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Kezziah Marie Castro

SE106: Career Readiness

Activity 1: Myself in Future

2024 2025 2026

2029 2028 2027

Firstly, in the year 2024, I am currently studying as I continue my

education. Next, by the year 2025, I anticipate graduating, which is the most
awaited event of my life. In 2026, with the help of God, I plan to become a
Certified Public Accountant. After working, I will proceed to build a home for
my family. In 2028, I will marry the love of my life, and together we will
happily build a family that is full of love and humility.

● How do you feel about the activity?

I feel optimistic and motivated after engaging in this activity. It allowed

me to visualize and articulate my future aspirations, creating a sense of
purpose and direction in my academic and personal journey.

● What are some of the discoveries about yourself from this activity?

Through this activity, I discovered a profound desire to achieve not only

personal goals but also to contribute to the well-being of my family. It
unveiled a deeper understanding of the importance of planning and goal-
setting in shaping a fulfilling future.

● Was it easy or difficult to identify your future work and skills needed for

It was relatively easy to identify my future work, such as becoming a

Certified Public Accountant, but recognizing the specific skills needed for
that role required careful consideration. It prompted me to delve into the
skill set required for my chosen profession.

● What do you think is the importance of this activity?

This activity is crucial as it provides a structured way to envision my

future. It helps me set goals, both personally and professionally, and
highlights the importance of planning for the years ahead. By outlining my
aspirations, it serves as a roadmap for the steps I need to take to achieve
my desired future.

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