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Specialized in Control and Automation

Project proposal on: Proactive protection and monitoring of AC


Submitted by
1) Yisak Abera I.D/No – EDEG/042/10
2) Temesgen Shelemew I.D/No – EDEG/037/10
3) Alelign Getaneh I.D/No – EDEG/002/10


The primary objective of this project is to oversee and regulate the operation of an induction
motor in a large-scale industrial setting using a microcontroller. This protective mechanism
safeguards the induction motor against various adverse conditions, such as low voltage, high
voltage, excessive current, overheating, and exceeding the speed limit. The entire process is
supervised by the microcontroller, which transmits signals through a transistor to activate the
relay. The current transformer functions as a current to voltage converter(I-V convertor),
generating an output voltage that can be directly inputted into the microcontroller. The output of
these transformers varies proportionally to the input they receive. The microcontroller measures
the voltage, compares it to a predetermined reference value, and transmits control signals to the
appropriate protective relays. With this system, the induction motor can be started and stopped
using the relay. Consequently, real-time control, monitoring, and protection of the system are
achieved. This microcontroller-based control system is considered to be one of the most
advanced technologies available, making it an ideal choice for industrial plant applications.


1. Introduction/Background........................................................................................................................3
2. Literature Review:...................................................................................................................................6
3. Problem Statement:................................................................................................................................6
4. Objectives:...............................................................................................................................................7
4.1General Objective:..............................................................................................................................7
4.2 Specific Objectives:............................................................................................................................8
5. Scope of the Project:...............................................................................................................................8
6. Methodology:..........................................................................................................................................9
7. Significance of the Project:......................................................................................................................9
8. Work plan and time schedule................................................................................................................10
9. Material Requirements and Financial Requirement..............................................................................10
1. Software Components:..................................................................................................................10
2. Hardware Components:.................................................................................................................10


List of figures

Figure 1.1: Ferrari’s induction motor (1885) .............................................................................................. 5

Figure 1.2: Tesla’s induction motor (1886) ................................................................................................. 5

Figure 1.3: General block diagram……………………………………………..………………………………………………………….10

List of tables
Table 1: work plan ......................................................................................................................................10

1. Introduction/Background

The induction motor is widely used in manufacturing industries due to its robust construction and ease
of operation. However, it is susceptible to various issues such as under voltage, overvoltage,
overheating, single phasing, and phase reversal. Operating the motor above its maximum temperature
rating can significantly reduce its lifespan. Therefore, it is crucial to protect the motor from these faults
to ensure uninterrupted operation. While there are parameter controlling and monitoring systems
available for other types of machines, they are not extensively used for induction motors due to high
installation costs and physical limitations. To overcome these limitations, a cost-effective solution is
required. This is where a microcontroller-based system comes into play, offering simplicity and
affordability. Additionally, induction motor speed control has become easier and more versatile with
advancements in power electronics, making it a viable alternative to expensive and controllable motors.
Protecting the induction motor is vital for its long-term service, and researchers have developed costly
and limited protection methods for stator windings, broken rotor bars, thermal protection, and more.
Small-scale industries, in particular, rely on affordable protection solutions as they cannot bear high
capital costs. Therefore, a cost-effective and compact design has been developed to safeguard the
induction motor against unbalanced voltage, under voltage, over voltage, short circuit, and thermal
issues. This design is also capable of handling critical loads that need to operate even under single
phasing conditions. In small-scale industries, where power quality is often poor, protecting induction
motors from damage is crucial. Furthermore, the proposed design can be utilized for speed control and
efficiency improvement, manually activated through the introduction of a single two-way switch. While
extensive research has been conducted in this area, many existing solutions are expensive and
impractical for our specific conditions. To ensure cost-effectiveness, the proposed design takes into
consideration that the total cost of the protection equipment should not exceed 15% of the actual
machine cost. This is achieved by utilizing components such as microcontrollers, relays, small current
transformers, and power transformers, which are relatively inexpensive. However, it is important to
note that while cost is a priority, the efficiency of the protection scheme should not be compromised.

Motor protection is crucial due to the widespread usage of induction motors in various applications.
These motors are commonly employed as industrial drive motors. To minimize size and cost, large-

capacity motors are designed with magnetic and current densities close to their limits. As a result, these
motors are sensitive to abnormal operating conditions such as overvoltage or overloading, necessitating
a reliable and high-speed protection scheme. Digital relays based on microprocessors or
microcontrollers offer precise and rapid protection capabilities.

This project focuses on implementing a protection scheme for induction motors using an Arduino
microcontroller. The scheme aims to detect incipient faults in the motor, such as over/under voltage,
over/under current, and overheating. These electrical faults can cause the motor windings to overheat,
leading to insulation failure and a reduced motor lifespan. By utilizing the Arduino microcontroller, the
project seeks to provide accurate and timely protection for the induction motor, mitigating potential
damages caused by electrical faults.

History of induction motor

The history of the induction motor dates back to the discoveries made by Michael Faraday in 1831
regarding electromagnetic induction. Faraday's work laid the foundation for understanding the
relationship between electricity and magnetism. Around 1860, James Clerk Maxwell formulated the laws
of electricity, known as Maxwell's equations, further advancing the understanding of electromagnetism.

It was in this context that the invention of the induction machine took place, with two key figures
playing significant roles. Galileo Ferraris developed an induction machine in 1885, and Nicola Tesla made
his own contributions and improvements in 1886. Both Ferraris and Tesla's induction machines played
crucial roles in the development and advancement of this technology.

Figure 1.1 and Figure 1.2 depict the induction machines developed by Ferraris and Tesla, respectively,
showcasing their designs and contributions to the field. These machines were instrumental in shaping
the modern induction motor and setting the stage for further advancements in electrical engineering.

The motors have been supplied from a two-phase a.c. power source and thus contained two phase
concentrated coil windings 1-1’ and 2-2’ on the ferromagnetic stator core. In Ferrari’s patent the rotor
was made of a copper cylinder, in the Tesla’s patent the rotor was made of a ferromagnetic cylinder
provided with a short-circuited winding. The modern induction motors have more elaborated topologies
(Figure 1.1) and their performance is much better, the principle has remained basically the same. That is,
a multiphase a.c. stator winding produces a traveling field which induces voltages that produce currents
in the short-circuited (or closed) windings of the rotor. The interaction between the stator produced
field and the rotor induced currents produces torque and thus operates the induction motor. As the
torque at zero rotor speed is nonzero, the induction motor is selfstarting. The three -phase a.c. power
grid capable of delivering energy at a distance to induction motors and other consumers has been put
forward by Dolivo-Dobrovolsky around 1880. Dolivo-Dobrovolsky invented the induction motor with the
wound rotor in 1889 and subsequently the cage rotor in a topology very similar to that used today. Also
invented the double-cage rotor. That, around 1900 the induction motor was ready for wide industrial
use. Before 1910, in Europe, locomotives provided with induction motor propulsion, were capable of
delivering 200 km/h. At least for transportation, the d.c. motor took over all markets until around 1985
when the IGBT PWM inverter was provided for efficient frequency changers. This promoted the
induction motor spectacular comeback in variable speed drives with applications in all industries.

2. Literature Review:
In the literature review, several papers related to the detection and diagnosis of faults in induction
motors are discussed. Here is a summary of the key points and drawbacks of each paper:

- William H. Kersting: The paper highlights the issue of single phasing in three-phase induction motors
and the need for protection. However, the main drawback is that the proposed solution is based on
classical methods, while the project aims to modify it using a microcontroller.[1]

- Sutherland P. E. and Short T.A.: The paper discusses the use of three-phase reclosers for single-phase
faults on distribution feeders. It provides statistical data on fault occurrences but focuses only on single
phasing, which is a limitation. The project aims to design a system for multiple faults.[2]

- Sudha M. and Anbalagan: The paper proposes a technique to protect three-phase induction motors
from single phasing, under voltage, and over voltage using a microcontroller (PIC16F877). It involves
sampling and converting phase values, comparing them with reference values, and controlling the
contactor. The drawback is that it only covers specific faults and does not address a comprehensive
range of fault conditions.[3]

- Faiz J. The paper focuses on the negative impact of unbalanced voltages on the performance of
three-phase induction motors. It compares the voltage unbalance definitions provided by NEMA, IEEE,
and IEC. The study concludes that the definitions by NEMA and IEEE are simpler to calculate compared
to IEC. However, it notes that all three definitions only provide an idea about the percentage unbalance
and need modification.[4]

- Javed A. and Izhar T.: The paper proposes protection for three-phase induction motors based on
voltage measurement. However, it acknowledges that voltage measurement alone is not sufficient to
protect the motor if the fault occurs at the distribution transformer or substation feeder. For effective
protection, current measurement devices should be implemented within the protective device. The
paper also suggests using a phase measurement device to measure the phase difference of voltages.
When a fault occurs at a location other than the motor terminals, the faulted phase draws negative
sequence current and acts as a voltage generator. The voltage developed is close to the line voltage, but
the measurement scheme is not able to detect the fault. However, the phasor difference of the faulted
phase changes.[5]

The literature review provides insights into different approaches for induction motor protection and
fault detection. While some papers focus on specific faults or employ classical methods, the project aims
to modify the protection system using a microcontroller and address multiple fault scenarios.

3. Problem Statement:
Nowadays, issues arising in the operation of AC induction motors are common and can lead to serious
consequences if left unmonitored. Therefore, it is essential to implement a reliable protection system
that monitors the motor's performance under normal and fault conditions. The system aims to detect
various faults that commonly occur in induction motors, including stator faults, rotor faults, and bearing

When faults are detected, the protection system offers two possible courses of action. Firstly, it can
adjust the input voltage and current to restore the motor to its normal operating condition.
Alternatively, if the faults pose a significant risk to the stator and rotor components, the system can shut
down the motor to prevent irreversible damage. This proactive approach ensures the motor's longevity
and prevents unexpected failures that could disrupt an entire industrial process. Such sudden
shutdowns can be hazardous to personnel working in the vicinity and can result in unforeseen expenses.

In this project, a fault detection and protection method utilizing microcontroller technology will be
developed. This method will enable the detection of external faults experienced by the induction motor.
By promptly identifying and addressing these faults, the protection system will enhance the motor's
reliability, improve safety conditions, and prevent unnecessary financial burdens associated with motor

4. Objectives:
4.1General Objective:
The main objective of this project is to develop a protection system for induction motors using a

The primary objectives of the project include:

- Reducing the manpower required for monitoring and maintenance tasks associated with the induction

- Detecting and repairing faults in the induction motor promptly, thereby minimizing downtime and
improving overall efficiency.

- Avoiding unforeseen expenditures that may arise due to interruptions in motor operation.

- Saving time and energy by implementing an efficient protection and control system.

The project's major contributions lie in automating the fault detection and repair process, reducing the
dependency on manual intervention, and optimizing the overall performance of the induction motor
system. By implementing this system, it is expected to enhance the reliability and productivity of the
motor while minimizing operational disruptions and associated costs.

4.2 Specific Objectives:

- Design the system using a microcontroller-based methodology.

- Design temperature, current, speed, and voltage sensing circuits that can be interfaced with the
microcontroller for monitoring purposes.

- Develop a microcontroller-based control system.

- Identify and prevent faults in induction motors through proactive monitoring and protection measures.

- Implement and simulate the program using software simulation tools.

- Test the performance and reliability of the new protection system.

- Transition the simulated electrical system into a practical implementation.

The specific objectives outlined above focus on the various aspects of the project, including system
design, sensing circuitry, control system development, fault detection, simulation, testing, and practical
implementation. By achieving these objectives, the project aims to provide an effective and reliable
protection system for induction motors, contributing to their overall performance and longevity in
industrial applications

5. Scope of the Project:

The scope of this project is focused on developing a continuous protection and control system for an
induction motor using the Arduino Uno microcontroller. The project involves the use of various sensors
to gather data from the induction motor, which is then transferred to the Arduino Uno microcontroller
board for processing. The software design and implementation play a crucial role in developing a
suitable algorithm that can effectively interact with the microcontroller and display the relevant
information on an LCD screen.

6. Methodology:
To successfully complete this project, the following steps will be followed:

- Review relevant literature and collect data on the condition and control parameters of induction

- Design a system model based on the collected parameters.

- Select appropriate software tools for programming and development.

- Develop a software program that utilizes a microcontroller and sensors to measure key parameters
such as current, voltage, temperature, and speed related to the induction motor.

- Implement the designed system using the microcontroller and sensors.

- Test the functionality and effectiveness of the system in detecting and preventing faults in the
induction motor.

- Analyze the performance and reliability of the system.

- Make improvements and refinements to the system based on the test results and analysis.

- Validate the system through simulations and practical experiments.

By following this methodology, the project aims to design and implement a system that can effectively
monitor and protect induction motors by utilizing a microcontroller and various sensors to measure
important parameters. This alternative method of fault prevention will enhance the operational
efficiency and lifespan of induction motors.

General block diagram

problem literature data system model software

identification review collection design design

Figure1.3: general block diagram

7. Significance of the Project:

The significance of this project lies in providing protection to industrial induction motors, which are
widely used in various industrial applications. By implementing a reliable protection system, the project
aims to ensure the security and high reliability of these motors. Protecting induction motors from faults
is of utmost importance to prevent damage, increase the lifespan of the motors, and maintain smooth
industrial operations.

8. Work plan and time schedule

Ch1: project proposal

Ch2:Literature review

Ch3:Methodology of system design and analysis


Ch4:Result and discussion


Ch5:Conclusion and future


9. Material Requirements and Financial Requirement
1. Software Components:
- MikroC: This software will be used for programming the microcontroller (Arduino Uno) and developing
the necessary code for the project.

- Proteus: This software will be utilized for circuit simulation and testing purposes.

2. Hardware Components:
- Microcontroller: Arduino Uno (or any compatible microcontroller) will be used as the central
processing unit for the project.

- Sensors: Various sensors will be required to measure parameters such as current, voltage,
temperature, and speed of the induction motor.

- Capacitors: Capacitors will be used for filtering and power factor correction purposes.

- Resistors: Resistors will be employed for voltage division and current sensing.

- Induction Motor: An actual induction motor will be used for testing and implementation purposes.

- Additional Electrical Components: Various electrical components such as diodes, transistors, relays,
connectors, and wiring will be required for circuit connections and control.

These hardware components are essential for building the protection and control system for the
induction motor. They will enable the measurement of critical parameters, processing of data, and
implementation of control mechanisms through the microcontroller and associated circuitry.

[1] Kersting W.H., "Causes and effects of single-phasing induction motors," IEEE Transactions on Industry
Applications, Vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 1499-1505, Dec. 2005.
[2] Sutherland P.E. and Short T.A., "Effect of Single-Phase Reclosing on Industrial Loads," Industry
Applications Conference, 2006. 41st Annual Meeting. Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE , Vol.5,
pp.2636-2644, 8-12 Oct. 2006, Tampa, FL.
[3] Sudha M. and Anbalgan P., "A Novel Protecting Method for Induction Motor Against Faults Due to
Voltage Unbalance and Single Phasing," 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE on Industrial Electronics
Society, 2007, pp. 1144-1148, 5-8 Nov. 2007, Taipei.
[4] Faiz J., Ebrahimpour H. and Pillay P., "Influence of unbalanced voltage on the steadystate
performance of a three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion,
Vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 657-662, Dec. 2004
[5] Javed A. and Izhar T., "An improved method for the detection of phase failure faults in poly phase
Induction machines," Third International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2009, ICEE '09, pp. 1-6, 9-
11 April 2009, Lahore


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