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Grade 9

Summative assessment tasks, including assessment Evidence of summative assessment task strands for eAssessment:
Task 1 – Presentation (Criteria A ) Develop ideas through investigation and demonstrating critical understanding of the sources

An individual research presentation in their chosen The presentation will demonstrate the student’s:
art discipline using concepts and subject-specific ● knowledge and understanding of the artwork(s) and how it exposes a 21st century
terminology of: issue, including a thorough analysis and perceptive interpretation of their research (Ai
● art which exposes a 21st century issue, and Aii)
including ● ability to present a detailed, insightful critique of the artwork(s) chosen .
1. research about the artists and the
context at the point of creation
2. the critical analysis of one or two
Research Plan: Artists and Context at the Point of Creation in the 21st Century

1. Slide: Define 21st Century Issues ( 400 words minimum + 2 pictures connected to topic ):
Clearly outline the specific issues or themes relevant to the 21st century that you want to explore
through the selected artists' works. Examples may include climate change, technology, identity, or
social justice.
Explain how does the artists can help to resolve 21st century issues?
2. Slide: Mind map of the E- portfolio

3. Slide : Select Relevant Artists (250 words 4-6 pictures):

Identify two artists whose works address 21st-century issues. Choose a diverse range of artists working
in different mediums and styles.
 information about a specific artist you are referring to and the issue they addressed in their work.
 Your opinion about his( her) artwork , analyze why is it worthy to attention
4. Slide One Artists' Biography Background and Influences ( 250 words, 3-4 pictures)
- Research artist's background, including their backgrounds, nationality, country he/her of origin, their
education, cultural influences, and artistic inspirations. Analyze how these factors contribute to their
unique perspective on contemporary issues.

5. Slide. Examine Artistic Style and Mediums of your references ( copy of the artwork or part of it):

- Analyze the artistic style and mediums employed by each artist including elements and principals of
the Art. Consider how their chosen mediums and styles enhance the communication of 21st-century
issues in their artworks.

- color palette
-value scale
Grade 9

6. Slide. Explore Specific Artworks. Select key artworks by each artist that directly engage with the
chosen contemporary issues.
Analyze these artworks in-depth to understand the artists' perspectives and the messages conveyed
 Composition
 Light source
 Background, foreground, middle ground
 Details
 Focal point
 Depth and space of the artwork

7. Slide. Contextualize within Art History

- Place the selected artists and their works within the broader context of art history. Explore how their
contributions fit into the evolution of artistic expression and the addressing of contemporary issues.

- How does it connect to global context Globalization and sustainability.

8. Slide. Compare and contrast

9. Slide. Reflect on Personal Insights (2 slides)

- Conclude your research by reflecting on your personal insights gained from studying these artists and
their context. Consider how their works contribute to a deeper understanding of contemporary issues in
the 21st century.

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