838. ^PUBLISH)
9 8 .1 really don’t think he has t h e do this job. (ABLE)
99. I would recommend that you should be interested in reading
books and magazines. (EDUCATION')
100. John is old enough to b e ...............of his parents. (DEPEND)

C . Id io m a tic E x p r e ssio n s: (C u m th a n h nguf)

* Cac thdnh ngii dong tit co cau true sau:


* Sau day la mot so thdnh ngii dong tit thiibng gap:

1. catch sight of bat gap
2. give place to nhudng cho
3. give way to nhUOng bo, chiu thua
4. keep pace/up, with sanh kip, bat kjp
5. lose sight of mat hut
6. make allowance for chieu co" den
7. make fun of che nhao
8. make a fuss over/about lam roi tung len, lam om som
9. make room for don cho cho
10. make use of dung, sU dung
11. lose touch with mat lien lac
12. lose track of mat dau
13. put a stop to lam ngting lai


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14. take account of de y den, luu tam

15. take care of cham soc
16. take notice of lUu y
17. pay attention to chu y t6i
18. put an end to ket thuc
19. set fire to lam chay, thieu
20. take advantage of ldi dung
21. take note of de y, ghi chep
22. take leave of tii biet
23. give birth to sinh con
24. make a contribution to gop phan
25. keep correspondence with lien lac thu tu
26. show affection for co cam tinh
27. feel pity for/take (have) thudng xot
pity on
28. feel regret for hoi tiec, an har.
29. feel sympathy for thong cam
30. make a decision on/make quyet dinh
up one's mmd
31. make complaint about keu ca, pnan nan
32. feel shame at xau ho
33. have a loot at nhin ngam
34. get victory over chien thane
35. play an influence over co anh hudr.c
36. have faith ir. tm tUonp
37. take interest rr. quan tam. thicn thi.


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Tron Bo SGK:

Fill in the blank with a suitable idiomatic expression:

1. She was furious that she was b e in g .................

2. The house has been remodelled a n d ................
3. He left hom e w ith o u t...............anybody.
4. The w o m a n .............whom y o u .............. on the bus this morning
is my aunt.
5. The baby .............. whom she’s going to ............... will bring her
6. I ...............having deceived her.
7. Tom and Dick are carrying on a discussion which I want to

8. This is a rare op portu n ity................which you s h o u ld ................

to get a better job.
9. Mr Sm ith is my old t e a c h e r ..............whom I h a v e ............... for a
long time. I do not know his present address.
10. W ho w i l l...............the children when you are away?
11. My father does not like politics. He does not .............. political
problems and current events.
12. She a lw a y s ...............the increase of the price o f goods.
13. Mary was sad and asham ed because y o u ............... her.
14. They are good poor students ............... whom the school has to

15. You have to study harder in order t o ................your classmates.

16. This shop is so small that we didn’t
17. Mrs Smith is a very clem ent woman. S h e .............. orphans and
18. Do y o u ...............the “No Parking” sign?


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Tron Bo SGK:

19. The matter ............... which the press are ............ is high
officials’ corruption.
20. We have to move this box in order t o .............. the new TV set.
21.1 have some friends living in the USA. I o fte n ............ them.
22. Your manner is quite ridiculous. I
23. The teacher says that we have to ............... our exam papers
before ten.
24. For generations our people ............... many enemies and drove
them away.
25. The police followed the robbers but finally t h e y ................them.
26. The Press is called the fourth estate. It ............... the public
27. I do n o t ............. long-hair young men.
28. Do you know how t o ...............this electronic computer.
29. We sh ou ld ...............the suffering of others.
30. English is a very important language. We ............. learning it
very much.
31. The h o u s e s ................ which the r o b b e r ................ last night are
not far from our home.
32. The boys are miserable. I ................them.
33. We are looking at the boat in the open sea, and soon w e .............
34. Please ............... this photograph and tell me where your
teacher is.
35. Did y o u ..............Paul m the bookshop yesterday?
36. Have y o u ...............the day to start off?
37. Every citizen has t o ..............the building of his country.
38. We know he works very hard. W e ..............his success.
39. The difficulties are so great that I have t o ..............them.
40. The rich s h o u ld ............... the poor.
41. Why do you o ft e n ..............your neighbours?


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42. Anyhow he's a good man. I th in k we o u g h t to be g en e ro u s to

him a n d ............. his family circumstances.
43. I haven’t sent letters to her for a long time. In fact, we have
.................with each other.
44. You have to move this table t o ............. the new television set.
45. Have t h e y ...............the “No Smoking” sign?
46. I’d like to ............. this opportunity to explain the difficulty I’ve
47. He ran as fast as he could, but he was not able t o .............. his
48. We have t o ..............these difficult circum stances.
49. He lost control of his temper a n d ............... ms anger.
50. Be calm, and don’t ............. such trifles.
51. You sh o u ld ............... the teacher s explanation.
52. I tried to run after her but 1 couldn’t ..............her.
53. She decided to .............. these letters because they weren’t
54. Her mother was sick, so Linda had to stay at home t o ............
55. I'd like to ............... this opportunity to get a new job with
higher wage.
56. I ................. him since we left school
57. Don’t y o u ..............him. He is a pity boy.
58. \ ou must — ........ many opportunities you have to practise
speaking Engiisn.
59. If we correspond regularly, we w on’t ................ eacn other.
60. If I ............... you in the city again, I’ll call the police.
61. If h e ............
what the teacher says, he might make progress.
62. Tom is old enougn t o ...............himself.
63. The goverment is aetermm ea tc ............ cracKers.
64. This man was sent to prison l o r .............. his nouse.


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G5. It’s cruel t o ......... . handicapped people.

66. Don’t ...............such an unimportant problem
67>The police followed the thieves but finally t h e y ............ them.
68. They don’t know how t o ............. the tool.
69. He was accused o f ...............the house.
70. Don’t jujl_____ what he says. He is a liar.
71. On the way home from work today. I ............. mv old friend.
72. The pile of papers couldn’t catrh fire by itself. Someone must
h a v e .......... j.. it.
73. I’m determined t o ...............all these rumours.
74. Everyone ............. her because she is wearing such a funny
75 The teacher promised t o .......... wishes of the students’ parents.



* Co 3 cap do so sanh: bang (khong bang), hOn, hefn nhdt

De so sanh hdn va so sdnh hdn nhdt, ngu'di ta them er va est
vcio tinh td va trang tit ngdn; them m ore va most vao tinh til ca
trang til ddi.

A. TINH T l / N G A N (S H O R T A D J E C T IV E S )
+ La tinh tvf mot am tiet (m onosyllable adjectives)
long -» longer —> longest
dai dai hdn dai nhat


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big —» bigger -> biggest

16n Wn hdn 16n nhat
+ La ti'nh til hai am tiet (two-syllable adjectives) tan cung la y, le,
er, o w , et.
quiet —> quieter —> quietest
yen lang yen lang hdn yen lang nhat
clever —> cleverer —> cleverest
kheo leo kheo leo hdn kheo 16o nhat
gentle —> gentler -> gentlest
hoa nha hoa nha hdn hoa nha nhat

La tinh tif hai am tiet dUdc nhan manh d am thir hai.

severe —> severer —> severest
nghiem trong nghiem trong hdn nghiem trong nhat
sublime —> sublimer —> sublimest
hung vi hung vi hdn hung vi nhat
profound -> profounder —* profoundest
uyen tham uyen tham hdn uyen tham nhat


+ La tinh tu: co hai am tiet khong d vao hai trUdng hdp tren va tinh
tii co tren hai am tiet.

intelligent -> more intelligent -> most intelligent

thong minh thong minh hdn thong minh nh&'t
active -> more active -> most active
nang dong nang dong hdn nang dong nhat

C. T R A N G TU N GAN (S H O R T A D V E R B S )
+ La trang til mot am tiet (monosyllable adverbs)


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soon sooner soonest

sdm sdm hdn sdm nhat
hard harder hardest
cUc nhoc cUc nhoc hcfn ciic nhoc nhat


+ La trang til co hai am tiet hoac tren hai am tiet.
quickly —> more quickly -> most quickly
nhanh nhanh hdn nhanh nhat
carefully —> more carefully -» most carefully
can than can than hdn ci.n than nhat

I. So sanh “bang” (Equal comparisons)

S + V + as + as + N (Pro)

Ex: + He is as tall as his father. (Anh ay cao bang bo' anh ay)
+ Mai is as beautiful as her mother. (Mai dep nhii me)
+ John sings as well as his sister. (John hat hay nhii chi anh ay)
- Thinh thoang thay “a s ’bang “so” trong nhiing cau phu dinh.
Ex: His job is not so difficult as mine.
(Cong viec cua anh ay khong kho bang viec cua toi)
- Dai tii lam chu ngii luon diidc sii dung sau “as” .
Ex: You are as old as she.
- Y “hang nhau, nhu nhau” co the dUdc dien dat cach khac:
Subject + verb + the same + (noun) + as + noun (pronoun)

Ex: + My house is as high as his.

-» My house is the same height as his.
+ Tom is as old as Mary.
—» Tom and M an ' are the same age.


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We say "the same as" (not “the same like”)

+■ What would you like to drink?
—> I’ll have the same as you.

Chu y cac tinh ti/ sau va cac danh tit tUdng itng cua chung:
A dj N
heavy, light —> weight

wide, narrow —> width

deep, shallow —> depth
long, short —> length

big, small —> size

old ->■ age

II. So sanh “khong bang” (Unequal com parisons)

1. Comparatives:
Them “ -er” vao tinh til (trang tii) co mot hoac hai am net.
Ex: thick -> thicker; cold —> colder; quiet -> quieter
Dung "more” + tinh tii (trang til co ba am tiet trd len.
Ex: more beautiful, more important, more interesting
Diing "more ' + tinh tit ket thuc bang cac tiep vi ngii: “ -ed, -ful, •
mg, -ish, -ous".
Ex: more hated, more useful, more bormg, more continuous.
Gap doi phu am cuoi cua tinh tii mot am tiet ket thuc bang mot
phu am ddn (trii w. x, z) va diing trUdc mot nguyen am ddn.
Ex: big —> bigger; hot —> hotter
Khi mot tinh tii co 2 am tiet nhiing ket thuc bdng mot phu am
- “v” doi "y" thanh ‘T ’ va cone them "-er” .
Ex: happy - » happier; dry —> drier


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Tron Bo SGK:

short adj (adv) + er

+ than + noun j
Subject +.verb+ more + long adj (adv)
less + adj (adv) (pronoun)

Ex: + Today is hotter than yesterday.

+ This chair is more comfortable than the other.
+ He speaks Spanish more fluently than I.
So sanh khong bang co the dUdc nhan manh them bang cach
cong “much” hoac “far” trUdc hinh thvfc so sanh.
* Short adjective/ adverb
1 1 '~n far adjective noun
Subject + verb + , + , , + er + than +
much adverb pronoun

Ex: A watermelon is much sweeter than a lemon.

* Long adjective/adverb
far more adjective , noun
Subject + verb + , + , + , , + than +
much less adverb pronoun
' <■* u ."
Ex: + Lan’s watch is far more expensive than mine.
+ That movie we saw last night was much less interesting
than the one on television.
+ He speaks English much more rapidly than he does

2. So sanh bac nhat (Superlatives)

short adj/adv + est in + danh tii dem diidc so it
‘Subject + verb + the + most
>st + long adj/adv + of + danh tii de
dem diidc so
least adj/adv nhieu
* Cac quy tac khac cung giong nhu dang so sanh khong
bang, (hot —> hottest, happy —> happiest...)
Ex: + John is the tallest boy in the family.


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+ Mary is the shortest uf the three sisters.

+ Thesr shoes are the least expensive of all.

* Cac tritbng hop ngoai le:

1. good/well better best
2. bad/badly worse worst
3. many/much more most
4. little less least
5. far farther farthest (ve khoang cadh)
further furthest (ve thdi gian) i
6. near nearer nearest (ve khoang cach)
next (ve thil tu)
7. late later latest (ve thdi gian)
last (ve thil til)
8. old older oldest (ve tuoi tac)
elder eldest (ve cap bac hdn la
tuoi tac)

* Nhiing tinh tii sau day thiidng khong co dang so sanh:

perfect hoan hao
unique doc nhat
matchless khong co doi thu
full day
empty trong rong
square vuong
rdund tron
circular tron, vong quanh
triangular co ba canh
wooden b^ng go
yearly hang nam
monthly hang thang
daily hang ngay


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Tuy nhien, “perfect” va "full” doi khi cung dUdc dung de so sanh:
Ex: + This specim en is more perfect than that one.
MHu nay hoan hao hdn m^u kia.
+ My glass is fuller than yours.
Ly cua toi ddy hdn ly cua anh.

3. So sanh kep (double comparatives)

a. Cang ngay ... cang; moi luc m o t ... horn.
* Vai tinh tii ngan:

adj + ER and adj + ER '

Ex: + The weather gets wanner and wanner.
Trdi cang ngay cang nong.
+ It gets darker and darker.
Trdi moi luc mot toi hdn.
* Vai tinh tii ddi:
more and m ore + adj
Ex: + She oecomes more and more beautiful.
Co ta cang ngay cang dep ra.
+ He is more and more studious.
Anh ta moi luc mot cham hoc hdn.
b. Cang ngay cang it...; cang ngay cang kem...
Vdi tinh tCf ngan cung nhu tinh tu dai, ta thed he thiic dudi day:
less and less + adj.
Ex: + My father becomes less and less strong.
Ba toi cang ngay cang yeu di.
+ He is less and less studious.
No cang ngay cang it cham chi.
+ She is less and less joyful.
Co ta cang ngay cang kem vui.
c. Cang... thi cang...

1 QO

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* Vdi tinh tif ngan:

1 The adj + or the adj + er 1
iw: + The richer he gets, the weaker he is.
Ong tn cang eiau. tHi cang om yeu.
+■ The darker it gets, the colder it is.
Trdi cang toi. thi cang lanh.
* V d i t i n h tvf d a i :
i The more + adj..., tho more + adj...
K\: + The more beautiful she is the rridre miserable her husband is.

Ba ta cang dep, thi chong ba ta cang kho.

+ The more difficult the lessons are, the more numerous the
Bai hoc cang kho, hoc sinh cang dong them.
* Vdi dong tvf:
the m ore..., the more...
Ex: + The more I hate him, the more he loves me.
Toi cang ghet anh ta thi anh ta cang yeu toi.
+ The more she sings, the more I look at her.
Co ta cang hat. toi cang nhm co ta.
Chu y: Nhieu khi hai ve khong cung mot loai tinh tvf dai
hay tinh tvf ngan, nhvfng lan Ion vdi nhau. Ve trvfdc tinh tvf
dai, ve sau tinh tvf ngan. Hoac ve trvfdc tinh tvf, ve sau dong
tvf hoac ngvfofc lai............
Vi du:
+ The richer he is, the more miserable he gets.
a 0

Ong ta cang giau, thi cang kho sd.

■r The more she smiles, the more graceful she is.
Co ta cang cudi, trong cang co duven.
+ The uglier she is, the more 7 love her.
Co ta cang xau, toi cang thtfdng.


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d. Cang it..., thi cang it-. Cang kem..., thi cang kem—
* Vdi tinh tu ngan cung nhu tinh tit ddi:
The less + adj..., the less + adj...
Ex: + The less cold it is, the less well I am. ,
Trdi cang ft lanh, toi cang it khoe manh.
+ The less difficult the lessons are, the less studious the
Bai hoc cang it kho, hoc sinh cang it cham chi.
* Vdi dong til: ■ ,,
l the less..., the less...
Ex: + The less I live with him, the less I like him.
Cang it d v6i no, toi cang it thich no.
+ The less she dances, the less I hate her.
Co ta cang it khieu vu, toi cang it ghet co ta.

4. Nhiifng kieu noi co tinh cach so sanh.

a. Other... than...: khac
Ex: + I want to read other novels than these.
Toi muon doc nhQng cuon tieu thuyet khac nhutng cuon nay.
+ I have no other friends than you.
Toi khong co ban hiiu nao khac (ngoai) ban.
b. Rather than: hdn la
Ex: + I drink water rather than coffee.
Toi uong nude hdn la ca phe.
+ We want to be poor rather than rich.
Chung toi muon ngheo hdn la giau.
c. Had better: nen
Ex: + You had better stay at home.
Anh nen d nha.
+ You had better stay at home than go fishing.

i < i

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Anh nen d nha hdn la di cau.

d. Had rather (hoac) would rather: thich... hdn.
Ex: + W e had rather go to the theater.
Chung toi thich di xem tuong hdn.
+ W e had rather go to the theater than to the movies.
Chung toi thich di xem tuong hdn la di xem phim.

5. So sanh gap nhieu lan:

S6' gia boi co the bao gom: half, twice, three times, four times ...

much noun
Subject + verb + number multiple + as + + (noun) +
} r many pronoun
number multiple: so gia boi
Ex: + This dictionary costs twice as much as the other one.
+ Lan has half as many records now as I had last year.

6. Danh tif cung co the dtfdc dung trong so sanh:

* Xac dinh do la danh tif dem dUdc hay khong dem dUdc.
much noun
Subject + verb + as + + noun + as +
little pronoun
more 1
noun •'
Subject + verb + fewer + noun + than +
! _

Ex: + I have more books than she.

+ They have as few classes as we.
+ He earns as much money as his brother.
+ Before pay day, I have as little money as my brother.


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I. Rewrite the follow ing sentence using the words giv . n:

1. Jane cooks better than her sister.

Jane s sxster ..»<■ ^■ . . - ■ - ^- - .vfTr*Tn a
2. Tom is the best football player in this team.
Nobody in this team ..iS...ft.S...ffi('L.......................
3. Nothing is faster Lhan the speed of light.
The speed of light ......... .........................
4. Jack is younger than he looks.
Jack isn’t ...........................................................................................

6. ________ _____ t __ _______ agrees. Today it’s only

six degrees.
7. The journey takes four hours by car and five hours by train.
It ta k e s ......................................................................................................
8. Chris and Joe both did badly in the exam. Chris got 20% but
Joe only got 15%.
Joe d id .......................................................................................................
9. I expected my friends to arrive at about 4 o’clock. In fact they
arrived at 2.30.
My frie n d ...................................................................................................
10. We were very busy at work today. W e are not as busy as that
every day.
W e ...............................................................................................................


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II. Complete the following sentences using double

com parative.

1. It b e co m e s............. to find a job. (h?fd)

2. That hole in your pullover is g e ttin g ..................(big)
3. As I waited for my interview, I b e ca m e ..................(nervous)
4. As the day went on, the weather g o t .................(bad)
5: As the conversation went on, he b e ca m e .................... (talkative)

III. Complete the following sentences using comparative of

these words given below. Use “than” if it is neccessary.

big crowed early high important

easily peaceful reliable senous
1. I was feeling tired last night, so I went to bed .
2. You look .......Have you lost weight?
3. I want a .............. flat. W e don’t have enough space here.
4. Health and happiness a r e
5. There were a lot of people on the bus. It w a s ................usual.
6. I like living in the countryside. It’s m a town.
7. You’ll find your way around the town ............... if you have a
good map.
8. In some parts of the country, prices a r e others.
9. I’d like to have a The one I've got Keeps breaking
10. Unfortunately her illness w a s ................. we thought at first.


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* D ong tit (verbs) Id tit dung de chi hanh dong (Action).

I. Phan loai dong titf (classification of verbs)

1. Tha dong tif (Transitive verbs): La dong tvf dien ta mot
hanh dong co lien he mat thiet vdi ngUdi hay vat nao khac ma
hanh dong ay nham vao, dude goi la doi tUdng. (Noi cach khac, mot
transitive verb la mot verb luon can mot object theo sau no).
Ex: + The referee blows his whistle. (Trong tai thoi coi;
—> nghia dong tvf “blows” se khong day du neu khong co “his
whistle” lam “object” cho no.
Tha dong tii co the co hai tan ngii: triic tiep va gian tiep.
Ex: My friend, John, has just sent me a postcard.
(My friend, John, has just sent a postcard vo m e.;
-> Tan ngii trxlc tiep (direct object): a postcard.
Tan ngO gian tiep (indirect object): me.
Tha dong tvf co the dung vdi “object” la mot “reflexive pronoun”.
Ex: The girl has hurt herself badly.
Tha dong tii co the co tii lam bo ngii (complement) cho tan ngii
(object) cua no goi la “object complement” .
Ex: + We all thought him clever.
+ They elected him president.

2. Tvf dong tif (Intransitive verbs): La dong tii dien ta cac

hanh dong ma khong can den doi tUdng cung da du nghia.
Ex: + We walked across the fields.
+ Nobody knew' where the old man lived.


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3. Dong tvf lien ket (Linking verbs): La nhilng dong tii khong
dien ta dUdc mot y nghia gi ro ret va can phai co nhving tii khac bo
xung y nghia cho no (complements).
Ex: My father is a doctor.
-> “is” chAng dien ta diidc gi r5 ret neu khong co “ doctor” lam
com plem ent cho no.
+ M ot so' linking verbs thiidng dUdc sii dung:
“to be” thi, la, d
“to become” trd thanh
“to turn” dam ra, hoa ra
“to seem” dUdng nhv<
“to appear” co ve nhu
“to look” trong nhvf
“to feel” cam thay
“to sound” nghe nhii
+ Cac com plements cua nhiing dong tii nay co the la mot danh tii
hoac mot tinh tii.
Ex: + The cold is becoming intense, (adj)
+ The clouds look black. (adj)
+ Your argument sounds right, (adj)
+ She has turned dressm aker, (noun)

II. Cac hinh thiic cua dong tvf (Forms o f verbs)

Co ba hinh thiic ca ban cua dong tit:
1. T h e I n fin it iv e : La nguyen the cua dong tii mang mot y nghia
long quat ve dong tii. ‘T h e infinitive” co the co “to” diing trUdc (to-
infinitive) hoac khong co “to” (bare infinitive).
+ Bare infinitive dung trong nhiing iriidng hdp sau:
- Sau cac dong tvf khiem khuyet nhu “can, may, must, will, shall...”
Ex: + I can speak English.
+ You should stay at home.


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- Sau cac dong lu cam quan nhu “see, hear, feel...” hoac sau cac
dong tiJf “ make, let” .
Ex: + I saw her get off the bus.
+ The news made him look anxious.
* Nhiing khi cac dong tii nay diing ti the bi dong (passive voice) thi
lai can den uto-infinitive”.
Ex: She was seen to get off the bus.
* Sau cac ngii dong tii nhii: uhad better, would rather, had
sooner...". t
Ex: + You had better tell him the truth.
+ We would rather not go with him.

2. T h e g e r u n d : La hinh thiic dong tii tan cung bang “ -ing” va co

ti'nh cha't cua danh tii.
Ex: Working in these conditions is a pleasure.
She likes dancing.

3. T h e p a r tic ip le s : La nhiing hinh thiic cua dong tii co tinh chat

cua tinh tii.
- Ngoai trii cac dong t\i khiem khuyet, con dong tii nao cung co hai
participles la:
+ Present Participles: t4n cung bang “-ing”.
+ Past Participles: t4n cung bang “-ed” hoac mot hinh thiic khac.
-. “ Present Participles” thUdng ngu y chu dong va “Past Participle”
thudng ngu y bi dong.
Ex: + The film is so b orin g.
+ I’m bored with that film.

III. C a ch d u n g d o n g tif (T h e u ses o f v e rb s )

1. C a ch dung dong tti n g u y e n th e (T h e u ses of the
in fin itiv e )


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a. Chu ngu (Subjects)

Ex: + To visit her was all that I desired.
+ To act like that is childish.
b. Bo ngii ( Complements)
Ex: + His greatest wish was to tell her everything.
+ What I like is to swim in the sea and then to lie on the warm
c. Tan ngu (Objects)
"To -infinitive" dUdc dung lam tan ngii cho cac dong tit sau:
agree, arrange, ask, attempt, begin, care, cease, choose, claim,
come, continue, decide, deserve, determine, demand, desire,
expect, fail, fear, forget, hate, help, hesitate, hope, intend,
learn, like, long, love, manage, mean, need, neglect, offer, omit,
plan, prefer, pretend, prepare, promise, propose, refuse, start,
swear, seem, strive, tend, threaten, try, want, wish...
Ex: + I came to know him well towards the end of the war.
+ He did not want to be left alone.
+ Do you mean to say the acttual approves of it?
"To-infinitive" cung dUdc sii dung sau cac ngii dong tii nhtf: “to
make up one’s mind, to take care, to take the trouble, to make
Ex: The next day he made sure to buy a copy of the newspaper.
Tdn ngit cua tinh tit (objects o f adjectives)
“To-infinitive” co the dUdc dung sau cac tinh tit nhU: (un)able,
afraid amused, annoyed, anxious, ashamed, astonished, bonng,
careful, certain, content, crazy, curious, dangerous, delighted,
determined, difficult, distressed, due. eager, easy, hard,
fortunate, free, frighten, furious, good, glad, grateful, happy,
helpiess, horrified, impatient, interested, keen, lucky, moved,
pleased, (lm)possible, proud, prepared, quick, ready, relieved,
reluctant, right, resolved, safe, scared, slow, sorry, sufficient.


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Tron Bo SGK:

sure, surprised, thankful, useless, usual, (un)willing, (un)wise,

wonderful, worthy, wrong...
Ex: + He would be crazy not to do so.
+ I am curious to know the news.
+ Dinner was ready to be served.
* Ddi khi mot tic hoac cum tit bat dau vdi “for” ditdc dung de chi
chu ngii cua “to-infinitive”.
Ex: He was eager for me to start on my new job.
“To-infinitive’ co the diidc dung sau nhiing tii nhii: "what, who,
whom, which, when, where, how..."
Ex: + I don’t know what to sav.
+ He had come away, not knowing where to turn or what to do.
d. “ To-infinitive” con co the dong vai trd tinh tii bo nghia
cho danh tii hoac dai tii bat dinh nhii:
Ex: + The house to be demolished is very old indeed.
+ Give them som ething to eat.
e. “To-infinitive” con co the dong vai trd trang tii, phan
nhieu ngu y muc dich hoac ket qud nhii:
Ex: + I saved money to buy a bicycle.
+ He was lucky enough to win the prize.
f. uTo-infinitive” co the theo sau mot danh tii hoac dai tii
de lam bo ngii cho danh tii hoac dai tii ay. Nhiing dong tii
thiidng co mot tan ngii va mot “to-infinitive” theo sau nhii:
advise, allow, ask, assume, beg, believe, cause, challenge,
command, com pel, consider, enable, encourage, expect, find,
forbid, force, get, guess, hate, imagine, instruct, intend, invite,
know, lead, like, love, mean, observe, order, permit, persuade,
prefer, suspect, teach, tell, tempt, think, tr-ust, understand,
urge, want, warn, wish...
Ex: + Why did he advise me to visit W estm inster Abbey?


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+ I told him to be patient.

+ We can’t force you to stay here.
g. “To-infinitive” con diing trong cac cau true goi Id
“absolute phrases
Ex: + To tell the truth, I don’t know what the answer is.
(Thu that, toi chang biet giai dap ra sao.)
4- To cut a long story short, he ended his life in prison.
(Tom lai la no da chet trong tu.)
h. “To-infinitive” con diidc dung trong cac cdu cam than
hoac trong nhilng cdu chi sii m o itdc:
Ex: + To think she met with such a death!
(Ai ngd nang lai chet nhu the!)
+ Oh! to be young again.
(Oi! U6c gi dUdc tre lai)

2. Cach dung cua danh - dong tti (The uses of the gerund).
a. Chii ngii (Subjects)
Ex: + The building of the house will take at least six months.
+ Swimming is my favourite sport.
b. Bo ngii (Complements)
“The gerund” lam bo ngu thudng sU dung sau cac dong tti “be,
mean, look...”
Ex: + My hobby is rearing chickens.
+ I can’t ask him for help. That would mean telling him
everything about you and myself.
c. Tan ngii (Objects)
- “The gerund’ diicic sii dung nhii mot tan ngii cua dong tii. La
mot tan ngit trite tiep, no diidc dung sau cac dong tit nhii.
admit, avoid, appreciate, begin, consider, continue, delay, deny,
enjoy, escape, finish, mention, rmna, postpone, prefer, miss,.


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practise, quit, recall, report, resent, resist, recollect, resume,

risk, suggest...
Ex: + W e enjoy playing football.
+ Michael was considering buying a new car until the prices
went up.
+ Have you finished writing your book?
“The gerund’ ditdc sii dung sau mot “dong tit + gidi tit’ nhit:
approve of, apologise for, believe in, count on, care for,
complain of, confess to, consist of, depend on, dream of, end in,
give up, forget about, get to, go back to, hesitate about, insist
on, keep on, lead to, long for, look forward to, mean by, object
to, persist m, plan on, put off, rely on, return to, result in, safe
from, succeed in, think about, think of, take of, talk of.
threaten with, worry about...
Ex: + John gave up smoking because of his doctor’s advice.
+ I am not looking forward to meeting him.
+ Henry is thinking of going to France in August.
“The gerund' diidc sii dung sau mot “tinh tit + gidi tu?' nhit:
absorbed m, accustom ed to, afraid of, amused at, angry with,
annoy at, ashamed of, aware of, (m)capable of, careful (about)
in, careless of, certain of, clever at, certain of, un(conscious) of,
content with, delighted at, different from, em barrassed at,
excited about, far from, fond of, fortunate in, frightened of.
furious at, given to, good at, grateful for, happy m (at), intent
on, interested in, keen on, nice about, proud of, pleased at.
responsible for, right m, scared at (of), set on, sick of, skill in
(at), slow in, sorry for, successful at (m), sure of, surprised at.
thankful for, tired of (from), upset at, worried about, wrong
Ex: + Alice is fond of dancing.
+ W e are accustom ed to sleeping late on weekends.


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+ He is interested in seeing this l'iim.

"The gerund" diidc sit dung sau mot so thanh ngii nhii• can’t
bear, can't face, can’t stand, can’t help, feel like...”
Ex: + He couldn’t help asking me: “ Isn’t anything else you can do
for her?”
+ I didn’t feel like talking to him after what had happened.
"The gerund' ditdc sit dung nhit mot tan ngit trite tiep cua mot
tinh tii trong nhitng cdu vdi chii ngit gid "lt\
Ex: + It’s no use reading this kind of book.
+ It’s worth rem em bering that he has once been a boxer.
"The gerund’ ditdc sit dung sau mot so tinh tit khac nhit:
amusing, comfortable, difficult, easy, great, hopeless, lovely,
nice, off, pleasant, strange, useless, wonderful...
Ex: + It was difficult getting him to do it.
+ It was useless arguing with Jane.
—> TrUdng hdp nay dUdc dung trdng van noi hdn la van viet.
"The gerund’ ditdc sit dung sau “danh tit + gidi tii’ nhit.
chdice of, excuse for, possibility of, intention of. reason for,
method for...
Ex: + There is no reason for leaving this early.
f George has no excuse for dropping out of school.
d. Bo ngii cua tan ngit (Objective complements)
"The gerund’ ditdc sit dung sau mot so dong tii nhit: call, catch,
discover, feel. find. hear, get, imagine, keep, leave, notice, see,
send, set, stop, watch...
Ex: + 1 felt him looking at me now and again.
+ Ellen had noticed me talking with the landlady.
e. “The geru n d ” dupe sit dung nhu mot trang tit, di sau cac
lien tu nhu “while, when, if...”
Ex: He continued to speak while walking down the path.


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Chu y: Co mot so dong tif ma Infinitive hoac gerund theo

sau deu dtfofc, tuy theo nghia cua no trong cau:
* “R em em ber, forget, regret” khi di vdi Infinitive thi chi
hanh dong O tUdng lai va khi di vdi gerund chi hanh dong
da qua.
Ex: + Please remember to return the book tomorrow.
+ I remember putting my hat somewhere in this room.
+ I’m afraid he will forget to write to me.
+ I’ll never forget seeing him the first time.
* “Stop” khi di vdi Infinitive ngu y “ngiing de lam viec
khac”, va khi di vdi gerund ngu y “ngiing lam viec g i”.
Ex: + He stopped to eat.
-I- I’m too tired. I stop working for a moment.
* “Try” di vdi infinitive ngu. y “co ga n g” con di vdi gerund
lai ngu y “thit x em ” hoac “thi nghiem ”.
Ex: + I will try to help you.
+ He tried gardening, keeping pigs but didn't succeed in any of
* Cac dong tii chi gidc quan nhii “hear, see, feel, notice,
w atch...” khi di vdi Infinitive la chu y vao sit hoan tat cua
hanh dong con khi di vdi gerund thi chu y den stf tiep dien
cua hanh dong.
Ex: + I hear him come in.
+ I see the dog running across the street.
* Co mot so dong tii khi diiOc theo sau bdi mot dcii tii thi
dung Infinitive con khi khong co dai tii theo sau se diing
gerund nhii: allow, perm it, recommend, advise...
Ex: + The teacher perm itted them to turn the assignm ents m late.
+ The teacher permitted going out.


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3. Tac dung cua phan tii (The uses of the Participles)

а. Hien tai phan tit (Present Participles) di vdi car hinh thiic cua
“to be” de thanh lap cac thi tiep dien. (xem phan Tenses)
Ex: He was telling me about his hardships.
б. Hien tai phdn tic dung de noi hai cau co cung chu ngit, hoac
dien td cac hanh dong ke tiep nhau.
Ex: + Standing on the hill, we could see the river.
+ Mary is sitting at the desk, looking out o f the window,
thinking of her future.
c. Co nhitng thdnh ngit ma dau bang “hien tai phdn ti/' ma khong
co lien he den tit nao trong cdu ca.
Ex: Generally speaking. I don’t like him at all.
(Noi chung, toi chang thi'ch no ti nao)
d. Hien tai phdn tit con ditdc dung thay cho menh de quan he
(mang nghia chu dong)
Ex: + The man talking to you yesterday is my teacher.
—> who t a lk e d ............
+ Look at the cat lying on the floor.
—> which is ly in g ..........
e. Qud khiC phdn tit (Past participles) di vdi cac hinh thiic cua “to
be” de lap the Passive, (xem phdn Passive Voice)
Ex: + I was given a doll on my birthday.
+ A bicycle has just been bought for me recently.
f. Qua khiC phdn tit ket hcty vdi cac hinh thiic khac nhau cua dong
tit “to have” de thdnh lap cac thi hoan thdnh (Perfect Tenses)
Ex: + That man has stolen my purse.
+ The train had left before I came to the station.
g. Qud khiC phdn tit cung ditdc dung de noi hai cdu co cung chu
ngii (mang nghia bi dong)
Ex: Punished yesterday, Tom felt very sad.
—> Tom was p u n ish ed ................


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h. Qua khic phdn tic ditdc diing thay cho menh de quan he (mang
nghia bi dong).
Ex: + The boy given a present is my son.
—> who was g iv e n ...............
+ I like eating the cake made by my mother.
- » which is m a d e ...............
i. Phan tie con thiCdng diCdc dung lam tinh tiC:
Ex: + What an exciting story!
+ The broken bottles lay scattered on the floor.




- Ngoai cach dung cua no trong cau dieu kien, “would” con dung de
chi mot thoi quen trong qua khil.
Ex: When I was a child, I would sing folk songs.


“used to + infinitive” dung de dien ta mot thoi quen d qua k h il
Ex: He used to swim when he was six.
6 day “used to” co nghia la “thudng, da tiing”.
“be (get) used to + V-ing” : quen v6i, (trd nen quen vdi).
Ex: + My mother is used to getting up early everyday.
+ He got used to walking five kilometres a day because he’s
lost his bicycle.
“be (get) used to + N ou n ’
Ex: Tom has got used to the cold weather since he came here.


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“would rather” cung nghia vdi “ prefer” (thich hdn) nhiing
“ would rather” di vdi dong tii trong khi “prefer' co the di vdi
dong tii hoac danh tii.
would rather + infinitive (khong “to ” )... + than ...
prefer + V-ing ... + to ...
prefer + Noun ... + to ...

Ex: + I would rather to go the cinema than stay at home.

+ I prefer going to the cinema to staying at home.
+ I prefer oranges to apples.
The phu dinh cua "would rather” = would rather + not.
Ex: John would rather not go to class tomorrow.

“would like” thUdng dUdc sU dung trong nhiing ldi mdi va cung
co nghia la “muon”.
“ would like” + to-infinitive.
( d like)

Ex: + I’d like to teii you something about myself.

+ Would you iike to have a walk with me?

V . C O U L D / M A Y / M IG H T
Mac du “could” dUdc sii dung trong cau dieu kien, no con co the
dUdc dung de chi mot “kha nang”. Trong trUdng hdp nay. “could,
may, might” deu ce cung mot nghia. de dien ta nhiing gi ma ngiidi
ndi cam thay chUa chac chan lam.
Ex: It might rain tdmorrow.
It may ram tomdrrow.


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It could raui tomorrow.

(Ngay mai trdi co the mUa.)
Ngitch ta cung co the noi:
It will possibly rain tomorrow.
Maybe it will rain tomorrow.
* Possibly, maybe = perhaps: co le, co kha nang (chi du doan)
Ex: + I don’t know' where Lan is. M aybe she is m her room.
+ I may go to the beach or stay at home in this summer

"Should” dUdc dung de dien ta:
Mot idi de nghi., Idi khuyen, mot bon phan:
Ex: •+ You should study hard.
+ He shouldn’t do that work. It’s too hard.
Mot sit mong dai:
Ex: + It should rain tomorrow'. (I expect it to rain tomorrow)
+ My letter should arrive next week.

“Must” dUdc dung de chi:
- Track nhiem hoac bon phan —> no co nghia manh hdn “should”.
Vdi “should” ta co mot siC liia chon lam hoac khong lam nhiing vdi
"must” se khong co sii liia chon.
Ex: + An autom obile must have gasoline to run.
+ This freezer must be kept at - 2 0 UC.
- Mot sii suy luan hdp ly:
Ex: + John’s lights are out. He must be asleep.
(Den cua John tat het roi, chac la anh ay da ngu.)
+ The grass is wet. It must be raining.


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(Co U6t. Co le trdi dang mila.)

“ Have to” co nghia gan nhu “ must” , nhtfng khong mang tinh bat
buoc mk chi th^y c in phai lam.
Ex: + I need some meat. I have to go to the butcher’s.
+ Does your father have to go at once?


Hinh thiic nay dUdc dung de chi mpt kha nang trong qua khii.
Ex: + It may have rained last night, but I’m not sure.
+ John might have gone to the movies yesterday.

Hinh thiic nay dUdc dung de chi mot bon ph&n, trach nhiem
dUdc cho la da xay ra d qua khii, nhUng vi mot ly do nao do no da
khong xay ra.
Ex: + John should have gone to the post office this morning.
(He did not go to the post office.)
+ Maria shouldn’t have called John last night.
(She did call him.)


Hinh thiic nay chi dUdc dung de chi mot s\1 suy luan hdp ly
trong qua khii.
Ex: + Jane did very well on the exam. She must have studied hard.
(She probably studied hard)
+ Mary looks very tired. She must have staved up late last night.
(She probably stayed up late)


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I. Choose between m ust + perfective and should +
perfective in the follow ing sentences.

1. Henri was deported for having an expired visa. He ............

(have) his visa renewed.
Henri was deported for having an expired visa. He should have
had his visa renewed.
2. Julietta was absent for the first time yesterday. She ..............
(be) sick.
3. The photos are black. The X- rays at the airport ..................
(damage) them.
4. Blanca got a parking ticket. S h e ............... (park, negative) in a
reserved spot, since she had no permit.
5. Nancy did very well on the exam. S h e .......... (study) very hard.
6. Jeanette did very badly on the exam. She ................ (study)
7. German called us as soon as his wife had her baby. H e ..............
(be) very proud.
8. Eve had to pay $5,00 because she wrote a bad check. She
(deposit) her money before she wrote a check.
9. John isn’t here yet. H e ...............(forget) about our meeting.
10. Tony failed the exam. H e .................(study; negative) enough.

11. Supply the correct verb forms:

1. We stopped once (buy) petrol and then we stopped again (ask)

som eone the way.
2. W hen I caught them cheating me, I stopped (buy) petrol there
and started (deal) with your station instead.


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3. I tried (convince) him that I was perfectly capable of (manage)

on my own, but he insisted on (help) me.
4. Your hair needs (cut). You’d better (have) it (do) tomorrow
5. I always try (come) in quietly but they always hear me (go)
upstairs. It’s impossible (climb) an old wooden stair case at
night without (make) noise.
6. They don’t allow (smoke) in the auditorium, they don’t want
(risk) (set) it on fire.
7. Would you like me (turn) down the radio a bit?
No, it’s all right. I’m used to (work) with the radio on.
8. Would your children mind (keep) quiet for a moment? I’m
trying (fill) a form.
9. My father advised me (read) this novel.
10. Does she want (become) a singer?
11. The teacher recommends (prepare) the lessons well before
(come) to class.
12. Can you help me (find) my mistakes?
13. They didn’t permit (camp) in this wood.
14. Nothing will make me (change) my mind.
15. Parents often recommend their children (not drink) too much.
16. The lord had the gardener (plant) trees (get) shadow.
17. She was afraid (tell) her parents the truth.
18. Jack suggested (take) me one flat and (keep) the other for me.
But Tom advised me (sell) the whole house.
19. They let us (park) motgrcycles here but they don’t allow us
(park) cars.
20. If you want the milkman (le av e ) you milk in the morning, don’t
forget (put) a milk bottle outside.


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III. Use the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses in the

following sentences:

1. It’s no use (wait).

2. I have (see) a child (cry).
3. Gravity makes water (run) downhill.
4. Gravity keeps the moon (travel) around the earth instead of
(shoot) o ff into space.
5. It’s difficult (get) used to (eat) with chopsticks.
6. I prefer (drive) to (ride).
7. I don’t enjoy (go) to the dentist.
8. I’ve never heard Tom (swear).
9. You’ll never regret (do) a kind action.
10. I’ll remember (send) you a postcard when I reach London.
11. You seem (know) this area very well. Yes, I used (live) here.
12. Do you feel like (go) to a film or would you rather (stay) at
13. I’m looking forward to (see) you.
14. He warned her (not touch) the wire.
15. Would you mind (show) me how (work) the lift?
16. If you go on (let) the dog (rim) after cars, he’ll end up by (be)
run over.
17. Do stop (talk), I’m trying (finish) a letter.
18. Ask him (come) m. Don’t keep him (stand) at the door.
19. There are people who can’t help (laugh) when they see someone
(slip) on a banana skin.
20. Oh! I can feel som ething (crawl) up my leg. It must be an


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* So tu bao gom 2 loai: so dem va so thu tu.

I. So dem (cardinal numbers) chi nhufng con so nhvf:

one, two, three,... seventy five, ninety one, a hundred, one
hundred and forty six, a thousand,...
Chu y:
- “ Hundred, thousand, m illion...” khong co hinh thufc so
nhieu khi la so dem.
five thousand books = 5,000 books
three hundred cars = 300 cars
hundreds of: hang tram
thousands of: hang ngan
+ Cach viet chut “fourteen” va “forty”
+ Cach viet chii “three” va “thirteen” ; “five” va fifteen”.
+ Khi dpc phai nhan manh tren van “teen”, con tan cung 1& “ty” thi
doc nhe.
Vi du: fifteen ’fifty
nineteen ’ninety


1. GiiCa hang chuc va hang don vi co gach noi
Vi du: 21 = twenty-one
22 - twenty-two
23 = twenty-three
33 = thirty-three
44 = forty-four
2. Co “and.” noi giita “hundred” va hang chuc
510 = five hundred and ten


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620 = six hundred and twenty

730 = seven hundred and thirty
3. Co “a n d ” ndi giua “ hundred” va hang don vi
VI du: 804 = eight hundred and four
806 = eight hundred and six
907 = night hundred and seven
4. Co “a n d ” noi giUa “thousand” va hang chuc hay hang
don vi
Vi du: 3,015 = three thousand and fifteen
4,016 = four thousand and sixteen
5,007 = five thousand and seven
16,019 = sixteen thousand and nineteen
17,009 =seventeen thousand and nine
5. Givta “thousand” va “hundred” khong co “a n d ”
Vi du: 3,200 = three thousand two hundred
4,300 = four thousand three hundred
5,421 = five thousand four hundred and twenty-one
6. Giong nhu tieng Viet “tram ”, “nghin”, “trieu ” khong bao
gib dupe viet trong: nhung phai co “a ” hoac “on e” di trUbc
nhilng tieng hundred, thousand, million.
7. Ba tieng: hundred, thousand, million khong thay doi
Vi du: 100 = one hundred
200 = two hundred
1,000 = one thousand
3, 000 = three thousand
1.000.000 = one million.
4.000.000 = four million. . . .
Chu v: Khi nao ba tieng ay d hinh thvfc so nhieu, bao giof
cung co o f theo sau, luc do chung co nghia la: hang...
Vi du: hundreds of books: hang tram cuon sach


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thousands of birds: hang ngan con chim

millions of people: hang trieu ngUdi
8. Anh, My diing dau ph dy (,) de phan titng ba con so, con
Phdp lai dung dau cham(.)
Vi du:
Anh, My Phap
1,000 1.000
1, 000,000 2 . 000.000
4,000,000 4.000.000


1. So chi n ie n hieu: De tranh khoi phai doc tieng hundred,
thousand thudng dai dong va nang ne, ngUdi ta thUdng doc tat cac
so' chi nien hieu nhu sau:
Vi du:
1960 = nineteen sixty
1964 = nineteen sixty-four
1789 = seventeen eighty-nine
2. So dien thoai doc tifng so' le nhu sau
3705 = three, seven, o, five
2589 = two, five, eight, nine
3. Cach doc so khong
a. Trong so hoc, doc la nought (no.t)
b. Tren han thu bieu, doc la zero
c. Trong so' dien thoai, doc la oh
4. Cach doc “phan tram”
Vi du:
5% = five per cent
7% = seven per cent
5. Cach noi gid


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3.15 —three fifteen

4.45 = four forty five

1. “ca hai” dich la “ both”
a. “both” di trUdc danh tif.
Vi du: Both (the) boys talk in the class-room.
(Ca hai cau nam smh noi chuyen trong 16p hoc)
b. “Both” , di sau dai tvf nhan xUng: khi dai ti* nhan xUng la chu
Vi du: + We both like him.
(Ca hai chung toi deu thich no)
+ They both go to school.
(Ca hai chung no deu di hoc)
c. Khi dai tif nhan xiing la bo ngii ta dung hinh thiic: “both o f ’
Vi du: + He likes both of us.
(No thich ca hai chung toi)
+ I beat both of them.
(Toi danh ca hai chung no)
d. “ Both” co the diing mot minh lam chu ngii
Vi du: Both are still alive.
(Ca hai deu con song)
2. Cach dem so nhan
mot lan = once
hai l£n = twice
ba lan = three times (hoac thrice)
bon l^n = four tim es
nam lan = five times
sau lan = six times
3. Chti “ Billion” co hai nghia:


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- Doi v6i ngUdi Anh. billion = 1,000,000,000,000 (mot tneu trieu)

Doi v6i ngUdi My, billion = 1,000,000,000 (mot ngan tneu)

II. S d thvf tvf (o r d in a l n u m b e rs) d u n g d e c h i c a c thti tif nhvf:

l«i first 20lh ’ twentieth
2nd second 21st twenty-first
3rd third 22"° twenty-second
4th fourth 23rd twenty-third
5th fifth 24th twenty fourth
6th sixth 30th thirtieth
yth seventh 319t thirty-first
8th eighth 40lh fortieth
9th ninth 50th fiftieth
10th tenth 60th sixtieth
11th eleventh 70u, seventieth
12th twelfth 80th eightieth
13 th thirteenth 90th ninetieth
14th fourteenth 100lh (one) hundredth
15th fifteenth 101st (one) hundred and first
16th sixteenth 200th two hundredth
17th seventeenth 1,000th (one) thousandth
18 th eighteenth 2,000th two thousandth
19th nineteenth 1,000,000th (one) millionth
2,000,000th two millionth


Q u y t&c I: T h e m “ th ” sa u sd d e m de ta o th a n h s d th ti ttf.
Vi du: four —» the fourth
six —> the sixth
seven - » the seventh


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Trvf ba tieng:
one —» the first
two —> the second
three -> the third
Chu y:
a. Nhiing so' dem hang chuc t&n cung bang “y” , phai doi thanh
“ie” roi m6i them “th”.
Vi du:
twenty —> the twentieth
thirty —» the thirtieth
forty —> the fortieth
b. Nhiing so" dem t£n cung bang “ve” , phai doi ra “f” roi m6i them
Vi du:
twelve —> the twelfth
five —> the fifth
c. Rieng chii “nine” bo “e” di roi m6i them “th” ; rieng chii “eight”
chi them “h” ma thoi.
nine —> ninth
eight - » eighth

Quy tkc II: 0 nhufng so kep, chi co tieng cuoi cung nhan
hinh thtic so thtf tvf ma thoi.
Vi du:
twenty-three -» the twenty-third
forty-five -> the forty-fifth.
two hundred and sixty six -» the two hundred and sixty-sixth

Quy tac III: Bao giof cung co “the” dufng tru’dc so thuf tvf.


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1. So thuf tuf dung de dem thtf tvf hoac de xep loai:
Vi du: + I am the second son in the family.
Toi la ngUdi con trai thii hai trong gia dinh.
+ This wine is of the first quality.
Rudu nay la loai hao hang.
2. So thii tii con dung de de ngay trong thang:
Vi du: March 24lh doc la March the twenty fourth, hoac the
twenty-fourth of March.
3. So thii tii cung dung de de chiiofng sach:
V-i du: Chapter IV doc la Chapter four, hoac Chapter the fourth.
4. So' thuf tvf dung de chi thii tii thifa ke cac vi vua:
Vi du: George V doc la George the fifth.
5. Sau het, so thu* tii dung trong phan so:
Trong moi phan so, tii so la mot so dem, mau so' la so' thii tU.
Vi du: 2/3 = two thirds: hai phan ba.
3/4 = three fourths: ba phan tu
4/5 = four fifths: bon ph&n nam

Chu y:
a. Cach d<pc 1/2:
1/2 doc la one half
VI2 doc la one and a half
1/2 inches doc la half an inch
3 ’72 inches doc la three inches and a half
hoac three and a half inches
Nila gid = half an hour
Mot gid rudi = an hour and a half
b. Cach doc 1/4: Co hai cach doc
+ Trong so' hoc 1/4 dpc la one fourth.


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+ Trong cac trUdng hdp khac, 1/4 doc la a quarter.

Vi du: A quarter of an hour: Mot khSc dong ho.
A quarter of the cake: Mot ph&n til cai banh ngot.
c. Phai nhd noi chuf “and” giufa so chan va phan so.
Vi du:
23/4 = two and three fourths.
34/5 = three and four fifths.
67/9 = six and seven ninths


So' thii tii di trUdc so dem.
Vi du: + My fust two sons.
Hai ngvfdi con trai dau cua toi.
+ His first five novels.
Nam cuon tieu thuyet d^u tien cua ong ay.
* Ca so dem Idn so'thii tit deu co chiic nang nhiC mot danh til hoac
tinh ti/ trong cdu:
Ex: + “Will you have another cup of tea?” “No, thanks. Tve had two” .
+ There were three questions in the test. The second was
particularly difficult.
+ We had three visitors that day. The first visitor to arrive
was my aunt Milly.


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9. PREPOSITIONS (G id i T lf)

I. Gidi tif la nhvfng tvf dvfcfc dung vdi danh tvf (hoac dai til,
danh dong tvf) de chi svf lien he giufa cac tvf ay vdi cac tii
khac trong cau.
Ex: The book is on the table.
—> Gidi tir “on” de dien ta svf lien he gitia danh tU “book” va danh tif
“table” .

II. Cac hinh thdc cua gidi tvf:

1. Gidi tif co the la nhufng tvf ddn nhvf:
in, on, of, for, before, behind, across, inside, within...
Ex: She arrived before lunch.
2. Gidi tif co the la mot nguf (bao gom 2 til trd len) nhii:
because of, thanks to, due to, in front of, owing to, but for ...
Ex: She was absent yesterday because of her illness.
3. Gidi tii co the la svf ket hdp giufa “ gidi ti/ + danh tvf + gidi
tvf” nhvf:
in addition to, on top of, on account of, in view of, in constrast
with, with respect to ...
Ex: In addition to the news, TV stations broadcast a lot of other
interesting programmes.

III. Cach dung cua gidi tvf:

Co the noi phan gay khong it kho khan cho ngUdi hoc tieng Anh
co le la gidi tu’ bdi gidi tvf khong co mot nghia nhat dinh ma ta chi
biet nghia cua no thong qua mot tinh huong hoac cau true nao do,
d day chung ta tam phan loai gidi tii nhu sau:
1. Gidi tvf dien ta dia diem:


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About (quanh quan), above (tren), across (ngang), along (doc

theo), among (trong so), at (tai), by (canh), before (trUdc), behind
(sau), below, beneath (dudi), beside (ben canh), between (giula hai),
beyond (ben kia), down (dudi), from (tu:), in (trong), inside (ben
trong), into (vao trong), near (gan), on (tren), past (qua), round
(quanh), through (xuyen qua, suot), to (den), towards (tien t6i),
under (du6i), up (tren, len), at the back of (d dang sau), in the front
of (d dang trU6c), at the side of (d ben), at the top of (d tren dinh),
at the bettom of (d dUdi day), at the beginning of (d dau), at the
end of (d cuoi), away from (xa khoi), far from (cach xa), in front of
(trUdc), in the middle of (d giufa), out of (d ngoai) ...

2. Gidi tif dien ta thdi gian:

About (khoang chUng), after (sau khi), at (vao luc), by (vao
khoang), before (trU6c luc), betw een (gnia), during (trong suot), for
(trong khoang), from (tii), in (trong, vao), on (vao), since (tti khi),
till (cho den), throughout (tron), to (den), at the time of (vao luc)...

* Thudng thi cac gidi til “at, by, on" chi diem thdi gian nhiC:
at six o’clock
by two o’clock
on Tuesday
on 20th August
* Cac gidi til “after, before, by, in, since, till (untill)" chi khoang
thdi gian:
after the New Year
in the morning

3. Gidi tif di£n ta muc dich:

“to, in order to, so as to ” -> di vdi mot dong til nguyen mau.
“for" -> di vdi mot “V-ing ” .


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Ex: He stood up to see better.

Money is used for buying and selling goods.

Li/u y:
* Chu y sU khac biet gii2a cac gi6i tvf sau:
+ “Among, between” : giiia.
Between: giuta hai v&t, hai ngildi hoac hai sU viec
Among: giiita nhieu cai, nhieu ngildi.
Ex: The little child sat between his mum and dad.
Share these sweets among the five children.
+ “At, in” : dung de chi dia diem nhiing “at” thiidng dung cho
cac thanh phd nho, “ in” cho cac thanh pho Idn, do thi, mien,

Ex: I’m living at Tan Binh district jn Ho Chi Minh City.

He has just arrived at the station.
+ “ Beside” : ben canh; “besides”: ngoai ra, va lai, hdn nfla.
Ex: He was standing just beside me.
No one besides me could like him.

* Nhvtng cum tii thudng diing vdi “o n ”:

on holiday, on business, on a trip, on a tour, on a cruise, on
television, on the radio, on the phone, on strike, on a diet, on
fire, on the whole, on purpose...
* Nhung cum tit vdi “in ”:
m the rain, in the sun, in the shade, in the dark, in bad
weather, in ink, in pencil, in words, in figures, in cash, in love
with, in one’s opinion...


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I. Prepositions used for Time and for Place: (Gidi tti dtfcfc
suf dung cho thdi gian va noi chon)
1. AT
* For time: (cho thdi gian)
AT dUdc dung trUdc cac cu m tvf chi thdi gian sau:
at 4 o’clock, at 5 pm , at 1 am (gid)
at night
at Christmas, at Easter, at Whitsun
at once (ngay lap ttic)
at last (cuoi cung)
at the moment (bay gid)
at present (bay gid, cl hien tai)
at weekends (vao nhutng ngay cuoi tuan)
* For place: (cho ncri chon)
at home
at the theatre
at the seaside
at the grocer’s, at the hairdresser’s, at the doctor’s...
at school
at the com er of the street
at the top
at the bottom
at the foot of the page
at the beginning, at the end (of the lesson...)
at the shop
(To arrive) at the airport, railway station...


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Lvfu y : Dong tif “ arrive” di vdi gidi tif at thifdng de chi

nhufng nOi nho, khong diftfc dung vdi thanh pho ldn hay dat
arrive in + thanh pho 16n/ dat nude.
2. IN
* For time: IN diiOc diing trilOc:
Nam: in 1980, in 1970, in 2000...
Thang: in June, in May, m August...
Mua: m Spring, in Summer, in Winter, in Autumn.
Buoi: (ngoai trif AT NIGHT va AT NOON (vao buoi trUa)): in
the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.
- IN TIME: dung gid
Ex: He came to the party in tim e.
* For place:
IN: d trong
Ex: + in the dining-room
+ in the box
+ m the desk
IN: dUdc dung trUdc cac thanh pho, d3it nU6c, mien, phtfdng
h u 6n g...
Ex: + in London, in Pans, in Hanoi
+ in Vietnam, in England, in France
+ in the east, m the north...
IN THE STREET : tren dudng
IN MY OPINION : theo y toi
IN GOOD WEATHER : trong thdi tiet tot
IN (THE) NEWSPAPER trong bao
IN THE (a) MIDDLE OF (the room) : d giiia (phong)
IN ENGLISH, GERMAN... : bang tieng Anh, Dilc...


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3. ON :
* For time:
ON diidc dung trUdc thii (ngay trong tuAn).
Ex: on Sunday, on Monday, on Tuesday...
ON dUdc dung trUdc ngay thang.
Ex: + My birthday is on June 10th.
-f She is gding to leave her country on May 16°'.
ON TIME: dung gid (chinh xac).
Ex: The film was shown on tim e.
* For place:
ON: d tren
Ex: + There is a book on the table.
+ There are two lights on the wall.
+ The pen is on the floor.
- ON HORSEBACK: tren itfng ngua
ON FOOT: bang chan (bang di bo)
Ex: I often go to school on foot.
- ON THE BEACH (tren bai bien)

4. BY
BY dUdc dung trong cau bi dong chi ngUdi gay ra hanh dong
trong cau (BY co nghia la bdi...)
Ex: + The letter was written by Mary.
+ The picture is drawn by a famous artist.
+ The cake was made by my mother.
- BY dUdc dung de chi phiidng tien di lai (BY: b&ng (xe dap, may
Ex: + I often go to school by bicycle.
+ Tom cam e here by bus.


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+ My uncle came there by air.

- BY THE TIME : tnl6c khi
- BY CHANCE : tinh cd
LEARN BY HEART : h<?c thuoc long

5. T O
TO thudng dUdc dung sau dong tvf GO (go to: di den)
Ex: + I’m going to the cinema now.
+ We went to the zoo yesterday.
Lu’u y : “ go hom e” khong dung TO
Ex: I’m going hom e.
TO thudng dUdc dung de chi sU di chuyen (tdi).
Ex: + My father used to take me to the circus when we lived in
+ Mary invited Daisy to her birthday party last Sunday.

6. IN TO :
INTO co nghia la vao trong, dUdc dung sau cac dong til: GO,
PUT, GET, FALL (rdi nga), JUMP (nhay), COME...
Ex: + I’m gding into the dining-room.
+ Tom put the pen into the drawer last night.
+ I got into the train then.
+ He fell into the river yesterday.
+ He jum ped into the river and swam.
+ Come into the house, please.
INTO con dUdc dung de chi sU thay doi cua dieu kien hoac ket
Ex: + The rain changed into snow.
+ She burst into tears.
INTO con co nghia chong lai (against)
Ex: He crashed his car into the wall-


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INTO dung trong toan noc co nghia la dUdc chia.

Ex: 5 into 25 equals 5 (= 25 devuled by 5 equals 5)

7. OUT OF: Ra kh6i

Ex: He cam e out of the house.
He was looking out of the window.

8. W ITH :
WITH co nghia la co, mang cung (having, carrying)
Ex: + a coat with two pockets.
+ a girl with blue eyes.
WITH dUdc dung de chi mot cong cu, phUdng tien...
Ex: + I often write with a pen.
+ Carry it with both hands.
WITH dtfdc dung de chi sU lien he hoac dong hanh. No co nghia
cung vdi .
Ex: + I’m living with my parents.
+ Is there anyone with you or are you alone?
+ She often quarrels with them.
WITH con co nghia la “v6i”.
Ex: + Do you agree with me?
+ You should sym pathize with her.
+ Be patient with them.

UNDER co nghia la “d du6i” de chi vi tri phia dUdi mot vat.
Ex: + The cat was under the table.
+ She hid the novel under the pillow so that her father
wouldn’t see it.
UNDER con co nghia la it hdn, thap hon.

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Ex: + Children under fourteen years of age shouldn't see such a

+ The incomes under $2,000 a year made him poor.
UNDER dUdc dung de chi nhiing dieu kien khac.
Ex: + The road is under repair. (= The road is being repaired)
+ They are under discussion. (= They are being discussed)
+ The robbery is under investigation. (= The robbery is
being investigated)

II. Prepositions Following Adjectives:

(Gi&i tii theo sau cac tinh til)
1. OF
ashamed of xau ho ve
afraid of sd, e ngai
ahead of trU6c
aware of nh^n thiic
capable of co kha nang
confident of tin tiidng
doubtful of nghi ngd
fond of thich
full of day
hopeful of hy vong
independent of doc lap
proud of tu hao
jealous of ghen ty vdi
guilty of pham toi (ve), co toi
sick of chan nan ve
joyful vui mufng ve
quick of mau, nhanh chong ve


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2. TO
acceptablc to co the chap nhan
accustomed to quen vdi
agreeable to co the dong y
addicted to dam me
delightful to sb thu vi doi vdi ai
familiar to sb quen thuoc doi vdi ai
clear to ro rang
contrary to trai lai. doi lap
equal to tUdng dUdng vdi. bang
favourable to tan thanh, ung ho
grateful to sb biet dn ai
harmful to sb (for sth) co hai cho ai (cho cai gi)
important to quan trnng
likely to co the
lucky to may man
next to ke ben
open to md
pleasant to hai long
preferable to dang thich ho'n
profitable to co ldi
rude to tho lo, coc can
similar to giong, tUdng til
useful to sb co ich cho ai
necessary to sth/sb c in thiet cho viec gi. cho
available to sb san cho ai
responsible to sb co trach nhiem vdi ai

3. FO R
available for sth : co san (cai gi...)
difficult for kho

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late for tre

dangerous for nguy hiem
famous for noi tieng
greedy for tham lam
necessary for d in thiet
perfect for hoan hao
suitable for thich hdp
sorry for xm loi
qualified for co ph&m chEtt
helpful/useful for co ldi, co ich
good for tot cho
grateful for sth biet dn ve viec
convenient for thu&n ldi cho
ready for sth san sang cho viec gi
responsible for sth chiu trach nhiem ve viec gi

4. A T
good at gioi (ve...)
bad at dd (ve...)
clever at kh6o 16o
skilful at kh6o 16o, co ky nang ve
quick at nhanh
amazed at ngac nhien
amused at vui ve
excellent at xuat sac ve
present at hien dien
surprised at ngac nhien
angry at sth gian ve dieu gi
clumsy at vung ve
annoy at sth kho chiu ve dieu gi


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delighted with vui mting vdi
acquainted with lam quen (vdi ai)
crowded with dong due
angry with gian dut
friendly with than mat
bored with chan
fed up with chan
busy with ban
familiar with quen thuoc
furious with phan no
pleased with hai long
popular with pho bien
satisfied with thoa man vdi
contrasted with tUOng phan vdi

confused about boi roi (ve...)
excited about hao hCtng
happy about hanh phuc, vui
sad about buon
serious about nghiem tuc
upset about that vong
worried about lo lang
anxious about lo lang
disappointed about sth lo lang ve viec gi

7. IN
interested in thich. quan tam (ve...)
rich in giau (ve...)
successful in thanh cong (ve...)


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confident in sb tin cay vao ai

isolated from bi co l^p
absent from vang mat (khui...)
different from khac
far from xa
safe from an toan
divorced from ly di, lam xa rdi

9. ON
- keen on: hang hai ve..
Lvfu y: Sau gidi tvf ta thifdng dung V-ing hoac Noun

10. Mot sd trvfdng hofp can lvfu y

* be tired of: chan
* be tired from: met i>i
Lx: + I’m tired of doing the same work every day.
+ I'm tired from walking for a long time.
* be grateful to sb for sth.: biet On ai ve van de gi.
Ex: I’m grateful to you for your help
v be responsible to sb for sth.: chiu trach nhicm vdi ai ve viec
Ex: You have to be responsible to me for your actions.
* good/bad for: tot/xdu cho...; good/bad at: gioi/da ve...
Ex: + Milk is good for health.
+ It’s very kind of you to help me.

III. Prepositions following verbs/ Two-word verbs

Sau day la mot so gidi tu theo sau cac dong tu thudng gap:

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apologize sb for sth xin loi ai ve mot viec...

admire sb of sth kham phuc ai ve mot viec...
belong to sb thuoc ve ai...
accuse sb of sth to cao ai ve mot viec
blame sb for sth do loi cho ai ve mot viec gi do
congratulate sb on sth chuc mitng ai ve mot viec
differ from khac vdi
introduce to sb gidi thieu vdi ai
give up tiuf bo
look at nhin vao
look after cham soc, trong nom
look for tim kiem
look up tra tut (trong tti dien)
look forward to mong ddi
put on mang vao, mac vac
put off hoan lai
stand for tUdng trUng
call off huy bo, hoan bo
object to sb/V-mg phan doi ai/viec gi...
infer from suy ra til...
approve of sth to sb dong y ve viec gi vdi ai
participate m tham gia
succeed in thanh cong ve
prevent sb from ngan ai
provide with cung cap
agree with dong y vdi
beg for sth van nai cno. xin
borrow sth from sb mUdn cai gi cua ai
depend on/rely on diia vao, phu thuoc vao
die of (a disease) chet vi (mot can benlO
loin in tham gia vao


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escape from thoat khoi

insist on khang khane
change into, turn into : hoa ra
wait for sb : chd ai
im v e at (station, bus. stop, airport...) -> dia diem nho
arrive m (London. Paris, England. Vietnam. France...)
thanh pho, dat nUdc.

I. Fill in th e m issing prepositions:

1. I shall meet y o u ............ the co rn e r.............. the street.

2. I always c o m e ............. sch o o l................ foot.
3. It never snows h e r e ...............Christmas.
4. The country looks b e a u tifu l............... spring.
5. I can see v o u ............. Monday.
6. I liv e ............ the country, but she liv e s ............... the seaside.
7. Have you any m o n e y
8. He always c o m e s ...............bus.
9. I don’t like getting u p ................ the morning.
10. He had learned the whole p o e m ............... heart.
11. This book i s ...............Dickens.
12. Is Miss S m ith ...............home?
13. I have b rea k fa st............... 7:30 every morning.
14. Can you translate t h a t ...............German.
].o. My birthday i s ............... May 5'\
16. My birthday i s ...............the 5th.
17. They c o m e ............. the room.


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8. I like sw im m in g ................summer.
9. We get a lot of r a in ................November.
0. He never c o m e s ............. time for the class.
1. I’ m very b u s y ...............present.
:2. I have no t im e ...............the moment.
!3. He was sta n d in g .............. the middle of the room.
!4. Please write your n a m e ..............the top of the page.
!5. There is voca b u la ry ...............the end of the book.
!6.1 shall see h e r ...............the beginning of the week.
17. What would that b e ................German?
!8.............. my opinion, it is a very good book.
!9. She i s ................the garden.
50. We are g o in g ...............the theatre this evening.
!1. The train a rriv e s...............Victoria sta tio n ................. 4.30.
!2. Please tell m e ............. once.
!3. I waited for half an hour, a n d ............. last she came.
34. The book i s ...............the table.
35. He is sittin g armchair.
36. The picture i s ...............the wall.
37. I put my h a n d s .............. my pockets.
38. She is d rin k in g ..............a cup.
39. She took ten sh illin g s................ her bag.
10. For the last few days I haven’t been able to s le e p ............ night.
11. She always a g r e e s ...............everything he says.
12. Are you a cq u a in te d ..............the lady?
13. You will soon get a ccu stom ed ............. English cooking.
14. She is very a n g r y .............. me.
15. I a p olog ize ..............keeping you waiting.
16. The dog b e g g e d ...............a piece of cake.
17. Does this b e lo n e
48. She always borrows m o n e y ............. me.


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49. My cat is very fo n d ............ , fish.

50. I'm very g ra te fu l............ her ...............her help.
51. The room was fu ll...............people.
52. I’m quite d ifferen t...............her.
53. She in sists............ coming.
54. He is quite in ca p a b le...............such a thing.
55. I should like to be independen t...............everyone.
56. May I introduce y o u ..............Miss Brown?
57. What prevented y o u ............ coming earlier9
58. Are you in terested ..............literature?
59. She is very je a lo u s ...............her sister.
60. W on’t you jo in ..............the game?
61. Clean air provides u s ..............a healthy supply of oxygen.
62. I’m very so rr y ...............what I have done.
63. His son su cceeded ...............the throne.
64. My hai is quite sim ila r..............yours.
65. I’m tir e d ............. waiting for her.
66. I’m so w o rrie d ............. my sister who is ill.
67. It is very b a d ............ you to eat so quickly.
68. I’m not g o o d ............ tennis.
69. My birthday i s .............. the fir s t ............... the month.
70. This will come in very u s e fu l...............her.
71. O u t ............. sight, o u t ............... mind.
72. The sun r is e s ...............the east, and s e t s .............. the west.
73. Were your friends su ccessfu l......getting a loan from the bank.
74. I’m sure the explanation in the book will be quite c le a r ...........
75. Miss White was very u p s e t ........the news of her father’s death.
76. I'm not fa m ilia r...............his name.
77. We were very grateful .............. our friends .............. all of their


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78. Don t you think you should try to be friendly ............. your
79. Mr Green is resp on sible..............hiring employees.
80. That type of music is quite p op u la r.............. teenage boys and
81. My daily expenses are just about e q u a l.............. my income
82. Fred is capable ............. doing better work than he is doing at
83. We were very d o u b tfu l............. his ability.
84. Ken was proud ...............his good marks on English.
85. My plan is similar ................ yours, but it is different ...............
86. Piere said he had becom e quite fonu ................ American
87. We are still hopeful .............. hearing from our friends before
88. That fashion magazine is f u ll................advertising for women’s
89. This gloves aren’t very su ita b le............. that kind of work.
90. They were h a p p y ..............the results of the eieciion.
91. It was certainly k in d to help me.
92. Mrs Brown is often w o rrie d ............. money.
93. Her parents are very p le a s e d ............. her French.
94. I’m not in terested .............. politics.
95. She was sad because he was r u d e .............. her.
96. She was a n g r y ..............Tom.
97. Travelling by air is p re fe ra b le ............... travelluig by train.
98. Thank you. You are k in d ............... me.
99. Everybody was su rp rise d ...............the news.
100. I was delighted .............. the present you gave me.
101. Are you e x cite d ..............going on holiday next week?


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102. Tom is e x cellen t................repairing thmes.

103. You get b o r e d ................doing the same thine everv day.
104. I’m sure you are ca p a b le ...............tourists.
105. Mary is very fo n d ..............animals.
106. Ann wasn’t very k e e n ................ going out in the rain, so we
stayed at home.
107. Hurry, or you’ll be l a t e
108. Were they p re se n t...............the meeting.
109. Jane was a b se n t............ class yesterday.
110. She was confused ...............the dates.
111. The house was cr o w e d ...............students.
112. Miss W'hite is very k in d .............. her colleagues.
113. She is a ccu stom ed ................rising early.
114. He was su ccessfu l................ his job.
] 15. Tom is very q u ic k ................. maths.
116. I’m rather anxious ................ her, I haven't received a letter
from her.
117. He was s a d ............... his failure.
118. This country is r ic h ..............oil.
119. I explained the problem ............ the police.
120. The museum is now o p e n ...............all visitors.
121. Smoking is h a rm fu l..............your health.
122. Are you a fra id ............. snakes?
123. Is she se rio u s...............learning to be a pilot.
124. Is this matter im p ortan
125. I just couldn’t believe what he said. It was c o n tra ry ..............
his thought.
126. Don’t give up hope yet. Be co n fid e n t...............the success.
127. Please wait here. I’ll have some tickets a v a ila b le ........them.
128. Make yourself u s e fu l..............others.
129. It’s very k in d to help them.


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130. Hurry up, or you’ll be la t e

131. He said he had g iv e n ...............drinking.
132. Don’t p u t ..............until tomorrow what you can do today.
133. What does NATO s ta n d ...............?
134. This is a different c a r ..............the one 1 drove yesterday.
135. Everyone is a w a r e ...............air pollution.
136. This building b e lo n g s...............those who live in it.
137. They are g o o d ...............learning English.
138. A man usually takes off his hat when he is in trod u ced ..........
a woman or a g ir l ...............the street.
139. Drinking is h a rm fu l................ your health.
140. The police said a notorious criminal was involved ............
the robbery.
141. He has w a ite d ...............her for a long time.
142. I a g r e e completely.
143. His opinion d iffe rs............... mine.
144. She said that she had been absent ............... school the day
145. There were c r o w d s ...............people in the park yesterday.
146. You can’t r e ly .............the post. It’s always late.'
147. The convict e s ca p e d ................pnson.
148. I’m fed u p ............... mv job.
149. My parents are p le a s e d result.
150. I think you are q u a lified ...............this job.
151. Mr Smith is very k in d
152. We are p le a se d ...............the result of our work.
153. We are co n fid e n t...............the success.
154. Many people d ie d .............the way, when crossing the plams.
155. 1 accused h im .............stealing my scooter.
156. Hue is fa m o u s ................ its historical vestiges.
157. My mother is always b u s y ................her housework.


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158. Dirty air is h a rm fu l........... . health.

159. We are p r o u d .............. our people’s heroic tradition.
160. The teacher’s advice is p rofita b le................. the students.
161 The streets are cro w d e d .................vehicles at the rush hour.
162. The climate of our country is fa vora ble...............aenculture.
163. The air at the seaside is g o o d
164. Everything he said was la u g h ed ...............
165. John is sk ilfu l............... dancing.
166. This opportunity is lu c k y ................ us.
167. I’m not a cqu ain ted ...............those fellows.
168. Mr Smith is not accu stom ed weather.
169. Your words are co n tra ry ............. your acts.
170. My home is f a r ............. school.
171. We congratulated h im ............. his success.
172. Many young people want to be independent ............ their
173. We are g ra te fu l.............. our teacher.
174. I’m in terested ............. current events.
175. Your profession is s im ila r............... mine.
176. This chemical is d an gerou s............... humans.
177. This work is not su ita b le .............. him.
178. Her voice sounds fa m ilia r............... me.
179. My house is n e x t ...............the post office.
180. This man is g re e d y ............... fame.
181. I was a b s e n t............. class yesterday.
182. Children are fo n d ..............candies.
183. Teachers are resp on sible.............. the principal ........... their
184. The beach is f u ll............... tourists in summer.
185. We are p re se n t...............the lecture yesterday.
186. We must hurry, otherwise we should be l a t e


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187. Air is n e ce ssa ry ....... ....... life.

188. He is frie n d ly ...............everybody.
eitti 189. The day seems p e rfe ct.............. a picnic
shin 190. That singer has become very p o p u la r.............. the youth.
rvciiti 191- This sweater will keep you s a fe .............. the cold.
192. She said she came two hours ahead ................ the performing
193. Everything looks s a d ..............autumn.
194. Your plan will be a cce p ta b le............. some respect.
195. Was she a w a r e ............... not doing anything co n tra ry ...........
her parents’ expectations9
196. The lesson was difficult ............... us. but the teacher was
ca p a b le .............. making us understand it thoroughly.
197. My brother wasn't con fid en t............... passing the exam.
198. After many months of living m Canada he got accustomed
................. the cold.
199. He was a b s e n yesterday because he was ill.
200. We are a sh a m e d ...............his behaviour.

II. Write the correct prepositions in the following passage.

( 1 ) ............. the summer, we went (2) ............ the beach every

day. We stayed (3) .............. a lovely hotel right (4) ............ tne
beach. (5) ............... the morning we would get up (6) ............ 9.30,
have breakfast, and then spend four hours (7) .............. the pool (8)
.............. all the other guests. (9) .............. lunch we would eat
something light like sandwiches and fruit. (10) .............. the
afternoon we would return to the pool area.

III. Hoan chinh cac cau voi “ in, at hoac on .

1. W rite your n a m e ...............the top of the page.


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2. I like that picture hanging ............the w a ll............... the kitchen.

3. There was an a ccid en t............. the crossroads this morning.
4. 1 wasn t sure whether 1 had come to the right office. There was
no n a m e ...............the door.
5................the end of the street there is a path leading to the river
6. You’ll find the sports results ................. the back page of the
7. I w ouldn’t like an office job. I couldn’t spend the whole day
sittin g ..............a desk.
8. My brother lives ............. a small village ............... the south­
west of England.
9. The man the police are looking for has a s c a r .............. his right
10. Nicola was wearing a silver r in g ..............her little finger.
11. It can be dangerous when children p la y ..............the street.
12. If you walk to the end of the street, you’ll see a small shop
the corner.
13. Is T o m ..............this photograph? I can’t find him.
14. My office i s .............. the first floor. It’s ...............the left as you
come out of the lift.
15. We normally use the front entrance but there’s another
en tra n ce ...............the back.
16. Is there anything in terestin g ............. paper today?
17. I love to look up at the s t a r s ...............the sky at night.
18. W hen I’m a passenger in a car, I prefer to s i t ............. the front.
19. It’s a very small village. You probably won't find it ............
your map.
20. Paris i s ...............the Seine river.
21. I didn’t see you ................ the party .............. Saturdav. Where
were you?
22. It was a very slow tram. It stop p ed ...............every station.


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2 3 .1 cion t know where my umbrella is. Perhaps I left it .............

the bus.
24. Shall I t r a v e l...............your car or mine?
25. We stayed .............. a very nice hotel when we were ...............
26. Tom is ill. He wasn’t ................ work today. He was ...............
h o m e ..............bed.
27. I wasn’t ............... home when you phoned. I was ............... my
sister’s house.
28. It’s always too h o t ................ my sister’s house. The heating is
always on too high.
2 9 .1 haven’t seen Kate for some time. I last saw her .............
Dave’s wedding.
30. Paul lives ................ London. He’s a student ............ London

IV. Dien “to, at, in, into” vao cho trong neu can thiet.

1. Three people were t a k e n ................. hospital after the accident.

2. I met Caroline on my w a v ...............home.
3. We left our luggage ............... the station and went to find
something to eat.
4. Shall we take a t a x i...............the station or shall we walk9
5. I must g o .............the bank today to change some money.
,S. The Rhine river flo w s ............... the North sea.
7. I’m tired. As soon as I g e t ..............home, I’m g o in g .............. bed.
3. "Have you got your cam era?” —"No, I left i t ............. home” .
3. Marcel is French. He has just returned ............ France after
two y e a r s ............... Brazil.
10. Have you ever b e e n ..............China?


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11. I had lost my key but I managed to climb ............... the house
through a window.
12. We got stuck in a traffic jam on our w a y ...............the airport.
13. W elcom e...............the hotel. We hope you enjoy your stay here.
14. She g o t ...............the car and drove away.
15. Don’t wait outside. C o m e .............. the house.

V. Dien vao cho trong vdi cac gidi tif “ b y , in, on hoac with”.

1. Who is that man sta n d in g ...............the window?

2. I managed to put the fire o u t ............. a fire extinguisher.
3. These photographs were ta k e n ...............a friend of mine.
4. These photographs were ta k e n ...............a very good camera.
5. I don’t mind going ............... car but I don’t want to go ..........
your car.
6. Shall we get a taxi or shall we g o ................foot?
7. W hat’s that music? I know it’s .............. Beethoven but I can’t
remember what it’s called.
8. There was a small t a b le ...............the b e d .............. a lamp and a
c lo c k
9. Our team lost the game only because of a m ista k e .............. one
of our players.
1 0 .1 didn’t feel like walking home, so I cam e h o m e ...............a taxi.

V I. Dien vao cho trong vdi cac gidi tif thich hofp.

1. My house is n e x t ................the post office.

2. He su cceed ed ...............opening the door.
3. An accident has h ap p en ed ...............that family.
4. I thanked everybod y................all the help they had given me.
5. I can’t d e a l...............this problem.
6. Celia often reminds m e ...............her mother.


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i. I congratulate y o u ..............your success.

8. I can t mix o i l ...............water.
9 Don’t tell a n y o n e ............iu... me.
10. P le a s e .............. English n o t ................Vietnamese.
11. I d like to book a ta b le e lv e ............. 6.30 this evening.
12. The differences ................. British English and American
English are small.
13. It isn’t easy to start lo o k in g ...............a job at her age.
14. We often go to s c h o o l...............the morning.
15. I usually read the newspaper while I’m w a itin g ........... the bus.
16. Janet doesn’t take good c a r e ...............himself.
17. Next month I’m going to S co tla n d ............. a short holiday.
18 There was panic when people realized the building w a s ............
19. The pupils left theu' bicycle le a n in g .............. the wall.
20. I’m a little s h o r t.............. money. Can you lend me some?


Lien tit (conjunctions) la nhiing tit dung de noi nhiing

tit, nhiing cum tii, nhitng menh de hoac nhiing cdu vdi

I. C a c hinh th iic c u a lien tif:

1. Lien tit co the Id nhitng tit dcfn nhit:
“ and. but, or, because, although...”
Ex: He came to see me because he felt happy.
You or I must tell him the truth.
2. Lien tit co the la mot ngit nhit:


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“in order that, as soon as, as if, as though...”

Ex: We will leave as soon as he comes.
3. Lien tit co the la titng cap mot nhit:
“either ... or, neither ... nor, not only ... but also, both ... and,”
Ex: W hat he said was neither kind nor true.
He both writes English and speaks it well.

II. Phan loai lien tvf:

Dita vao vai trd cua lien tit trong cdu, ta co the chia no
lam 2 loai:
1. Co-ordinate conjunctions: noi cac tvf, cac nhom tvf, cac
m enh de hoac cac cau doc lap vdi nhau. Loai lien tvf nay
dvfOc chia lam 4 nhom.
а. Nhom “and’ (va) - ngu y them vao:
Ex: On the table for tea there were biscuits and sandwiches.
The fur coat was soft as well as warm.
Nhom nay gom cac lien tCf nhu: and, both... and. not only... but
also, as well as, furthermore, besides, moreover...
б. Nhom “but” (nhitng) - ngu y mau thuan:
Ex: The car was quite old but, in excellent condition.
Nhom nay gom cac lien tvf nhu: yet, still, however, nevertheless...
c. Nhom “or” (hay, hoac la) - ngu y lita chon hoac doan chitng:
Ex: Take this book or that one.
You must work harder or go into another class.
Nhom nay gom co cac lien tti nhu: either ... or, ortherwise, neither
... nor...
d. Nhom “so” (nen) - ngu y hau qud:
Ex: The rain began to fail, so we went home.
Nhom nay gom co cac lien tii nhu: therefore, consequently...


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2. Subordinate conjunctions: Dung de mof dau mot menh de

phu (menh de danh ti/ hoac menh de trang nguf)
Ex: He said that he would help us.
Ask him when he can come.
Mot so lien til md dau cho mot menh de danh til: that, who,
what, when, how, whether, if...
Mot so lien tU md dau cho mot menh de trang ngii: when,
whenever, while, as soon as, since, until, before, after, where,
if, though, as if...


I. Them lien ti/ (conjunctions) vao cac cho trong sau:

1. He d rin k s................ b e e r ................. wine.

2. I’m going out for a short tim can get supper ready.
3. Those who are not prepared to study should .............. change
their w a y s ............... make room for those who will work.
4. She can’t hope to pass the exam in Decem ber ............... she’ll
have to wait till June.
5. He is seriously i l l , ................ doctors have almost given up hope
of his recovery.
6. They go to concerts of modern m u sic.............. they really like it.
7................... I do not like him very much, I can appreciate his
8. Find o u t .............. they are going this evening ............. ask if we
may join them.
9 ................... I walked into the room, the phone started ringing.
10. W e’ll be la t e ..............we hurry.


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II. Noi cac cau sau dung “Subordinate Conjunctions”.

1. Nam will pass the exam - He studied hard.

2. Mary came to class late - Her motorbike had a puncture.
3. Her mother was very sick - She couldn’t ~ome to class.
4. Tom was very lazy - He passed the final examination as well.
5. Daisy is very nice - All her friends love her very much.
6. Daisy is a very intelligent girl - She always gets the scholarships.
7. We will take the trip. It is stormy.
8. I had forgot locking the door. I drove to the office this morning.
9. We study hard. We want to pass the final examination.
10. She earned her living by selling newspapers. She got a B.A

III. Noi cac cau sau, dung lien tvf dvfOc cho trong ngo&c.

1. She is in London. She is ui Berlin, too. (either... or)

2. He wasn’t an idler. He wasn’t a gambler, (neither ... nor)
3. He isn’t likely to be present at the meeting. I’m not either,
(neither ... nor)
4. The com puter can gather facts. It can store them, (not only ...
but also)
5. This prize will mean an honour for him. It will mean an
honour for us. (not only ... but also)


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I. “A , A N ” : M ot
“A, A n ” co the dvfng trvfdc danh tvf dem dvfdc so it.
Chung dUdc sii dung trong loi noi chung chung hoac de gidi
thieu mot dieu gi chUa dUdc de c&p den trU6c do.
Ex: A baseball is round. (Noi chung moi trai bong deu tron)
I saw a boy in the street. (Chung ta khong biet “boy” nao)
“AN” dvfdc svif dung trvfdc nhifng tvf bat dau bang mot
nguyen am.
“A” dvfdc suf dung trvfdc nhvfng tvf bat dau bang mot phu
Ex: a book, a pen, . . .
an apple, an in k -p o t, . . .
* Co mot so' tit co the gay ra sit nham lan vi cdch viet va cdch doc
khac nhau:
Ex: a house nhung an hour
a university nhvfng an umbrella
* Nhitng tit sau ddy luon ditdc dung vdi “a”:
European house
uniform eulogy
home university
euphemism heavy
universal eucalyptus
half union
* Nhitng tit sau ddy luon luon ditdc dung vdi an :
hour uncle
heir umbrella
herbal unnatural
honor understanding


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C hu y:
an umbrella a white umbrella
an hour a whole hour

“The” dUdc si1 dung de chi sii viec ma chung ta da biet hoac la
mot kien thiic chung, pho bien.
Ex: + The boy in the corner is my friend.
(Ca ngUdi noi lan ngUdi nghe deu biet “boy" nao)
+ The earth is round.
(Chi co duy nhat mot “ earth”)
Vdi nhiing danh tit khong dem dUdc, mao tii “the” dUdc sU dung
de noi ve 1 cai gi day rieng biet, nhung se khong dung mao tii
neu muon chi cai gi chung chung.
Ex: + Sugar is sweet.
(DUdng thi ngot -> noi chung chung)
+ The sugar on the table is from Cuba.
(DUdng ma d tren ban la dudng Cuba —> rieng biet)
Thong thudng, vdi nhiing danh tii dem dUdc so nhieu khi noi
den 1 loai nao do thi khong co “the” di trUdc.
Ex: Oranges are green until they ripen, (all oranges)
Athletes should follow a well-balanced diet, (all athletes)
V6i danh ti* rieng, se co mao tif “the” diing trUdc neu ngUdi noi
muon xac dinh ro.
Ex: The Susan Parker that I know lives is on First Avenue.
Nhiing tii nhu “breakfast, lunch, dinner, school, church, home,
college, work” khong sU dung bat cil mao tif nao neu khong gi6i
han nghia.
Ex: We ate breakfast at eight o’clock this morning.
We went to school yesterday.


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* Sii dung su tong qudt hod sau ddy nhii mot sU chi ddn cho
viec sii dung mao tit “TH E”.

★ Su? dung “THE” vAi:

1. oceans, rivers, seas, gulfs, plural lakes
Ex: the Red Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Persian Gulf, the Great
2. mountains:
Ex: the Rocky Mountains, the Andes
3. earth, moon:
Ex: the earth, the moon
4. schools, colleges, universities when the ph rase begins
with school,...
Ex: the University of Florida
the college of Art and Sciences
5. ordinal num bers before nouns
Ex: the First W orld W ar, the third chapter
6. wars (except world wars)
Ex: the Korean war
7. certain countries or groups o f countries with more than
one word (except Great Britain)
Ex: the United States, the United Kingdom
8. historical docum ents
Ex: the constitution
9. ethnic grou ps
Ex: the Indians


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★ Khong s\i dung “THE” vdi:

1. singular lakes
Ex: Lake Geneva, Lake Erie
2. mounts
Ex: Mount Vesuvius, Mount McKinley
3. planets
Ex: Venus, Mars...
4. schools, college, universities when the phrase begins with
a proper noun
Ex: Hong Bang college
Hung Vuong University
5. cardinal num bers after nouns
Ex: World W ar I, chapter three
6. countries preceded by “N ew ” or an adjective such as a
Ex: New Zealand, South Africa.
7. countries with only one word
Ex: France, Sweden, Vietnam...
8. continents
Ex: Europe, Africa...
9. states
Ex: Florida, Ohio, California...
10. sports
Ex: baseball, basket ball
11. abstract nouns
Ex: freedom, happiness
12. general areas o f subject matter
Ex: mathematics, sociology
13. holidays
Ex: Christmas, Easter


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Dien v a o c h o t r o n g vdi c a c m a o tif th ic h hofp neu c a n th ie t

I. Jason’s father bought h im ...............bicycle that he had wanted

for his birthday.
2...................Statue of Liberty was a g if t ............... of friendship from
...............France t o .................United States.
3. Rita is stu d y in g ............English a n d ............ Math this semester.
4...................judge a s k e d ............... witness to t e l l................ truth.
5. Please give me .............. cup of .............. coffee with ...............
cream a n d ................ sugar.
£>...................big books o n ................. table are for my history class.
7. No one i n .............. Spanish class knew .............. correct answer
t o ................Mrs Brown’s question.
8. M y is four years old, and it still runs well.
9. When you go to ............... store, please buy .............. bottle of
................chocolate milk a n d ............... dozen oranges.
10. There are only .............. few seats left for ............... tonight’s
musical show a t
II. John and Mary went to ................ school yesterday and then
studied i n ............... library before returning home.
12................ Lake Erie is one of ............... five Great Lakes in
............ North America.
13. On our trip t o ............Spam, we crossed .............. Atlantic Ocean.
14.............. M ount Rushm ore is the site of ................ magnificent
tribute t o ............... four great American presidents.
15. What did you eat f o r ...............breakfast this morning0


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16. David played ............... basket ball and ............... baseball at

................ Boy’s club this year.
17. Rita p la y s ...............violin and her sister p la y s ..................guitar.
18. While we were in ................ Alaska, we saw ................. Eskimo
19. Tom can’t go t o .............. movies tonight because he has to write
............. essay.
20. David a tte n d e d ............... Princeton University.
21. Harry has been adm itted to .............. School of Medicine at
................. mid western University.
22. Mel’s grandm other is in ................ hospital, so we went to visit
h e r ...............last night.
.'2 3 ................political science t a k in g ................ trip t o .............
France i n ............:... Spring.
24................ Queen Elizabeth II is ............... monarch of ..............
Great Britain.
25. Scientists sent ............... expedition to ............... Mars during
................ 1990s.
26. Last night there w a s ................bird singing outside my house.
2 7 chair that you are sitting in is broken.
2 8 Civil W ar was fought in .1............ United States
between 1861 and 1865.
2 9 Florida State University is smaller than ..............
University of Florida.
30. There w a s .............knock o n .............. door. I opened it and found
.............. small dark man m .............. blue overcoat and ............
woolen cap.
31. Do you k n o w ................ time?


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Y e s ,.............clock i n ............... hall just struck nine.

Then it isn’t ..............time to go yet.
;32...................b su .i,:n g t o ................. teacher is useful for all of us.
i33. Most o f ............. students working i n ............. garden are tired.
34. He works a s ...............assistant in ................same shop as I do.
35. Do you think I should go t o ...............police?
36. To prevent ............... possible repetition of this accident, I lent
h im ...............torch.
37. Most ............... farmers working hard on their land almost get
nothing for their lifetime.
38. Do you s e e ................ man standing n e a r ...............door.
3 9 .1 told you a b o u t ..............burglary that we had a t ............... shop,
did n’t I?
40..................practising English everyday of all the students in our
class is very necessary.


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Cau dieu kien co hai menh de, mot menh de phu [dependent
clause) bat dau bang if va mot menh de chi'nh (main clause).

R eal c o n d it io n a l s e n te n c e s (ca u d ie u k ie n c o that)

a -F u tu re p o s s ib le (c o th e xa y ra d tu’cfng lai)

I f + S + V ( s i n i p le p r e s e n t ) -f S + W i l l / C a n/ M a y / M u s t + V (i u s i m p l e *onnl_
If I have the money, I will buy a new car.
If I have time, I will go.
If my headache disappears, we can play tennis.

b -H a b itu a l ( th o i q u e n )

; I f + S + V ( s im p le p r e s e n t) + S + V (s im p 1e p r e se n t)
Ann usually walks to school if she has enough time.
If the doctor has morning office hours, he visits his
the hopital in the afternoon.

c -C o m m a n d ( c a u m e n h len h , y e u ca u )

I f + S + V (s im p le p r e s e n t) + C o m m a n d fo r m
If you go to the post office, please mail this letter for me.
Please call me if you hear from Ann.


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2" Prensent unreal conditional sentences (cau dieu kien

khong co that d hien tai)

1 I f ♦ S -f V ( s i m p le p a s t ) t S t W o u l d / C o u l d / M i g h t + V ( i u s i m p l e f o r m ) ]

Trong menh de phu neu co to b e thi dung w e r e cho tat ca cac

If I had time, I would so to the beach with you this wpekend.
If she didn't speak so quickly, I could understand her.
I could go out tonight if I didn't have to study.
If 7 were rich, I would travel around the world.
She would tell you about it if she were here.
If today were Saturday, I could so to the beach.

3- Past unreal conditional sentences ( cau dieu kien khong

co that of qua khtf)

If + S + V (past perfect) + S + W ould/ Could/ Might + IlaveH

+ Past Participle ____________________________ _________
If I hadn't lost my way , I would have arrived sooner.
Ann would have sold the house if she had found the right
If I had known that you were there, I would have written you a
*Note: Co the dung ph6p dao nguf trong P re se n t u n re a l
conditional sentences neu co w e r e va past u n re a l
conditional sentences.
If Ann had found the right buyer, she would have sold the house.
-> Had Ann found the right buyer, she would have sold the
*Menh de dieu kien co the diing trUdc hoac sau menh de ehinh. •


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4- Trong menh de dieu kien, ta co the thay lien td “ IF hang

“ UNLESS” (neu...khong, trd phi). Unless tddng difofng vdi
“ IF NOT” .
+ If you don’t study hard, you’ll fail in the exam.
-> Unless you study hard, you’ll fail in the exam.
+ If she doesn't water these trees, they will die.
—> Unless she waters these trees, they will die.
*Khi ta doi mot cau dieu kien vdi td noi “ IF'” sang
“ UNLESS”, nhd ltfu y trddng hdp menh de “ IP ’ d the khang
dinh khong ddcfc doi sang the phu dinh khi dung UNLESS
ma phai doi menh de chinh sang the ngddc lai.
• If I have time, I’ll help you.
-> Unless I have time, I won’t help you.
• If we had more rain, our crops would grow faster.
—> Unless we had more ram, our crops wouldn’t grow faster.
• If I won a big prize in a lottery, I’d build a school for the poor.
—> Unless I won a big prize in a lottery, I wouldn’t build a
school for the poor.
* Ta co the rut gon lai cong thiic sau :

The phu djnh —> khang dinh ( menh de chinh
khong doi)
_ f y ^
The khang dinh —> khang dinh ( doi dong td trong
_______________________ menh de chinh sang the ngUdc lai) ,

5- Ta cung co the dien ta cau dieu kien ma khong can dung

IF hay UNLESS bang cach dao chu nguf ra sau dong td
W ERE hoac HAD (trong loai 3). Ldu y khong ddcfc lam vdi
dong td khac.


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• If they were stronger, they could lift the table.
-> Were they stronger, they could lift the table.
• If h&had studied hard, he would have passed his exam.
-> Had he studied hard, he would have passed his exam.

6- Provided (that), On condition (that), As long as, so long

as (mien la, vdi dieu kien la); Suppose, supposing (gia svif
nhtf), In case (trongtrifcfng hcfp), Even if (ngay ca khi, du
cho)... co the dung thay cho If trong cau dieu kien.
Ex: In case I forget, please remind me of my promise.

*Chi hanh dong co the xay ra of hien tai

Subject + verb (present) + As if/ As though + Subject +

verb (present)___________________________________________
Do you hear that music next door? It sounds as if they
are having a party.

*Chi hanh dong hay sii kien khong co that 6 hien ta i.

Subject + verb ( p. -s>ent) + As if7As though + Subject +

verb ( past)_____ ________________________________________
• Ann walks as if she studied modeling.
• He acts as though he were rich.
■ The girl dresses as if it were summer even in the winter.

*Chi hanh dong hay sii kien khong co that of qua khuf.

Subject + verb (past) + As iff As though + Subject +

verb (past perfect)____________________________________


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• Barbara looked as if she had seen a ehost.

• Ann talked about the contest as if she had won the grand
• John looked as though he had run ten miles.


I- Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses:

w V .'l
1. You could make better progress if you ............ (attend) class
2. If I ...,t......(know) his telephone number, I’d give it to you.
3. If y o u .......... . (arrive) ten minutes earlier, you would have got
a seat.
4. He could get a job easily if he .............( have ) a degree.
5. I shouldn’t have believed it if I ............. ( not see) it with my
own eyes. (l. '
6. Henry talks to his dog as if i t ............ (understand) him.
7. If they had left the house earlier, th e y .......... ,T(not, be) so late
getting to the airport that they could not check their baggage.
8. If I finish the dress before Saturday, I ............ (give) it to my
sister for her birthday.
9. If I had seen the movie, I .............(tell) you about it last night.
10. If you ............ (be) a millionaire, how would you spend your
time? Ji> / -
11. If John paid his debts, people.............(respect) him more.
12. If I .7.’.:....... (own) an automobile, I would take a trip to
13. If she ............. (work) harder, she would probably get a better
14. If I .......(find) the book, I shall give it to you.
15. If you ............ (turn) out the light, we shall be in the dark.


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16. If you A/.V...... (save) your money, you will be able to go on a

17. He might get fat if he (stop) smoking.
18. What you ..i&,......(do) if you found a burglar in your house?
19. If she .vt...:./.r/(not hurry), she may be late.
20. If I (try) again, I think that I would have succeeded.
21. Water ............ (not run ) downhill if there were not gravity.
22. If I tell you a secret, you ............ (promise) not to tell it to
anyone else?
23. Mike wished that the editors ............ (permit) him to copy
some of their material.
24. John wishes that heUVfJ.i...... (spend) his vacation on the Gulf
Coast next year.
25. I U.Vi.'.I.'iM^(accept) if they invite me to the party.

II- Use Unless instead of If:

1. The crops would have been ruined if the flood had risen higher.
2. If you had not sneezed, he wouldn’t have known that we were
3. If she did her hair differently phe would look quite nice.
4. If John had played for our football team, we would not have
lost the game.
5. If I won a big prize in a lottery, I’d give up my job.
6. If you are not careful, you will cut yourself with that knife.
7. If you do not like this one, I’ll bring you another.
8. I’ll not be able to do any work if I do not have a quiet room.
9. If she does not hurry, she’ll be late.
10. If we had more rain, our crops would be better.


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* - Wish: ao vide (trufefe WISH phai co chu ngtif)

- If only: gia ma, phai chi
* Sau WISH va ONLY ngildi ta thudng dung mot menh de chi
mot diiu ao tide, mot dieu khong that. No diidc xem nhii mot menh
de danh ngii (Noun clause).
* Co ba loai menh de sau WISH va IF ONLY diidc diing de chi ttU
ao tide d titefng lai, hien tai va qud khii.

1/ Future wish (Ao ifdc of ttfefng lai)

1 S + WISH + S+ Would +V( bare-inf.)

1 (IF ONLY) + Could
• I wish I would be an astronaut in the future.
• Tom wishes he were coming with us.
• If only I would take the trip with you next Sunday.
• If only I would be able to attend your wedding next week.

2/ Present wish (Ao ufdc d hien tai)

S+ WISH + S +V past subjunctive

(IF ONLY) ( V ,; be-> were)

♦ Subjunctive: Qua khuf gia dinh, hinh thtic nhif Simple

Ex: + I wish I were rich.
(But I am poor now)
+ I can’t swim. I wish I could swim.
+ If only Ben were here.
(Ben isn’t here. I wish he were here)
+ We wish that we didn’t have to go to class today.


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(We have to go to class)

3/ Past wish ( Ao vfdc d qua khti )

rPast Perfect Subjunctive

S + WISH + S + 4 ( had + V3)
(IF ONLY) LCould have + V3

♦ Past perfect Subjunctive: qua khvf hoan thanh gia dinh,

hinh thiic nhvf Past perfect.

■ I wish I hadn’t failed my exam last year.
(I failed my exam)
■ She wishes she had had enough money to buy the house.
(She hadn’t have enough money to buy it)
■ If only I had met her yesterday.
(I didn’t meet her)
■ She wishes she could have been there.
(She couldn’t be there)


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Rewrite the sentences below, using WISH or IF ONLY

1. My father isn’t here now. I want him to be here now.
2. You talk more than you work. The teacher wants you to work
more than to talk.
3. John would like to be an astronaut when he grows up.
4. I’m sorry I didn’t help you yesterday.
5. I regret that you didn’t give me a chance to tell you the truth.
6. Mary is afraid she won’t be able to attend your wedding next
7. We regret that we didn’t have enough money to buy that
8. You drive too fast. I’d like you to drive more slowly.
9. You are too lazy. The teacher wants you to be more studious.
10. I’m afraid he won’t get over his illness soon.
11. I’m not a doctor.
1 2 .1 haven’t enough money to buy this book.
1 3 .1 live in a big city, but I don’t like it.
14. Nam is sorry now that he didn’t accept the job.
15. Tomorrow is a workday.
16. We have to work this Saturday.
1 7 .1 feel sick because I ate too much ice-cream.
18. It’s pity that you were not here last week.
1 9 .1 regret speaking to him so impolitely yesterday.
20. Alan regretted asking Arthur to lend him $20.
2 1 .1 want the baby to stop crying.
22. He is sorry now that he didn’t invite Molly to his party.
23. The hotel wasn’t good.
2 4 .1 didn’t understand the lesson.
25. My friend didn’t pass his exam.


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(CUM TU" v a m £ n h d e CHI MUC DlCH)

I/ Phrases of Purpose:
1/ Neu muon dien ta muc dich khang dinh, ta dung mot
cum t£f bat dau bfing “to”, “in order to”, “so as to”.

• ♦ to -infinitive
♦ (de ma)

i n ° rdert° } (bare-inf.)
♦ so as to
■ I try to study to pass my next exam.
■ I try to study in order to pass my next exam.
■ He does morning exercises regularly so as to improve his

2/ Neu muon di6n ta muc dich phu dinh, ta dung mot cum
tif bat dau bang “so as not to” hoac “in order not to”.
Ex: + She got up early so as not to miss the bus.
+ He studies hard so as not to fail in the exam.

II/ Clauses of Purpose: Adverbial clauses of purpose

(Menh d£ trang nguf chi muc dich)
* M?nh de chi' muc dich thudng diidc bat d£u bang: SO THAT, IN
ORDER THAT (de ma)
* Menh de chi muc dich co c£u true sau:


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so that will/would
S + V + in order that «■ S + can/could + V (bare-inf.>

menh de chinh
( main clause) menh de trang ngii chi muc dich
__________________________(adverbial clause of purpose)____________
Ex: .
• I try all my best to study English in order that I can fmd a
better job.
• I try to study so that I can pass the exam.
• He hurried so that he wouldn’t miss the train.
© Ltfu y: Neu chu nguf cua menh de chinh va menh de chi
muc dich khac nhau ta khong driofc dung phrase of

Ill/ Cac dang bai tap :

1/ Dang bai tap mot: Noi hai cdu co cung chu ngit thdnh mot
cdu co cum tie chi muc dich hoac menh de chi muc dich.
■ Mary gets up early every morning. She wants to learn her
-» Mary gets up early every morning to learn her lessons.
-* Mary gets up early every morning so that she can learn her
■ We leam English. We want to have better communication with
other people.
-> We leam English to have better communication with other
—> We leam English so that we will have better communication
with other people.
■ He was in a hurry. He wanted to catch the bus.
He was in a hurry to catch the bus.


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—> He was in a hurry in order that he would catch the bus.

2/ Dang bai tap hai: Noi hai cau co cung chu ngu! nhtfng sau
“want” co tan nguf hoac tuc tuf (Object).
• He gave me his address. He wanted me to visit him.
-> He gave me his address so that I would visit him.
• They whispered. They didn’t want anyone to hear their
-> They whispered in order that no one could hear their
*Neu muon dung ph rase o f purpose d dang nay, ta phai
theo cong thiic:

In order for + O + to-inf.

• He gave me his address in order for me to visit him.
• They whispered in order for no one to hear their

3/ Dang bai tap ba: Doi mot cau tut “ phrase of purpose” sang
“clause of purpose” hoac ngUdc lai.
• We hurried to school so as not to be late.
—> We hurried to school so that we wouldn’t be late.
• Mary locked the door so that she wouldn’t be disturbed.
-> Mary locked the door so as not to be disturbed.
• He studies hard in order to pass his exam.
-> He studies hard so that he can pass his exam.

4J Dang bai tap bon: Hoan tat cau vdi “phrase” hoac “clause of
Ex: + She studies English so that...


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+ He stood up order...
• Ltfu y:
• Khi dong tvf trong menh de chinh 6 thi “present” thi ta
dung “will/ can” d menh de chi muc dich.
• Khi dong tvf trong menh de chinh d thi “past” thi ta
dung “would/ could” of menh d ! chi muc dich.


Use a phrase or clause of purpose to combine each pair of

sentences below:
1. The clown took off his mask. He didn’t want to frighten the
2. My father drove carefully. He didn’t want to cause accidents.
3. Sue dutifully followed her parents’ advice. She didn’t want to
cause trouble for her parents.
4. Mr Thompson is learning Vietnamese.
He wishes to read The Tale of Kieu.
5. Please shut the door. I don’t want the dog to go out of the
6. The farmer built a high wall around his garden. The fruits
wouldn’t be stolen.
7. The police stopped the traffic every few minutes.
The pedestrians might cross the road.
8. The notices are written in several languages. Everyone may
understand them.
9. I wish to have enough money. I want to buy a new house.
10. Dick is practising the guitar. He can play for the dance.
11. She needs a job. She wants to support her old parents.


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12. He moved to the front row. He could hear the speaker better.
13. She put the meat into the oven. She wanted it to be ready for
14. The boy stood on the benches. They wanted to get a better
15. We lower the volume of the radio. We don’t want to bother our
16. I’ll write to you. I want you to know my decision soon.
17. These men were talking in whispers. They didn’t want anyone
to hear their conversation.
18. The boy feigned to be sick. He hoped we didn’t make him work.
19. The man spoke loudly. He wanted everybody to hear him
20. Doris often goes home as soon as the class is over. She doesn’t
want her mother to wait for her.
21. John gets up early. He doesn’t want to be late for class.
22. Mary hid the novel under her pillow. She didn’t want her
father to see it.
23. Alice prepares her lesson carefully. She wants to get high
marks in class.
24. The robber changed his address all the time. He didn’t want
the police to find him.
25. They did their jobs well. They hoped the boss would increase
their salary.
26. You should walk slowly. Your sister can follow you.
27. I’m studying hard. I want to keep pace with my classmates.
28. We turned out the lights. We didn’t want to waste electricity.
29. This pupil read only for short periods each day. He didn’t want
to train his eyes.
3 0 .1 whispered. I didn’t want to disturb anyone.


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1/ Phases o f Result:
* Cura tir chi k£t qua thudng c6 “TOO” (qui) hoac “ENOUGH” (du).
* Cau true cua cum til chi ket qud la:
1 / TOO: (qud... khong the)

S + be (look, seem, become, get...) + too + adj (+ for 0 ) f

S + Vf*htfcfng) +■ too + adv (+ for + O) + to-infinitive
Ex: + x. :s too short to play basketball.
+ Tom ran too slowly to becom e the winner of the race.
+ This book is too dull for vou to read.
Ltfu y : “TOO” thudng dUdc dung trong cau co nghia phu dinh
(qua... khong the)

2 / Enough: (du... deed the)

S + be + adj + enough (+ for + 0 ) + to-inf.

S + V (thtfofng) + adv + enough ( + for + O) + to-inf.

Ex: + Mary isn’t old enough to drive a car.

+ She speaks Spanish well enough to be an interpreter.
+ It is cold enough to wear a heavy jacket,


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II/ Clauses o f Result: Adverbial clauses o f Result (menh de

trang nguf chi ket qua).
• Menh de trang ngu chi het qud la menh de phu de chi ket
qua do hanh dong cua menh de chinh gay ra.
• Cdu true cua cdu co menh de trang ngii chi ket qud nhu
1/ SO...THAT (qua... den noi)

. S + be + so + adj + that + S + V.
!' . ______________ . _______ _
main clause adverbial clause o f result

S -f V (thvfetag) + so + adv + that + S +V________________

Ex: • It was so dark that I couldn’t see anything.

• The student had behaved so badly that he was dismissed
from the class.

*Lvfu v: Neu dong tif tron g m enh de chinh la cac dong tvf
chi tri giac nhvf “look, appear, seem, feel, taste, smell,
sound...”, ta dung con g thvfc nhvf “be + so...”
• The little girl looks so unhappy that we all feel sorry for
• The soup tastes so good that everyone will ask for more.
•Neu trvfdc “SO” co “M A N Y ’, “M UCH”, “FEW ”, “ L IT T L E ” ,
thi ta co cau true:

S + V + so I m a n y l+ plural countable Noun + that + S + V

fe w ___________ (danh tvf dem difcte so nhieu)

• The Sm iths had so many children that they formed their
own baseball team.


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• I had so few job offers that it wasn’t difficult to select

• There are so many people in the room that I feel tired.

S + V + so + rm uch -i + uncountable Noun + that + S ♦ V

_____________little ___________(danh tft khong dem di/cte)

He has invested so much money in the project that he
can’t abandon it now.
• The glass received so little water that it turned brown
in the h e a t .
* Mot cau true khac;pua “ so... that”

S + V + so + adj + a + Singular countable N + that...

___ ___ (danh tvf dem difefe so it)

• It was so hot a day that we decided to stay indoors.
• It was so interesting a book that he couldn’t put it

2/ SUC11... THAT: (q u a ... d e n n o i )

S' + V + such a! an + adj + N + that + S + V

L __________________ I________________
• It was such a hot day that we decided to stay at home.
• She had such exceptional abilities that everyone is
jealous of her.
• There are such beautiful pictures that everybody will
want one.
• It is such an intelligent boy that we all admire him.
• This is such difficult hom ework that I will never finish


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1/ Com bine tw o sentences, using “so ... that” or “such ...

1. The sun shone brightly. Maria had to put on her sunglasses.

2. Dean was a powerful swimmer. He always won the races.
3. There were few students registered. The class was cancelled.
4. The house was beautiful. I took a picture o f it.
5. This coffee is strong. I can’t drink it.
6. This is a good film. I want to see it ajjain and again.
7. There was a lot of food. Everyone ate too much.
8. There were a lot o f guests. There wasn’t enough food.
9. I ate a lot o f sandwiches. I felt uneasy.
10. David has a lot of work to do. He can’t com e tonight.
11. He was very sick. He was sent to the hospital.
12. It was very dark. He couldn’t see anything.
13. He has very wide knowledge. W e can’t help admiring him.
14. His conduct is very good. All his teachers love him.
15. Mary has beautiful voice. W e all like to hear her sing.
16. John is still very weak. He can’t walk without a stick.
17. My father has a very good health. He seldom takes any
18. There is too much noise. W e can’t learn our lessons.
19. My friend is very strong. He can lift up the table himself.
20. Bill is an intelligent boy. He is always at the top of his class.

II/ R e w r ite t h e s e n t e n c e s b e lo w , u s in g “E N O U G H ” in s te a d
o f “T O O ”

1. This book is too dull to read.

2. W e were too late to get good seats.
3. Jack is too lazy to make progress in his study.
4. I’m too poor to help you with the money.


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5. These oranges are too sour for us to eat.

6. The shelf is too high for the boy to reach.
7. This road is too dangerous for her to go at night.
8. The water in this pool is too dirty to drink.
9. Martha is too ugly to have a boyfriend.
10. This room is too dark for us to study.

I ll/ Fill in the blanks with “SO MUCH” or “SO M A N Y ’

1. W e h a v e .............problems that we can’t go to bed early.

2. W hy have you g o t
3. There w a s ........ .. food that everyone ate too much.
4. There w e r e .............guests that there wasn’t enough food
5. W hy did you b u y ............ beer?
6. Doctor Sim m on h a s .............patients that he’s always busy.
7. I a t e .............sandwiches that I felt ill.
8. My father h a s ............. work to do that he can’t come back
hom e tonight.
9. W hy did he d rin k ............ wine?
10. They d r a n k ............ wine that they couldn’t walk.
11. His mother asks him to take ............ things that he can’t
put all of them into his suitcase.
12. There are ............ places o f interest in London that Jane
can’t decide where to go first.
13. It took J a n e .............time to listen to her roommate.
14. There w a s .............noise in the room that I couldn’t work.
15. There are ............. planets in the universe that we can’t
count them.


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I/ Phrases o f Reason:
* Cum tii chi ly do thiidng diicfc bat dau bang tie noi BECAUSE
*Cau true cua cum tii chi ly do la:

...because o f + N/ N Phrase/ Gerund Phrase

Note: Because o f is often interchangeable with the

expression due to.
+ Jan was worried because of the rain.
+ The students arrived late because of the traffic jam.
+ We have to cut down our driving because of the oil
+ Because of the rain, we have cancelled the party.

II/ Clauses o f Reason = Adverbial Clauses o f Reason (Menh

de trang nguf chi ly do)
* Menh de tran,g ngu! chi ly do la mot menh de phu chi ly do
hoac nguyen nhdn cua hanh dong diidc neu trong menh de chinh.
* Menh di trang ngii chi ly do thiidng diidc noi vdi menh de chinh
nkdeae tii noi: BECAUSE, SINCE, AS (liiu y “ since” va “as”
thiidng dat d dau cdu).
* Cdu true:

Because/ Since / A s + S + V
,*• He cam e ten minutes late because he missed the first bu^.
-> Since/ As he missed the first bus, he came ten minutes


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•> She was worried because it started to rain.

They didn’t take part in the trip because the weather was bad.

* Khi doi menh de sang cum tit, neu hai chu ngit giong nhau ta
co the dung “Gerund phrase”.
Ex: She stayed at home because she was sick.
—> She stayed at home because of being sick.



1/ Phrases o f Concession:
• Cum tu chi sU nhupng bo thiidng diipc bat dau bang gidi
tii “ In spite o f ’ hoac “Despite” (mac du, cho du).
• Cau true cua cum tie chi sii nhiiOng bo la:

In spite of
+ N/ N phrase/ Gerund phrase

Ex: + Despite his physical handicap, he has becom e a

successful businessman.
+ In spite of her bad grades, Jane will be adm itted to
the university.
*Menh de co “ Despite” hoac “In spite o f ’ co the duoc dat 6
trUdc hoac sau menh de chinh.

II/ Clauses o f Concession = Adverbial clauses o f Concession

(Menh de trang nguf chi suf nhtftfng bp).
• Menh de trang ngii chi sit nhiiOng bo la menh de phu chi sii
tiiefng phdn cua hai hanh dong trong cdu.


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• Menh de nay thitdng bat dau bang nhitng tit noi :ALTHOUGH,
• Cdu true:
a lth o u g h
th ou g h + S +V
e v e n th o u g h

Ex: + Although the weather was very bad, we had a

+ We took many pictures though the sky was cloudy.
2 /_________________________________________________________
No m atter + who/ what/ when/ w here/ why/ how (adj, adv) + S+ V
W hatever (+N) + S + V___________________________

* Lufu y: M en h d e b a t d a u b a n g “ NO MATTER” hoac

“ W HATEVER” thvfefng difefe d a t trutfc m e n h d e c h in h .
• No matter who you are, I still love you.
• No matter what she says, I don’t believe her.
• W hatever others may say, you are certainly right.

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1/ Combine each pair o f sentences below, using the

conjunction given in parentheses:

1. She is very rich. He isn’t happy, (although)

2. She is very rich. He isn’t happy, (no matter)
3. She can’t answer my question. She is very intelligent,
4. She can’t answer my question. She is very intelligent, (no
5. He does anything. He is always careful, (whatever)
6. He does anything. He always tries his best, (no matter)
7. She says anything. I don’t believe her. (whatever)
8. She says anything. I don’t believe her. (no matter)
9. He tried. He was not successful, (no matter)
10. He tried. He was not successful, (although)
1 1 . His life is hard. He is determined to study well, (although)
12. His life is hard. He is determined to study well, (no matter)
13. He was wise and experienced. He was taken in. (though)
14. He got good jobs. He was not satisfied, (no matter)
15. He got good jobs. He was not satisfied, (even though)
16. You do any job. You should do it devotedly, (whatever)
17. He liked anywhere. He always thought of his homeland, (no
18. It was cold. He didn’t wear warm clothes, (no matter)
19. He often tell lies. Many people believe him. (although)
20. You return at any time. She waits for you. (no matter)


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II/Make clauses of concession with “WHATEVER”:

1. No m atter what happens, don’t forget to write to me.

2. She will refuse to consider our proposal even if we made
any kinds o f effort to persuade her.
3. No m atter what kinds of exercises he had taken, he was
still putting on weight.
4. No matter what sorts of difficulties you may encounter, you
should keep your promise.
5. No matter what he says, nobody believes him.
6 . You should review all your lessons before taking your exam
although you have any kinds of difficulties.
7. Although he had taken any kinds of exercies, he got fatter
and fatter.
8 . You should always study hard although you encounter
9. Although others may say anything she is certainly right.
10. Although he chose any job, his parents were pleased with
1 1 . The old wom an told interesting stories to the children
although her memory was poor.
12. Though he had been absent frequently, he was managed to
pass the test.
13. He ate the chocolate cake even though he was on diet.
14. Although the prices are high, my daughters msist on going
to the movie.


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T IM E , IT ’S T IM E , W O U L D P \ T H E R

1) Clauses after AS IF, AS THOUGH:

* AS IF, AS THOUGH co nghia la “nhit the, ditdng nhi/’.
* Hai tit noi tren ditng tritdc mot menh de chi mot dieu khong co
that hoac trdi vdi thitc te.

*Cau true:
. -

® ^ ( S i m p l e P resen t) f +S+ f Vpag^ s u bju n ctive

I-as though '-(V*; be -» were)

• The old lady dresses as if it were winter even in the summer.
(It is not winter)
• She walks as though she studied modelling. (She didn’t study
• He acts as though he were rich. (He is not rich)

S + V(past) + j-a s if + S + V past perfect subjunctive

\ as though (had + vs) (Neu chi mot
hanh dong xay ra tn? 6c hanh
dong d menh de chinh)
• Tom looked tired as if he had worked very hard.
• The child ate as though he had been hungry for a long time.
• He looked as if he hadn’t taken a bath for months.


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• Lifu y ; + Past subjunctive (qua khtf gia dinh) co hinh thtfc

giong thi Simple Past nhtfng vdi dong tvf BE phai doi thanh
WERE cho tat ca cac ngoi.
+ Past perfect subjunctive (qua khuf hoan thanh gia dinh)
co hinh thtic giong thi Past perfect (had + V s).
2/ Clauses after IT ’S TIM E, IT ’S HIGH TIME.
• It's time! It's high time co nghia la “da tdi luc” de dien td
thdi gian ma mot viec nen ditpc lam ngay.
• Cac td tren thudng duoc theo sau bang cac menh de co
cdu true sau:
a/ Followed by past tense with present meaning:

It S time + S + V p asj. subjunctive

It’s high time (Vt; be —> were)

• It’s time you started to work.
• It’s high time we set out.
• It’s time we reviewed our lesson.

b/ Followed by infinitive

| It’s time + (for + O) + Infinitive

I It’s high time
• It’s time for her to go to bed.
• It’s tim e to buy a car.

3/ Clauses after W O U L D RATHER:

* “Would rather” co nghia la “ mong muon rang”


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(D ang viet tAt: ...’d rather).

* Menh de theo sau WOULD RATHER co ba cdu true sau:
a- M ong muon d tifefng lai:

S + would rather (that) + S (not) + V present subjunctive

^ bare-inf^
* Lifu y: Present subjunctive la hien tai gia dinh co hinh
thufc nhtf dong ti* nguyen mau (V bare.iDlf)
• I would rather (that) you call me tomorrow.
• We would rather he take this train.
• I would rather (that) she be here tomorrow.
• I would rather you not call me next Sunday.

b- M ong muon of hien tai: (trai vdi thvfc te, khong co that)

S + would rather (that) + S + V Past subjunctive

(V*; be->were)
• Henry would rather (that) his girlfriend worked in the same
department as he does. (His girlfriend does not w ork in the
same department).
• Jane would rather (that) it weren’t winter now.
• I would rather the weather were fine today.

c- M ong muon of qua khti: (trai vdi thuc te, khong co that)

S + would rather (that) + S + V Past perfect subjunctive

(had + V3)


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Ex: + Roberto would rather w e hadn’t left yesterday.

+ John would rather that Mary had gone to school
+ I would rather I had passed my last exam.
* Would rather con dtfcfc dung trong cac cau true sau:

S + would rather (not) + V (ba^nf.) ... (+ than)...

( Tiicfng lai/ hien tai)
Ex: + I would rather stay at home tonight.
+ John would rather go to class tomorrow than today.

S + would rather (not) + have + Vs... (than) j (Qud khit)

Ex: + John would rather have gone to class yesterday than
+ Mary would rather not have gone to class yesterday.


1/ Supply the correct verb forms:

1. We would rather (stay) home tonight.

2. Mr Jones would rather (stay) home last night.
3. We would rather (drink) coffee than tea.
4 . The photographer would rather that we (stand) closer
together than we are standing.
5. Carmen would rather (cook) for the entire family.
6 . She would rather you (not arrive) last night.
7. John would rather he (sleep) than worked last night.
8 . George would rather he (be) free tomorrow.


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9. Mary would rather that she (not, fail) the test yesterday.
1 0 . 1 would rather that I (invite) her to my birthday party last
1 1 . Henry talks to his dog as if it (understand) him.
12. It’s time we all (go) now.
13. I’d rather you (go) now.
14. It’s high time you (get) the tea ready.
15. He acts as if he (know) English perfectly.
16. I’d rather you (pay) me now.
17. It’s high time you (have) a haircut.
18. He was wet as if he (swim) for hours.
19. She acted as if she (meet) him before.
20. Jact spent his money as if he (win) a lottery.

II/ Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the words given:

1. My head seems to be on fire now.

—> I feel as if ...
2. I had a feeling that I was walking in the air.
—> I felt as though ...
3. Bill doesn’t work hard.
—» I’d rather...
4. He did not want to pay his debts.
—> I’d rather ...
5. He drives too fast.
- » I’d rather...
6. He spent his money like a prince.
- » He spent his money as if ...
7. You speak like a prophet.
-» You speak as though...


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8 . We must set out, it is a bit late.

—> It’s high time...
9. You should review your lessons for the exams.
- » It’s time...
10. He smokes a great deal. I’d like he gives up smoking.
-> I’d rather...
11. She pretended not to know me.
-» She looked as if she...
12. He should call me on the phone.
-» It’s time...
13. We must start working now.
- » It’s high time...
14. She made up like an actress.
She made up as if...
15. She cried like a baby.
-> She cried as though...
16. They talk like kings.
—> They talk as if...
17. We should solve this problem.
—> It’s time...
18. Mary dresses up like a queen.
-> Mary dresses up as if...
19. She talks too much.
-> I’d rather...
20 . He’ll com e to my house tonight.
- » I’d rather...


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• Noun clause la mot menh de phu lam cong viec cua danh
• Noun clause duoc noi vdi menh de chinh bdi tit noi
TH A T hoac cac tii WHO, WHAT, WHICH, WHERE,
• Khi diing cac til noi tren, dong til trong “Noun clause”
van chia d the xac dinh, khong chia a the'nghi van.
1/ Noun clauses lam chu nguf (Subject) trong cau
Ex: + What he said was not true.
+ W hether the weather will change or not is difficult to tell.
+ W hat you think is not my problem.
2/ Noun clauses co the lam tan nguf (Object) trong cau
Ex: + I’ll tell you what he w ants.
+ I didn't believe what he said.
+ He said that he had seen me before.
3/ Noun clauses co the lam bo nguf (Com plem ent) trong cau
Ex: + I consider him what a man should be.
+ Money is what she needs.
4/ Noun clauses co the lam tan nguf cho gidi tif (Object of a
Ex: + It all depends on when you come.
+ You are responsible for what you have done.


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• Relative clausc con difOc gpi la Adjective clause (menh

de tinh nguf) vi no la menh de phu difOc dung de bo
nghia cho danh td diing trvfdc no (tien nguf).
• Relative clauses dtfcfc noi vdi menh de chinh bdi cac dai
td quan he W HO, W H O M , W H ICH , W H OSE, THAT hoac
cac pho td quan he W H EN , W H ERE, W H Y.
• Vj tri: Relative clauses ddng ngay sau danh td ma no bo
1 /WHO:
* WHO la mot dai tit quan he (relative pronoun) chi ngiidi.
*WHO ditng sau tien ngit chi ngitdi de lam chu ngit cho
dong tit ditng sau no (S).
Ex: + The man who is standing overthere is Mr Pike,
relative clause
+ That is the girl who has won the medal.
relative clause
2 /WHOM:
* WHOM la mot dai tit quan he chi ngitcfi.
* WHOM diing sau tien ngit chi ngitdi de lam tiic tit cho dong
tit ditng sau no (O).
Ex: + The woman whom vou saw yesterday is my aunt.
+ The boy whom we are looking for is Tom.
*WHOM co the ditdc bo.
Ex: + The woman vou saw yesterday is my aunt.
+ The boy we are looking for is Tom.


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3/ W H IC H :
* WHICH: la mot dai tu quan he chi vat.
* WHICH diing sau tien ngiC chi vat de lam chu ngie (S) hoac
tuc tie (O) cho dong tie sau no.
Ex: + This is the book which 1 like best.
+ The hat which is red is mine.
* Khi WHICH lam tuc tie (O) cho dong tie sau no, WHICH co
the dupe bo.
Ex: + This is the book I like best.
+ The dress (which) I bought yesterday is very beautiful.

47 TH A T:
* THAT la mot dai tie quan he chi ca ngUdi lan vat.
* THAT co the ditdc dung thay cho WHO, WHOM, WHICH tronR
menh de quan he thuoc loai Restrictive clauses (menh de han
Ex: + That is the book that I like best.
+ That is the bicycle that belongs to Tom.
+ My father is the person that I admire most.
+ I can see a girl and her dog that are running in the park.

5 / W H O SE :
* WHOSE la mot dai tie quan he.
* WHOSE ditng sau tien ngie chi ngiCcfi va thay cho tinh tie set
hieu trUdc danh tie. WHOSE cung ditdc diing cho vat f=of which).
* WHOSE luon di kem vdi mot danh tie.
Ex: + The boy whose bicycle you borrowed yesterday is Tom.
+ John found a cat whose lee was broken.


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6/ WHEN:
* WHEN la mot pho tit quan he chi thin gian.
* WHEN ditng sau tien ngie chi thdi gian.
* WHEN ditdc diing thay cho “at/ on / in + which; TH EN ’.
Ex: + May Day is the day when people hold a meeting.
(on which)
+ I’ll never forget the day when I met her.
(on which)
+ That was the time when he managed the company.
(at which)

7 /W H ERE:
* WHERE la mot pho tit quan he chi ndi chon.
* WHERE ditng sau tien ngit chi ndi chon.
* WHERE ditdc dung thay cho “a t/ on / in + which; THERE”.
Ex: + That is the house where we are living now.
(in which)
+ Do you know the country where I was born?
+ Hanoi is the place where I like to come.

8/ WHY:
* WHY la mot pho tit quan he chi ly do.
* WHY diing sau tien ngit “THE REASON’ (ly do).
* WILY ditdc dung thay cho “FOR THE REASON ’.
Ex: + Please tell me the reason why you are so sad.
(for which)
+ He told me the reason why he had been absent from class
the day before.


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II/ Phan lo a i: Co 2 loai Relative claus**'

1/ Restrictive clauses: (menh de han dinh)
Day la loai menh de can thiet vi tien ngii chita xac dinh,
khong co no cau se khong du nghia .
Ex: + The man who keeps the school library is Mr Green.
+ That is the book that I like best.

2/ Non- Restrictive clauses: (menh de khong han dinh)

* Ddy la loai menh de khong can thiet vi tien ngit da diidc xac
dinh, khong co no cdu van du nghia.
* Non- Restrictive clauses ditdc ngan vdi menh de chinh bang
cac dau phay. TriCdc danh tic thiidng co: this, that, these, those,
my, his... hoac ten rieng.
Ex: + That man, whom you saw yesterday, is Mr Pike.
+ This is Mrs Jones, who helped me last week.
+ Mary, whose sister I know, has won an Oscar.

* Lvfu y: Khong dvfefe dung “THAT” trong non-restrictive


Ill/ Trvfdng hcfp dong tvf cua Relative clauses co gidi tvf (chi
dung cho W H O M / W H ICH ).
** Ta dat gidi tvf trvfdc Relative clause (trvfdc WHOM,
* Ta cung co the bo W H O M , W H ICH va dat gidi tvf ra sau
dong tvf cua Relative clauses (vdi dieu kien phai la
Restrictive clause).
* Khi dung THAT, ta khong dvfefe dem gidi tvf ra trvfdc ma
van de sau.
Ex: + The man to whom Mary is talking is Mr Pike.


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+ The man Mary is talking to is Mr Pike.

+ The man that Mary is talking to is Mr Pike.
*Khi gidi tif dvfng cuoi Relative clauses la thanh phan cua
dong tvf kep thi ta khong dem ra trvfdc W H O M / W HICH.
Ex: + This is the book which I’m looking for.
+ That is the child whom you have to look after.
* Khi dung W H O M , W H ICH co the de cac gidi tvf of sau
(ngoai trif W ITH OUT).
Ex: + The man whom M ary is talking to is Mr Pike.
+ That is the man without whom we’ll get lost.

IV/ Dang rut gon cua menh de quan he (reduced forms of

relative clauses).
1 / Menh d i quan he co th i di/dc rut gon bang cdch dung
participle phrases. Co hai loai participle phrases:
* Present participle phrases la cac cum tii bat dau bang Present
participle (V-ing).
* Past participle phrases la cac cum lit bat dau bang Past
participle (V3).
* Cach rut gon menh de quan he bang participle phrases:
* Neu dong tvf trong menh de quan he d the chu dong
(active), ta dung Present participle phrases thay cho menh
de do (bo dai tvf quan he va trd dong tvf, difa dong tvf chinh
ve nguyen mau roi them ING).
Ex: + The man who is sittmg next to you is my uncle.
-> The man sittm g next to you is my uncle.
+ Do you know the boy who broke the wmdows last night?
Do you know the boy breaking the windows last night?


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*Neu dong tvf trong menh de quan he d the bi dong

(passive), ta dung past participial phrase (bo dai tvf quan
he va trd dong tvf, bat dau cum tvf bang V 3).
• The books which were written by To Hoai are interesting.
-> The books written by To Hoai are interesting.
• The students who were punished by the teacher are lazy.
-> The students punished by the teacher are lazy.
• The house which is being built now belongs to Mr Pike.
—> The house built now belongs to Mr Pike.

2/ Menh de quan he co the dvfdc rut gon bang cach dung

• English is an im portant language which we have to master.
—> English is an im portant language to master.
• There is a good restaurant where we can eat good food.
-> There is a good restaurant to eat good food.
• That is the hotel where we can stay .
- » That is the hotel to stay.
• There’s a lot o f work which has to be done.
- » There’s a lot o f work to be done.
• Here is a form that you must fill in.
—> Here is a form for you to fill in.
• I don’t like him playing in the streets; I wish we had a garden
that he could play in.
—» I don’t like him playing in the streets; I wish we had a garden
for him to play in.


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Use a relative pronoun or relative adverb to combine each
pair o f sentences below:

1 . She is the most intelligent woman. I’ve ever met this woman.
2. This doctor is famous. You visited him yesterday.
3. Do you know the music? It is being played on the radio.
4. The police want to know the hotel. Mr Foster stayed there two
weeks ago.
5. The examination lasted two days. I was successful in this
6 . These children are orphans. She is talking care of these
7. The two young men are not good persons. You are acquainted
with them.
8 . I have not decided the day. I’ll go to London on that day.
9. He doesn’t want to sell the house. He was b o m in this house.
10. The airport is the most modern one. We are going to arrive at
this airport.
1 1 . We enjoyed the city. We spent our vacation m this city.
12. One of the elephants had only one tusk. We saw these
elephants at the zoo.
1 3 .1 looked at the moon. It was very bnght that evening.
14. My father goes swimming everyday. You met him this
15. The man is my father. I respect this man most.
16. The man is my father. I respect his opinions most.
17. Please post th-?se letters. I wrote them this morning.


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18. The building is the church. Its tower can be seen from afar.
19. Mary and Margaret are twins.You meet them yesterday.
2 0 . I’ll introduce you to the man. His support is necessary for your
21. They are repairing the tubes. Water is brought into our house
through the tubes.
22. In the middle of the village there is a well. The villagers take
water from this well to drink.
23. The middle-aged man is the director. My father is talking to
24. This is a rare opportunity. You should take advantage of it to
get a better job.
25. The boy is my cousin. You made fun of him.
26. I apologized the woman. I spilled her coffee.
27. The professor is excellent. I’m taking her course.
28. The man called the police. His wallet was stolen.
29. A man brought in a small girl. Her hand had been cut.
30. The Smiths were given rooms in the hotel. Their house had
been destroyed in the explosion.
31. He introduced me to his students. Most o f them were from
32. They gave me four very bad tyres. One of them burst before I
had driven four miles.
33. A man answered the phone. He said Tom was out.
34. Phuong Thao is a singer. You like music best.
35. She couldn’t come to the party. This is a pity.


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1/ Some/ any: m ot it, mot vai
1/ SOME:
* 'Some ditdc dat tritdc dank ti/ dem ditdc (so nhieu) hoac danh
ti/khong dem di/dc trong cau xac dinh.
Ex: + I want some milk.
+ He saw some strangers m his house yesterday.
+ My mother needs some eggs.
* Doi khi “Som e” dUdc dung trong cau hoi (mdi ai dung them gi
hoac mot de nghi lich sU).
Ex: + W ould you like some more coffee?
+ May I go out for some drink?

* “Any” thudng ditdc dat tritdc danh tit dem ditdc hoac danh tit
khong dem ditdc trong cdu phu dinh hoac nghi van.
Ex: + Do you want any suger?
+ She didn’t see any boys in her class.
+ Does your sister need any eggs?
* Lu’u y: cac dai tif phiem dinh (something, anything,
someone, anyone, som ebody,...) cung theo cach dung tren.
Ex: + I don’t see anything on the table.
+ Is there anvbodv in your house now 9
+ I want to do som ething to help her.

II/ M ost/ M ost of: Phan lota, da so

1/ MOST:


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* MOST dung tritdc danh tit dem ditdc (so nhieu) hoac khong
dem ditdc.
* MOST la tit xac dinh trong cdu true:


Ex: + Most children are fond of sweets.

+ Most beautiful material is expensive.
+ Most beer has been drunk.
+ Most pupils like playing football.

2/ M OST OF:
* MOST OF dung trUdc cum danh tvf so" l't hoac so nhieu.
Ex: + Most of these students are intelligent.
+ Most of her friends have well-paid jobs.
+ We spend most of our leisure time watching TV.
+ He has finished most of the exercises in this book.
* Cac cum danh tii diing sau “M OST O F ’ thtfdng xac dinh (phai
co “the” , “these” , “those” ; hoac cac tinh tt( sd hutu “ my, his, her”...)
Ex: + Most boy and girls have given thought to their future job.
+ Most o f the boys in my class want to choose well-paid jobs.

Ill/ M uch, M any, A great deal of, A large numbei of, A lot of,
Lots of... (nhieu)

W ith countable W ith uncountable nouns

nouns ( Vdi cac danh tii khong dem diidc)
( Vdi cac danh tit
dem ditoc)


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many -I much (thiidng dung trong cdu

phu dinh hoac nghi van)

a large number of ,, a great deal of (thtfdng diing trong cdu

a great num ber of a large amount of xac dinh)

plenty of plenty of
a lot of a lot of
lots of lots of

* Tat ca cac tCf tren deu co nghia la “nhieu”.

• I don’t have much tim e for night clubs.
• There are so many people here that I feel tired.
• A large amount of air pollution comes from industry.
• She has got a great deal o f homework today.
• Did you spend much money for the beautiful cars?
- Yes, I spend a lot of money for them. I want to have a lot of cars.
• There’s plenty of milk in the fridge.
• There are plenty of eggs in the fridge.
• I saw lots o f flowers in the garden yesterday.
• A large number o f students in this school are good.

• Lifu y: Khi trong cau xac dinh co cac tvf “V E R Y , T O O , SO ,

AS” thi phai dung “M U C H / M A N Y ’.

Ex: + There is too much bad news on TV tonight.

+ There are too m any mistakes in your writing.


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IV/ Few, A few, Little, A little: it, mot it, mot vai
1/ Few/ A few: diing tritdc cac danh tit dem ditdc (Countable
* FEW: rat it hau nhit khong co (khong nhieu nhit minh muon)
• I don't want to take the trip to Hue because 1 have jew
friends there.
• They hardly find a job because there are few jobs.
• There are fewer students in this room than in the next
* A FEW: mot cai
• You can see a few houses on the hill.
• A few people left early.
• There are a few empty seats here.
• I recognized a few of the other guests.

2/ Little/ A little: dung trvfdc cac danh tvf khong dem dvfdc
* LITTLE: rat it (khong nhieu nhit minh muon).
• There was little doubt in my mind.
• I have very little time for reading.
• We had little rain all summer.
• I understood little of what he said.
* A LITTLE: mot it, mot chut.
• I need a little help to move these books.
• It caused a little confusion.
• W'ould you like a little salt on your vegetables 0


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I/ Fill in each blank with a proper expression o f quantity:

1 . I feel lonely and don’t enjoy my life here because I have

............ friends in this city.
2 .................tourists have not visited this part of the town vet.
3. the people at the party were very friendly.
4. .Are those people E n g lish ?.............them.
5................ schools open in September.
6 . Let’s go and have a drink. W e’ve g o t ............. time before the
train leaves.
7. I need some money. Have you got any? Yes but n o t ...............
8 . The race gave e v e ry o n e ............ pleasure.
9. Hurry or we’ll be late. We have v e r y ............ time.
1 0 . I have d o n e .............exercises of grammar m this book.
11.............. the people in Canada speak English.
12. The Smiths s p e n t on their last trip.
1 3 .1 do not know ............. about biology. 1 have .............
knowledge about genetics.
14. The librarian says that you may borrow as '............ books as
you want to.
15. The boys are m aking t o o .............noise.
16. We s p e n d .............our time on English grammar.
17. I’m very poor. I h a v e ............ money. But my brother is richer
than I.
He h a s ............. money m the bank.
18............... English learners have real chance to use it every day.
19. There i s .............sugar in the jar.
20. Did ............. children know anything about their future job?
No, j u s t ...............


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21. You talk too ............ and you often do too ............ tricks in
2 2 people are afraid of snakes.
2 3 the Vietnamese people make their living by farming.
24. H o w .............languages can you speak? And h o w ..............time
do you spend on learning English?
25. H o w you know about biology and genetics?
2 6 machinery was sent to the exhibition.
2 7 furniture in her room is new.
2 8 us feel the same about the war.
2 9 reporters were at the meeting yesterday.
3 0 meat is expensive.

11/ Choose the right forms of quantifiers in brackets:

How (many/ much ) 1 lists is your name on? There must be (plenty/
plenty of) 2 lists of names in every part o f the world and they must
be used to send information to (millions/ millions of)J people. The
(num ber/ am ount )4 of letters ordinary people receive these days
has greatly increased. (A lot/ A lot of) 5 the people I know object to
receiving unwanted letters. (Much/ M any)fi of the mail we receive
goes straight into" the waste-paper basket. That’s why (most/ the
most)' people refer to it as junk mail. It would be better for all of
us if we received (much/ many )8 less junk mail and. as a result,
saved (many/ much )9 more trees from destruction.


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Khi muon cdu co y thuyet phuc han va nghia manh han

ngtfdi ta dung EMPHASIS.
1/ Emphasis in pronunciation (Svf nhan manh trong phat
- Nhan manh trd dong tCf: gach dudi trd dong ti* hoac viet b&ng
chut nghieng. Khi dpc ta doc nhan manh hdn binh thiidng va
k6o dai nguyen am.
Khi muon nhan manh mot tCf, ta doc tii do manh hdn, 16n hdn
binh thUdng.

2/ Emphasis in w riting (Stf nhan manh trong van viet)

* Verb (Dong tif):

DO/ DOES/ DID + V { h a lM )

(to-inf. : dong tvt nguyen mau khong TO)
Ex: + John visited her yesterday.
- » John did visit her yesterday.
+ I like coffee.
—> I do like'coffee.
* ADJ (Tinh tu*)

It is /w as + adj + to-inf.
(to-inf. : dong tii nguyen mau co TO)
Ex: + Travelling by air is fast.
- » It is fast to travel by air.
+ Learning a foreign language is necessary.

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—> It is necessary to learn a foreign language.

+ W e found that getting a visa was impossible.
—> We found that it was impossible to get a visa.
* Commands (Cau de nghi)
Affirmative commands (Cau de nghi khang dinh).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I

j______^ (bare-inf.)__________ ]
Ex: + Listen to me, please.
—> Do listen to me, please.
+ Visit us some time.
-> Do visit us some time.
Negative commands (Cdu de nghi phu dinh)

! DON'T YOU t V , bare.llJ, I

Ex: + Don’t talk in class.
—> Don’t you talk in class.
+ Don’t make too much noise.
—» Don’t you make too much noiose.
* Other words (Cac tif khac)

It is/ was + ...+ that ...

Ex: + I love vou.
—> It is you that I love.
+ England won the W orld Cup m 1966.
—> It was England that won the W'orld Cup in 1966.
* Ltfu y dang cau co hai menh de nhif sau:
Ex: + I need water. I don’t need milk.
It is water, not milk that I need.
+ I saw Hoa. I didn’t see Lan.
—> It was Hoa, not Lan that I saw.


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Dung hinh thttc nhan manh doi vdi nhufng tif hoac cum tif
diidc gach dtfofi sau:

1 . He was kind to help me.

2. Mrs Jones spends too much time making up.
3. You’re mistaken.
4. Visit us again some time.
5. Don’t make too much noise.
6. I did my English test very well.
7. You can succeed only by hard work.
8. The smoke from factory chimneys polluted the air.
9. My mother made this cake.
1 0 . I enjoy travelling.
1 1 . David teaches in a Technical College.
12. Help me solve this problem.
13. Ted broke the news to me.
14. Knowing your lim itations is important.
15. They want m oney. They don’t want affection.
16. He misunderstood my intentions.
17. I remembered her nam e after she had gone.
18. Remember to lock the door before you leave.
19. Does Mary wash up everyday?
20. She first heard the news from .Francis.
2 1 . I get along with him perhaps because he’s a misfit.
22. We need pilots, not ground staff.
23. Prices will go up. This is certain.
24. To be early is better.
25. Peter lent us money. Paul didn’t.


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26. We found that getting a visa is impossible.

27. He’s going today.
28. We ordered wine. We didn’t order beer.
29. Bad roads don’t cause accidents. Speed does.
30. Teasing anim als is cruel.

* Styles la nhufng kieu hanh van de dien dat mot cau noi
theo nhieu cach khac nhau.
* Nhufng cach dien dat m ot cau van co the la:
- Dung tinh tii thay cho danh tii (hoac ngUdc lai).
Ex: + There is a determination to overcom e problems.
—> Children are determined to over com e problems.
+ They show no interest in the picture.
—> They aren’t interested in the picture,
- Dung dong tii thay cho danh tti (hoac ngUdc lai).
Ex: + We had a look at the picture.
—> W e looked at the picture.
+ He had an intention of making a journey with her.
—> He intended to make a journey with her.
- Dung the bi dong cua dong tii thay cho the chu dong (hoac ngiidc
Ex: + Mary has finished her homework.
—> M ary’s hom ework has been finished.
+ We should keep dangerous chemicals in safe places.


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—> Dangerous chemicals should be kept in safe places.

- Dung pho tii thay cho tinh tii (hoac ngiiclc lai).
Ex: + He is a careful driver,
—> He drives carefully.
+ Tom is a good student,
—» Tom studies well.
+ Mary can type well.
V adv
-» Mary is a good typist.
adj N
* LUu y : Khi doi cach hanh van, ta can lvfu y stf thay doi cua

adj + N ^ — ►adv + V (th^ ^ }

+ O + adv

Ex: + They gave thought to the problem.

-> They thought about the problem.
+ He has a strong desire to becom e a doctor,
-> He strongly desires to becom e a doctor,
adv V

* M ot s o tvf difofc sii d u n g dtfdi d a n g V, v a N.

1 . to look at : to have a look at (nhin vao)
2 . to think about/ of: to give thought to (nghi)
3 . to be determ ined to: to have a determination to (du dinh)
4 . to know (about): to have knowledge o£(biet)

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5. to agree: to be in agreement (dong y)

6. to disagree: to be in disagreement (khong dong y)
7. to contact sb: to have contact with sb (hen lac, quan he)
8. to exchange: to have an exchange of (trao doi)
9. to argue with sb: to have an argument with sb (tranh cai vdi
1 0 . to com plain about: to have a complaint about (phan nan ve...)
1 1 . to land: to make a landing (ha canh)
1 2 . to receive sth: to be in receipt of sth (nhan...)
13. to need: to have a need of (can)
14. to love sb: to fall in love with sb (yeu ai...)
15. to brush sth: to give sth a brush (chai)
16. to arrange with sb: to have an arrangement with sb (sap xep)
17. to tend to : to have a tendency to (co khuynh hUdng)
18. to intend to + inf: to have intention of (du dinh) + V-ing
19. to desire tu: to have a desire to (ao Udc)
2 0 . to wish: to have/ express a wish (ao U6c)
2 1 . to visit sb: to pay a visit to sb/ to pay sb a visit (tham vieng)
2 2 . to discuss sth: to have a discussion about (thao luan)
23. to decide to: to make a decision to (quyet dinh)
24. to take to: to have a talk with (noi chuyen)
25. to explain sth: to give an explanation for (giai thich)
26. to call sb: to give sb a call (goi dien cho...)
27. to be interested in: to have interest in (thich)
28. to drink: to have a drink (uong)
29. to photograph: to have a photograph of (chup hinh)
30. to cry: to give a cry (khoc, keu)
31. to laugh at: to give a laugh at (cUdi nhao)
32. to welcome sb: to give sb a welcome (chao don)
33. to kiss sb: to give sb a kiss (hon)
34. to ring sb: to give sb a ring (goi dien)
35. to warn: to give warning (bao dong, canh bao)
36. to try to (+inf): to make an effort to/ to make an attempt to
(co gdng)


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37. to meet sb: t.o have a meeting with sb (gap ai...)

38. to succeed: to make a success (thanh cong)
39. to be used: to be in use (diidc sii dung)
40. to rest: to have a rest (nghi ngdi)
41. to sleep: to have a sleep (ngu)
42. to bathe: to have/ take a bath (tSm)
43. to examine: to have an examination (kham, kiem tra, xem
x 6t)

Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the suggested

1. Mary cooks well.

-> Mary is ...
2. He is the best football player in his team.
- » No one ...
3. She plays tennis well.
—►She is ...
4. People speak English in Australia.
-> English ...
5. They are building a school for the poor.
-► A ...

6. No one has seen her since 1980.

-> She ...
7. She teaches English well.
-> She is ...
8. This man lives by begging for money, food, etc.
—> This man is ...


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9. She types with care.

—> She is ...
10. No sooner had we begun our walk than it rained.
—> Hardly ...
1 1 . This wom an has very little sleep.
—> This wom an ...
12. There is a tendency to minimise problems.
-> They ...
13. They show a strong desire to put aside the status of
the school child.
-> They strongly ...
14. They thought much about their work.
They gave a ...
15. They had little knowledge of the job of their choice.
-> T h e y ...
16. Tllere is a determination to overcome problems.
—> They are ...
17. He visits us whenever he’s in town.
—> He pays ...
18. There has been a tendency to choose well-paid jobs.
-> They have ...
19. Some children give a great deal of thought to their
future work.
—> Their future work ...
20. They spend millions o f dollars on advertising every
—» Millions ...
21. The teacher is going to tell us a story.
—►We ...


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2 2 . This house was built 100 years ago.

—> W e ...
23. All the arrangements have been made.
- » T h e y ...
24. Evening dress ought to be worn.
-> She ...
25. She has a strong desire for a scholarship.
-> She strongly ...



* Ldi noi gian tiep (Reported Speech) la tvfdng thuat lai y

cua ngvfdi noi.
* Neu dong tvf cua m enh de chinh d thi Simple Prerent
(SAY), Present Perfect (HAVE/ HAS SAID) hoac Simple
Future (WILL SAY) thi trong ldi trich dan ta chi doi dai tvf
EX: + The farmer says, “ I hope it will rain tomorrow.”
-* The farmer says that he hopes it will rain tomorrow.
+ She has said, “I’m tired now.”
—> She has said that she is tired now.
* Neu dong tvf trong menh de chinh d thi Simple Past
(SAID) thi trong ldi trich diin ta phai doi thi, cac tvf hoac
cum tvf chi thdi gian, vi tri, dai tvf ...


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* Khi m uon chuyen tvf ldi noi trtfc tiep sang ldi ndi gian
t iep, ta can lvfu y m ot so thay doi sau:

I/ Thay doi thi dong tvf (Changes in Tenses o f verbs)

Trvfc t ie p : G ia n tie p : Vi du:

"“Simple *Simple Past * “ I feel sick” .
Present He said he felt sick.
*Present * Past * “ I’m writing a letter”.
Continuous Continuous He said he was writing a
Simple Past * Past * “I have seen that film”
I Present Perfect He said he had seen that
Perfect film.
*r Past * Past * “I was living in Vxene
< Continuous Perfect then”
^ Perfect Continuous He said he had been hvine
Continuous ...
* Simple * Future in * “I shall go to Japan in
Future the Past J u ly
He said he would go to
Japan in July.
*may * might
*can *could

* M ust/ M ight/ Could/ Should/ Ought to ditdc giit nguyen.

* Ta van co the dung “Sim ple Present” thay vi “Simple Past”
trong ldi ndi gian tiep khi dien ta:
- M ot thoi quen : “ I work late every morning” .
- M ot chan ly : ‘T h e sun rises in the East”.
* Ddi vdi cac dong tvf khuyet thieu (khong du cac dang thvfc
d cac thi) ta phai mvfdn cac dong tvf co cung nghia nhvf:
- must —» had to/ would have to


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- must not —►was not to (were not to)

- can -> could/ be able to
- will/ shall -* would/ should/ be going to

II/ Thay doi tinh tvf va trang tvf (Changes in Adjectives and

Trvfc Gian tiep: Vi du:

This That “I need this bock” .
He said he needed that book.
These Those “ I’ll take these with me”.
He said he would take those
with him.
Here There “ I’ll return here at 3 o’clock” .
He said he would return
there .......
Now Then “I’m going now” .
He said he was going then
Today That day “I’ll do it today” .
He said he would do it that
Yeterday The day before “T was at Hue yesterday” .
The previous day He said he had been at Hue
the day before.
Tomorrow The day after “W e’ll wait until tomorrow” .
The follow ing day They said they would wait
until the day after.
ago before “ I was at Dalat three weeks
ago” .
He said he had been at Dalat
three weeks before.
Next The week after “I’ll come to see her next
week . The following week” .


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week He said he would com e to see

her the week after:

Nhung stf thay doi nay deu duoc dp dung cho cac loai
cau duoi ddy:

I) Cau menh lenh gian tiep:

Khi mot cau menhlenh, de nghi dUdc doi tii true tiep sang gian tiep
thudng dUdc md dau bang nhung dong tvf nhii: “order, command,
tell, ask, request...” tuy theo sau do co tan ngii true tiep chi ngildi
nhan lenh va dong tii dung d nguyen m&u co “to”.
• “ Hurry up, Lan”
-> He told Lan to hurry up.
• “ Shut the door” .
-> He ordered them to shut the door.
• “Don’t leave the room” .
-> He ordered them not to leave the room.
• “ Please don’t tell anybody what happened” .
-> She asked me not to tell anybody what (had) happened.

II) Cau hoi gian tiep: Co hai loai cau hoi:

1) Loai cau hoi tra ldi bang “Yes” hay “No” (Yes- No questions)
Trong ldi noi gian tiep loai cau hoi nay dUdc md dau bang cac
dong tu: nhu “ask, inquire, wonder...” va theo sau co “if ’ hoac
“whether” .
•’’Have you seen that film?”.
-> He asked if she had seen that film.
• “W ill Tom be here tomorrow?”
-> She wondered if Tom would be there the day after.


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2) Loai cau hoi dap bang mot Statement (Wh-questions):

met dau bang cac nghi van tie nhii: who, what, when,
where..., Trong ldi noi gian tiep loai cdu hoi nay diipc md
dau bang cac dong tie nhii: ask, require, wonder, want to
know ...
• “W hat tim e does the film begin?”
-> He wanted to know what time the film began.
• “What will happen if she can not find her passport?”
-> He wondered what would happen if she could not find her
• Chu y; Trong trtfofng hdp cau trtfc tiep co ca cau tran
thuat lan cau hoi thi khi doi sang cau gian tiep, phan nao
van cu’ doi theo phan ay.
• “ I have left my watch at home. Can you tell me the time?”
-> He said that he had left his watch at home and asked me if I
could tell him the time.

III) Cau cam than gian tiep:

Khi mot cau cam than dude doi tvf triic tiep sang gian tiep
thUdng dUdc md dau bang dong tti “exclaim ” .
• “W hat a lovely garden they have!”
He exclaim ed what a lovely garden they had.
• “How hot it is!”
He exclaim ed how hot it was.

IV) Cau tran thuat gian tiep:

- Khi mot cau tran thuat dUdc doi tCf trUc tiep sang gian tiep
thUdng diidc md dau bang cac dong tii nhU: say, tell...
to say (that)...
to say to somebody...


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to tell somebody...
- Vdi loai cau nay khi doi tvf tn ic ti£p sang gian tiep ta c4n chu ^
den sii thay doi cua: dai tvf l&m chu ngvf hoac tan ngii, tinh tif hoic
dai tvf sd hiiu, tinh tvf va trang tvf trong cau.
* Special cases (trvfc/ng hcfp dac biet)
Khi doi tvf cau noi trvfc tiep sang cau noi gian tiep, ta khong doi
thi trong menh de phu d cac trvfdng hdp sau dvl menh de chinh fll
thi Simple Past.
1. Dong tvf trong cau noi trtfc tiep co thdi gian xac dinh.
Ex: He said, “I was born in 1980”.
-> He said that he was b o m in 1980.
2. Cau dieu kien loai 2 va 3.
Ex: He said, “If I were you, I w ouldn’t com e here” .
He said if he were me he w ouldn’t com e there.
3. Past subjunctive (trong w ish-clause, as if...)
Ex: Mary said, “I wish I were a boy” .
-> Mary said that she wished she were a boy.
4. Trong lcfi noi trtfc tiep co: could, would, should, might,
used to, ought to, would rather, had better...
Ex: Tom said to me, “You had better not contact her” .
-> Tom said to me I had better not contact her.
5. Ldi noi trvfc tiep dien ta m ot chan ly.
Ex: My teacher said, ‘T h e sun rises in the East” .
-> My teacher said the sun rises in the East.


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Change the follow ing sentences into reported speech.

I . He said to her, “You are my friend.”

I 2. Johnny said to his mother, “I don’t know how to do this
3. “Don’t com e back before one o’clock”, advised my brother.
4 . “Cook it in butter” , Mrs Brown said to her daughter.
5. The pupils said, “Teacher, give us better marks, please” .
6 . “W hat a dirty face you have!” Ann said to her son.
7. “Don’t you know how to behave? There must be no talking in
lessons” , the teacher told his pupils.
8 . “I wonder who is com ing on the excursion tomorrow. I do
hope it won’t rain” . She said.
d,® 9. “Do as you are told. You are a naughty boy.” Mrs Brown
10. “ It’s a very nice evening. W hy don’t we go out for a walk?”
Jim suggested.
I I . “It isn’t so foggy today as it was yesterday” , said the teacher.
12. “Be modest if you are a good pupil” , said my father.
13. “Shut the door but don’t lock it” , she said to us.
14. Tom said, “New York is bigger than London” .
15. “Please help us,” they said to us.
16. “Don’t forget to send your parents my regards” , she said to
17. The traveller asked, “ How long does it take to get to
L on d on ?’
18. John said, “ I have finished studying my lesson.”
19. Mary said, “I can not go to the movies with you, John.”


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20. “ I shouldn't do that if I were you. Isn’t it very dangerous?’

He said.
21. “W hen we’ve finished this gave we’ll have supper,” they said
to me.
22. “Have you got any shampoo. Alice. I must wash my hair.”
Johny asked.
23. He said to me “Listen! Can you hear someone coming?”
24. “ Do as I tell you or you’ll be punished. I'll teach you who is
the master in this house” , he said.
2 5 .1 asked Bill, “what time did you go to bed last night?’


* Mot cau la m ot hinh thiic ngon nguf dien ta m ot y hay mot

tinh earn bang m ot tfr hay nhieu tii, si'i dung cach nao va
xep dat theo trat tii nao de noi nen cai y nghia tinh cam ay.

A / Cac, loai cau: cau difota chia lam 4 loai sau:

1/ Cau phat bieu (declarative sentences)
-> cho ngUdi khac biet y nghi va tinh cam cua minh.
Ex: + It’s hot today.
+ He speaks English very well.

11/ Cau nghi van (Interrogative sentences)

- » Tim hieu y kien va tinh cam cua ngUdi khac.
Ex: + Is it hot today?
+ Does he speak English very well?


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II1/ C au menh lenh (Imperative sentences)

-> Noi cho ngtfdi khac lam theo y kien va tinh cam cua minh.
Ex: + Open the window.
+ Speak English, please.

IV/ Cau cam than (Exclamatory sentences)

- » Thct len mot cam xuc bieu lo phan tfng ttf ttfdng va tam ly
cua minh triidc mot sii viec.
Ex: + How hot it is today!
+ W hat a beautiful garden!
* Loai cau phat bieu la thong dung va ttfdng doi de sii
dung, sau day ta se lan ltfcft xem xet den 3 loai sau:

1/ Cau nghi van: gom 3 dang cau hoi:

aJ Yes- No questions:
—> Doi vdi dong tii dac biet nhii “be, have, can, may, must..." chi
can dao dong tie ay ra tritdc chu ngii:
Ex: + Are you a pupil? -Y e s, I am (or No, I am not)
+ Can your father speak English? -Y es, he can (or No,
he can’t)
-> doi vdi nhieng dong tie thiCctng nhiC “go, drink, run..." ta can
phai miCcJn trd dong tii “to do" de dat cdu hoi:
• Do you often walk to school?
Yes, I do. (No, I don’t)
• Does fire burn? Yes, it does. (No, it doesn’t)
• Did they go to the theatre? Yes, they did. (No, they didn’t)

6/ W h-questions: bat dau bang cac nghi van tii nhii: who, what,
wtiere, when, why, how...
• W ho will help you with this work?
• W hat languages can you speak?
• W hen are you com ing to see me 7


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cl T a g q u e s t io n (cau hoi duoi)

Quan sat: Your father is a teacher. isn’t he?
Statement question-tag
Vdi mot Statement xac dinh thi them mot question-tag phu
Ex: You can speak English, can’t vou?
Vdi mot Statement phu dinh thi them mot question-tag xac
Ex: He shouldn’t smoke, should vou?
Subject cua question-tag khi nao cung phai la mot dai ti(
Ex: That job is hardly suitable for her, is it?
Neu dong tii cua Statement la dong tii dac biet (be, can, may,
will...) thi lap lai cac dong tii ay trong question-tag:
Ex: They were there, weren’t they?
Neu dong tut cua Statement la dong tii thiidng thi ta phai miidn
“to do” trong question-tag:
Ex: They arrived yesterday, didn’t they?
(She doesn’t want to go, does she?)
Dong tii trong question-tag neu la phu dinh thi luon 6 dang
viet n it gon:
Ex: He will come, won’t he?

• Chu y:
• Q uestion-tag dvfdc len giong khi ngufcfi hoi muon hoi
xem co dung khong, va cau tra ldi co the la Yes hoac No.
• Q uestion-tag dvfdc xuong giong khi ngifdi hoi da biet roi
va chd m ot sii dong tinh, xac nhan nen cau tra ldi
thifdng la Yes.

2/ Cau menh lenh. de nghi:

-> Thiibng hinh thdnh bang mot dong tit nguyen mau khong co
“to” va khong co chu ngu! (Ta hieu ngam chC. ngii la “You’)


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Ex: Open the door.

Get out of here.
-> Mot danh tii co the di vdi cdu menh lenh nhitng thiidng diing
Ex: Come in, John.
Get out of here, dirty dog.
—> Cdu menh lenh phu dinh hinh thdnh bang cdch them "Don't'
tritdc dong tit.
Ex: Don’t be so silly.
Don’t send for the doctor.
-> Cdu menh lenh hoq.c de nghi co the them “Please” vao dau hoac.
cuoi cdu decho lick sit han.
Ex: Please lend me your pencil.
Pass the sugar, please.
-> Ngoai ra con co mot so tit hoac cum tit cung mang y nghia sai
bao hoac nhd va: “will, would, would you mind, if you don't
Ex: Will you lend me your pencil, please?
W ould vou mind telling me about yourself?

3/ C au c a m th a n : khong true tiep phat bieu y kien hay do hoi y

kien nhung bieu lo tinh cam hay thai do nhtf ngac nhien, than
phuc, toi nghiep, khinh miet, ghe tdm, thu vi...
Ex: How fast he runs!
What a lovely girl!
-> Cach diing hai tii md dau cau cam than How va What:

* H o w + a d je c t iv e (a d v e r b ) + S u b je c t + V e r b

• How dirty the dog is!
• How fluently Mai speaks English!

* W h a t + (a, a n ) + (a d je c t iv e ) + N ou n


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« W hat a long car.
• W hat an interesting film!
• W hat sweet oranges!

B/ Cac mau cau cd ban: (Basic sentence patterns in

Diia vao cac mau cau cd ban nay ta co the xep dat cac tii loai
thanh mot cau d&y du de dien ta dieu minh muon noi.
Trong ph&n nay ta chi x 6 t den triidng hdp cua mot cau ddn ttic \k
mot nhom tvf gom co mot dong tii dvfdc chia v i dien ta mot y diy

1/ Cac chOfc nang trong cau :

a/ Chu nguf (Subjects):
Co the la ngiidi hoac svf v&t, svf viec thiic hien hoac chiu trach
nLiem cho hanh dong cua cau va thudng diing trUdc dong tif.
Moi cau trong tieng Anh deu phai co chu ngii, tuy nhien trong
cau menh lenh, chu ngii “You” diidc hieu n gim .
Chu ngii co the la mot tii ddn:
Ex: + Coffee is delicious.
+ Milk contains calcium.
Chu ngii co the la mot ngii danh tii:
Ex: + The book is on the table.
+ That new red car is John’s.
Trong mot vai cau, chu ngii thsLt khong xuat hien d vi tri binh
thiidng cua chu ngii ma no xuat hien sau dong tii va “ It” hoac
‘T h ere” dong vai trd cua chu ngii (gia).
Ex: + Itjs hard to believe what he says.
+ There was a fire in that building last month,
b/ Dong tif (verbs):
Dong tvf theo sau chu ngii trong ldi noi khang dinh. No thiidng
cho thay hanh dong cua cau. Moi cau phai co mot dong tit
Dong tii co the la mot tii ddn:


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Ex: + John drives too fast.

+ They speak English fluently.
Dong tii co the la mot cum tii:
Ex: + John is going to Miami tomorrow.
+ Jane has been reading that book.
-> Chu y: X e m th e m p h a n th i c u a d o n g tif (T e n se s o f v e rb s )
va c o th e c u a d o n g tif (V o ic e s o f v e rb s ).
d B o nguf (C o m p le m e n t s ):
- Bo ngii thiidng di sau cac dong tif “ be, look, seem, become, get,
feel, turn ...”
Bo ngii co the la mot danh tii, ngii danh tii, hoac tinh tii.
Ex: + My father is a doctor.
+ Leaves turn yellow in Autumn.
Bo ngQ co the bo nghia cho chu ngii hoac tan ngii.
Ex: + The weather gets cold in the evening.
-> “Cold” lam bo ngit cho chu ngii “the weather” va ditdc goi la
Subject Complement.
+ They elected him President.
-» “President' lam bo ngit cho tdn ngit “him” va ditdc goi la Object
d/ Tan nguf (O b je c t s ):
- Tan ngii lam hoan chinh nghia cho dong tii va diing sau dong
tii trong cau. No co the la danh tii hoac ngii danh tii va tra ldi
cho cau hoi “who” (ai) hoac “what” (gi, cai gi).
- Trong mot cau khong nh£t thiet phai co tan ngii.
Tuy nhien co cau lai co hai tan ngii.
• John bought a cake yesterday.
• My mother gave me a bicycle on my birthday.
• She saw John at the movies yesterday,
e/ T if b o nguf (A d ju n c t s ):


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Tvf bo nghia cho biet thdi gian, ndi chon hoac cach thtic cua
hanh dong.
Tii bo nghia thUdng la nhiing trang tii, trang ngii hoac cac cum
tii bat d&u bang mot gi6 i tii.
• He runs fast.
• W e ate dinner at seven o’clock.
• My father cam e home from Hanoi yesterday morning.
Trong m6 i cau khOng nhit thi£t phai c 6 tir b6 nghia v& mOt tiJr bd nghia
thudng tra ldi cho cau hoi “when", “where” , “ how”.

2/ Cac mau cau cd ban:

a/ __________________
Subject + Verb____________________
Ex: The ducks are swim m ing.
(S) (V)
Subject + Verb + Adjunct________

Ex: He came there.

(S) (V) (A)
, Subject + V erb + Complem ent

Ex: Her sister looks beautiful.

(S) (V) (C)
d / _____________________________________
Subject + Verb + Object_________

Ex: Tom can speak English.

(S) (V) (O)
Subject + Verb + Indirect O bject + Direct Object


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Ex: She has just sent h^ro a letter.

(S ) (V ) ( 0 T) ( 0 d)

• Direct Object (Od) : tan ngii tnJc tiep

• Indirect Object (Oj) : tan ngut gian tiep

Subject + Verb + Direct Object + Preposition + Indirect

_______________________________ Object
Ex: She has iust sent a letter to him
(S) (V) ( 0 d) (Pre) (Oj)
3 Mot so" dong ttf thiidng co hai tan ngut nhii : “give, send, show,
buy...” .
Subject + Verb + Object + Object Complement |
Ex: They named their son Tony.
(S) (V) (O) (Co)
(S'----------------------------- - -------------------------------- 1
Subject + Verb + Preposition + prepositional Object |

Ex: He fell into the stream.

(S) (V) (Pre) (Opre)
Subject + Verb 4- Object + Adjunct_____
Ex: We took a taxi to Ben Thanh Market. #
(S) (V) (O) (A)


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1/ In this part, each sentence has four underlined words or
phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are
marked (A ), (B), (C ) or (D). Identify the underlined word or
phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to
be correct.

1. These televisions are all too expensive for we to buv at

this tim e, but perhaps we will return later.
2. After she had bought him self a new automobile, she sold
her bicycle.
3. The next important question we have to decide is when
do we have to submit the proposal.
4. George has not com pleted the assignm ent vet, and
Maria hasn’t neither.
5. After George nad returned to his house, he was reading
a book.
6. M any theories on conserving the purity of water has
been proposed, but not one has been as widely accepted
as this one.


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7. The food that Mark is cooking in the kitchen is smelling

A '> B y C
18. After John eaten dinner, he wrote several letters and
A- B C
went to bed.
9. The manager has finished working on the report last
night, and now she will begin to write the other
10. Because Sam and M ichelle had done all of the work
theirselves. they were unwilling to give the results to
11. Daniel said that if he had to do another homework
tonight, he would not be able to attend the concert.
12. After to take the medication, the patient becam e drowsy
and more m anageable.
13. The political candidate talked as if she has already been
elected to the presidency.
14. The salad tasted so well that my brother returned to the
salad bar for another helping.


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15. Even though she looks very young, she is twice older than my
twenty-year-old sister.
16. Despite his smiling face, the second-place contestant is
more sadder than the winner.
17. Us students would rather not attend night classes in the
summer, but we often have to.
18. The policeman ordered the suspect to don’t remore his
hands from the bood o f the car.
19. It was him who cam e running into the classroom with
A B C .
the news.
20. M v brother doesn’t care how much does the car cost
because he is going to buy it anyway.
2 1 . Mary and her sister studied biology last year, and so
does Jean.
22. Pete had already saw that musical before he read the
reviews about it.
23. There’s a new Oriental restaurant in town, isn’t it?


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24. The governm ent has decided voting on the resolution

now rather than next month.
25. I do not believe that I have ever seen as many expensive
cars than they were in that shopping center.
26. The members of the orchestra had to arrived an hour
prior to the perform ance for a short rehearsal.
* C D
27. We thought our cam eras were the sam e, but his is
different than the one that I bought.
28. If Monique had not attended the conference, she never
would meet her old friend Dan, whom she had not seen
in years.
29. Having lived here for seven years, my friend is used to
A ■ B
speak English with all her classmates.
30. No one in our office w ants to drive to work any more
because of there are always traffic jam s at rush hour.
31. That novel is definitely a dense-packed narrative, but
one which requires a vast knowledge of cultural


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background or an excellent encyclopedia.

D 1
32. Having been beaten by the pohce for striking an officer,
the man will cry out in pain.
33. This table is not sturdy enough to support a television,
and that one probably isn’t neither.
34. The bridge was hitting by a large ship during a sudden
storm last week.
35. The com pany representative sold to the manager a
sewing machine for forty dollars.
36. The taxi driver told the man to don’t allow his
disobedient son to hang out the window.
37. These television are quite popular in Europe, but those
ones are not.
38. Harvey seldom pays his bills on tim e, and his brother
does too.
39. The price of crude oil used to be a great deal lower than
now, wasn’t it?


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40. After driving for twenty miles, he suddenly realized that

he has been driving m the wrong direction.
C D *
41. The Department o f Foreign Languages are not located in
the new building opposite the old one.
42. The Nobel Prize winner, accom panied by her husband
and children, are staying in Sweden until after the
43. Neither o f the scout leaders know how to trap wild
animals or how to prepare them for m ounting.
44. Those of you who signed up for Dr. Daniel’s anthropology
class should get their books as soon as possible.
4 5 . I put my new book of zoology here on the desk a few
minutes ago, but I cannot seem to find it.
46. Marta being chosen as the most outstanding student on
her campus made her parents very happy.
47 Writers and media personnel sell theirselves best by the
impression given in their verbal expression.


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48. In the spirit o f the naturalist writers, that author’s work

portrays man’s struggle for survrrmg.
D ''
49. StepheniCranefa story is a_chaiical portrayal of man as
an animal trapped by the fear arid hunger.
50. Their:sillv. w hilv conversation on a child level was
meant to create tension and heighten Nancy's fears and
51. For a long time, this officials have been know throughout the
country as_political bosses and law
52. Nora hardly never misses an Opportunity to play in the
A >■ B C D
tennis tournaments.
53. Air pollution, together w ith Uttering, are causing many >
problems in our large, industrial cities today.
54. Because of the sevfere a io w storm and the road blocks, the air
A ; B
force dropped food and m edical supplies close the
C U. D
55. Humming birds are the only birds capable to fly backward
'./-A -,v l :•■).-!; r ! . B
as well as forw ard, up, and down.


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>6. The news of the president’s treaty negotiations with the

foreign government were received with mixed emotions by
the citizens of both governments.
57.; Angie’s bilingual ability and previous experience were the
qualities that which helped her get the job over all
the other candidates.
D )
58. Joel giving up smoking has caused him to gain weight and
s A B C
become irritable with his acquaintances.
59. They asked me what did happen last night, but I was
unable to tell them.
C D :
30. The test administrator ordered we not to open our books until
he told us to do so.
' D
61. Our new neighbors had been living in Arizona since ten years
before moving to their present house.
62. We insist on vou leaving the meeting before any further
outbursts take place.
63. It has been along time since we have talked to John,


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isn’t it?
64. Henry objects to our buying this house without the approval
of our attorney, and John does so.
65. Rita enjoyed to be able to meet several members of Congress
during her vacation.
66. After being indicted for his part in a bank robbery, the
reputed mobster decided find another attorney.
67. Harry’s advisor persuaded his talking several courses
which did not involve much knowledge of mathematics.
68. The only teachers who were required to attend the meeting
were George, Betty, Jill, and me.
69. The work performed by these officers are not worth our
paving them any longer.
70. The instructor advised the students for the procedures to
follow in writing #he term paper.
71. Although both of them are trying to get the scholarship, she
has the highest grades.


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72. The new technique calls for heat the mixture before
applying in to the wood.
73. The pilot and the crew distributed the life preservers
between the twenty frantic passengers.
74. A five-thousand-dollars reward was offered for the capture of
the escaped criminals.
75. The equipment in the office was badly in need of to be
76. A^liter is one of the metric measurements, aren’t they?

77. We thought he is planning to go on vacation after the first of

the month.
78. Neither of the girls have turned in the term papers to the
instructor yet.
79. After studying all the new materials, the student was able to
rise his test score by twenty-five points.
80. The book that you see laving on the table belongs to the
81. I suggest that he goes to the doctor as soon as he returns
from taking the exam.


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82. She is looking forward to go to Europe after she finishes her

studies at the university.
83. They 9aid that the man jumped off of the bridge and
plunged into the freezing water.
84. Mr. Anderson used to logging in the crisp morning air
during the winter months, but now he has stopped.
85. The volume four of our encyclopedia set has been missing
for two months.
86. I do not know where could he have gone so early in the
87. If a crisis would occur, those unfamiliar with the procedures
would not know how to handle the situation.
88. Standing among so many strangers, the frightened child
began to sob uncontrollable.
89. The teacher tried to make the classes enjoyable experiences
for the students so they would take a greater interest m the
90. Whenever students asked for help or guidarce, the counselor


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would advise them or refer them to someone who will.

91. Anybody who plans to attend the meeting ought send a short
note to the chairperson.
92. The teacher and the administrators are having such difficult
time agreeing on a contract for the forthcoming year that the
teachers may go on strike.
93. Mary usually arrives at the office at nine o’clock, but because
the storm, she was two hours late.
94. When an university formulates new regulations, it must relay
its decision to the students and faculties.
95. Jim was upset last night because he had to do too many
96. There is some scissors in the desk drawer in the bedroom if
you need them.
97. The Board of Realtors doesn’t have any informations about
the increase in rent for this area.
98. George is not enough intelligent to pass this economics class
without help.


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99. There were so much people trying to leave the burning

building that the police had a great deal of trouble controlling
100. John lived in New York since 1960 to 1975 , but he is now
living in Detroit.
101. Children enjoy telling and listening to ghosts stories.
especially on Halloween night.
102. At the rate the clerks were processing the applications,
Harry figured that it will take four hours for his to be
D .
103. No one would have attended the lecture if you told the
truth about the guest speaker.
104. We had better to review this chapter carefully because we
will have some questions on it on our test tomorrow.
105. The little boy’s mother bought him a five-speeds racing
bicycle for his birthday.
106. Despite the time of the year, yesterday’s temperature was


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enough hot to turn on the air conditioning.

C > D
107. The president went fishing after he has finished with the
108. Peter and Tom plavs tennis every afternoon with Marv and
109. There were a time that I used to swim five laps every day.
but now I do not have enough time.
110. He was drink a cup of coffee when the telephone rang.
111.We called yesterday our friends in Boston to tell them
about the reunion that we are planning.
112. The children were playing last night outdoors. When it
began to rain very hard.
113. Those homework that your teacher assigned is due on
Tuesday unless you have made prior arrangements to
turn it in late.
114. Please give me a few coffee and some donuts if vou have
any left.
115. They plaved so good game of tennis last night that they
surprised their auuiencfc.


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116.1 would rather that they do not travel during the bad
weather, but they insist that they must return home today.
117. Among us students are many foreigners who attend
languages classes at the south campus.
118. My book is different than yours because mine has a
vocabulary section at the bottom of each page, and yours
has one in the back.
119.That product that you bought at the lower pnee is the more
inferior to the one that we sell at a slightly higher price.
120. After a carefully investigation, we soon discovered that
the house was infested with termites.

11/ For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence

as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence,
but using the word given. This word must not be altered in
any way.
EXAMPLE: It’s no use arguing: I’ve made up my mind,
ANSWER: There’s no point in arguing: I’ve made up my
1. I don’t mind discussing it with you.
- > ...


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2. Did you enjoy yourself last night?

—► ...
3. I don’t mind doing whatever you want me to do.
4. It was good to see all my old friends again,
—► . . .
5. I don’t mind working hard, if that’s what I have to do.
—► ...
6. Do you like your new car?
—> ...
7. She won’t like me changing the arrangements,
8. I’m very excited about seeing you next week,
—► ...
9. Her friends’ messages of sympathy helped her during her
10. Please behave in my house as you would in your own house,
— ► ...
11. He deals calmly with everything,
—> ...
12. Why don’t you relax for a few days and let me look after the


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- > ...
13. Sh e w as very relieved w hen she realised th a t her bag hadn’t
been stolen.
—^ ...
14. T hin gs have got so bad th a t I have to borrow m oney from other
—> ...
1 5 . 1 felt stupid w hen I realised w h at I’d done,
- > ...
16. H er lack of education m ak es her feel em barrassed,
em barrassm ent
- * ...
17. S he blush ed at th e m ention of his n am e.
—^ . . .

18. H e thinks th a t th e accident w as his fault.

—^ ...
19. H e fells bad about cheating them .
-> . . .

2 0 . S he feels un com fortable w hen people tell her how beautiful she
—^ . . .

2 1 . T h e boss likes to m ak e people feel am b arrassed in front of

- » ...


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22. I’m hoping to go skiing at Christmas,

—^. . .

2 3 .1 don’t think his reasons for being nice to me are sincere,

—> . . .

24. Think about the good things! You’re young and healthy and
will have plenty more opportunities.
—►. . .

25. Do you think that your chances of getting promotion are good?
-» . . .

26. I don’t quite understand the meaning of his word,


. . .

27. All I can do i» cross my fingers and be optimistic.

2 8 .1 expect he’ll be late, as usual,
->. . .

2 9 .1 can only see bad things happening in the future,

-> ... •
3 0 .1 wasn’t sure about him at first, but now he seems very good at
his job.
—^ . . .

31. Does she think that her chances of getting the job are good?
-» . . .

3 2 .1 don’t want to argue with you.


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argum ent
— y ...
33. In the end we found a solution that suited us both,
com prom ise
—> ...
3 4 . 1 don’t think that the way he treats people is right,
—> ...
35. I’ll com prom ise with you.
—> . . .

36. W e’ve agreed to share the cost.

-> . . .

3 7 . 1 expressed my disagreement with his plan,

—► ...
38. He thinks that capital punishment is a good idea.
-> . . .

39. If you do what I ask, everything will be all right,

co-op e'rate
. . .

4 0 .1 never have arguments with my parents,

—► . . .

4 1 .1 don’t mind changing my plans,

-> . . .

4 2 .1 thought about it for a while and then I accepted their offer,

-> . . .

43. The neighbours were arguing.


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-». . .

44. Do we agree?
agreem ent
—». . .

4 5 .1 don’t like having to pay so much for so little,

. . .

46. He thinks that divorce is wrong,

->. . .

47. Don’t listen to him - he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
-> . . .

48. Your mistake didn’t influence the way things turned out.

. . .

49. The recent increases in air fares haven’t changed the number
of people wanting to fly.
.. .

50. We all felt sad at the news of her death.

—^. . .

51. He was partly responsible for his own failure,

-> . . .

5 2 .1 don’t influence the way that the business is managed,

53. Don’t let other people have an effect on you!
—> ...


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54. Everyone contributed to the team’s success,

p a rt
-». . .

55. His personal problems have an influence on his ability to do

his job.
—> ...
56. I didn’t react to his unpleasant comments.
-> ...
57. A lot of people believe that television affects the way we
—> ...

58. She’ll be furious when she finds out what’s happened.

—>.. .

59. He got angry because we all disagreed with him.

tem p er
->. . .

60. She is angry and bad-tem pered today.

-> . . .

61. I don’t want to be treated as an inferior any more.

—> .. .

62. He got extremely angry when he saw the damage that had
been done to his car.
—> ...
63. His arrogance irritates me.


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6 4 .1 don’t want people to order me about any more .

—> ...
65. Waiting for buses irritates me.
-* ...
66 . Having to get up so early is irrtating.
—^ . . .

.67. It annoys me to see so much food being wasted,

-> ...
68 . Was the exam OK?

69. Although I set off late, I succeeded in getting there on time,

-> ...
70. Nothing bad happened on my first day at work,
—►.. .

71. The whole day happened as planned.

—^ ...
7 2 .1 gave up trying to make friends with the other students
because I was m aking no progress.
—) . . .

7L,. It seems thht whatever I try do to, something bad always

—> . . .

74. She always gets what she wants.


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75. He’s becom ing very successful,

—> ...
76. Did you manage to get a ticket?
—^ ...
77. The evening was unsuccessful and ended in an argument.
-> ...
78. Be careful of thieves if you go to that part of town.
. . .

7 9 .1 put a lot of care and attention into this letter,

—^ . ..
80. I’ve installed an alarm to stop thieves stealing my car.
—> ...
81.1 bought it without thinking about it first,
—> ...
82. You’re making a judgem ent before you’ve heard the facts,
-> ...
8 3 .1 choose very carefully who I discuss my private life with,
—> ...
84. I made sure that I didn’t offend them,
—> ...


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85. I’ll look for you at the concert, although I expect it will be very
—► ...
86 . She chooses the kind o f hotels she stays in very carefully.
—► ...
87. Will you take care o f the flat while I’m away?
—^ ...
88 . Be careful not to hit your head.
—► . . .

8 9 .1 don’t mind whether we go or not.

->. . .

90. Be careful to notice a red door when you arrive - that’s my flat,
—► . . .

91. They have security guards so that people won’t try to steal.

92. They’re telling me that I must make a decision soon.

—> . . .

93. When I make my com plaint, I hope that you’ll say you agree
with me.
—► . . .

94. She’s always trying to force other people to accept her opinions.
—^ . . .

95. He has always done things to help her in her career.


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-». . .

96. He offered them more money to encourage them to do the job

—>.. .

97. The judge gave a harsh sentence so that other people wouldn’t
commit the same crime.
-».. .

98. Because of the circumstances, I have to act quickly.

-» . . .

99. She was nervous about going to the doctors, so I went with her
so that she wouldn’t be alone.
—> ...
100. He doesn’t earn enough money to sur\ ive.
—> ...
101. I need as many people to encourage me as I can get.
encouragem ent
-> . . .

102. Many people believe that the death penatly deters

—> . . .

103. I was forced to apologise.

—» . . .

104. My favourite cricket team is Hampshire Countv Cricket



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105. You should think about the price before you decide whether
to buy it or not.
—► . . .

106. He’s not sure whether to go or not.

—>. . .

107. I’ve considered the advantages and disadvantages and I’ve

decided not to go.
—► ...
108. Considering that she’s only just started, she’s doing very
—► ...
109. She’s now not sure whether she wants to marry him or not.
—> ...
110. The way he behaves in private is very different from the
way he behaves at work.
—> ...
111. This record is exactly the same as the last one they made.
. . .

112. Parents try to teach their children to understand that right

and wrong are two different things.
—► ...
113. This program m e is like the one that used to be on years


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-> ...
114. I prefer playing football rather than watching it.
-> ...
115. Being mean and being careful with money are not quite the
s u b tle
—► ...
116. Not having much money is not the same as being
com pletely broke.
—^ ...
117. His attitude has been diffirent recently.
—> ...
118. I’ll have to wait before I know whether he’ll keep his
prom ise or not.
—► ...
119. I’m afraid I’ll be a bit late because som ething unexpected
has happened.
—► ...
120. There was never any doubt about what the result would be.
—► ...

I l l / Choose the word or phrase (A , B, C or D ) which best

com pletes each sentence.
1 . Som etim es I pay and som etim es she pays, but it a l l the
A. am ounts B. evens out C. stands out D. balances
2. W hat’s ......this word?


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A opp osite from B.contrary to

C.the contrary of D.the opposite of
3. H e ......because he was the only old person there.
A. contrasted B. stood up C. varied D. stood out
4. It’s funny you should say that. I’ve just had t h e .....* thought.
A. like B. identical C. alike D. similar
5. House p rice s......greatly from one area to the next.
A. contrast B. vary C. distinguish D. stand out
6 . This particular flower is famous for i t s ......smell.
A. distinguished B. differential
C. distinctive D. different
7 . I had......temporary jobs when I was a student.
A. different B. distinctive C. various D. varying
8 . We sell a ......of different wines from around the world.
A. variation B. variety C. variance D. variant
9. The two pictures are v e r y ......, but if you look carefully, you’ll
notice one or two differences .
A identical B. equal C. same D. alike
10. Eighty kilometres is t h e ......fifty miles.
A. equivalent of B. equivalent from
C. equal of D. equal from
11. Although technically speaking he wasn’t sacked, it ...... the
same thing.
A evens out to B. am ounts to C. points to D. signifies
12. That’s the la s t ......! I’m leaving.
A. pain B. straw C. limit D. nuisance
13. She’s a(n) ...... old woman, who’s always complaining about
A. annoyed B. fu n ou s C. bad-tem pered D. infuriated
14. He’s v e r y ...... about his work, so try not to say anything that
he might take as a criticism.
A. annoyed B. touchy C. irritated D. annoying


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15. My boss will be a b solu tely ......with me for being late again.
A. angry B. annoyed C. furious D. irritated
16. My father has a very b a d .......
A. temper B. mood C. humour D. tantrum
17. There’s not m u c h ......for progression in this job.
A. prospect B. outlook C. expectation D. scope
18. I’ve got to work late tonight - som ething h a s ......
A. come out B. turned cut C. com e up D. turned off
19. There’s not much ...... of him finding a cheap hotel in such an
expensive city.
A. potential B. prospect C. outlook D. scope
20. She’s got t h e do well.
A. potential B. prospect C. outlook D. scope
2 1 . I don’t thing that the situation will change in t h e ......future.
A. known B. predictable C. foreseen D. foreseeable
22. The w e a th e r......said it was going to rain today.
A. prediction B. prospect C. forecast D. scope
23. I can’t im a g in e ......anywhere except London.
A- living B. to live C. live D. that I live
24. The newspapers a r e ...... that there will be a general election in
two months.
A. turning up B. forecasting C. im agining D. telling
25. My ...... was right. The result of the game was exactly what I
said it would be.
A. anticipation B. prospect C. prediction D. outlook
26. For me, the film didn’t ...... all the enthusiastic publicity it
A. come up B. live up C. turn up to D ,liv e u p to
27. Don’t worry about not finding a job yet. I’m sure something
will t u r n ......soon.
A. up B. out C. about D. in
28. I ......that the score would be 2-0 but I was wrong.


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A told B. predicted C. looked out D. cropped up

29. He was late so often that it w a s ...... that he would lose his job
A. forecast B. inevitable C. potential D. anticipated
3 0 .1 didn’t ...... that such a simple matter could become as
com plicated as it has.
A foresee B. gamble C. forecast D. tell
31. There’s a b u s ......just outside my house.
A. station B. quay C. stop D. start
32. They’re pulling down all those buildings to make room for a

A. parking B. lane C. letter box D. car park

33. Where can I ......a bus to the cinema?
A get in B. catch C. fetch D. becom e
34. My train leaves from the o t h e r ......
A. quay B. stop C. platform D. park
35. She lives on the top floor of t h a t ......of flats.
A building B. tower C. construction D. block
36. Why don’t y o u ......a taxi to get to the station?
A. take B. catch C. ask D. phone
37. One who shares som ething with another person is a ......
A. sharer B. keeper C. partner D. holder
38. Halfway through the first act the leading man forgot h i s ......
A. speeches B. parts C. saying D. lines
39. Ba refused to take ...... in the preparations for the school
A. place B. notice C. part D. leave
4 0 .1 didn’t ...... I was talking to the Director until he told me his
A. identify B. recognise C. find D. realise
41. He is a v e r y He only thinks about himself.
A. selfish B. self-confident C. self-reliant D. lonely


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42. My sister is v e r y ......of music.

A. like B. enjoyed C. interested D. fond
43. Nothing can grow in this p o o r ......
A- surface B. grass C. soil D. ground
44. She has gone abroad. She will re tu rn ......
A for two years C. by two years’ time
B. in two years’ time D. for two years’ time
45. You may leave the con feren ce...... the intervals. •
A. while B. by C. at D. during
4 6 .1 ......the hot weather in India.
A. used to B. uses to C. use to D. am used to
47. We can hardly tell y o u ......
A. nothing B. som ething C. anything D. none is correct
48. She w on’t lend it to you unless y o u return it on time.
A. would B. prom ise C. shall D. promised
49. It’s late. It’s t im e ......home.
A we go B. we must go C. we should go D. we went
50. He is not v e r y far as money matters are concerned.
A. sensitive B. senseless C. sensational D. sensible
51. He subm itted a ......for an increase in salary.
A order B. com m and C. request D. requirement
52. The new w orker shows a lack o f ......for his work.
A. happiness B. enthusiasm C. passion D. jealousy
53. It’s often better t o ...... safe in exams than to give an original
A act B. perform C. play D. do
54. Mary believes that wom en are m o r e ......for some types of work
than men.
A worthy B. good C. right D. suitable
55. A good chess-player needs a lot o f ...... and the ability to
concentrate on his game.
A. patience B. hardship C. certainly D. pleasure


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56. The student’s hard work was ...... with success in his degree
A. awarded B. rewarded C. gifted D. presented
57. Courtesy is very im portant because i t ......customers to visit a
shop again.
A. encourages B. helps C. urges D. recommends
58. That cupboard must always b e ......carefully locked.
A closed B. help C. kept D. shut
59. His nam e was on the ...... of my tongue, but I just couldn’t
remember it.
A. end B. edge C. point D. tip
60. John ...... a great deal about examinations.
A. worries B. troubles C. annoys D. excites
61. Is it all right if I p a y ......cheque?
A by B. in C. on D. from
62. The mark has risen i n ......against the dollar.
A. exchange B. value C. currency D. change
63. So many people buy th in g s nowadays.
A. on B. by C. in D. from
64. The more I earn, the m o r e I pay.
A salary B. wages C. income D. expenditure
65. If you aren’t satisfied, w e’l l ......your money.
A. put away B. put aside C. refund D. reduce
66 . Last January the t r a m ......went up by 7%
A. taxes B. fares C. fees D. premiums
67. He w a s ......$400 for driving dangerously.
A. found B. retired C. loaned D. fined
68 . If you buy twenty or more, you’ll get a ......
A. discount B. loss C. reject D. budget
69. She was very pleased because she made a ...... of £.10,000 on
the sale of her house.
A loss B. profit C. fortune D. benefit


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70. Take t h e ......if you want them to change the shirt.

A. recipe B. register C. receipt D. repayment
71. He spent all the m oney he had w o n clothes.
A. on B. for C. with D. from
72. I need s o m e ......for the coffee machine.
A. exchange B. bills C. change '• D. finance
73. The mechanic didn’t for repairing my car.
A. change B. charge C. bribe D. tax
74. She let the family live in the co tta g e
A. hire B. accom m odation C. let D. rent
75. The contents of the shop were in su red ......£500,000.
A. for B. until C. on D. from
76. I’m going to ask my bank manager for a .........
A. lend B. borrow C. loan D. finance
77. I was im p ressed ......the work they have done.
A. for B. under C. o f D. by
78. If he’d been thirsty, h e ......some water.
A. would drink B. will drink
C. had drunk D. would have drunk
79. Please be c a r e fu l......the dishes. It’s easy to break them.
A. on B. at C. with D. for
80. A machine can work 100 times as fast as any p e rso n ......
A. can B. work C. did D. could
81. The dog ju m p e d ......the table.
A. through B. over C. out of D. past
82. I think the treasurer strongly d isapp roves......our new system.
A. with B. by C. for D. of
83. Ask the s h o p ......where the washing powder is.
A. nurse B. assistant C. barber D. conductor
84. T h a t ......sells very good meat.
A. baker B. dentist C. architect D. butcher
85. If my tooth doesn’t stop hurting, I’ll go and see m y ......


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A. actor B. dentist C. writer D. jockey

86 . Not many buses have a .........You usually pay the driver.
A. manager B. farmer C. conductor D. porter
87. Look! The .... .. is feeding the lions.
A. keeper B. pianist C. postman D. engineer
88 . T h e showing them his plans of the new building.
A optician B. nurse C. architect D. dancer
89. She wants the ...... to make a special cake for her daughter’s
A inspector B. baker C. cashier D. mechanic
90. My ...... always comes early so I get my letters before I go to
A. postman B. chemist C. butcher D. porter
91. E v e ry this army should know how to use the new gun.
A sailor B. porter C. soldier D. joker
92. He left his job because h i s ......didn’t pay him enough money.
A. employee B. employer
C. conductor D. architect
93. T h e ......arrested him for stealing the diamonds.
A. dentist B. electrician
C. politician D. policeman
94. A fa m o u s ......operated on her.
A. surgeon B. coach C. driver D. carpenter
95. T h e ......made a lot o f noise as they left the party in their cars.
A. thieves B. characters C. pedestrians D. guests
96. It’s difficult to be a ......o f this club.
A. travel agent B. member C. clown D. bachelor
9 7 . I can hear my n e x t-d o o r......playing his trumpet.
A. thief B. custom er C. neighbour D. champion
98. He hates marriage. He wants to stay a ......
A. passenger B. bachelor C. customer D. widow
99. W ho is t h e ......o f this book?


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** A. author B. surgeon C. journalist D. orphan

100. If she beats her, she’ll be the new t e n n is ......
A character B. host C. champion D. passenger
101. T h e ......made this door badly. I can’t close it.
A orphan B. carpenter C. artist D. pedestrian
102. After his parents died, the young......went to live with his
A. clown B. farm er C. orphan D. lawyer
103. Sherlock Holmes is an im p orta n detective fiction.
A em ployer B. character
C. manager D. writer
104. I hope they find t h e ......who stole my money.
A. thief B. orphan
C. cham pion D. contestant
105. If y o u the doctor, your cold would be better now.
A. went B. have gone
C. had gone D. would have gone
106. H e put the packages wherever he could find room .
A. asks B. asked
C. was asked D. was asking
107. No one knows how many d ocu m en ts......been lost.
A. has B. had
C. have D. has had
108. Fame and p o w e r ......different people differently.
A affect B. affects
C. are affected D. affecting
109. Would you p le a s e ........ him speak about the plan?
A. let B. allow C. ask D. tell
1 10. Although she is difficult to please. I can’t h e lp ........ her.
A. like B. liked C. to like D. liking
111. By the tim e you come home, I report.
A. will finish B. have finished


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C. have been finished D. will have finished

112. It is n o t .............that he came first. He’s been working very
A. surprising B. surprised
C. to surprise D. to be surprised
113. W orkers were w a rn e d ......down into the hole in the
A. against to go B. not to go
C. not going D. not to going
114. I slept badly last night. The noise of the traffic kept me

A awake B. awaken C. wake up D. waken

115. Production cost must b e ......low.
A. keep B. keeping
C. kept D. have kept
116. They left at 10:00 AM a n d ......a taxi to the airport.
A. take B. took
C. are taking D. have taken
117. W e hire out b icy cle s..........
A. by hours B. for the hour
C. by an hour D. by the hour
118. His frie n d s...... him yesterday when he becam e very ill.
A. visited B. have visited
C. were visiting D. have been visiting
119. I have s p e n t...... today.
A many m oney B. a lot of money
C. a few money D. few money
120. M any traffic accidents carelessness and
im patience.
A. occurred B. happened C. caused D. resulted


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1. is com ing ..../ don’t 6 . starts

want 7. are going/ do you
2 . is singing come
3. do you read? 8 . has
4. rises ..../ is rising 9. see, are wearing
5. hear/ know/ are 1 0 . buys

1. have tried/ haven’t 6 . has gone - has never been

succeeded 7. Have you been sleeping-
2 . has been resting/ has have been ringing
been 8 . has been writing - hasn’t
3. has been working/ hasn’t finished
had 9. has lost - has been
4. has been lying/ haven’t looking
read 1 0 . have seen
5. hasn’t been - has been

1 . has looked 6. am/' have forgotten
2. gets 7. have you seen
3. belongs 8 . has just graduated
4. rem em ber 9. circles
5. works /ftf.have written


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1. studied 6 . did you do?
2. have read 7. have you learnt
3. have studied 8 . has never been
4. travelled 9. stopped/ took
5. had 1 0 . was/ heard/ cried

1. arrived/ was sleeping 6 . were playing/ came

2 . was watering/ was 7. was/ talked/ saw/ came
chatting 8. were waiting/ passed
3. crossed/ saw 9. was/ was working
4. rang/ was taking 1 0 . heard/ got up/ left
5. heard/ got/ opened

1A . forgot/ had told/ had reminded/ did not bring/ wanted
2 . asked/ had seen/ told/ had not seen
3. had w aited/ had net seen/ met
4. went/ had finished
5. had already begun
6 . hadn’t eaten
7. sat/ rested
8 . went
9. was/ was
1 0 . had ever seen

1 . w a s/h a d thought
2 . m entioned/had never heard
3. won
4 . went/ were playing/ said/ had played
5. had taught/ left


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6 . agreed
7. told/ had visited
8 . were playing/ was writing
9. asked/ had happened
1 0 . had changed

1 . stops 6 . is
2 . will stay/ answers 7. will com e/ see
3. catch 8 . will go
4. won’t com e/ are 9. will wait/ come
5. will help/ finishes 1 0 . will send/ arrive

1 . has finished 6 . will have left
2 . com e/ has already bought 7. will have ended/ get
3. have finished 8 . will have built
4. hope/ will have stopped 9. will start
5. will not begin/ falls 1 0 . will give/ see

1. go/ will be sitting 6 . com e/ will be workin
2. will explain 7. will be working
3. will be w aiting/ get 8 . returns
4. will you doing/ will be 9. see
practising 1 0 . will be doing/ com e
5. see/ will remind

1. will have completed 1 1 . will have been work:
2. will be waiting/ get 1 2 . will have finished
3. will be driving 13. will give/ see
4. will see 14. won’t have done
5. will have come 15. will be interview ing


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6 . will look 16. will pass

7. will have been working 17. will have been writing
8 . will be practising 18. will arrive
9. will have been 19. will be
10. will move 2 0 . will have finished

1 . am redecorating 51. had forgot
2 . buy/ win 52. was doing
3 . did you get/ got 53. haven’t seen
4 . have worked/ has never 54. was raining
said 55. will wait
5 . has been sounding 56. hears
6 . have taught/ have never 57. started/ (had started)/
met was
7. will be sitting 58. have you been studying
8 . will feel (have studied)
9. shall recognized 59. haven’t received/ left
1 0 . lost/ has been 60. am having
1 1 . saw/ was waiting 61. will speak
1 2 . has been 6 k. will be living
13. bloom 63. is coming
14. haven’t lived 64. is
15. will never forget/ have 65. was speaking
just told 6 6 . don’t eat
16. are preparing 67. will have finished
17. stayed/ rode/ had 6 8 . was watching
borrowed/ borrow ed 69. has lived
18. has worked/ has been 70. has cut
working 71. was built
19. worked 72. is singing
20 . build/ fly 73. have been planted/
2 1 . have lost/ can stopped
2 2 . hasn’t smoked 74. will not come


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23. arrived/ had just gone 75. had been studying

24. have Bob and Mary been 76. says/ is talking
25. have you received 77. did you do/ had gone
26. joined/ was 78. have you been waiting/
27. will you rem em ber/ will have you waited
forget 79. had done
28. had studied 80. will have been waiting
29. wrote 81. will have made
30. left/ haven’t heard 82. broke- stole- were
31. Did you speak/ haven’t dancing
seen/ can’t/ saw 83. were sitting- was doing-
32. were playing was knitting- were
33. discovered reading
34. will have finished 84. has painted
35. will have been living 85. has asked
36. reported/ had captured 8 6 . was listening
37. thanked 87. was working
38. has stolen 8 8 . have played/ (Have you
39. had been living/ broke played)/ cam e/ have
40. was played/ joined/ had
41. am usually arrived
42. was/ had been 89. will say/ (is going to say)
43. has driven/ knew 90. get/ rises
44. speak 91. had been
45. wags/ sees 92. asks
46. were you doing/ rang 93. comes
47. had never seen 94. am working
48. haven’t seen 95. was/ wanted
49. got 96. was/ had died
50. did your father die/ don’t 97. cried
know/ died 98. will not send
99. left
100. has given


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1 . is writing 16. is
2 . will look 17. had made
3. was 18. hadn’t gone
4. has been 19. have taken
5. would be 2 0 . has lived
6. comes 2 1 . had helped
7. was 2 2 . has just said
8. built 23. had just said
9. was having 24. would capture
10 . has lived 25. would call
1 1 . go 26. is
12 . are 27. will introduce
13. will take 28. was
14. is writing 29. will rain
15. was 30. would get

1. prefer 4. is 7. spends
2. have 5. costs 8. likes
3. ' reach 6. has 9. are

1. had broken 3. were drifting 5. was cross
2. ran 4. was 6. had been

1. was driving 4. stopped
2. saw 5. asked
3. was waving 6. was


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1. was 5. will look
2. was 6. told
3. came 7. looked
4. said • ■ 8. give

1. was beginning 4. turned
2. was standing 5. asked
3. opened

1. leaving 4. joined
2. went 5. wrote
3. was

1. am 4. have known
2. have had 5. has lived
3. have lived 6. has had

1. are 5. is more widely spoken
2. spoken 6. speak
3. is 7. is spoken
4. speak 8. fourfd

1. heard 7. ran
2. got 8. escaped
3. was still sleeping 9. had
4. went iO heard
5. were trying 11. had seen
6. switched on 12. had phoned


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1. woke 4. put 7. had
2. hired 5. drove 8. closed
3. went 6. made 9. had

1. causes 5. harm s 8. show
2. get 6. live 9. do people
3. die 7. smoke smoke
4. gives 10. smokes

1. have known 3. has lived
2. moved 4. came

1. comes 5. has just taken (took)
2. came 6 . will move
3. started 7. is
4. has learnt (has been 8 . will come (are com ing/
learning) are going to come)

1. were invited 6. understood
2 . to spend 7. had
3. had just returned 8. were broken
4. rented 9. was leaked
5. spent

1. works 4. has been
2. has been 5. arrived
3. is studying 6. has been


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1. was sitting 4. went
2. was cutting 5. put
3. went

1. didn’t have 6. shall/ will spend
2. wanted 7. shall/ will go
3. was 8. learn
4. got 9. are
5. have 10. like

1. threaten 6. act
2. pursue 7. would never do
3. come 8. think
4. is 9. say
5. have been 10. are

1. had 5. had left
2. missed 6. doesn’t live
3. was standing 7. had
4. realized 8. got

1. was 5. was turning
2. was raining 6. rushed
3. got 7. turned
4. looked 8. asked


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Tron Bo SGK:

1. was 6. leaving
2. was 7.< worked
3. was born 8. wrote
4. was 9. had visited
5. began 10. had met

1. is presently working 5. went
2. has just returned 6. was
3. was 7. spoke
4. had never had 8. enjoyed

1. decided 5. arranged
2. have worried 6. have heard
3. took 7. have begun
4. have already sold 8. grew

1. is 6. will find
2. has seen 7. wonder
3. have not clim bed 8. come
4. reach 9. gives
5. walk 10. do not know

1. got 6. explained
2. was 7. was standing
3. was 8. told
4. got 9. had travelled
5. didn’t know

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Tron Bo SGK:

1. ha 6 written 5. came
2. started 6. writes
3. lives 7. has won
4. spent 8. won

1. had just started 6. had already been
2. did not ring 7. went
3. had forgotten 8. began
4. began 9. looked
5. drove 10. had put

1. was walking 4. stopped
2. met 5. to talk
3. hadn’t seen 6. had done

1. would be 6. is
2. was 7. has come
3. were 8. does
4. fell 9. give
5. had become 10. makes

1. made 6. let
2. wonder 7. does not let
3. is not 8. reach
4. say 9. have
5. is 10. hate


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1. My briefcase has been taken.
2. Our written work was returned to us by the teacher.
3. The report had been finished by noon.
4. The little boy was bitten by the mad dog.
5. Five supects have been arrested by the police.
6. He was ordered to take a long rest by the doctor.
7. The house was struck by lightning.
8. Their friend has been met at the railway station by a grouj
of students.
9. Tom wasn’t allowed to take these books home.
10. Exercises won’t be corrected by the teacher tomorrow.
11. Tom has been operated since 10 o’clock.
12. This is the second time we have been written to about this.
13. We have been taught French by Mr Smith for 2 years.
14. The children weren’t properly looked after.
15. This street wasn’t swept last week.
16. A great deal o f tea is drunk in England.
17. English is spoken all over the world.
18. Two poems were being written.
19. Her dog is often taken for a walk.
20. Tea can’t be m ade with cold water.
21. All the workers o f the plant were being instructed by the
22. Some o f my books have been taken away.
23. The m eeting will be held before May Day.
24. The engine of the car has to be repaired.
25. The window was broken and some pictures were taken away
by the boys.
26. A lot of m oney is spent on advertising everyday.
27. This room may be used for the classroom.


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28. A story is going to be told by the teacher.

29. The cake is being cut with a sharp knife by Mary.
30. The wom an with a red hat was looked at by the children.
31. My hat used to be pulled over my eyes.
32. For the past years, all my washing have been done by hand.
33. A nest has been built in the porch since last week by a pair
of robins.
34. The murderer hasn’t yet been found.
35. One of her own paintings was sold at $1,000.
36. Your gloves will be put back in your drawer.
37. English is spoken in alm ost every com er of the world.
38. This m achine mustn’t be used after 5:30 p.m.
39. Luckily for me, my name wasn’t called.
40. After class, the chalk board is always erased by one of the
41. The wall must be cleaned before it is painted.
42. The new pupil was told where to sit.
4 3 .1 knew that he had been told of the meeting.
4 4 .1 have never been treated with such kindness.
45. His story isn’t believed.
46. The dam may be broken by a sudden increase in water
47. Books borrow ed from the library must be taken good care of.
4 8 .1 was told about it by a man I know.
49. He can never be found at hom e for he is always on the move.
50. Milk is used for making butter and cheese.

1/ Yes-No question:
1. Is English taught here?
2. W ill she be invited to your wedding party?
3. W ere some exercises given by the teacher?
4. Is a poem going to be written?
5. Has the window of the laboratory been changed?


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Tron Bo SGK:

6. Are big cakes being made for the party?

7. Has the work been finished by Tom?
8. Are inquires about the thief being made by the police?
9. Must the test be finished before ten?
10. Will the children be brought home by buses?

2/ Wh- question:
11. W hen will the work be done?
12. How many days were spent finishing the work?
13. How is this am ount of money spent?
14. What books are being read this year?
15. How was the lost man found by the police?
16. By whom were the children looked after for you?
17. How long has the doctor been waited for?
18. W hat time can the boys’ papers be handed m?
19. Why wasn’t he helped?
20. Who is kept in the kitchen?

3/ Sentences with verb “continue and begin”:

21. This computer will continue to be used.
22. Rubber trees began to be planted m big plantations.
23. Natural resources can continue to be enjoyed.
24. Coca- Cola will continue to be drunk in the 21st century.
25. Football begins to be loved by American people.

4/ Sentences with phrasal verb

26. The research was given up after three hours.
27. The matter should be looked into.
28. Don’t speak until you are spoken to.
29. The children are being looked after by a neighbour.
30. Pleasant memories are brought back with your story.

5/ Sentences with verbs o f perception:

31. She has been heard to sing this song several times.


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Tron Bo SGK:

32. He was seen to steal your car.

33. They are being watched to work.
34. You won’t be let to do that silly thing again.
35. The children aren’t made to work hard.
36. He was made to work all day.
37. The woman was seen to put the jewelry in her bag by the
38. The hostages were made to lie down by the terrorists.
39. Drivers are advised using an alternative route by police.
4 0 .1 am helped to do all these difficult exercises.

6/ Sentences o f order:
41. Let your book be opened.
42. Let your hat be taken off.
43. Don’t let that silly thing be done again.
44. Let them be told about it.
45. Don’t let yourself be seen by the other.

7/ Sentences with “Advise, Beg, Order, Urge, Agree,

46. She advised me that the house should be sold.
47. They begged us that he should be helped.
48. He orders us that the floor must be cleaned.
49. He recommends me that the job should be done.
50. She urged him that her parents should be visited as soon as

8/ Some special sentences:

51. It’s dangerous for the short cut to be taken.
52. Your hair needs cutting. (Your hair needs to be cut)
53. It must be seen to be believed.
54. He wants to have some photographs taken.
55. W e enjoy letters being w n tter


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Tron Bo SGK:

1. The wanted man is believed to be living in New York.
2. Many people are said to be homeless after the floods.
3. The Prime Minister is known to be in favour of the new
4. The goverment is expected to lose the election.
5. The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing over
the wall.
6. The thieves are believed to have gotten m through the
kitchen window.
7. He is alleged to have dnven through the town at 90 miles
an hour.
8. Two people are reported to have been seriously injured in
the accident.
9. Three men are said to have been arrested after the
10. He is said to be 108 years old.
11. The man was rumoured to have been still living.
12. She was declared tc have won the competition.
13. Number 13 is believed to be an unluckly number.
14. John is said to be the brightest student in class.
15. The earth was believed to have stood still.

1. Please wait here while they are examining your luggage.
2. How do they make candles?
3. For a long time they believed that the earth was flat.
4. Did your teacher teach you how to apply this theory?
5. They say that apples are good for our health.
6. Don’t let the children tease the dog.
7. People believe that red is the symbol of luck.
8. W hat have they done to help the poor in this city?
9. They must have stolen the jewelry while she was out.
10. W here did pirates use to hide the treasure in the old tim e0


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Tron Bo SGK:

11. You have to do this job at once.

12. They feed these animals at the zoo twice a day.
13. French doctors are going to perform the operation.
14. They have made all the arrangements.
15. When did they manufacture this radio?
16. We couldn’t find them anywhere.
17. Do they teach mathematics m this school?
18. Fortunately the accident didn’t dam age the machinery.
19. They make the artificial flowers o f silk.
20. The students are writing the lessons now.


1. brings 11. don’t

2. is 12. do
3. were 13. isn’t
4. were 14. seems
5. has 15. is
6. makes 16. are
7. have 17. is
8. is 18. were
9. brighten 19. wasn’t
10. is 20. is

1. .Ann’s mother
2. the top of the page
3. yesterday’s newspaper
4. the nam e of this street
5. our neighbours’ garden
6. Don and M ary’s children
7. Helen’s friend’s wedding


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Tron Bo SGK:

8. the ground floor of the building

9. M ike’s parents’ car
10. the economic policy o f the government
(the governm ent’s economic policy)

1. A photographic portrait of Peter in the exhibition was much
2. John’s wedding presents were magnificent.
3. It’s about three hours’ drive to London from my house.
4. Last week’s storm caused a lot of damage.
5. Tomorrow’s meeting has been cancelled.


1. us 6. George’s
2. his 7. the defense
3. our 8. Henry
4. me 9. our
5. his 10. John’s

1. themselves 6. yourselves
2. itself 7. ourselves
3. herself 8. themselves
4. myself 9. herself
5. himself 10. yourself

'1 . somebody/ anybody 6. anything
2. something/ anybody 7. somebody


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Tron Bo SGK:

3. anybody 8. anybody
4. anybody 9. anything
5. anybody 10. something

1. It was my question that made him angry.
2. W e find it a good chance to meet each other on this occasion.
3. Do you think it difficult to explain to him what happened?
4. It is thought that he is a famous doctor in this city.
5. It is stupid to fall asleep like that.
6. It is very interesting to learn English.
7. It takes only one hour from London to Brighton by train.
8. It is extremely difficult to understand some parts of King
9. It is clear to everyone but him self that he will fail.
10 . It won’t be easy to find our w ay home.

1. most of the day 6. all (of) the money
2. many people 7. all the time
3. some o f the photographs 8. most o f the time
4. some people 9. most people
5. most of the food 10. h alf o f the questions

V I/
1. none 6. either
2. either 7. neither
3. any 8. none
4. none 9. either
5. any 10. neither


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Tron Bo SGK:


1. interested 6. astonishing
2. exciting 7. amused
3. embarrassing 8. terrifying/ shocked
4. embarrassed 9. bored/ boring
5. amazed 10. boring/ interesting

1. a nice new pullover
2. a new green pullover
3. a beautiful old house
4. black leather gloves
5. an old American film
6. a long thin face
7. big black clouds
8. a lovely sunny day
9. a long wide avenue
10 . a small black metal box
11 . a big fat black cat
12. a lovely little old village
13 . beautiful long black hair
14. an interesting old French painting
15. an enormous red and yellow umbrella

1. tastes awful (or tasted awful)
. 2. feel fine
3. smell nice
4. look wet


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Tron Bo SGK:

5. sounds/ mterestmg (or sounded/ interesting)

1. She made a ten minute call to California.
2. Sam ’s new apartment is in a twelve storey building.
3. We are language teachers.
4. My parents saw a three act play last night.
5. The manager said that it would be a two day sale.
6. Mai bought a 79 piece tool set.
7. I need two 16 ounce cans of tomatoes.
8. I’m looking for a six quart pressure cooker.
9. He is a specialist at building brick houses.
10. Mrs Brown just bought her daughter a ten speed bicycles.

1. a few 11. many
2. few 12. few
3. much 13. little
4. many 14. a little
5. much/ little 15. a few
6. much 16. few
7. many/ much 17. little
8. little 18. little
9. many 19. a little
10. much 20. little


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Tron Bo SGK:


1. well 11. sick
2. intense 12. happy
3. brightly 13. terrible
4. fluently 14. properly
5. smooth 15. quiet
6. accurately 16. heavily
7. bitter 17. clean
8. soon 18. terribly
9. fast 19. colourful
10. terrible 20. selfishly

1. quickly 6. specially
2. careful 7. complete
3. continuously 8. perfectly
4. happily 9. nervous
5. fluent 10. financially

1. Rarely does she smile at me.
2. Not until he told me had I known her.
3. Hardly will you finish your work before it’s dark.
4. Only in this shop can you buy this book.
5. No longer is my teacher teaching m this school.
6. Never has she seen such a beautiful sight.
7. Seldom does this rich man help the poor.
8. Never in life did she feel happy.


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Tron Bo SGK:

9. Not until 1981 did people discover AIDS.

10. No sooner had Martin sat down than the telephone rang.
11. Nowhere could the lost child be found.
12. No help did I get from him.
13. Not only did he refuse to help me but he also laughed at me.
14. Never does he smoke in bed.
15. Only within two months has she made good progress.
16. Under no circum stances should you travel alone.
17. Only in Summer is it hot enough to sit outside.
18. Seldom is it wise to say too much about oneself.
19. Nowhere did he find a job after he had graduated from
20. Little do I know about computer.

1. dishonest, honestly, honesty
2. identification, unidentified
3. im aginary, im agination
4. industrial, industrious, industrialist, industrialised/ ied
5. manager, management, managing, m anageress
6. nationality, nationalised/ized, national
7. observant, observatory, observation
8. satisfactory, satisfaction, dissatisfied
9. scientist, scientific, scientifically
10. shortly, shorten, shortage
11. variable, variety, various, invariably
12. convenient, conveniently, inconvenient
13. creation, creature, creator
14. criticise/ize, criticism, critical


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Tron Bo SGK:

15. decision, indecisive

16. decorator, decorations
17. demonstrators, demonstration
18. dependent, independence
19. dictation, dictatorial
20. direction, directly, directory, directors
21. economical, economics, economically, economize
22. electrician, electricity, electrical, electrical
23. employees, unemployed, employer, em ploym ent
24. enthusiastically, enthusiastic
25. action, activity, inactive, actress
26. additives, addition
27. admirable, admiration
28. disadvantage, advantageous
29. advertising, advertisement
30. disagree, agreement
31. attractions, attractively
32. basic, basis
33. calculations, calculator, calculating
34. collecting, collectors, collection
35. comparison, comparatively, comparable
36. competitors, competitive, competition
37. confirmation, unconfirmed
38. continuation, discontinued, continually, continuous

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Tron Bo SGK:

1. accommodation 32. spotlessly
2. collection 33. decision
3. comparison 34. irresponsible
4. complaint 35. requirements
5. composition 36. constructive
6. demonstration 37. assistance >
7. dificulty 38. lengthened
8. identification 39. notify
9. illness 40. confidential
10. marriage 41. departure
11. mixture 42. misbehaved
12. occupation 43. pointless
13. permission 44. unenviable
14. punctuation 45. priceless
15. reservation 46. misunderstood
16. statement 47. argument
17. suggestion 48. non-smoker
18. translation 49. aplogise(ize)
19. treatm ent 50. truthful
20. weight 51. unpredictaple
21. disagreeable 52. pleasure
22. preferably 53. worthless
23. I'xtensive 54. justify
24. im passable 55. unreasonable
25. recognition 56. im pression/ attention/ appearance
26. financially 57. application
27. suspicious 58. approval
28. prosperity 59. arrangem ent
29. divisive 60. confirmation
30. unexpected 61. denials
31. unwisely 62. development


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Tron Bo SGK:

63. dismissal 82. noisy

64. employment 83. painful
65. examination 84. powerful
66. explanation 85. rainy
67. government 86. sleepy
68. identification 87. southern
69. pronunciation 88. successful
70. recommendation 89. sunny
7 1 .refusal 90. weekly
72. retirement 91. wonderful
73. comfortable 92. wooden
74. dangerous 93. orphanage
75. dirty 94. homeless
76. famous 95. poverty
77. foggy 96. sad
78. hungry 97. published
79. icy 98. ability
80. juicy 99. educational
81. national 100. independent


1. made fun of
2. made use of
3. taking leave of
4. to - gave place/ o f - caught sight
5. o f - t a k e care
6. feel regret for
7. put an end to
8. ofI take advantage
9. with/ lost touch
10. take care of


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Tron Bo SGK:

11. pay attention to/ take account of

12. pays attention to
13. made fun of
14. for/ make allowance
15. keep pace with
16. take notice of
17. takes care of7 makes allowance for/ feels pity for
18. take notice of
19. in/ taking interest
20. make room for
21. keep correspondence with
22. feel asham e at
23. put an end to
24. got victory over
25. lost track of
26. plays an influence over
27. show affection for/ have faith in
28. make use of
29. feel pity for/ take pity on
30. take interest in
31. to/ set fire
32. feel pity for
33. lose sight of
34. have a look at
35. catch sight of
36. made a decision on
37. make a contribution to
38. have faith in
39. pay attention to/ put an end to
40. make allowance for/ feel pity for/take pity on
41. make complaint about
42. feel sympathy for
43. lost touch with
44. make room for


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Tron Bo SGK:

45. taken notice of

46. taken advantage of
47. keep pace with/ keep up with
48. pay attention to/ take account of/ put on end to
49. gave way to
50. make a fuss over/ pay attention to
51. pay attention to
52. keep pace with
53. set fire to
54. take care of
55. take advantage of
56. have lost touch with
57. make fun of
58. take advantage of
59. lose touch with
60. catch sight of
61. pays attention to
62. take care of
63. set fire to
64. setting fire to
65. make fun of
66. pay attention to
67. lost track of
68. make use of
69. Betting fire to
70. have faith in
71. caught sight of
72. set fire to
73. put an end to/ put a stop to
74. makes fun of
75. Take account of


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Tron Bo SGK:



1. Jane’s sister doesn’t cook as well as Jane.
Jane’s sister cooks worse than Jane.
2. Nobody in this team plays football as well as Tom.
3. The speed of light is the fastest.
4. Jack isn’t as old as he looks.
5. You spent more money than I did.
6. It’s colder today than it was yesterday.
7. It takes more time to travel by train than by car.
8. Joe did worse than Chris in the exam.
9. My friend arrived earlier than I expected.
10. We were busier at work today than usual.

1 harder and harder ....
2 bigger and bigger.
3 more and more nervous.
4 worse and worse.
5 more and more talkative.

I ll/
1. earlier than 6. more peaceful than
2. thinner 7. more easily
3. bigger 8. higher than
4. more im portant than 9. more reliable
5. more crowded than 10. more serious than


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Tron Bo SGK:


1. should have had 6. should have studied
2. must have been 7. must have been
3. must have damaged 8. should have deposited
4. should not have parked 9. must have forgotten
5. must have studied 10. must not have studied

1. to buy/ to ask 11. preparing/ coming
2. buying/ dealing 12. find
3. to convince/ managing/ 13. camping
helping 14. change
4. cutting/ have/ done 15. not to drink
5. to come/ go (going)/ to 16. plant/ to get
climb/ making 17. to tell
6. smoking/ to risk/ setting 18. taking/ keeping/ to sell
7. to turn/ working 19. park/ to park
8. keeping/ to fill 20. to leave/ to put
9. to read
10. to become

1. waiting 11. to know/ to hve
2. seen/ cry 12. going/ stay
3. run 13. seeing
4. travelling/ shooting 14. not to touch
5. to get/ eating 15. showing/ to work
6. driving/ riding 16. letting/ run/ being
7. going 17. talking/ to finish
8. swear 18. to com e/ standing
9. to do 19. laughing/ slip
10i. to send 20. crawling

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Tron Bo SGK:


1. at - of 32. at 63. in
2. to - on 33. at 64. to
3. at 34. on 65. of
4. in 35. in 6 6 .about
5. on 36. on 67. for
6. in - at 37. into/ in 68. at
7. with 38. with 69. on - of
8. by 39. from 70. for
9. in 40. at 71. o f - o f
10. by 41. with 72. in - in
11. by 42. with 73. in
12. at 43. to 74. to
13. at 44. with 75. about
14. into 45. for 76. with
15. on 46. for 77. to
16. on 47. to 78. with
17. in/ into 48. from 79. for
18. in 49. of 80. with
19. in 50. to - for 81. to
20. in/ on 51. of 82. of
21. at 52. from 83. of
22. at 53. on 84. of
23. in 54. of 85. to/ from
24. at 55. of 86. of
25. at 56. to 87. of
26. at 57. from 88. of
27. m 58. in 89. for
28. in 59. of 90. about
29. in 60. in 91. of
30. to 61. with 92. about
31. at - at 62. about 93. with


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Tron Bo SGK:

94. in 127. for 160. to

95. to 128. for 161. with
96. with 129. of 162. to
97. to 130. for 163. for
98. to 131. up 164. at
99. at 132. off 165. at
100. with 133. for 166. to
101. about 134. from 167. with
102. at 135. of 168. to
103. with 136. to 169. to
104. of 137. at 170. from
105. of 138. to - in 171. on
106. on 139. to 172. of
107. for 140. in 173. to
108. at 141. for 174. in
109. from 142. with 175. to
110. about 143. from 176. for
111. with 144. from 177. for 145. of 178. with
113. to 146. on 179. to
114. in 147. from 180. for
115. at 148. with 181. from
116. about 149. with 182. of
117. about 150. with 183. to - for 151. to 184. of
119. to 152. with 185. at 153. of 186. for
121. to 154. along 187. for
122. of 155. of 188. with
123. about 156. for 189. for
124. to 157. with 190. with
125. to . 158. to 191. from
126. of 159. of 192. of


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Tron Bo SGK:

193. in 196. for - of 199. from

194. in 197. of 200. of
195. of - to 198. to

1. in 5. in 9. for
2. to 6. at 10. in
3. in 7. in
4. on 8. with

1. at 11. in 21. at/ on
2. on/ in 12. on (at) 22. at
3. at 13. in 23. on
4. on 14. on/ on 24. in
5. at 15. at 25. in/ in
6. on 16. in 26. at/ at/ in
7. at 17. in 27. at/ in
8. in/ in 18. in 28. in
9. on 19. on 29. at
10. on 20. on 30. in/ at

1. to 6. into 11. into
2. O 7. d>, to 12. to
3. at 8. at 13. to
4. to 9. t o /in 14. into
5. to * 10. to (in) 15. in

1. by 5. by/ in 9. by
2. with 6. on 10. by
3. by 7. by
4. with 8. by/ with/ on


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Tron Bo SGK:

1. to 8. with 15. for
2. in 9. about 16. of
3. to 10. in/ in 17. for
4. for 11. from /to 18. on
5. with 12. between 19. against
6. of 13. for 20. of
7. on 14. in


1. neither ... nor 6. because
2. so 7. although
3. either ... or 8. whether/ and
4. so 9 when
5. so 10. unless

1. Nam will pass the exam if he studies hard.
2. Mary came to class late because her motorbike had a
3. Her mother was very si:;k so she couldn’t come to class.
4. Although Tom was very lazy, he passed the final
5. Daisy is very nice, therefore all her friends love her very


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Tron Bo SGK:

6. Daisy is such an intelligent girl that she always gets the

7. We will take the trip unless it is stormy.
8. I had forgot locking the door when I drove to the office this
9. We study hard so that we can pass the final exam ination .
10. Although she earned her living by selling newspapers, she got
a B.A degree.

1. She is in either London or Berlin.
2. He was neither an idler nor a gambler.
3. Neither he nor I am present at the meeting.
4. The com puter can not only gather facts but also store them.
5. This prize will mean an honour not only for him but also for


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Tron Bo SGK:


1. the 21. the, a

2. the, cD, O, the 22. the, cD
3. 0 ,0 23. the (a), a, cD, CD
4. the, the ,the 24. cD, the, CD
5. a, O, <D, O 25. an, cD, the
6. the, the 26. a
7. the (<D), the, O 27. the
8. O 28. the, the
9. the, a, cD, a 29. cD, the
10. a, cD, the 30. a, the, a, a, a
11. CD, the 31. the, a, the. a
12. CD, the, cD 32. CD, the
13. CD, the 33. the, the
14. O, a (the), cD 34. an, the
15. cD 35. the
16. CD, CD, the 36. the, a
17. the, the 37. CD
18. cD, an 38. the, the
19. the, an 39. the, a
20. cD 40. the

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Tron Bo SGK:


1. attended
2. knew
3. had arrived
4. had
5. hadn’t seen
6. understood/ could understand
7. would not have been
8. will give
9. would have told
10. were
11. would respect
12. owned
13. worked
14. find
15. turn
16. save
17. stopped
18. would you do
19. doesn’t hurry
20. had tried
21. wouldn’t run
22. will you promise
23. would perm it/ had permitted
24. could spend
25. will accept

1. The crops wouldn’t have been ruined unless the flood had
risen higher.
2. Unless you had sneezed, he ...


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Tron Bo SGK:

3. Unless she did her hair differently she wouldn’t look quite
4. Unless John had played for our football team, we would have
lost the game.
5. Unless I won a big prize in a lottery, I’d not give up my job.
6. Unless you are careful, you ...
7. Unless you like this one, I’ll ...
8. I’ll not be able to do any work unless I have a quiet room.
9. Unless she hurries, she’ll...
10. Unless we had more rain, our crops wouldn’t be better.


1. I wish my father were here now.

2. The teacher wishes you worked more than you talked.
3. John wishes he would be an astronaut in the future (when he
grew up).
4. I wish I had helped you yesterday.
5. I wish you had given me a chance ...
6. Mary wishes she would be able to attend ...
7. We wish we had had enough money ...
8. I wish you drove more slowly.
9. The teacher wishes you were more studious.
10.1 wish he would get over ...
11.1 wish I were a doctor.
12.1 wish I had enough money...
13.1 wish I didn’t live in a big city.
14. Nam wishes he had accepted the job.
15.1 wish tomorrow weren’t a workday.
16. We wish we wouldn’t have to work this Saturday.
17.1 wish I hadn’t eaten too much ice-cream.
18.1 wish you had been here last week.


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Tron Bo SGK:

1 9 .1 wish I hadn’t spoken to him so impolitely yesterday.

20. Alan wished he hadn’t asked Arthur to lend him S20
21.1 wish the baby stopped crying.
22. He wishes he had invited Molly to his party.
23. I wish the hotel had been good.
2 4 .1 wish I had understood the lesson.
2 5 .1 wish my friend had passed his exam.


1. The clown took off his mask so as not to frighten the children.
2. My father drove carefully so that he w ouldn’t cause accidents.
3. Sue dutifully followed her parents’ advice so as not to cause
trouble for her parents.
4. Mr Thom pson is learning Vietnam ese in order to read ‘The
Tale of Kieu” .
5. Please shut the door so that the dog w on’t go out of the house.
6. The farmer built a high wall around his garden so that the
fruits wouldn’t be stolen.
7. The police stopped the traffic every few minutes so that the
pedestrians might cross the road.
8. The notices are written in several languages for everyone to
understand them.
9. I wish to have enough money in order to buy a new house.
10. Dick is practising the guitar to play for the dance.
11. She needs a job so that she will support her old parents.
12. He moved to the front row to hear the speaker better.
13. She put the meat into the oven in order that it would be ready
for dinner.
14. The boy stood on the benches to get a better view.
The boy stood on the benches so that he could get a better view


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15. We lower the volume of the radio so as not to bother our

We lower the volume of the radio so that we will not bother our
16. I’ll write to you in order that you’ll know my decision soon.
I’ll write to you in order for you to know my decision soon.
17. These men were talking in whispers in order that nobody could
hear their conversation.
These men were talking in whispers in order for nobody
to hear their conversation.
18. The boy feigned to be sick so that we wouldn’t make him work.
19. The man spoke loudly so that everybody could hear him
20. Doris often goes home as soon as the class is over so that her
mother won’t wait for her.
21. John gets up early so that he won’t be late for class.
22. Mary hid the novel under her pillow so that her father
wouldn’t see it.
23. Alice prepares her lesson carefully in order that she will get
high marks in class.
24. The robber changed his address all the time in order that the
police couldn’t find him.
25. They did their jobs well so that the boss would increase their
26. You should walk slowly so that your sister can follow you.
27. I’m studying hard in order to keep pace with my classmates.
28. We turned out the lights so as not to waste electricity.
29. This pupil reads only for short periods each day so as not to
train his eyes.
30.1 whispered so that I wouldn’t disturb anyone.


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Tron Bo SGK:


1. The sun shone so brightly that Maria...
2. Dean was such a powerful swimmer that he ...
3. There were so few students registered that the class...
4. The house was so beautiful that I ...
5. This coffee is so strong that I ...
6. It is such a good film that I ...
7. There was so much food that every one ...
8. There were so many guests that there ...
9. I ate so many sandwiches that I...
10. David has so much work to do that he ...
11. He was so sick that he ...
12. It was so dark that he ...
13. He has such wide knowledge that we ...
14. His conduct is so good that a l l ...
15. Mary has such a beautiful voice that we ...
16. John is still so weak that he ...
17. My father has such a good health that he ...
18. There is so much noise that we ...
19. My friend is so strong that he ...
20. Bill is such an intelligent boy that he...

1. This book isn’t interesting enough to read.
2. W e weren’t early enough to get good seats.
3. Jack isn’t hard-working enough to make progress in hi
4. I’m not rich enough to help you with the money.
5. These oranges aren’t sweet enough for us to eat.
6. The shelf isn’t short enough for the boy to reach.
7. This road isn’t safe enough for her to go at night.


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8. The water in this pool isn’t pure enough to drink.

9. Martha isn’t beautiful enough to have a boyfriend.
10. This room isn’t bright enough for us to study.

1. so many 9. so much
2. so much 10. so much
3. so much 11. so many
4. so many 12. so many
5. so much 13. so much
6. so many 14. so much
7. so many 15. so many
8. so much


1. Although he is very rich, he isn’t happy.
2. No matter how rich he is, he isn’t happy.
3. Although she is very intelligent, she can’t answer my question.
4. No matter how intelligent she is, she can’t answer my
5. Whatever he does, he is always careful.
6. No matter what he does, he always tries his best.
7. Whatever she says, I don’t believe her.
8. No matter what she says, I don’t believe her.
9. No matter how hard he tried, he was not successful.
10. Although he tried, he was not successful.
11. Although his life is hard, he is determined to study well.
12. No matter how hard his life is, he is determined to study well.
13. Though he was wise and experienced, he was taken in.
14. No matter what jobs he got, he was not satisfied.


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Tron Bo SGK:

15. Even though he got good jobs, he was not satisfied.

16. W hatever jobs you do, you should do it devotedly.
17. No matter where he lived, he always th o u g h t o f his
18. No matter how cold it was, he didn’t wear warm clothes.
19. Many people believe him although he often tells lies.
20. No matter at what time you return, she waits for you.

1. W hatever happens, don’t forget to write to me.
2. W hatever kinds o f effort we made to persuade her, she will
refuse to consider our proposal.
3. W hatever kinds of exercises he had taken, he was still
putting on weight.
4. W hatever sorts o f difficulties you may encounter, you should
keep your promise.
5. W hatever he says, nobody believes him.
6. W hatever kinds of difficulties you have, you should review all
your lessons before taking your exam.
7. W hatever kinds of exercises he had taken, he got fatter and
8. W hatever difficulties you encounter, you should always study
9. W hatever others may say, she is certainly right.
10. W hatever jobs he chose, his parents were pleased with him.


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1. stay • 11. understood
2. have stayed 12. went
3. drink 13. went
4. stood 14. got
5. cook 15. knew
6. hadn’t arrived 16. paid
7. had slept 17. had
8. be 18. had swum/ had been swimming
9. hadn’t failed 19. had met
10. had invited 20. had won

1. I fell as if my head were on fire now.
2. I felt as though I was walking in the air.
3. I’d rather BOI worked hard.
4. I’d rather he had wanted to pay his debts.
5. I’d rather he didn’t drive too fast.
6. He spent his money as if he were a prince.
7. You speak as though you were a prophet.
8. It’s high time we set out.
9. It’s time you reviewed your lessons.
10. I’d rather he gave up smoking.
11. She looked as if^he hadn’t known me.
12. It’s time he called me on the phone.
13. It’s high time we started working now.
14. She made up as if she were an actress.
15. She cried as though she were a baby.
16. They talk as if they were kings.
17. It’s time we solved this problem.
18. Mary dressed up as if she were a queen.


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Tron Bo SGK:

19. I’d rather she didn’t talk too much.

20. I’d rather he come to my house tonight.


1. She is the most intelligent wom an whom I’ve ever met.
2. This doctor, whom you visited yesterday, is famous.
3. Do you know the music which is being played on the radio?
4. The police want to know the hotel where Mr Foster stayed
two weeks ago.
5. The examination in which I was successful lasted two days.
6. These children, of whom she is taking care, are orphans.
7. The two young men, with whom you are acquainted, are not
good persons.
8. I have not decided the day when I’ll go to London.
9. He doesn’t want to sell the house where he was b om .
10. The airport where we are going to arrive is the most m odem
11. W e enjoyed the city where we spent our vacation.
12. One of the elephants which we saw at the zoo had only one
13.1 looked at the moon which was very bright that evening.
14. My father, whom you met this morning, goes swimming
15. The man whom I respect most is my father.
16. The man whose opinions I respect most is mv father.
17. Please post these letters which I wrote this morning.
18. The building whose tower can be seen from afar is the church
19. Mary and Margaret, whom you met yesterday, are twins


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Tron Bo SGK:

20. I’ll mtrouuiV you to the m an whosr. oupport is necessary for

your project.
21. They are repairing the tubes through which water is brought
into our house.
22. In the middle of the village there is the well from which the
villagers take water to drink.
23. The m iddle-aged man to whom my father is talking is the
24. This is a rare opportunity of which you should take advantage
to get a better job.’
25. The boy of whom you made fun is my cousin.
2 6 .1 apologized the woman whose coffee I spilled.
27. The professor whose course I’m taking is excellent.
28. The man whose wallet was stolen called the police.
29. A man brought in a small girl whose hand had been cut.
30. The Smiths, whose house had been destroyed in the
explosion, were given rooms in th e hotel.
31. He introduced me to his students, most of whom were from
32. They gave me four very bad tyres one of which burst before I
had driven four miles.
33. The man who answered the phone said Tom was out.
34. Phuong Thao is the singer whose music you like best.
35. She couldn’t come to the party, which is a pity.


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1. few 16. most o f
2. some/ many/ a large 17. little- a great deal of
number of 18. few
3. most of 19. little/ a little
4. most of 20. m any-a few
5. most 21. m uch-m any
6. a little 22. most/ many/ a large
7. much num ber of
8. a great deal of 23. most of
9. little 24. many-much
10. most/ a large number oil 25. much
many 26. a great deal of
11. most of 27. most
12. much 28. most of
13. much-little 29. som e/ many/ a large
14. many num ber of
15. much 30. most

1. many 6. much
2. plenty of 7. most
3. millions of 8. much
4. number 9. much
5. a lot of


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Tron Bo SGK:


1. It’s very kind o f him to help me.

2. It takes Mrs. Jones too much time to make up.
3. You are mistaken.
4. Do visit us again some time.
5. Don’t you make too much noise.
6. I did do my English test very well.
7. Only by hard work can you succeed.
8. It is the smoke from factory chim neys that polluted the air.
9. My mother made this cake itself.
10.1 do enjoy travelling.
11. David him self teaches in a Technical College.
12. Do help me solve this problem.
13. Ted him self broke the news to me.
14. It is important to know your limitations.
15. It is money, not affection that they want.
16. He did m isunderstand my intentions.
17. It was after she had gone that I rem em bered her name.
18. Do remember to lock the door before you leave.
19. Does Mary herself wash up everyday?
20. It was from Francis that she first heard the news.
21. It is perhaps because he’s a misfit that I get along with him.
22. It is pilots, not ground staff that we need.
23. It is certain that prices will go up.
24. It is better to be early.
25. It is Peter him self not Paul that lent us money.
26. We found it impossible to get a visa.
27. It is today that he is going.
28. We ordered wine itself. We didn’t order beer.
29. Bad roads don’t cause accidents. Speed itself does.
30. It is cruel to tease animals.


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Tron Bo SGK:

1. Mary is a good cook.
2. No one in his team plays football as well as him.
3. She is a good tennis player.
4. English is spoken in Australia.
5. A school is being built for the poor.
6. She hasn’t been seen since 1980.
7. She is a good English teacher.
8. This man is a beggar.
9. She is a careful typist.
10. Hardly had we begun to walk when it rained.
11. This moman sleeps very little.
12. They tend to minimise problems.
13. They strongly desire to put...
14. They gave a great deal of thought to their work.
15. They knew little about the job o f their choice.
16. They are determined to overcom e problems.
17. He pays us a visit whenever...
18. They have tended to choose...
19. Their future work is thought much by some children.
20. Millions of dollars are spent on advertising every year.
21. We are going to be told a story by the teacher.
22. We built this house 100 years ago.
23. They have made all the arrangements.
24. She ought to wear evening dress.
25. She strongly desires for a scholarship.


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Tron Bo SGK:


1. He said to her she was his friend.
2. Johnny said to his mother he didn’t know how to do that
3. My brother advised me not to come back before one o’clock.
4. Mrs Brown told her daughter to cook it in butter.
5. The pupils asked their teacher to give them better marks.
6. Ann exclaimed what a dirty face your son had.
7. The teacher asked his pupils whether they knew how to
behave and rem arked that there must be no talking in
8. She wondered who was coming on the excursion the next day
and hoped it wouldn’t rain.
9. Mrs Brown told him to do as he was told and complained that
he was a naughty boy.
10. Jim said that it was a very nice evening and suggested going
out for a walk.
11. The teacher said that it wasn’t so foggy that day as it had
been the day before.
12. My father told me to be modest if I was a good pupil.
13. She told us to shut the door but not to lock it.
14. Tom said that New York is bigger than London.
15. They begged us to help them.
16. She told me not to forget to send my parents her regards.
17. The traveller asked me how long it took to get to London.
18. John said that he had finished studying his lesson.
19. Mary said to John she couldn’t go to the movies with him.


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20. He said that he shouldn’t do that if he were me because it was

very dangerous.
21. They said to me when they had finished that game they
would have supper.
22. Johny said that she had to wash her hair and nsked Alice if
she had got any shampoo.
23. He told me to listen and asked me if I heard someone coming.
24. He told me to do as he told me or I would be punished and
said thi i he would teach me who was m aster in that house.
2 5 .1 asked ’.ill what time he had gone to bed the night before.


1. (C) should be us
2. (B) should be herself
3. (C) should be when we have to
4. (D) should be hasn't either
5. (D) should be read
6. (B) should be have been
7. (C) should be smells
8. (A) should be had eaten
9. (A) should be finished
10. (C) should be themselves
11. (B) should be any more
12. (A) should be taking
13. (B) should be had
14. (A) should be so good
15. (C) should be as old as


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16. (D) should be sadder than

17. (A) should be students
18. (B) should be not to remove
19. (A) should be he
20. (B) should be the car costs
21. (D) should be so did Jean
22. (A) should be seen
23. (D) should be isn't there
24. (B) should be to vote
25. (B) should be as
26. (B) should be had to arrive
27. (C) should be from
28. (B) should be never would have met or would never have met
29. (C) should be speaking
30. (B) should be because
31. (B) should be densely packed
32. (D) should be cried out
33. (D) should be either
34. (A) should be was hit
35. (B) should be the manager
36. (C) should be not to allow
37. (C) should be those
38. (D) should be doesn't either
39. (D) should be didn't it
40. (C) should be had been driving
41. (B) should be is
42. (B) should be is
43. (B) should be knows
44. (C) should be your
45. (A) should be zoology book
46. (A) should be Marta's
47. (B) should be themselves
48. (D) should be survival
49. (D) should be fear


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50. (A) should be on a child’s level

51. (A) should be these
52. (A) should be hardly ever
53. (B) should be is
54. (D) should be close to the city
55. (B) should be o f flying
56. (B) should be was
57. (B) should be which or that
58. (A) should be JoeFs
59. (A) should be what happened
60. (B) should be us
61. (C) should be for
62. (A) should be your
63. (D) should be hasn’t it
64. (D) should be John does too or so does John
65. (A) should be being
66. (D) should be to find
67. (A) should be him to take
68. (D) should be I
69. (B) should be is
70. (A) should be on
71. (D) should be higher
72. (B) should be heating
73. (C) should be among
74. (B) should be dollar
75. (D) should be repair
76. (D) should be isn’t it
77. (A) should be was
78. (B) should be has
79. (D) should be raise
80. (C) should be lying
81. (B) should be go
82. (B) should be going
83. (C) should be 4*


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84. (A) should be jog

85. (A) should be volume
86. (A) should be he could have
87. (A) should be occurred
88. (D) should be uncontrollably
89. (B) should be so that
90. (D) should be would
91. (C) should be ought to send
92. (A) should be such a difficult time
93. (C) should be because of
94. (A) should be a
95. (D) should be much homework
96. (A) should be are
97. (A) should be information
98. (A) should be intelligent enough
99. (B) should be many
100. (B) should be from
101. (B) should be stories
102. (B) should be would take
103. (B) should be had told
104. (A) should be review
105. (C) should be five-speed
106. (C) should be hot enough
107. (D) should be had finished
108. (A) should be play
109. (A) should be was
110. (D) should be was drinking
111. (D) should be our friends in Boston yesterday
112. (B) should be outdoors last night
113. (A) should be that
114. (B) should be a little
115. (A) should be so good a game
*116. (B) should be did not
117. (D) should be language


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118. (A) should be from

119. (B) should be inferior
120. (A) should be carefull

1. I’m willing to discuss it with you.
2. Did you have a good time last night?
3. I’m happy to do whatever you want me to do.
I. I enjoyed seeing all my old friends again.
5. I’m prepared to work hard, if that’s what I have to do.
6. Are you pleased with your new car?
7. She won’t be happy about me changing the arrangements.
8. I’m looking forward to seeing you next week.
9. Her friends’ messages of sympathy were a com fort to her
during her illness.
10. Please make yourself at home.
II. He takes everything in his stride.
12. W hy don’t you take it easy for a few days and let me look
after the shop?
13. She breathed a sigh of relief when she realised that her bag
hadn’t been stolen.
14. Things have got so bad that I’m reduced to having to borrow
money from other people.
1 5 .1 felt a fool when I realised what I’d done. ,
16. Her lack of education is an embarrassment to her.
17. She went red at the mention of his name.
18. He feels responsible for the accident.
19. He’s got a (guilty) conscience about cheating them.
20. It embarrasses her when people tell her how beautiful she is.
21. The boss likes to humiliate people m front of others.
22. Hopefully, I’ll be going/ I’m going skiing at Christmas.
23. I’m sceptical of7 about his reasons for being nice to me.


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Tron Bo SGK:

24. Look on the bright side! You’re young and healthy and will
have plenty more opportunities.
25. Are you optimistic about your chances of getting promotion?
26. I’m not quite sure of7 about the meaning of this word.
27. All I can do is cross my fingers and hope for the best.
28. No doubt he’ll be late, as usual.
29. I’m pessimistic about the future.
3 0 .1 had (my) reservations about him at first, but now he seems
very good at his job.
31. Is she hopeful of getting the job?
32.1 don’t want to have an argum ent with you.
33. In the end we reached a compromise
3 4 .1 disagree with the way he treats people.
35. I’ll meet you half-way.
36. We’ve come to an agreem ent to share the cost.
37 .1 expressed my opposition to his plan.
38. He is in favour of my opposition to share the cost.
39. If you co-operate with me, everything will be all right.
40 .1 never row with my parents.
41 .1 have no objection to changing my plans.
42.1 thought about it for a while and then I agreed to their offer.
43. The neighbours were having a row.
44. Are we in agreement?
4 5 .1 object to having to pay so much for so little.
46. He doesn’t agree with divorce.
47. Don’t take any notice/ Take no notice of him - he doesn’t
know what lie’s talking about.
48. Your mistake didn’t make any difference/ made no difference
to the way things turned out.
49. The recent increases in air fares haven’t had any effect/ have
had no effect on the number of people wanting to fly.


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Tron Bo SGK:

50. We were all affected by the news of her death./ The news of
her death affected us all.
51. He contributed to his own failure.
5 2 .1 don’t have a say/ I have no say in the way that the business
is managed.
53. Don’t be influenced by other people.
54. Everyone played a part in the team’s success.
55. His personal problems affect his ability to do his job.
5 6 .1 ignored his unpleasant comments.
57. A lot of people believe that television has an influence on the
way we behave.
58. She’ll go mad when she finds out what’s happened.
59. He lost his temper because we all disagreed with him.
60. She’s in a bad mood today.
61. I’m sick (and tired) of being treated as an inferior.
62. He had a fit when he saw the damage that had been done to
his car.
63. His arrogance gets up my nose.
64. I’ve had enough of people ordering me about.
65. Waiting for buses gets on my nerves.
66. Having to get up so early is a pain in the neck.
67. It makes me sick to see so much food being wasted.
68. Did the exam go well?
69. Although I set off late, I managed to get there on time.
70. My first day at work went smoothly.
71. The whole day went according to plan.
7 2 .1 gave up trying to make friends with the other students
because I was getting nowhere.
73. It seems that whatever I try to do, something always goes
74. She always gets her own way.
75. He’s going places.


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Tron Bo SGK:

76. Did you succeed in getting a ticket?

77. The evening went badly and ended in an argument.
78. Watch out for thieves if you go to that part o f town.
7 9 .1 took a lot of trouble over this letter.
80. I’ve installed an alarm to protect my car from/ against
8 1 .1 bought it on the spur of the moment.
82. You’re jumping to conclusions.
83. I’m very particular about who I discuss my private life with.
8 4 .1 was careful not to offend them.
85. I’ll keep my eyes open for you at the concert, although I
expect it will be very crowded.
86. She’s very fussy about the kind of hotels she stays in.
87. Will you look after the flat while I’m away?
88. Mind your head! Mind you don’t hit your head!
89. I’m not fussy whether we go or not.
90. Look out for a red door when you arrive - that’s my flat.
9L They have security guards to discourage people from trying
to steal/ from stealing.
92. They’re putting pressure on me to make a decision soon.
93. When I make my complaint, I hope that you’ll back me up.
94. She’s always trying to impose her opinions on other people.
95. He has alway supported her in her career.
96. He offered them more money as an incentive to do the job
97. The judge gave a harsh sentence to deter other people from
commit ing the same crime.
98. Because of the circumstances, I am forced to act quickly.
99. She was nervous about going to the doctor’s, so I went with
her to give her moral support.
100. He doesn’t earn enough money to support himself.
101. I need as much encouragement as I can get.


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Tron Bo SGK:

102. Many people believe that the death penalty is a deterrent.

103. I had no choice but to apologise.
104. I support Hampshire County Cricket Club.
105. You should take the price into consideration/ take into
consideration the price before you decide whether to buy it or
106. He’s in two minds about whether to go or not.
107. I’ve weighed up the pros and cons and I’ve decided not to
108. Bearing in mind that she’s only just started, she’s doing
very well.
109. She’s having second thoughts about marrying him now.
110. The way he behaves in private constrasts with the way he
behaves at work.
111. This record is no different to/ from the last one they made.
112. Parents try to teach their children to distinguish between
right and wrong.
113. This programme is similar to one that used to be on years
114. I prefer playing football, as opposed to watching it.
115. There is a subtle difference betw een being mean and being
careful with money.
116. Not having much money is different to/ from being
completely broke.
117. There has been a difference in his attitude recently.
118. It remains to be seen whether he’ll keep his promise or not.
119. I’m afraid I’ll be a bit late because something has cropped
120. The result was a foregone conclusion.


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Tron Bo SGK:

1. B 25. C 49. D 73. B 97. C
2. D 26. D 50. D 74. D 98. B
3. D 27. A '51. C 75. A 99. A
4. B 28. B 52. B 76. C 100. C
5. B 29. B 53. C 77. D 101. B
6. C 30. A 54. D 78. D 102. C
7. C 3 1 .C ' 55. A 79. C 103. B
8. B 32. D 56. B 80. A 104. A
9. D 33. B 57. A 81. B 105. C
10. A 34. C 58. C 82. D 106. C
11. B 35. D 59. D 83. B 107. c
12. B 36. A 60. A 84. D 108. A
13. C 37. C 61. A 85. B 109. c
14. B 38. A 62. B 86. C 110. D
15. C 39. C 63. A 87. A 111. D
16. A 40. B 64. C 88. C 112. C
17. D 41. A 65. C 89. B 113. B
18. C 42. D 66. B 90. A 114. A
19. B 43. C 67. D 91. C 115. C
20. A 44. B 68. A 92. B 116. B
21. D 45. D 69. B 93. D 117. D
22. C 46. D 70. C 94. A 118. C
23. A 47. C 71. A 95. D 119. B
24. B 48. B 72. C 96. B 120. C


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Appendix A



WFTU (World Federation of Lien hiep cong doan the gidi

Trade Union)
WPC (World Peace Council) Hoi dong hoa binh the gidi
WIDF (Women’s Lien doan phu nil dan chu the
International gidi
Democratic Youth)
WFDY (World Federation of Lien doan thanh nien dan chu
Democratic Youth) the gidi
IUS (International Union of Hoi hen hiep sinh vien the gidi
lADL (International Hoi lu&t gia dan chu the gidi
Association of Democratic
01J (Organization of To chtic quoc te cac nha bao
International Journalists)
AAPSO (Afro-Asian People’s To chtic doan ket nhan dan A-
Solidarity Organiration) Phi
AAWA (Afro-Asian W riters’
Hoi nha van A-Phi
OSPAALA (Organization of To chtic doan ket nhan dan A-
Solidarity of the Peoples of Phi-My La Tinh
Asia, Africa and Latin


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UN hay U.N. (United Nations) hay UNO, hay U.N.O. (United
Nations Organization) gom sau cd quan chinh:
- General Assembly (Dai hoi dong)
- Security Council (Hoi dong bao an)
- Economic and Social Council (Hoi dong kinh te -Xa hoi)
- Trusteeship Council (Hoi dong quan thac)
- International Court of Justice (Toa an quoc te) IC
- Secretariat (Ban thii ki)


WFP (World Food ChUdng trinh lUdng thuc the

Programme) gidi
UNEP (UN Environment ChUdng trinh LHQ ve moi
Programme) trUdng
UNDP hay PNUD (UN ChUdng trinh LHQ ve phat trien
Development Programme)
UNHCR (UN High Cd q uan cao uy LHQ ve ngiidi ty
commissioner for Refugees) nan
WFC (World Food Council) Hoi dong lUdng thiic the gidi
UNCTAD (UN Conference Hoi nghi LHQ ve thiidng m ai va
on Trade and Development) p h at trien
NUFPA (UN Fund for Quy hoat dong dan so LHQ
Population Activities)
UNICEF (UN Children’s Quy nhi dong LHQ
UNIDO (UN Industrial To chtic LHQ ve phat trien cong
Development Organization) nghiep
UNITAR (UN Institute for Vien dao tao va nghien ctiu LHQ
Training and Research)


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IAEA (International Atomic Cd quan nang ltfdng nguyen tu

Energy Agency) quoc te
UPU (Universal Postal Lien minh bUu chinh the gi6i
ITU (International Lien minh vien thong the gidi
Telecommunications Union)
WB (World Bank) Ngan hang the gidi
IBRJD^kitemational Bank for Ngan hang the gidi ve tai thiet
Reconstruction and va phat trien
ILO (International Labor To chilc lao dong quoc te
IDA (International Hiep hoi phat trien quoc te
Development Association)
IFC (International Finance Cong ty tai chinh quoc te
IFAD (International Fund for Quy quoc te phat tn en nong
Agricultural Develepment) nghiep
IMF (International Monetary7 Quy tien te quoc te
UNESCO (United Nations To chtic LHQ ve giao due, khoa
Educational, Scientific and hoc va van hoa
Cultural Organization)
FAO (Food and Agriculture To chtic LHQ ve lUdng thuc va
Organization of the UN) nong nghiep
ICAO (International Civil To chilc hang khong dan dung
Aviation Organization) quoc te
WMO (World Meteorological To chilc khi tUdng the gidi
IMCO (Intergovernmental To chuc tu van lien chinh phu ve

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Maritime Consultative hang hai

WIPO (World Intellectual To chilc the gich ve sd hOu tri
Property Organization) thiic
WHO (World Health To chilc y te the gidi


ESCAP (UN Economic and Uy ban kinh te Xa hoi chau A va

Social Commission for Asia Thai Binh Dudng
and Pacific)
ECWA (UN Economic Uy ban kinh te Tay A
Commission for Western
ECA (UN Economic Uy ban kinh te chau Phi
Commission for Africa)
ECLA (UN Economic Uy ban kinh te chau My La
Commission for Latin Tinh
ECE (UN Economic Uy ban kinh te chau Au
Commission for Europe)
OAS (Organization of To chilc cac nUdc chau My
American States)


ADB (Asian Development Ngan hang phat trien chau A
RCTT (Regional Centre for Trung tain chuyen giao ky thuat
Transfer of Technology) cua khu vUc
APDC (Asian and Pacific Trung tam phat trien chau .■>
Development Centre)

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CIRDAP (Centre on In­ Thai Binh DUdng

tegrated Rural Development Trung tam phat trien nong thon
for Asia and the Pacific) toan dien chau A-Thai Binh
TC (Typhoon Commitee) Uy ban bao
ICLMB (Interim Commitee
for Coordmation of Uy ban lam thdi phoi hdp
Investigations of the Lower nghien cifu ha ltfu song Mekong
Mekong Basin)
CCOA (Commitee for Uy ban phoi hdp dieu tra tai
Coordmation for Jomt nguyen khoang san ngoai khdi
Prospecting for Mineral chau A
Resources in Asian Offshore
AIT (Asian Institute of Vien ky thuat chau A
APIB (Asian Pacific Institute Vien phat trien phat thanh va
for Broadcasting) truyen hinh chau A-Thai Binh
ACCU (Asian Cultural Trung tam van hoa chau A phuc
Centre for UNESCO) vu UNESCO

AI (Arab League): Lien doan A Rap
ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations):
Hiep hoi cac quoc gia Dong Nam A
ANZUS (Australia, New Zealand, US Pact):
, A

Khoi My, O-xtray-U-a, Niu Di-ldn

CENTO (Central Treaty Organization):
Khoi hiep lidc trung tam(1955) trUdc
kia gom Tho Nhi Ky-Irac, Iran va My


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A.F.L.-C.I.0 (American Federation of Labour and Congress of

Industrial Organization):
Jong cong hoi My-To chilc cong doan
cong nghiep
INTERCOSMOS : ChUdng trinh hdp tac nhieu mat trong
linh vile nghien cilu vu tru
W.C.C (World Council of Churches):
Hoi dong nha thd the gidi
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries):
To chilc cac ntfdc xuat khau dau mo
EEC (European Economic community):
Khoi thi triidng chung chau Au
N.A.T.0 (North Atlantic Treaty Organization):
Khoi Bac Dai Tay Dildng
O.A.U (Organization of African Unity):
To chilc thong nhift chau Phi
O.E.C.D (Organization for Economic Cooperation and
To chilc hdp tac kinh te va phat trien
C.P.S.U (The Communist Party of Soviet Union):
Dang cong san Lien Xo
S.W.A.P.0 (South West Africa People’s Organization)
To chilc nhan dan Tay Nam Phi
M.F.N.S (Most Favored Nation Status):
Quy che toi hue quoc
P.L.O (Palestinian Liberation Organization):
To chilc giai phong Palestin


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Abp: Archbishop (Tong giam muc)

A.c: . Aircraftman (Phi cong)
Alternating current (dong dien
xoay chieu)
A.D: Anno Domini (Sau khi Chua
Giesu ra ddi)
advertisement (quang cao)
ad lib. (La-tinh: ad libitum) cUdng. ling kh&u
a.m. (La-tinh. ante
m eridiem )............. trUdc trUa
arr. (arrives): gid tau den
Ass, Assoc. : ......... Associate (trd ly)
Asst. : ................... Assistant (trd ly)
Ave. : ...................... Avenue (dai lo, pho)
b : ............................ born (sinh nam...)
B .A :........................
* Bachelor of Arts (cii nhan van
B.B.C: British Broadcasting
Corporation (dai BBC Anh)
B .C :........... Before Christ ''trUdc khi chua
B p :............. Bishop (giam muc)
Bng. (-Gen) Brigadier (-general) : Thieu
Bros. : . .. . Brothers (anh em nha ..., trong
ten mot hang)
B.Sc : ......... Bachelor of Science <cii nhan
khoa hoc)
B.V.M. : . . . Blessed Virgin Nlarv Due Me
Dong Trinh Mary)
C................ : centum (IOC1) -centigrade (chia


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100 do), co khi viet cent

c . 1/ the ky, 2/ Circa : khoang,
3/ cubic, 4/ centimetre
Capt .......................................... Captain (dai uy)
......... ....................................... Cardinal (Hong y giao chu)
Cf. (La-tinh): ........................ Confer (hay so v6i)
Ch. Chap. : ............................... Chapter (chUdng)
C-in-C : ................................... Commander - in - Chie. (Tong
til lenh)
Cmdr. ........................................ Commander (ngildi chi huy)
Co............................................. company (cong ty)
d o :........................................... care of Mr. X (nhd ong X
C.O.D : ..................................... Cash on delivery (tra tien khi
nh&n hang)
Col.: ......................................... Colonel (dai ta)
Col.: ................... ...................... College (trildng dai hoc)
d. : died (chet nam ...)
dep. : ......................................... departs (tau d i ... gid)
dep.: .......................................... department (cuc, sd, ban...)
D.M. : Doctor of Medicine (bac sy y
doi. : ......................................... dollar (do la)
doz.: .......................................... dozen (12) (il) hay Ph.D. : ............. Doctor of Philosophy (tien sy
triet hoc)
Dr.: .......................................... Doctor (bac sy, tien sy)
D.Sc.: ........................................ Doctor of science (tien sy khoa
E-: ............................................ East (Dong)
ed- : ...... ..................................... editor (ngildi bien t&p), edited by
eg.: La-tinh : .......................... exempli gratis (Thi du)
Esq- : ........................................ Esquire (ong, viet sau ten ho)
eic.............................................. van van


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exc. : ........................................ except (trif)

F. : ......... : ................................. Fahrenheit
F.M. : ....................................... Field-Marshnl (thonp che)
F .O .: ......................................... Foreign Office (Bo ngoai giao
F.r. : .......................................... Father (Cha : linh muc), French
Gen. : ....................................... General (tUdng)
G .H .Q . : General Headquarters (Bo tong
tif lenh)
G.M.T. : .................................... Greenwich M ean Time (gid
G.N.P. : ..................................... Gross National Product (Tong
san liidng quoc gia)
G.P.O. : ..................................... General Post Office (Tong cuc
huu dien)
H.B.M. : ................................... Her (His) Britannic Majesty
(Quoc vUdng-Hoang hiiu Anh)
H.E. : ........................................ His (Her) Excellency (Ngai, Phu
H.H. : ..................................... His (Her) Highness (Hoang
than, Cong chua)
H.M. : ....................................... His (Her) Majesty : Vua. Hoang
H .O .: ....................................... Home Office (Bo noi vu)
Hon. : ...................................... Honorary (danh du - N'gai)
hp. : ......................................... horse - power (ma luc)
H.Q. : ....................................... Headquarters (sd chi huy)
H.R.H. : ................................... His (Her) Royal Highness
(Hoang than, cong chua)
lb., ibid : La-tinh : .................. ibidem (trong cung sach, chudng
hay doan nay)
i.e. : La-tinh : .......................... id est (nghia la)
Inc. : ......................................... incorporated (sap nhap)


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I Owe You (van til, giay nd)

I.O .U
International Standard Book
Number (so sach theo tieu
chu&n quoc te)
International Standard Serial
Number (so loai theo tieu chuain
quoc te)
it, ita l........................................ italic (chii in nghieng)
Lieut., hay Lt : ........................ Lieutenant (trung uy)
Lieut., hay Lt -C ol., -Gen. :. Trung ta, trung tUdng
Gov. (tiic Governor) : ............. Tinh triicfng, pho thong doc (My)
M.A. .......................................... Master of Arts (b in g van
chiidng sau dai hoc, gifla B.A. va
M aj.: ....................................... Major (thieu ta luc quan)
Maj. Gen. : ............................... Major-General (trung ttfdng)
memo. : ..................................... memorandum (ghi nhd)
misc. : .......................... ............. Miscellaneous (linh tinh)
M .P.: ...................................... .. Member of Parliament (nghi si)
M.P. : ....................................... Military Police
Ms., MS., M S S .: .................... manuscript (ban thao)
M. Sc. : ..................................... Master of science (b&ng khoa
hoc sau dai hoc, giiia B.A. va
M t.: .......................................... Mount (mii)
N .B .: La-tinh : ...................... nota bene (ghi can than, ghi
N.c.o. : ..................................... non-commissioned officer (ha si
nem. con : la-tinh : ............... nemine contradicente (nhat tri)
N°. No. (so' nhieu : Nos, Nos.): number (s) (so)
nr. : ........................................... near(gan)
ob. : La-tinh.............................. obit (chet)
P- : .................................................... page (trang) -S o nhieu : p.p.

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p.a. : . . „>ri. . 1,1.............................. per annum (moi nam)

P-C. : ..........., . . ......................... percent (phan tram)
pd. : . . vj . . . v . ....... .......... ....paid (da tra tien)
per p~o. : La-tinh : ............... .....per procurationem (uy nhiem)
p.m. : . .........................................sau 12 gid trUa
P .O .: ....................................... .... petty officer (ha si quan thuy
P.P.C. : (P h a p )...........................Pour prendre conge (cao liO
P.S. : ........................................ ... postscript (tai but)
Pte. : ....................................... .....Private (binh nhi)
P.T.O hay T.O : .......................... Please turn over (xin lat tiep
trang sau)
Q. : ................................................ Queen (hoang hau)
R.A.F. : ........................................Royal Air Force (Khong quan
Hoang gia Anh)
Rev, Revd. : ............................ ... Reverend (DCfc Cha. Tha)
R.S.V.P. : ( P h a p )................. .... Repondez s’ll vous plait (xin tra
S. : .................................................Saint (Thanh). South (Nam)
Sec. : ................. ..................... .... Secretary (thu ky)
S.O.S. : ................................... .....Save Our Souls (dien cau cufu)
S.s. : ........................................ ....Steamship (tau thuy)
St. : ......................................... .... Saint (Thanh), street (pho)
T.B. : ....................................... .....Tuberculosis (benh lao)
U.K. : ....................................... ...United Kingdom (nUdc Anh)
U.S.S.R. : ................................... Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics (Lien X6)
v. ................................................... versus (chong lai v6ij
v.g. ............................................. ...very good (tot lam)
viz. : ............................................ la, ay la
vol. : ............................................ volum e (tap sach)
W. : ..............................................W est (Tay)
Xmas ........................................ ....Christmas (Le N'oen)


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12 inches (0 .3 0 4 8 metre)
1 foot
1 yard 3 feet (0.9144 metre)
1 mile 1,760 yards (1 ,6 0 9 .3 5 metres)
1 league 3 miles


1 centimetre 10 millimetres (0.3937 mch)

1 metre (39.37 mches) 100 centimetres
1 kilometre (0 .6 2 1 3 7 mile) 1,000 metres
1 mch 2.54 centimetres
1 foot 0.3048 metre
1 yard 0.9144 metre
1 mile (mi) 1,609.35 metres


1 square (sq.) foot = 144 sq.inches

1 sq.yard = 9 sq feet
1 hectare (2.4 17 acres) = 10,000 sq.metres (sq.m)
1 acre = 0.405 hectare
1 sq.mile (sq.mi) = 2.599 sq.kilometres (so i


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1 cubic foot = 1,728 cubic inches

1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet
1 litre = 1 / pints
1 pint = 0.568 litre
1 gallon = 4.55 litres


1 centigram = 10 milligrams
1 kilo (gram) kg = 1,000 grams
1 ton = 1.000 kilograms
1 ounce (avoirdupois) = 28.35 grams
1 pound (avoirdupois) = 0.454 kilogram


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Appendix JB?



Present Past Past Meaning

abide abode abode chd ddi, gid gin
arise arose arisen noi dky, noi len
awake awoke awoken danh thtic, tinh
backbite backbit backbitten noi xau, noi 16n
backslide backslid backslid tai pham, lai xa nga
be was/ were been thi, la, d
bear bore b om sinh
bear bore borne mang, chiu
beat beat beaten d£p, danh
become became become trd nen
befall befell befallen xay t6i
beget begot begotten gay ra, sinh ra
begin began begun bat dau
behold beheld beheld nhin, ngam
bend bent bent cui xuong, uon cong
bereave bereft bereft doat cii6p
beseech besought besought nai, van xin
beset beset beset nhot, vay
bet bet bet danh cuoc (ca)
bestride bestrode bestridden ngoi, diing giang
betake betook betaken di, d&"n than vao
bethink bethought bethought nghi, nhcl lai


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bid bid. bade bid(den) dat gta

bind bound bound lam dinh vao
bite bit bitten can
bleed bled bled (lam) chay mau
blend blended blended hop nhau
bless blessed blest ban phUclc
blow blew blown thoi
break broke broken dap vd
breed bred bred nuoi day
bring brought brought mang, dem
broadcast broadcast broadcast truven thanh
browbeat browbeat browbeat(en) doa nat
build built built xav dung
burst burst burst no
buy bought bought mua
cast cast cast lieng, nem
catch caught caught bat dUdc:
chide chid, chided chid(den), ray mang
choose chose chosen chon lUa
cleave clove cleft, cloven bam viu vao
cling clung clung bam, giii lay
clothe clothed clothed mac (quan ao)
come came come den
cost cost cost tn gia
creep crept crept bo, ieo
crow crowed, crew crowed gay. ga gay
cut cut cut cat
dare dared dared dam
deal dealt dealt giao thicp
dig dug dug dac
do did done lam


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drew drawn rut ve

dreamed dreamed md, md mong
dreamt dreamt
drank drunk uong
drive drove driven lai xe
dwell dwelt dwelt d, tru ngu
eat ate eaten an
fall fell fallen rdi, t6
feed fed fed nuoi
feel felt felt cam thay
fight fought fought chien dau
find found found tim ra
flee fled fled tau thoat, chay
fling flung flung nem, lieng
fly flew flown bay
forbear forbore forborne kieng
forbid forbade forbidden cam
forego forewent foregone bo, chifa
foreknow foreknew foreknown biet trUdc
foresee foresaw foreseen thay trUdc
foretell foretold foretold noi trUdc
forget forgot forgotten quen
forgive forgave forgiven tha thti
forsake forsook forsaken bo
forswear forswore forsworn the bo
freeze froze frozen dong lai
gainsay gainsaid gainsaid choi, cai
get KOt gotten dUdc, trd nen
gild elided, gilt glided gilt ma vang
gird girt girt cuon that
give gave given cho
go went gone di


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grind ground ground nghien xay

grow grew grown moc, trong
hamstring hamstrung, hamstrung cat gan cho que
hamstringed hamstringed
hang hung hung treo
hang hanged hanged treo co
have had had CO
hear heard heard nghe
heave -ed, hove -ed, hove nang len
hew hewed -ed, hewn don chat
hide hid hidden an, tron
hit hit hit dung, dap
hold held held cam, giut
hurt hurt hurt (lam) dau
inlay inlaid inlaid kham. dat
keep kept kept c&m. giii
kneel knelt knelt quy goi
knit knit (ted) knit (ted) dan
know knew known biet
lade laded laded, laden chat len tau
lay laid laid dat, de, de
lead led led dan, dua den
lean leaned, leant leaned, leant dua vao
leap leaped, leapt leaped, leapt nhav
leam learned. learned, hoc
leam t leam t
leave left left ra di. bo
lend lent lent cho mudn
let let let de, cho
lie lay lain nam
light lit, lighted lit, lighted thap sang
lose lost lost mat


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made made lam, che tao

make X a' f*
meant meant y muon noi
meet met met gap
misdealt misdealt chia bai sai
misgive misgave misgiven gay lo au
*> . - •
mislay mislaid mislaid de lai sai
mislead misled misled lam lac dUdng
mistake mistook mistaken pham sai lam
misunderst­ misunderst­ misunderst­ hieu 14m
and ood ood
mow mowed mowed, x6n, cat
outbid outbade outbid (den) tra gia cao hdn
outdo outdid outdone lam qua
outgo outwent outgone di qua
outgrow outgrew outgrown 16n hdn
outride outrode outridden ctfdi di trU6c
outrun outran outrun chay tril6c
outshine outshone outshone sang hdn
outspread outspread outspread cang rong ra
outwear outwore outworn ben hdn
overbear overbore overborn(e) de xuong, dan ap
overcast overcast overcast lam u am
overcome overcame overcome thang, che ngvf
overdo overdid overdone lam qua
overdraw overdrew overdrawn rut qua so" tien co
trong ngan hang
overeat overate overeaten an qua
overfeed overfed overfed cho an qua
overgrow overgrew overgrown moc nhieu qua
overhang overhung overhung treo Id liing
overhear overheard overheard vo tinh nghe


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grind ground ground nghien xay

grow grew grown moc, trong
hamstring hamstrung, hamstrung cat gan cho que
hamstringed hamstringed
hang hung hung treo
hang hanged hanged treo co
have had had CO
hear heard heard nghe
heave -ed, hove -ed, hove nang len
hew hewed -ed, hewn don chat
hide hid hidden an, tron
hit hit hit dung, dap
hold held held cam. giut
hurt hurt hurt (lam) dau
inlay inlaid inlaid kham, dat
keep kept kept c im , giQ
kneel knelt knelt quy goi
knit knit (ted) knit (ted) dan
know knew known biet
lade laded laded, laden chat len tau
lay laid laid dat, de, de
lead led led dan, dua den
lean leaned, leant leaned, leant diia vao
leap leaped, leapt leaped, leapt nhav
leam learned, learned, hoc
leam t leam t
leave left left ra di. bo
lend lent lent cho muon
let let let de. cho
lie lay lam nam
light lit, lighted lit, lighted thap sang
lose lost lost ‘ mat


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made made lam, che tao

meant meant y muon noi
met met gap
misdeal misdealt misdealt chia bai sai
misgive misgave misgiven gay lo au
mislay mislaid mislaid de lai sai
mislead misled misled lam lac dudng
mistake mistook mistaken pham sai him
misunderst­ misunderst­ m isunderst­ hieu 14m
and ood ood
mow mowed mowed, xen, cat
outbid outbade outbid (den) tra gia cao hdn
outdo outdid outdone lam qua
outgo outwent outgone di qua
outgrow outgrew outgrown ldn hdn
outride outrode outridden cUdi di trUdc
outrun outran outrun chay trUdc
outshme outshone outshone sang hdn
outspread outspread outspread cang rong ra
outwear outwore outworn ben hdn
overbear overbore overborn(e) de xuong, dan ap
overcast overcast overcast lam u am
overcome overcame overcom e thang, che ngU
overdo overdid overdone lam qua
overdraw overdrew overdrawn rut qua so tien c o
trong ngan hang
overeat overate overeaten an qua
overfeed overfed overfed c h o an qua
overgrow overgrew overgrown m o c nhieu qua
overhang overhung overhung treo Id lung
overhear overheard overheard v o tinh nghe


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overlay overlaid overlaid phu len

overlie overlay overlain dat nam tren
overleap overleapt overleapt nhay qua
overpay overpaid overpaid tra qua
override overrode overridden gat ra mot ben
overrun overran overrun tran qua
oversee oversaw overseen quan sat
overset overset overset (l&t) do nhao
overshoot overshot overshot ban trUdt qua
oversleep overslept overslept ngu qua
overtake overtook overtaken vUdt qua
overthrow overthrew overthrown pha do
partake partook partaken tham gia, du ph&n
pay paid paid tra tien
put put put dat, de
quit quit quit bo
read read read doc
steal stole stolen an cap, an trom
stick stuck stuck gan, dinh
sting stung stung chi'ch, dot
stink stank stunk boc mui hoi
strew strewed -ed. strewn n, ri len
stride strode stridden bu6c dai
strike struck struck danh dap
string strung strung cot day
strive strove striven co' gang
swear swore sworn the thot
sw'eep swept swept qu6t
swell swelled swollen sung, phu len
swim swarr swum bdi loi
swing swung swung danh du
take took taken lay. dem. dan


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taught taught day hoc

tear tore torn x6 rach
told told noi, ke, bao
think thought thought nghi, ttfdng
thrive thrived, thrived, thinh vUdng
throve throven
throw threw thrown lieng, n6m
thrust thrust thrust d^y manh, dam
tread trod trod(den) cha dap, gilm
unbend unbent unbent uon thang, thang ra
unbind unbound unbound md, thao ra
underbid underbid underbid bo th^u thap hdn
undergo underwent undergone chiu, trai qua
undersell undersold undersold ban re hdn
understand understood understood hieu biet
undertake undertook undertaken dong y thiic hien
underwrite underwrote underwritt­ ky xac n M n d dUcfi
undo undid undone thao, cdi
upset upset upset lat, lam do
wake waked, woke waked, (danh) thUc
waylay waylaid waylaid chd, rinh
wear wore worn mac, doi, mang
weave wove woven det, ket lai
wed wedded wedded, wed ket hon
weep wept wept khoc
win won won thang, dUdc
wind wound wound quanh co, uon khuc
withdraw withdrew withdrawn rut lai, k6o ra
withhold withheld withheld rut lai, kiem che


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Tron Bo SGK:

withstand withstood withstood chong, khang ctf

wring wrung wrung 6p, vdt
write wrote written viet
rebuild rebuilt rebuilt xay lai
recast recast recast due lai
relay relaid relaid dat lai
rend rent rent x6 nat
repay repaid repaid hoan tra lai
reset reset reset dat lai, l&p lai
retell retold retold ke lai
rid rid rid giai thoat
ride rode ridden di xe ..., cUdi
ring rang rung rung (chuong)
rise rose risen moc, ndi len
rive rived rived, riven bo, xe, biia
rot rotted rotten ri, muc, thoi
run ran run chay
saw sawed sawed, sawn cUa, xe
say said said noi
see saw seen trong thay
seek sought sought tim
sell sold sold ban
send sent sent gvfi
set set set lan (m at trdi)
sew sewed sewn may, khau
shake shook shaken lac
shear -ed, shore -ed, shorn cat b in g k6o
shed shed shed lam do, chay
shine shone shone chieu sang
shoe shod shod mang giav
shoot shot shot ban


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Tron Bo SGK:

showed showed/ chi cho xem

-ed, shred -ed, shred xe vun ra
shrink shrank shunk co lai
shrive shrove shriven giai toi, ngoi toa
shut shut shut dong
sing sang sung hat
sink sank sunk chim, dam
sit sat sat ngoi
slay slew slain giet, sat hai
sleep slept slept ngu
slide slid slid trdn trUdt
sling slung slung quang, n6m
slink slunk slunk len, chuon
slit sht sht rach, khUa
smell smelt smelt ngUi, hoc mui
smite smote smit(ten) danh, d£p
sow sowed sown gieo hat
speak spoke spoken noi
speed sped sped di mau
spell spelt spelt danh v ln
spend spent spent tieu, xai
spill spilt spilt lam do
spin spun spun quay tron
spit spat spat khac, nho
split split split che, biia
spoil spoilt spoilt lam hu hong
spread spread spread trai ra
spring sprang sprung nay, nhay len
stand stood stood dting, dung
stave stove staved bop dep


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Tron Bo SGK:


46 Trdn Hung Dao-Ha Noi-ViCt Nam
Tel 84-4-8253841
Fax 84-4-8269578

Xudn Bd

Chiu Irdch nhiem xuat hdn


Bien tap: I I UY T O N G
Sua bin in: D A N G IMIL/ONCi N A M
Trinh hay hia: N G Q X I.’ A N k l I Oi

. In 1000 cuon kho 14,5x 20,5 cm L.i xi’ nghiep in 15, c a so ; Pham Nuu
l,ao. Giay chap nhan (Jang ky Kl IXH so 6 -S 6 7 /X B -Q L X H - ip 25 than*’
6 nam 2001. In xong nop lini chieu quy II nam 2 0 0 2

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