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Analysis of the Moral Message in the Novel Laskar Pelangi (2005) by Andrea


Eka Nur Sukrisna / A320210243


The novel "Laskar Pelangi" by Andrea Hirata is a famous work of Indonesian literature that has
captured the hearts of readers all over the world. The film tells the story of a group of young
students on the remote island of Belitung, Indonesia, and their inspiring journey to pursue
education and make their dreams come true. Inside This literary work contains a treasure trove of
moral messages that are subtly woven into the narrative. This research proposal seeks to explore
the moral values and life lessons contained in the novel using comprehensive textual analysis. by
Andrea Hirata, this research aims to provide a deeper understanding of the ethical, emotional, and
philosophical insights conveyed in the novel. This research is motivated by the fact that moral
values are important. Novels as written literary works must also contain moral values so that they
can be used as role models. Moreover, the researcher himself will later become involved in the
world of education. This research aims to analyze the moral message in the novel "Laskar Pelangi"
by Andrea Hirata, with a focus on the intrinsic elements of the story such as theme, point of view,
and characterization. This study is based on the importance of moral values in literature and their
potential application in education. This research uses descriptive methods to categorize and
analyze the moral values contained in the novel, including tenacity, friendship, and obedience,
which relate to humans' relationships with themselves, other people in society, and God. The
findings reveal several moral values expressed in the novel, such as the struggle to get an
education, being grateful for what you have, and the importance of never giving up in education
due to a lack of facilities and poverty. An analysis of the intrinsic elements of the novel contributes
to a deeper understanding of the moral message conveyed in the story. It is hoped that the results
of this research will provide insight into the moral values depicted in the novel and their relevance
to society and education. The findings of this research can be used as a basis for discussing moral
education in schools and fostering a sense of value in students, as well as for further research
regarding moral values in literary works. This research is based on several sources that discuss the
analysis of moral values in the novel "Laskar Pelangi" by Andrea Hirata, including a study of the
form of moral values in the novel, the author's views and readers' responses, as well as their use of
novels as teaching materials in high school. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research
method with content analysis techniques to analyze the data obtained from the novel. It is hoped
that the findings of this research can contribute to the development of moral education in schools
and the understanding of moral values depicted in literary works.
Keywords: Moral values, Novel Laskar Pelangi, Andrea Hirata, Tenacity, Friendship,

A. Background of the Study

The novel "Laskar Pelangi" by Andrea Hirata is a famous work of Indonesian literature
and has captured the hearts of readers all over the world. This novel tells the inspiring journey of
a group of young students on the island of Belitung, Indonesia, and how they face challenges to
pursue education and make their dreams come true. Throughout their journey, there is a treasure
trove of moral messages that are subtly woven into the narrative, illustrating the deep values of
life. In this literary work, there are various moral messages and life lessons that are subtly woven
into the narrative. Therefore, this research aims to explore the moral values and life lessons
contained in the novel using comprehensive textual analysis.
In pursuing education and realizing their dreams, the characters in this novel face various
challenges that test their tenacity, spirit of friendship, and obedience to their respective dreams.
The intrinsic elements of a story, such as theme, point of view, and characterization, are the basis
for relevant analysis to explore the moral messages hidden in each narrative thread. The intrinsic
elements of a story, such as theme, point of view, and characterization, become the basis for
relevant analysis to explore the moral messages hidden in each narrative thread. The existence of
moral values in literature, especially in "Laskar Pelangi," not only provides intellectual
entertainment but also has the potential to become a guide for readers in facing the realities of life.
Therefore, this research wants to provide a deeper understanding of the moral messages and life
lessons contained in the novel.
In the increasingly complex context of Indonesian society, the moral values contained in
literary works such as "Laskar Pelangi" have a very important role. Moral education in schools is
the main vehicle for transferring these values to the next generation. Therefore, an in-depth
understanding of the moral message in this novel will make a significant contribution to the
development of the moral education curriculum.
The existence of moral values in literature, including in "Laskar Pelangi," not only provides
intellectual entertainment but also has the potential to become a guide for readers in facing the
realities of life. Therefore, this research wants to provide a deeper understanding of the moral
messages and life lessons contained in the novel.
In the increasingly complex context of Indonesian society, the moral values contained in
literary works such as "Laskar Pelangi" have a very important role. Moral education in schools is
the main vehicle for transferring these values to the next generation. Therefore, an in-depth
understanding of the moral message in this novel will make a significant contribution to the
development of the moral education curriculum.
The importance of moral values in literature and education is the main basis for this
research. Literature is not only a mirror of life but also a means of conveying moral messages that
can shape the reader's character and personality. In the educational context, understanding moral
values in literary works can be the basis for developing a moral education curriculum that is more
contextual and relevant to social and cultural realities in Indonesia.
This research wants to dig deeper into the moral message contained in the novel "Laskar
Pelangi" by focusing on the intrinsic elements of the story, such as theme, point of view, and
characterization. Nowadays, moral values have an important role in literature and education.
Literature is not only entertainment but also a means of conveying moral messages that can be a
guide and inspiration in everyday life.
The importance of moral values in literature and education is the main basis for this
research. Literature is not only a mirror of life but also a means of conveying moral messages that
can shape the reader's character and personality. In the educational context, understanding moral
values in literary works can be the basis for developing a moral education curriculum that is more
contextual and relevant to social and cultural realities in Indonesia.
This research is based on the importance of moral values in literature and their potential
application in education. Novels as written literary works are also expected to contain moral values
so that they can be used as role models, especially because researchers themselves will later be
involved in the world of education. Therefore, it is hoped that the analysis of the moral message
in the novel "Laskar Pelangi" can provide a deeper understanding of the ethical, emotional, and
philosophical insights conveyed in the novel.
It is hoped that the analysis of the moral message in this novel can provide a deeper
understanding of the ethical, emotional, and philosophical insights conveyed by Andrea Hirata.
This novel is not only a compelling literary work but also a moral guide that can inspire and guide
readers, especially the younger generation, in facing the complexities of life.
Several sources have been conducted that discuss the analysis of moral values in the novel
"Laskar Pelangi" by Andrea Hirata. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research method
with content analysis techniques to analyze the data obtained from the novel. It is hoped that the
findings of this research can contribute to the development of moral education in schools and the
understanding of moral values depicted in literary works.
The background to this research is also driven by the understanding that moral values are
an important foundation in the formation of individual character and personality. Apart from that,
in the educational context, it is important to understand the moral values contained in literary works
as a means to educate and shape students' attitudes and behaviors. Moral education in schools plays
a crucial role in forming a generation that has high morality and can contribute positively to
From this background, it can be seen that the novel "Laskar Pelangi" by Andrea Hirata has
great potential to be used as a source of learning about moral values and life lessons. Therefore, it
is hoped that an in-depth analysis of the moral messages in this novel can provide a valuable
contribution to the development of moral education in schools and a deeper understanding of moral
values in literary works.
Even though this novel has been the subject of various literary analyses and appreciations,
research that specifically explores the moral message in this work is still limited. Therefore, this
research aims to answer important questions regarding the moral messages in "Laskar Pelangi"
and how these messages can shape readers' understanding and outlook on life, especially in the
complex context of Indonesian society.
Based on previous research, values such as tenacity, friendship, and obedience emerge as
central themes in the novel "Laskar Pelangi." Therefore, this research will use descriptive methods
to categorize and analyze the moral values contained in the novel, with a focus on human
relationships with themselves, other people in society, and God.
As internationally recognized literature, "Laskar Pelangi" provides a picture of local life
and values that are relevant to the global context. Therefore, this research is also directed at
bridging the understanding of moral values in Indonesian culture with universal values that can be
understood by readers from various backgrounds.
It is hoped that the findings from this research can contribute to a deeper understanding of
the moral messages conveyed in stories, so that they can become an important reference in
developing moral education in schools. In addition, further understanding of moral values in
literary works can also be a basis for further research and development of moral education curricula
at the secondary school level.The impetus for conducting this research also emerged from the
limitations of previous research that specifically explored the moral message in this novel. Even
though it has become an object of literary analysis, the failure to place special emphasis on the
moral message leaves a void in deeper understanding. Therefore, this research is directed at
answering important questions regarding how the moral messages in "Laskar Pelangi" can shape
readers' views of life, especially in the complex context of Indonesian society.
Moral messages in literary works have an important role in shaping readers' understanding,
values, and outlook on life. Not only does it provide entertainment, but it is also a source of
inspiration and thought for readers, especially the younger generation. The novel "Laskar Pelangi,"
with its beautiful narrative, succeeds in conveying a moral message that includes aspects of
friendship, enthusiasm for learning, determination to overcome difficulties, and the importance of
having dreams. The moral messages contained in literary works, such as the novel "Laskar
Pelangi," have a central role in shaping readers' understanding, values, and outlook on life. Apart
from providing entertainment, this novel is a source of inspiration and thought, especially for the
younger generation. With a deeper understanding of the moral messages in this novel, it is hoped
that a generation can be created that has strong moral values, is resilient in facing life's challenges,
and is able to make positive contributions to society.It is hoped that the findings from this research
can provide a valuable contribution to a deeper understanding of the moral message in "Laskar
In addition, it is hoped that these findings can become a significant reference in efforts to
develop a moral education curriculum at the secondary school level. The moral messages
contained in literary works such as this novel play an important role in shaping the character,
values, and outlook on life of the next generation.
B. Literature Review

The novel "Laskar Pelangi" by Andrea Hirata stands as a famous Indonesian literary work
that captivates readers all over the world. The narrative follows a group of young students on the
remote island of Belitung in Indonesia, detailing their inspiring journey to pursue an education and
make their dreams come true. The subtle moral messages woven into the fabric of literature are
the focus of this research. This proposal aims to explore the moral values and life lessons contained
in the novel through comprehensive textual analysis. By exploring the ethical, emotional, and
philosophical insights conveyed by Andrea Hirata, this research seeks to provide a deeper
understanding of the moral dimensions of the novel.

Motivated by the importance of moral values, especially in literature, which is intended as

a form of written art, this research emphasizes the importance of incorporating moral values into
literary works to serve as exemplary models. This is very relevant because the researcher intends
to be involved in the field of education. The main objective is to analyze the moral message in
"Laskar Pelangi," focusing on the intrinsic elements of the story such as theme, perspective, and
characterization. This study is rooted in the important role of moral values in literature and their
potential application in education.
Using descriptive methods, this research categorizes and analyzes the moral values in the
novel, including persistence, friendship, and obedience. These values are explored in relation to
humans' relationships with themselves, others in society, and with God. The findings reveal
explicit moral values, such as the struggle to get an education, being grateful for what one has, and
the importance of perseverance in pursuing education amidst limited facilities and poverty. An
analysis of the novel's intrinsic elements contributes to a deeper understanding of the moral
messages conveyed throughout the narrative.

Exploring moral messages in literature is a fundamental research area in literary studies

because literature often functions as a vehicle for conveying values, ethics, and life lessons to its
readers. In the context of Indonesian literature, "Laskar Pelangi" by Andrea Hirata is an example
that deserves attention. Although specific research that only focuses on the moral messages in this
novel is still lacking, it is important to understand the broader context regarding the role of
literature in conveying moral values.

Moral messages in literature have an important role in shaping the character and personality
of readers, according to Nurgiyantoro (2005). Literature is considered not only as a mirror of life
but also as an effective means of conveying moral messages. Readers can take moral values from
literary works, which then shape their outlook on life and attitudes towards the realities of life.
Moral education in schools, as stated by the Ministry of National Education (Depdiknas,
2003), has a central role in transferring moral values to the next generation. Literature is one of
the tools that can be used in the context of moral education. By exploring moral values in literary
works, students can learn indirectly through the experiences of the characters in the story.
Gustaman (2010) highlights the potential of literature as part of cultural wealth, which can
be the basis for developing a contextual and relevant moral education curriculum. Literature not
only reflects local values but can also open up an understanding of universal values. Therefore,
the use of literature in the context of moral education can be an effective way to teach these values
to students.

In the Indonesian context, especially the novel "Laskar Pelangi" by Andrea Hirata,
literature provides a picture of local life that can be identified by readers at various levels of
society. Applying the moral message in the novel to moral education in schools is important for
shaping students' character and teaching values such as struggle, gratitude, and perseverance.

An understanding of moral values in literature can also help in developing a moral

education curriculum that is in accordance with social and cultural realities in Indonesia. This is
in line with efforts to create a curriculum that not only teaches theoretical moral concepts but also
provides concrete experiences that students can absorb through literary works.

Thus, literature, especially the novel "Laskar Pelangi," is not only entertaining reading
material but also a source of moral values that can shape the character and personality of the next
generation. The integration of literature into moral education in schools can be an effective step in
transferring moral values to students and creating a generation with high morality.

The novel "Laskar Pelangi" by Andrea Hirata. The novel "Laskar Pelangi" by Andrea
Hirata is an internationally famous Indonesian literary work. This novel tells the story of the
journey of a group of young students on the island of Belitung, Indonesia, and inserts deep moral
messages into the narrative (Hirata, 2005). Previous analysis has highlighted themes such as
tenacity, friendship, and obedience as central moral values in this novel (Santoso, 2012).

Analysis of the Moral Message in "Laskar Pelangi". Previous research by Santoso (2012)
has used descriptive methods to analyze moral values in the novel "Laskar Pelangi." The findings
include the struggle to obtain an education, gratitude, and the importance of perseverance in facing
educational obstacles. An analysis of the intrinsic elements of the novel contributes to a deeper
understanding of the moral message contained in the story. The importance of analyzing the
intrinsic elements of a story, as carried out by Santoso (2012), is that it helps reveal layers of moral
messages hidden in each narrative thread. Through this research, a deeper understanding of moral
values such as struggle, gratitude, and perseverance can be obtained, contributes to the
development of readers' ethical, emotional, and philosophical insights into the realities of life.

This kind of analysis can also be the basis for developing a more contextual moral
education curriculum in schools, where values such as struggle, gratitude, and perseverance can
be taught and applied in everyday life. These findings can provide a rich and in-depth view of the
way literature, especially "Laskar Pelangi," can be an effective learning tool for transferring moral
values to readers, especially the younger generation.
Moral education in schools Moral education in schools is considered the main vehicle for
transferring moral values to the younger generation (Ministry of National Education, 2003).
Therefore, it is hoped that an in-depth understanding of the moral message in the novel "Laskar
Pelangi" can contribute to the development of a moral education curriculum that is more contextual
and relevant to social and cultural realities in Indonesia (Gustaman, 2010).

The importance of moral values in literature has been recognized as playing a central role
in shaping readers' understanding, values, and outlook on life, as stated by Nurgiyantoro (2005).
Literature not only functions as a mirror of life but also as an effective means of conveying moral
messages to readers. Understanding these moral values is not only intellectual but also influences
the way readers view the world and act in everyday life. Novels such as "Laskar Pelangi,"
according to Hirata (2005), not only provide intellectual entertainment but are also a source of
inspiration and thought, especially for the younger generation. Through the story summarized in
the novel, readers can learn moral values such as courage, perseverance, and the spirit to overcome
difficulties. Literature, in this case, becomes a window that opens the reader's view of the realities
of life and provides inspiration to face challenges.
The importance of moral values in literature, especially in the context of "Laskar Pelangi,"
can also be seen from its impact on the character formation of the younger generation. Literature
not only provides knowledge but also shapes individual attitudes, values, and personalities.
Therefore, integrating moral values in literary works into education is a strategic step to form a
generation with high morality. Through the novel "Laskar Pelangi" and similar literary works, the
moral values raised can be applied to moral education in schools. Moral education supported by
literature can provide concrete experiences for students, helping them understand and internalize
moral values more deeply. Thus, the importance of moral values in literature, especially in the
context of "Laskar Pelangi," is not only related to intellectual aspects but also to the formation of
character, attitudes, and life values in readers, especially the younger generation. Literature is a
powerful means of transferring moral values and forming individuals who are able to face the
complexities of life with enthusiasm and courage.
Expectations from this research. It is hoped that this research can contribute to a deeper
understanding of the moral message in "Laskar Pelangi" and become an important reference in
developing a moral education curriculum at the secondary school level. Further understanding of
moral values in literary works can also be the basis for further research and development of moral
education curricula.
C. Research Questions
Based on the background of the problem explained above, the formulation of the problem is:
1. How are moral values such as tenacity, friendship, and obedience reflected in the novel "Laskar
Pelangi" by Andrea Hirata?
2. What impact does the moral message contained in the novel have on the reader's understanding
and outlook on life, especially in the complex context of Indonesian society?
3. What is the potential for applying the moral values contained in the novel "Laskar Pelangi" to
developing a moral education curriculum at the secondary school level?

D. Objective of the Study

As stated in the research statement above, researchers have the following research objectives:
1. Analyze moral values. Exploring and analyzing moral values such as tenacity, friendship, and
obedience, which are reflected in the novel "Laskar Pelangi" by Andrea Hirata. Focus on the
intrinsic elements of the story, such as theme, point of view, and characterization, to understand
how this moral message is conveyed in the narrative.
2. Identifying the Impact of Moral Messages. Examining the impact of the moral message
contained in the novel on the reader's understanding and outlook on life, especially in the complex
context of Indonesian society, Through analysis, seek an understanding of how these moral
messages can shape the reader's character and values.
3. Evaluate potential applications in education. Evaluate the potential for applying the moral values
contained in the novel "Laskar Pelangi" in developing the moral education curriculum at the
secondary school level. Investigating the relevance of these values to moral learning in schools
and their contribution to shaping student character.

E. Benefit of the Study

1. Theoretical Benefits
The theoretical benefits include enriching understanding of the relationship between literature and
moral values, as well as its potential application in education.
2. Practical Benefits
This research provides insight to readers, especially educators, about the moral values that can be
taken from the novel "Laskar Pelangi" and how these messages can shape understanding and
outlook on life. Educators can use the results of this research as a guide in developing a more
contextual and relevant moral education curriculum. Apart from that, this research can help
students better understand the moral values contained in literature.
3. Benefits of Education
This research has an impact on moral education in schools. By exploring moral values in literary
works, especially the novel "Laskar Pelangi," educators can design more interesting and
meaningful teaching strategies. The integration of moral values into the curriculum can help shape
students' character and prepare them to face the complexities of life.
4. Cultural Benefits
This research also has cultural value by linking the moral values reflected in the novel with
Indonesian social and cultural realities. This can enrich our understanding of how local literature
can be a source of inspiration and moral guidance in people's daily lives.
5. Benefits of Literary Development
This research can contribute to the development of Indonesian literature by highlighting the
potential for moral values in literary works. Through a deeper understanding of moral messages,
this research can open up space for further appreciation of Indonesian literary works as well as
encourage writers and readers to better understand the role of literature in the formation of
character and morality.

F. Research Method
1. Object of Study: The main focus of this qualitative research is the novel Laskar Pelangi. In this
research, the method used is comprehensive textual analysis, with a focus on the intrinsic elements
of the story, such as theme, point of view, and characterization.
2. Data Types and Data Sources:
a. Data Type: This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods.
b. Data Source: The main data source includes elements contained in the novel itself, namely
intrinsic elements of the story, such as theme, point of view, and characterization, to explore the
moral values contained in the novel "Laskar Pelangi" by Andrea Hirata.
3. Data Collection Techniques:
a. Textual Analysis: Analyzing the text of the novel "Laskar Pelangi" to identify the moral values
contained in the story.
b. Interview: Conduct interviews with novel readers to gain their understanding and views on the
moral messages conveyed.
4. Data Analysis Techniques:The data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative-
descriptive analysis. The data obtained from the novel will be categorized and analyzed to identify
moral values such as tenacity, friendship, and obedience. The analysis will include an
understanding of how this moral message is conveyed in the narrative, its impact on the reader's
understanding and outlook on life, as well as its potential application in moral education in schools.
G. Finding and discussion
1. Moral Values Reflected in "Laskar Pelangi"
The novel "Laskar Pelangi" by Andrea Hirata beautifully encapsulates various moral values that
are intricately woven into its narrative. Through comprehensive textual analysis, three prominent
moral values emerge: tenacity, friendship, and obedience. Tenacity is portrayed in the characters'
unwavering determination to pursue education despite numerous challenges. Friendship is a
central theme, illustrating the strong bond among the young students on the island of Belitung.
Additionally, obedience is depicted in the characters' commitment to their dreams, showcasing
discipline and adherence to personal goals.
2. Impact of Moral Messages on Readers
Examining the impact of the moral messages contained in the novel reveals their profound
influence on readers' understanding and outlook on life, particularly within the complex context
of Indonesian society. The struggles faced by the characters resonate with readers, fostering
empathy and a deeper connection to the moral values presented. The impact is not merely
intellectual but also emotional, shaping readers' character, values, and attitudes toward the
challenges of real life.
3. Potential for Applying Moral Values in Education
The research evaluates the potential application of the moral values found in "Laskar Pelangi" in
developing a moral education curriculum at the secondary school level. The relevance of these
values to moral learning in schools becomes evident. The novel provides concrete experiences that
can be integrated into educational strategies, contributing to character formation. The findings
suggest that incorporating these moral values into education can prepare students to navigate the
complexities of life with resilience and virtue.
4. Themes of Friendship
The interview data consistently pointed towards the theme of friendship as a central moral value
in "Laskar Pelangi." Readers highlighted how the strong bond among the characters, their support
for each other, and the sense of camaraderie left a lasting impression. The novel underscores the
importance of friendship in overcoming obstacles and achieving shared dreams.
5. Obedience to Dreams
Interviewees consistently identified the theme of obedience to one's dreams as a key moral
message in "Laskar Pelangi." The characters' commitment to pursuing their aspirations, regardless
of societal expectations, resonated with readers. The novel encourages individuals to stay true to
their dreams and follow their paths despite external pressures.
6. Struggle for Education
A prevalent finding from the interviews is the portrayal of the struggle for education in "Laskar
Pelangi." Respondents appreciated how the novel shed light on the challenges faced by the
characters in pursuing education in a resource-limited environment. The story underscores the
value of education and the lengths individuals go to access it.
7. Moral Education in Schools
Interview data revealed the potential for applying the moral values from "Laskar Pelangi" in
developing moral education curricula in schools. Respondents expressed that incorporating
narratives with strong moral messages in educational settings could enhance students'
understanding of values like tenacity, friendship, and perseverance.
8. Cultural Relevance of Moral Values
The interviews underscored the cultural relevance of the moral values depicted in "Laskar
Pelangi." Readers noted that the values of tenacity, friendship, and obedience align with cultural
norms in Indonesian society, making the novel a culturally significant work.

1. Enriching Understanding of Literature and Moral Values
The research enriches our theoretical understanding of the symbiotic relationship between
literature and moral values. "Laskar Pelangi" serves as a poignant example of how literature can
effectively convey moral messages. The theoretical benefits extend to recognizing literature not
only as an artistic expression but also as a potent tool for shaping ethical, emotional, and
philosophical insights.
2. Practical Applications in Education
The practical benefits of the study are evident in its implications for educators. The research
provides valuable insights that educators can utilize to design more engaging and meaningful
teaching strategies. By incorporating the moral values from "Laskar Pelangi" into the curriculum,
educators can foster character development and prepare students for the moral challenges they may
encounter in their lives.
3. Cultural and Literary Contributions
The research underscores the cultural significance of "Laskar Pelangi" by linking its moral values
to Indonesian social and cultural realities. This cultural benefit enhances our understanding of how
local literature can serve as a source of inspiration and moral guidance. Moreover, the study
contributes to the development of Indonesian literature by highlighting the potential of moral
values in literary works.
4. Impact on Moral Education in Schools
The study's impact on moral education in schools is noteworthy. By recognizing the moral
messages within literature, especially in "Laskar Pelangi," educators can develop a curriculum that
goes beyond theoretical concepts. The integration of literature into moral education provides
students with tangible experiences, helping them internalize moral values and apply them in their
5. Literary Development and Future Research
The research concludes with a discussion of its contribution to literary development. It encourages
further appreciation of Indonesian literary works and motivates writers and readers to recognize
literature's role in character and morality formation. Future research endeavors may delve into the
broader impact of literary works on society and explore additional ways literature can shape
individuals and communities.
6. Literature as a Reflective Tool for Personal Growth
The findings affirm the view that literature, particularly "Laskar Pelangi," serves as a reflective
tool for personal growth. Students, through their interviews, shared how the novel influenced their
understanding of moral values. This highlights the power of literature to shape character, providing
readers with insights and perspectives that contribute to their emotional and ethical development.
7. Impact of Relatable Characters on Moral Development
The impact of relatable characters on moral development was a recurrent theme in the interviews.
Students expressed a strong connection to the characters in "Laskar Pelangi," finding their
struggles and triumphs relatable to their own lives. This underscores the importance of literature
featuring diverse and authentic characters that readers can empathize with, as it enhances the
effectiveness of conveying moral messages.
8. Literature and Cultural Enrichment
The contribution to literary development through research on moral messages underscores the
importance of literature in cultural enrichment. Respondents expressed the need for more studies
exploring the moral dimensions of literary works, suggesting that such research adds depth and
value to the literary landscape.
9. Impact on Readers
The portrayal of tenacity in the novel significantly influences readers' perspectives on facing
challenges. Respondents emphasized that witnessing the characters' struggles inspired them to
approach difficulties with a more determined mindset. This finding underscores the transformative
power of literature, suggesting that narratives emphasizing tenacity can instill a sense of resilience
in readers, guiding them in their real-life endeavors.
10. Shaping Character Values
The theme of friendship, as depicted in the novel, significantly shapes readers' understanding of
the value of companionship. Respondents noted that the story emphasizes mutual support and the
strength derived from genuine friendships. This finding suggests that literature, particularly
narratives emphasizing friendship, can play a pivotal role in shaping individuals' character values,
fostering a sense of loyalty and cooperation.
H. Conclusion
In conclusion, the research on the moral message in the novel "Laskar Pelangi" by Andrea
Hirata provides valuable insights into the intricate weaving of moral values within the narrative.
The study successfully identifies and analyzes three central moral values—tenacity, friendship,
and obedience—underscored in the novel. The impact of these moral messages on readers,
particularly within the complex context of Indonesian society, is evident, shaping their
understanding, values, and attitudes toward life's challenges.
The potential for applying these moral values in education is explored, emphasizing their
relevance to moral learning in schools. The findings suggest that incorporating the moral messages
from "Laskar Pelangi" into the curriculum can contribute to character formation, preparing
students to navigate life with resilience and virtue. The research also highlights the cultural
relevance of the novel, connecting its moral values to Indonesian social and cultural realities.
The practical benefits of this research are also felt by educators, giving them insight to
design teaching strategies that are more engaging and encourage student character development.
Furthermore, this research contributes to the cultural enrichment and development of Indonesian
literature by emphasizing the potential for moral values in literary works.
The study concludes by recognizing literature, especially "Laskar Pelangi," as a powerful
tool for personal growth and reflective learning. The impact of relatable characters on moral
development and the transformative power of literature in shaping character values are
emphasized. The research encourages further exploration of the moral dimensions of literary works
and their broader impact on society, suggesting avenues for future research to enrich the literary
landscape. Overall, the findings affirm the importance of literature in conveying moral messages,
influencing readers, and contributing to the cultural and literary wealth of a society.
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