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A glance at the line chart provided some similarities about USA and China's birth rate from 1920

to 2000. It is evident that both countries showed fluctuation until mid of 20th century and then
slightly decreased towards the end of the graph.

At the beginning of the chart, China rose from approximately from 10 percent to 15 percent in
the 1935, then rapidly plunged to its one third. Afterwards it consisted constant few years,
from 1945 it dramatically increased to 20 percent at peak in 1950. Subsequently, rate steeply
fell to its half within 3-4 years, then it showed plateau until the end of 21st century.

Meanwhile, USA's birth rate is started from 2 percent higher than that of the other nation, also
followed the pattern of China. Moreover, the all-time low of 5% occurred in 1945, then it
remained above that level until 2000.

To sum up, the birth rates of USA and China's birth rate fluctuated during the 1920-1950, after
that it gradually decreased the end of the chart.

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