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Newspapers have proven not to be the most reliable sources of information over the course of

history. As some of the news in them are overly exaggerated and some rely on unclear sources.
Nowadays believing what you read at face value is not the best idea so it is better for people to
do their own research before making assumptions.
First of all, the newspaper in its long history has proven time and time again of its overly
exaggerated stories. This has primarily been seen with propaganda and the one sided support
during elections or political turmoil. Like in the early years of the first and second world war
where the only news sources were the newspapers and the word of mouth. The newspaper
being considered more believable than rumors was used as the main way to get support. Each
side forced the writers and editors of their local papers to present them as heroes and their
enemies as devilish fiends? that were the root of all evil.
What’s more, newspapers were also used for misinformation and downplaying major
catastrophes. Chernobyl, the loss of nuclear weapons and the instabilities of economic sectors
were but a few of the things that they downplayed. Their misinformation does not stay in the
past though. They continued to misinform us about the severity of the Covid pandemic and its
side effects as well as the political influence of officials.
All in all, the newspaper has been used as a tool by the elite and the world leaders to
manipulate the masses. Although most people know that many newspapers are misleading and
untrustworthy they still hold a solid grip on a good portion of the population that who are still
loyal and follow their every story and lie.

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