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1. “Fountain”
Marcel Duchamp, 1917

When this piece was presented to the art world, it caused a stir. It shook the way we
had viewed about what an artwork is and what it is not, about who gets to say if
something is art or not. In the end, though, the piece secured for itself a place in the
art world as one of the most iconic pieces of modern art.

In this exercise, you will argue both ways: how “Fountain” is (1) a work of art and (2)
not a work of art using any of the definitions of art listed in Table 2 of Activity 1. Cite
the personalities associated with the definition.

Two paragraphs minimum, 20 points. Please answer in the box below.

2. The Stonehenge

The monument a famous example of early architecture. It is believed to have been

built to serve an astronomical function.

What do you think is the purpose and relevance of the Stonehenge today? Can you
think of an architectural structure in the Philippines with a primary function that
changed over time? What does this imply about art and its function?

Two paragraphs minimum, 20 points. Please answer in the box below.

2. Film

Identify a movie you have recently watched. What benefits have you gained from
viewing it? You may refer to the lists enumerated in the discussion of the topic
“Relevance of Art” in the course pack.

Next, examine the intersections between art and politics in the work by answering the
following questions from Bressler (2011):

· What is the hegemony established in the film?

· What class conflicts are exhibited?
· What were the economic issues surrounding the production and release of the film?

Three paragraphs minimum, 30 points. Please answer in the box below.


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