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The graph shows the contribution of different sectors to the UK economy in the 20th century.

particular it compares the agricultural, manufacturing and business and financial sectors.
Firstly, agriculture sector shows the higher value at the beginning of the period (around 50% in
the first 50 years of the century). By the 1975, it had suffered a dramatic decrease (15%)
followed by a drop to almost zero in 2000. By contrast, business and finantial sector were almost
zero at the beginning but it sharply increased during the period.
Manufacturing sector seems to follow the trend of agriculture, starting with a value of 45% in
1900. In 1950 it began to fall till 1975 where it was below 35%. At the end of the period the
percentage for manufacturing reaches 20%.
In general, agricultural and manufacturing sector has a similar trends but the former dropped
much more at the end of the century than the latter, In contrast, the trend of business and
financial increased during the period. (168 words)

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