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A Report submitted to

Department of English

The Times Secondary School,

Dillibazar, Kathmandu, Nepal

For the Partial Fulfilment of the requirements for the Secondary Level
Education of National Examination Board (Grade XII)

Submitted by

Nawang Tenzing Sherpa

Grade XII Section S1

Roll No.22


Date: March, 2024

Date: March, 2024



EXCURSION” submitted by Nawang Tenzing Sherpa to the Department of English, The
Times Secondary School has been carried out under my supervision and approved as
the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the secondary level education of National
Examination Board (NEB).


Dhurva Gautam

Supervisor and Head of Department,

Department of English

The Times Secondary School

Dillibazar, Kathmandu, Nepal



EXCURSION” was presented whose main objective of the study was to find about
cultural aspect as well as tourism aspect of both Pokhara, Bandipur and Ghale gaun.
Pokhara is a city on Phewa Lake, in central Nepal. It’s known as a gateway to the
Annapurna Circuit, a popular trail in the Himalayas. Tal Barahi Temple, a 2-story pagoda,
sits on an island in the lake. On the eastern shore, the Lakeside district has yoga centres
and restaurants. In the city’s south, the International Mountain Museum has exhibits on
the history of mountaineering and the people of the Himalayas. Also Bandipur is a
hilltop settlement and a rural municipality in Tanahun District, Gandaki province of
Nepal. Bandipur is primarily known for its preserved, old time cultural atmosphere.


I wish to express my deepest sense of gratitude and profundal regards to my supervisor

Mrs. Dhurva Gautam, The Times Secondary School, Dillibazar, Kathmandu, Nepal for
learned guidance, abiding interest and for all the pain she took to get my study work
completed and document prepared in time.

I express my gratitude and indebtedness to Mr. Mohan kunwar , for his support and
encouragement. My sincere thanks go to all my friends and family for necessary support
during the field work.

Nawang Tenzing Sherpa

The Times Secondary School

Dillibazar, Kathmandu, Nepal


1. Letter of Approval............................................... I

2. Abstract ............................................................ ll

3. Acknowledgement .............................................III

4. Travelogue

• Introduction ............................................. 5

• Explication ............................................... 6

• Conclusion and recommendation ..............9


Pokhara is the most tourist area and has many attractive places to visit like Davi's falls,
International Mountain Museum, World Peace Pagoda, Powerhouse, Fewa lake and
Begnas lake. With the seven lakes around it also has nice hospitality with great facilities
and well-mannered people. It is famous for its tranquil atmosphere and the beautiful
surrounding countryside. Pokhara lies on the shores of Phewa Lake. From Pokhara, you
can see three out of the ten highest mountains in the world (Dhaulagiri, Annapurna,
Manasalu). The Machhapuchre (“Fishtail”) has become the icon of the city, thanks to its
pointed peak. Also the Newari town of Bandipur is one of central Nepal's hidden gems.
It combines traditional village architecture, epic Himalayan views, lovely countryside
walks, local adventure sports, and excellent accommodation. It's also an ideal place to
break up the drive between Pokhara and Kathmandu while getting a relaxing taste of
rural Nepal in the process.

Perched on a saddle high above the Kathmandu-Pokhara highway, Bandipur consists of

a single flagstoned street lined on both sides with traditional wooden Newari
architecture. Once an important stop on the trade route to Tibet, the former merchants'
homes you'll find in this town have today been mostly converted into guesthouses and
cafes. However, a few traditional shops remain, and their 18th-century architecture
remains utterly charming. Here, crimson bougainvillea flowers cascade off wooden
balconies, and ancient temples peek out from every street junction. The complete lack
of vehicles and their tooting horns is a particular joy, especially if you've spent any time
in polluted and crowded Kathmandu.

The spectacular mountain and lake views seen in Pokhara are what make paragliding
one of the world’s best. Stable air currents make paragliding in Pokhara a safe and
attractive activity. Plane-wingers can also enjoy a flying trip in Pokhara. Located in the
western region of Nepal, Pokhara is considered a cosmopolitan city. In a valley cradled
by mountains and hills, meandering rivers traverse the landscape. The panoramic views
make it an attractive tourist destination. In this city, you are treated to panoramic views
of the surrounding mountains once you arrive.

Our visit to Pokhara was an pleasant experience with many unforgettable memories.
Visiting Pokhara is really worthy as its known for its lakes and Himalayan range, Pokhara
is considered to be the premier tourist destination in Nepal.Known also for adventurous
acts like rafting, white-water, trekking, and canoeing, Pokhara is known for what these
are. We also visited the natural beauty sites in Pokhara and enjoyed the great
experience of boating Its also called ‘City of Lakes’ by people in Pokhara. In addition to
being beautiful, the lakes provide the perfect amount of peace, calming the mind and
body. A large part of Pokhara’s attractions also are the caves and the temples. The
scenic lakes and mountains of Pokhara make it a popular destination for tourists. There
are other lakes, as well as the Annapurna Himalayan Range, Nilgiri, Begnas lakes and
mountains that you can find. There are some incredible mountains to visit in the area,
like Machhapuchchhre and some others that offer natural vibes.

Nextly we also visited the beautiful town of Bandipur. One of Nepal's most charming
towns, Bandipur is a living museum of Newari culture, a beautifully preserved village
crowning a lofty ridge, its main street lined with traditional row houses. Time seems to
have stood still here, although it has taken a lot of effort to preserve this magic while
developing the town as a destination. Derelict buildings have been reborn as cafes and
lodges, and temples and civic buildings have been pulled back from the edge of ruin.
With its attractive 18th-century architecture, pedestrian zone and outdoor dining, it has
a distinctly European feel.

Bandipur is an aesthetically beautiful and quiet town. Its cultural heritage and
architecture hasn’t been changed till now. From Bandipur, we can get excellent views of
some Himalayas like Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, Manaslu, Ganesh, Langtang, etc. The
Newari town of Bandipur is one of central Nepal’s hidden gems. It combines traditional
village architecture, beautiful Himalayan views, countryside walks, local adventure
sports and some excellent accommodations. Bandipur has also retained its old
temples, shrines, sacred caves, innumerable festivals and its Newari
architecture.Bandipur’s cultural and historical site attracts large number of tourists
every year.

The Padma Library is at the center of Bandipur Bazaar. It reflects the power of Bandipur
during the Rana time. The library contains books from the time of Rana administration.
It is famous for its architecture and design. There is a large ground on the north of
Bandipur Bazaar named as Tundikhel. Once this area was known for trading and parade
ground for Gorkha soldiers. But now it is a viewpoint from where we can get the
enthralling views of surrounding mountain ranges, we can see Dhaulagiri, Manaslu,
Machhapuchhare, Ganesh Himal and Langtang ranges. This place is also famous as a
spot to view the sunrise and sunset.

Popular attractions of Bandipur are the hills that are ideal for hiking along trails that
pass through tribal villThe hilltop settlement of Bandipur, predominantly a Newar town
with its age-old flavour still intact is well preserved and invites travelers to experience its
unique offerings: rich hill culture, mountain views, and hiking.

Hence Bandipur has retained its age-old cultural attributes - temples, shrines, sacred
caves, innumerable festivals, and a Newari architecture. Ages, verdant forests, and
hilltop shrines that once doubled as forts; it is also the home to Asia’s second largest
and Nepal’s largest cave Siddha Gufa; Bandipur Tundikhel; Thani Mai Temple located at
the top of the hill that provides the visitors with a stunning 360 degree view of the town
of Bandipur, Annapurna range and the hills that surround it.

The marvelous village of the Ghales lies in the west of Nepal. Ghale gaon, known for its
culture , natural beauty and hospitality is an old village resided only by the Ghale tribe.
The village is one of the famous places under domestic tourism. It is situated in the cold
mountains of Lamjung. The weather is cold throughout the year. It observes heavy
snow-fall during the winters and chilling winds in summers. Ghale gaon is endowed by
one of Nepal’s pristine natural and cultural beauty.
Ghale Gaun newly opened village tourism destination in Nepal. Nepal village tour with
Ghale Gaun is highly recommended for tourism. Families in the village have allocated
rooms in their houses for guests. Rooms are simple, clean and comfortable with basic
facilities. The village is extremely self sufficient and harvests are organic. Labor based
primitive agriculture, household chores with locally made simple machines and the
happy life of joint family is the living ethnic tradition passed down from generations.
Majestic view of snow peaks and warm hospitality of Gurungs people leave each guests

Ghalegaun is primarily inhabited by the Gurung community, and visitors can experience
the rich cultural heritage and traditions of the Gurung people. The village provides
insights into the lifestyle, rituals, and customs of this ethnic group. The village is
surrounded by terraced fields, rhododendron forests, and pristine landscapes. The
breath taking views of the Himalayan peaks, including Annapurna, Machapuchare, and
Lamjung Himal, make Ghalegaun a popular destination for trekkers and nature
enthusiasts. Ghalegaun is known for its community-based tourism initiatives, where
visitors have the opportunity to stay in traditional Gurung homes as part of a homestay
experience. This allows tourists to immerse themselves in the local culture and lifestyle.
Cultural Performances: Visitors can enjoy cultural programs and traditional dances
performed by the locals. These activities showcase the vibrant cultural heritage of the
Gurung community. The villagers engage in agriculture, cultivating crops like millet,
maize, wheat, and potatoes. The terraced fields add to the scenic beauty of the
surroundings. Ghalegaun is often included in the Gurung Heritage Trail, a trekking route
that connects several Gurung villages in the region. This trail provides an opportunity to
explore the cultural and natural wonders of the area. Ghalegaun is not only a
destination for trekking but also a place to experience the warmth and hospitality of the
Gurung people while enjoying the serene beauty of the Himalayan landscape
Conclusion and recommendation

The educational tour organised by our college was appreciable and excellent. The
management undertaken in tour and educational trip was well managed and
satisfactory. Educational tours are a crucial component of the academic program
because they give students the chance to learn outside of the classroom and get useful
practical experience. There is a proverb that goes, “I hear and I forget, I see and I
remember, I do and I comprehend,” and it refers to the idea that seeing something being
done in a certain location helps people remember it better. Educational trips provide
students with a chance to learn about a particular place or subject in a more interactive
and immersive way. For instance, visiting a historical site or a museum helps students
better understand the history and culture of a place. Educational trips require students
to be more self-directed and take ownership of their learning. This helps students
develop problem-solving skills and become more independent learners. Educational
trips provide students with a chance to think creatively and critically about the things
they see and experience. This helps students develop their critical thinking skills and
become more innovative learners. Generally, educational tours in school are a great
way for students to learn about different subjects, cultures, and historical events in a
hands-on and interactive way. These tours can take place locally, nationally, or
internationally, depending on the goals and interests of the group. Thus, educational
tours are a valuable addition to a student’s education and help them learn

and grow in a variety of ways.

Therefore, our educational tour could be more better if there were further arrangement
for educational visit during the tour. Although all the arrangement for tour were well
arranged and there was no room for error it could be more better if it would be more
managed in comparison.

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