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Reading newspapers is one the most common ways in which people get the news.

Although many
people are convinced that the printing press is reliable, in my opinion, one should not believe in
everything he reads. The information in newspapers can be false or it might be affected by political

To start with, there are cases in which newspapers does not offer accurate information about
certain events or people. Journalists always try to make a sensation as quickly as possible in order to
get ahead of the rival media. This is why they tend to publish stories which are biased and not well-
researched. The yellow press, for instance, spreads a lot of falsehoods about innocent people which
may damage their reputation or put them in danger. Also, the information in newspapers may be
outdated because new details about events come up very rapidly and it takes time for a new edition
to be printed and released to the public.

Moreover, newspaper stories might be influenced by political pressure. If newspapers accept

sponsorship, they will lose their independence. This means that all of the information will be
controlled by the government or a certain ill-intentioned group of people and real political opinions
will not be printed. Therefore, the society will not be aware of the important truth about the ones in
charge because it will be hidden. What is more, the government might make people believe in lies in
order to make them afraid, vulnerable and easily controlled.

To conclude, people should not fully rely on the information in newspapers. There are cases in
which it might be false or presented in a way suitable for politicians or other people with power. It is
advisable that one checks different sources of news or makes a research himself before starting to
believe in what he has read in the press.

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