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The Communication

Means of communication and communication have become one of the
most important basics of life in light of the technological development
and speed of the times that we witness in our current era.
Of course, the methods of communication and communication in the past
differed from our present time. In the past, direct dialogue was the
prevailing means of any communication, and speech, facial expressions,
and physical movements were the means of communication between
people on various topics.

But now, without a doubt, the situation has changed a lot, and the means
of communication and communication have multiplied, with the
emergence of websites and their widespread spread, making them an
important element in any person’s life, not only to achieve social
communication, but to follow everything that happens in the world and in
different societies.
There are many definitions given to the means of communication and
communication, which we will discuss during the next lines of this
We will also talk about the important elements in this process, and the
types and goals behind the communication and communication process so
that the reader is aware of everything that happens during this process.
Communication concept
Connection against interruption. It is a one-sided process. Through it, the
caller transmits information or messages to the person being contacted in
order to achieve a goal, using a common language between them.
Communication cannot be achieved without its availability.

Communication concept
Communication is also against enslavement, which is a bilateral process,
in which each party transmits information or messages to the other party.
Communication is a relationship that is primarily established in order to
create a connection between people or things.
We can also say that communication is a means used for the purpose of
transferring and exchanging information between two or more contacts.
This communication may be through talking and exchanging words, or
non-verbally through the use of e-mail, newspapers and magazines, or
even visual and audio devices such as radio and television.
It is an essential means of implementing the communication process,
whether through writing or through the use of multiple means of
Means of communication and communication
These are all the means by which a person relies on the use of language,
which does not mean only words and phrases here.
Rather, we can use signs, music, drawing, and photography to convey and
express human thoughts.
It can also be defined as the tools that a person uses to express his ideas
and convey information to others.

The basic elements in the communication and communication

Of course, there are many basic elements within the communication and
communication process to ensure the transfer of information and the
communication of ideas between the people or the two parties between
whom the communication occurs, and one of the most important of these
elements is

• Sender
It is the first element in the implementation and success of the
communication process, which begins with it in the first place.
The main reason for the sender's success is of course due to his skills in
using appropriate means of communication, whether verbal or non-
verbal, and choosing appropriate phrases and words.
As well as the ability to convey information and persuasion, and to have a
sufficient collection of information about the topic and content of the
message he wishes to deliver, in order to ensure the success of the
communication process.
• the message
It is the second and also important element in the elements of
communication and communication, and this message may be in the form
of some verbal words and phrases that the sender delivers during the
conversation or context.
It may be a written message containing a set of important and diverse
information and data.
The sender undertakes the process of delivering the message, whether to a
single individual or a group of individuals.

• Channel or means of communication

It is the third element of communication and communication, which is no
less important than the previous two elements.
The role of this element revolves around choosing the appropriate means
of conveying the message from the sender to the receiver.
The method of communication may be either written, oral, visual or
audio, or through electronic communication and the use of technology
and the Internet to deliver messages.
• The receiver or addressee
It is the final element in the communication and communication process,
and it may represent a single individual or a group of individuals to
whom the message is directed by the sender.
To reach him through the appropriate means of communication, he is
responsible for understanding the content of the message and what it
refers to in order to confirm the success of the communication and
communication process in the end

Objectives of the communication and communication process

There are many goals that the communication process seeks to achieve,
which some of us may not be aware of, and the most prominent of these
goals are:
• The communication and communication process is one of the basic
pillars in raising awareness and spreading cultural rapprochement
between communities.
This is through contact and interaction with different sects of people,
which increases the opportunities for exchanging opinions and
information and the spread of multiple cultures.
• Contact and communication are one of the important reasons for
strengthening social relationships and increasing opportunities to meet
new people and new ideas.
This is done by opening topics for conversation and discussion, whether
between just two people or a group of individuals, which helps in
collective and collective thinking.
• Increasing opportunities to exchange experiences and correct
information, which increases people’s efficiency at work and speed of
• Choosing the appropriate means of communication and communication
helps a lot in saving time, effort and distance in reaching people.
• One of the most important goals of communication is also to succeed in
promoting a specific product or idea.
With the opening of the field in the labor market and the spread of
marketing and the desire of many to work in it, the idea of promotion has
become one of the important axes in the lives of some, which depends on
using the appropriate method of communication and communication in
order to achieve persuasion.

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