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1. Answer in English or Bahasa Malaysia.

2. Number of words: 2500 – 3000 words excluding references.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

5. Submission date : 12 MARCH 2024.

6. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.


Part I


The role of a school leader is to foster a positive school climate. It is depicted as a peaceful,
comfortable, safe school environment with high academic expectations, firm support, strong
relationships among teachers, free threats, and serious disciplinary problems among teachers,
staff or students.
(Sheninger & Murray, 2017)

Based on the statement above, you must interview a school leader on their best practices for
promoting a positive school climate. This school leader can be the principal, assistant
principal, etc. – someone in the school top management who contributes significantly
towards fostering a positive school climate. The interview should address the following
1. Profile of key informant (school leader)
2. Qualitative data analysis
- Strategies used to maintain a positive school climate
- Strategies used to improve an adverse school climate
3. Key findings
4. Conclusion

Relate the interview findings with the four principal processes of management (planning,
organising, leading, controlling) by referring to the table below:

Table 1: Four principal processes of management

Planning • Devising strategies
• Establishing objectives
• Formulating vision statement
Organising • Allocating staff to tasks
• Culture
• Allocating materials/ resources for tasks

Leading • Motivating staff
• Decision making
• Leadership/ modelling expected behaviour

Controlling • Monitoring systems/ processes

• Comparing output against targets
• Strategic human resources

It is important that you present the key findings with several verbatim interview quotes
for each section of the four principal processes of management. These verbatim interview
quotes act as evidence to support your discussion, and hence must be presented in
substantial and meaningful statements. The verbatim interview quotes should avoid
single sentence, or selection of words.

[Total: 40 marks]
Based on the interview in Question 1, you must identify and discuss which management
styles are implemented by the respective school principal. Support your stand with
relevant examples and literature from at least THREE sources, including books and articles
from journals or established websites.

[Total: 10 marks]

Part II


This part requires students to participate actively in the myINSPIRE eforum. Discuss the
following topics in the forum and submit proof of your participation with your tutor and peers
in the eforum online discussions:

Online discussion question:

(a) What is meant by SWOT analysis?
(b) Why do strengths and weaknesses come from the internal environment, whereas
opportunities and threats come from the external environment?
(b) Contrast the style of a ‘transactional’ leader with a ‘transformational’ leader.
[Total: 10 marks]


Bahagian 1


Peranan pemimpin sekolah adalah untuk memupuk iklim sekolah yang positif. Iklim yang
positif digambarkan sebagai persekitaran sekolah yang aman, selesa, selamat dengan
jangkaan akademik yang tinggi, sokongan yang padu, hubungan yang kukuh dalam
kalangan guru, bebas daripada ancaman dan masalah disiplin yang serius dalam kalangan
guru, kakitangan atau pelajar.
(Sheninger & Murray, 2017)

Berdasarkan pernyataan di atas, anda perlu menemu bual seorang pemimpin sekolah
tentang amalan terbaik mereka untuk menggalakkan iklim sekolah yang positif. Pemimpin
sekolah ini bolehlah terdiri daripada pengetua, penolong pengetua, dan sebagainya –
seseorang dalam pengurusan atas sekolah yang memberikan sumbangan yang signifikan
dalam menggalakkan iklim sekolah yang positif. Temu bual hendaklah merangkumi aspek

1. Profil pemberi maklumat utama (pemimpin sekolah)

2. Analisis data kualitatif
- Strategi yang digunakan untuk mengekalkan iklim sekolah yang positif.
- Strategi yang digunakan untuk memperbaiki iklim sekolah yang negatif.
3. Penemuan
4. Kesimpulan

Kaitkan dapatan temu bual dengan empat proses utama pengurusan (merancang,
mengatur, memimpin, mengawal) dengan merujuk jadual di bawah:

Jadual 1: Empat prinsip proses pengurusan

Merancang • Merangka strategi
• Menetapkan objektif
• Merumus pernyataan visi

Mengatur • Memperuntukkan tugasan-tugasan yang sesuai kepada staf
• Budaya
• Memperuntukkan bahan/sumber untuk tugasan
Memimpin • Memotivasi staf
• Membuat keputusan
• Kepimpinan/ pemodelan tingkah laku yang dijangkakan
Mengawal • Sistem/proses pemantauan
• Membandingkan output dengan sasaran
• Sumber manusia yang strategik

Adalah penting bagi anda untuk menyampaikan dapatan dengan beberapa petikan temu
bual verbatim untuk setiap proses utama pengurusan. Petikan temubual verbatim ini
berperanan sebagai bukti untuk menyokong perbincangan anda, dan oleh itu harus
disampaikan dalam beberapa kenyataan yang substantif dan bermakna. Petikan
temubual verbatim ini seharusnya mengelakkan penggunaan satu ayat sahaja, atau
pemilihan kata-kata.
[Jumlah: 40 markah]


Berdasarkan temu bual dalam Soalan 1, anda perlu mengenal pasti dan membincangkan
gaya pengurusan manakah yang dilaksanakan oleh pengetua sekolah tersebut. Sokong
hujah anda dengan contoh yang relevan dan literatur daripada sekurang-kurangnya TIGA
sumber, termasuk buku dan artikel daripada jurnal atau laman web yang sahih.
[Jumlah: 10 markah]

Bahagian II


Bahagian ini memerlukan pelajar mengambil bahagian secara aktif dalam eforum myINSPIRE.
Bincangkan topik berikut di ruangan forum dan serahkan bukti penyertaan anda bersama
tutor dan rakan sekelas dalam perbincangan talian eforum tersebut.

Soalan perbincangan dalam talian:

(a) Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan analisis SWOT?
(b) Mengapakah kekuatan dan kelemahan datang dari persekitaran dalaman, manakala
peluang dan ancaman datang dari persekitaran luaran?

(c) Bezakan gaya pemimpin ‘transaksional’ dengan pemimpinan ‘transformasi’.


Do the following:
1. Select the best FIVE (5) of your postings from the forum discussion set up by your tutor.
2. Take screenshots of the postings and include them as images in your assignment.
3. The screenshots should be an image file (either in JPG or PNG format). Refer to the
sample of Screen Grab below
4. The screenshots should contain the Name, Title of the discussion, Day, Date and Time.

Guidelines for Submission:

a. Use double space and 12-point Times New Roman font.
b. Provide reference using the American Psychological Association (APA) format 7th edition.
c. References should be latest (the year 2018 onwards)
● Assignments should be submitted according to the due date.
● You are to submit a softcopy of your assignment online through myINSPIRE.
● Plagiarism is not acceptable. If you are unsure what plagiarism means, refer to the various
websites that discuss this matter, e.g.

[Jumlah: 10 markah]




Unsatisfactory Max
Excellent Good Fair Poor Or Mark
QN CLO Criteria Weight No response s
4 3 2 1 0
1 3 Profile of key 1.5 The profile of the key The profile of the key The profile of the key The profile of the key There is no profile of 6
informant informants is written informants is written informants is written informants is written key informants.
excellently and in detail. well and quite details. adequately and in less poorly and lacks details.
3 Qualitative Data 2.5 The thematic analysis The thematic analysis The thematic analysis The thematic analysis There is no thematic 10
Analysis strongly conveys ideas conveys ideas relevant conveys a surface-level does not convey analysis evident.
Strategies relevant to topics. It also to topics. The idea relevant to topics. information or ideas
used to integrates additional interviewer asks Questions asked are at relevant to topics. The
outside knowledge. The thoughtful questions the surface level but interviewer asks one or
maintain a interviewer asks that elicit useful purposeful. two random questions.
positive school questions that promote responses from the
climate deep engagement from interviewee.
the interviewee.

Qualitative Data 2.5 The thematic analysis The thematic analysis The thematic analysis The thematic analysis There is no thematic 10
Analysis strongly conveys ideas conveys ideas relevant conveys a surface-level does not convey analysis evident.
Strategies relevant to topics. It also to topics. The idea relevant to topics. information or ideas
used to integrates additional interviewer asks Questions asked are at relevant to topics. The
outside knowledge. The thoughtful questions the surface level but interviewer asks one or
improve a interviewer asks that elicit useful purposeful. two random questions.
negative questions that promote responses from the
school climate deep engagement from interviewee.
the interviewee.

3 Key Findings 3 The findings are The findings are The findings are The findings are merely There is no finding in 12
presented with an presented in a write-up. presented with an presented in a little a write-up.
excellent write-up. adequate write-up. write-up.

3 Conclusion 0.5 The conclusions are The conclusions are The conclusions are The conclusions are There is no conclusion 2
presented with an presented in a write-up. presented with an merely presented in a in a write-up.
excellent write-up. adequate write-up. little write-up.

Total 10 40
*QN = Question Number


Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max

*QN CLO Weight
4 3 2 1 0 Marks
2 3 Depth of reflection/ 1.25 Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates little Demonstrates no 5
characteristics thorough and conscious thoughtful limited understanding understanding of the understanding of the
of the writing task and understanding of the of the writing task and writing task and subject writing task and
subject matter writing task and subject subject matter matter subject matter
3 Provide examples and 1.0 Uses specific and Uses relevant examples Uses some vaguely Very few specific Demonstrates no 4
evidence convincing examples to from experience to developed examples of examples were used to specific examples
support ideas and makes support claims. Makes claims made in the support the claim made used to support the
insightful connections. applicable connections writing task in the writing task claim made in the
between ideas in the writing task
writing task
3 Conclusion 0.25 The conclusion is The conclusion is The conclusion is The conclusion is merely There is no 1
presented with an presented with a write- presented with an presented in a limited conclusion write-up.
excellent write-up. up. adequate write-up. write-up

Total 2.5 10
*QN = Question Number


CLO Excellent Good Fair Poor No response Max

Online Class Question Criteria Weighting
4 3 2 1 0

3 Quality 2.5 All five comments are The four comments are Two or three One post was Postings are done
of excellent, appropriate, clear, appropriate, comments are submitted. OR All past the assignment 10
a, b and c
Postings relevant, meaningful, and relevant, meaningful, relatively reasonable, posts are done in one timeline.
respectful. and respectful. appropriate, day. OR No postings
Affective Postings reflect active Postings reflect meaningful, and OR None of the given as proof of
Domain participation within the participation within the respectful. comments is relevant. participation in the
(A3) assignment timeline. assignment timeline Postings show OR Comments are discussion
relatively short short responses that
participation time. are not substantial or
meaningful. Minimum
effort (e.g. “I agree
with Tina”)

Total Marks 2.5 10

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