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TOPIC: Assessing the effectiveness of community-based intervention in reducing

substances Abuse and addiction in ngiehun community.


Substance abuse and addiction pose significant challenge for individual, families
and communities. In Sierra Leone this issue has gained increased attention,
prompting the implementation of community-based intervention. This proposal
aims to assess the effectiveness of such intervention in reducing substance abuse
and addition in Sierra Leone.

The research will provide an overview of the global and regional context, present
a problem statement and outline the main and specific objectives guiding this


The global perspective will establish the prevalence and impact of substance
abuse and addiction on a global scale. It will examine the approaches and
interventions employed by different nations to combat this issue. The section will
emphasize the role of community-based interventions in tackling substance abuse
worldwide and demonstrate it potential effectiveness.


The regional perspective in Sierra Leone will focus on the specific context of
substance abuse and addiction within the country. It will explore prevalent
substances, cultural factors influencing substance abuse, and existing prevention
and treatment initiatives. This section will provide a comprehensive
understanding of Sierra Leone’s unique challenge and opportunities regarding
community-based initiation.


The problem statement of this dissertation aims to identify the challenges and
gaps in reducing substances abuse and addiction through community-based
interventions in Sierra Leone. This section will explore the limitation of current
efforts, highlight the need for a comprehensive assessment and set the stage for
understanding the research question and objectives of the study.


To assess the effectiveness of community-based interventions in reducing

substance abuse and addiction in Ngiehun community, Luawa Chiefdom, kailahun


1. To critically review existing literature and research on community-based

interventions for substance abuse in Ngiehun community.
2. To analyze available data and statistics concerning the impact of
community-based interventions on substance abuse in Ngiehun
3. To identify successful community-based intervention models and initiatives
employed in Ngiehun community and evaluate their effectiveness.
4. To assess the factor influencing the effectiveness of community-based
interventions in reducing substance abuse and addiction specifically in
Ngiehun Community.
5. To explore the perceptions, experiences, and attitudes of stakeholders
involved in community-based interventions for substance abuse in Ngiehun

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