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In the lecture the professor is talking about a meeting that was held between the people responsible

for the curriculum and some students. On it they discussed the problems with the curricula. One of
the issues is that students find some of the core classes too easy or just irrelevant. Another problem
is that some of the core classes are just too big. Furthermore, the students needed additional
guidance about which core classes are more suitable for them to take.The school is trying to find a
creative way to satisfy all their students’ needs and so they are thinking of starting a summer
The advantages of a good curriculum mentioned in the reading are that the core courses should
develop the student's skills in different areas. A reward of good core curricula is that a college has a
stronger identity, greater faculty satisfaction, increased enrollment, and a better public profile.
Additionally, students who have experienced this type of curricula believe that these courses
provided them with a diversity knowledge about philosophical,religious, and new world views that
gave them a broader perspective on life.

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