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Research Proposal

The Impact of using recycled materials in mega projects construction on the environment

Student name:
Student ID:1236748
Course: ARC 613

1. Abstract

The goal of the research proposal is to examine the environmental effects of employing

recycled materials in the construction of large-scale projects. The study comes to the conclusion

that switching to recycled materials during the building phase and adopting recycling as a waste

disposal option both significantly reduce environmental impacts. Specifically, it was discovered

that recycling disposal techniques and using recycled building materials (such as glass, metal,

concrete, or cement) during the construction phase result in an overall effect reduction of up to

65%. There are numerous advantages to using recycled materials in construction, for the project

as a whole as well as the environment. Here are a few main benefits: Diminished influence on

the environment: Construction enterprises can drastically cut back on the extraction and

consumption of natural resources by using recycled materials. This reduces greenhouse gas

emissions and energy use, resulting in a smaller carbon footprint. Reducing trash: Recycling

items keeps them out of landfills, which lessens the quantity of rubbish that builds up in these

already congested locations. Additionally, it helps to maintain the community's sustainability and

general cleanliness (Energy, 2023).

2. Keywords

Environmental effects, Recycled materials, Construction of large-scale, carbon footprint,


3. Introduction

Background & Problem Statement

Millions of tons of construction and demolition waste (CDW) are produced annually as a

result of the exploitation of natural resources, especially non-renewable resources, for


construction. The majority of countries send these materials to landfills rather than recycling and

reusing them in new construction because they lack a precise plan for processing them. Given

that the majority of the components used in building and demolition debris have a high resource

value, there is a great opportunity for reuse and recycling. Additionally, recycled aggregates from

CDW have a market for reuse in concrete, cementitious mortars, landscaping, and road building.

The degree of reusability of recoverable materials at the end of a structure's life is largely

determined by the specification of reusable building materials throughout the building design and

construction phase. The three R's stand for reduce, reuse, and recycle, which are the three

primary trash minimization techniques. Since construction waste makes up almost one-third of

all refuse in the country, it causes serious harm. Reusing building materials can greatly lessen the

industry's negative environmental effects. 50% of all garbage is produced by the construction

industry, which also absorbs 50% of all natural raw materials. In industrialized nations, 500–

1000 kg/habitant are produced annually. The primary sources of CDW include construction

debris, natural disasters, leftovers from newly constructed buildings, building upkeep and

repairs, and manufacturing waste (Nunez, 2018) .

The research question arises in the study as follows,

1) What is the environmental impact of using recycled materials in large-scale construction

projects, how can recycling be adopted during the building phase and recycled building

materials be used to significantly reduce environmental effects?"

Investigating the environmental performance of various end-use scenarios under the

aspects of circular renovation processes in the built environment, as well as identifying the most

energy-efficient RES in terms of embodied and operating energy, are the goals of this research

work. It is essential to comprehend the uses and advantages of recycled materials in engineering

to develop sustainable solutions. To sum up the main lessons learned: Environmental impact

reduction: Engineers can lessen the impact on the environment, preserve natural resources, and

produce less trash by utilizing recycled materials. Economic benefits: Project owners and

engineering firms may experience cost reductions when using recycled materials in their work.

Social responsibility and regulatory compliance: Following laws that encourage the use of

recycled materials shows a dedication to sustainability and ethical engineering methods. Options

for recycled materials: Recycled materials are frequently employed in engineering projects,

including glass, steel, plastics, and concrete.

4. Literature Review

Since there are many different types of recovery and recycling processes used, it is

challenging to apply the word "recycling" to C&D waste consistently across national borders. In

general, "material recovery," or backfilling activities utilizing waste to replace other materials, is

used when referring to recovery. However, the cremation of trash with energy recovery might be

considered recovery to a limited extent. The European Commission enacted the Trash

Framework Directive 2008/98/EC, which encourages trash recovery and establishes a particular

objective for C&D waste recovery after the EU designated C&D waste as a priority waste


Benefits to society, the economy, and the environment can be realized through the use of

recycled C&D materials in civil engineering applications. Recycled concrete aggregates (RCA),

recycled masonry aggregates (RMA), mixed recycled aggregates (MRA), and reclaimed asphalt

pavement (RAP) are examples of common recycled C&D materials utilized in civil engineering

applications. It is acknowledged that recycling C&D materials can help protect the environment

by lowering the amount of energy used during production. Several research and application

projects have looked into partially or completely substituting recycled aggregates for natural

aggregates. Research on the application of recycled aggregates in structural and non-structural

concretes may be found in the literature (Pereira, 2022).

The effectiveness and environmental effects of using RCA as a surface layer material for

an unpaved road were evaluated by Jiménez et al. Their findings demonstrated that the initial

values of IRI for superficial layers developed with RCA (between 2.5 and 6.0 m/km) were

comparable to those of superficial layers built with natural aggregates. The IRI values for the

natural aggregate's surface layer increased dramatically throughout the 2.5-year monitoring

period, but the RCA's surface layer's values increased just marginally. According to Jiménez et

al.'s research [121], RCA can be a good substitute for natural aggregate when used as a surface

layer material for unpaved roads. It can also enhance the long-term performance of these roads

(Jimenez, 2012).

To conclude, Environmental Preservation: By using recycled materials, less virgin

resource is needed, which lessens habitat devastation and deforestation. Additionally, it lessens

the carbon footprint brought on by the processing, transportation, and extraction of materials.

One tonne of recycled concrete saves about 1,360 kg of CO2 emissions, according to the U.S.


5. Methods

This study uses a case study technique in line with the main objective of the research

proposal, which is to investigate the environmental implications of using recycled materials in

large-scale construction projects. The main goal is to perform a thorough investigation of the

environmental effects of building hypothetical new structures out of recycled materials as

opposed to traditional building materials. Millions of tonnes of construction and demolition

waste (CDW) are produced each year, as the literature study details. This highlights the need to

investigate sustainable approaches, including the use of recycled materials. In order to solve this,

the research will integrate the case study technique and concentrate on two disposal strategies for

end-of-life situations.

An extensive evaluation of the environmental impacts of using recycled materials vs

conventional materials is part of the study's first phase. To shed light on the relative

environmental effects of the two waste management strategies—landfill disposal only and

recycling followed by disposal—a comparison will be made (Papadaki, 2022). Moreover, in

keeping with the focus of the proposed research on sustainable construction methods, the second

study component incorporates Renewable Energy Systems (RES) into the case study building. A

1.5 kW domestic wind turbine and a 2.65 kWp PV module are integrated in this system.

The goal of the study, as stated in the introduction, is to comprehend the possible

environmental advantages by focusing on the recycling of construction and demolition waste

(also known as CDW). In keeping with the research proposal's emphasis on measuring the

environmental impact of recycled materials, the methodology includes the Life Cycle

Assessment (LCA) technique. SimaPro software will be used to conduct the Life Cycle

Assessment (LCA) in accordance with ISO 14040:2006 and ISO 14044:2006 standards. ReCiPe

will be used to obtain results at the midpoint and endpoint levels. It will evaluate seventeen

midpoint impact categories that are pertinent to environmental aspects such ozone depletion,

freshwater eutrophication, and human toxicity.


According to the research proposal, recycling is a vital strategy for lowering a structure's

embodied energy, and the system boundary is defined as cradle to grave. This is in line with the

purpose of the proposed research, which is to provide insightful information on sustainable

construction methods and to illuminate the environmental effects of building with recycled


6. Research Limitation

One of the most significant obstacles is people's ignorance of architects' use of recycled

and reused materials. Architects could better advise their clients if they had a deeper

comprehension and awareness of the relevant challenges. In order to address this issue, architects

must be educated, supported, and made aware of the importance of sustainable architectural

practices and the environmental effects of their decisions (Stephanie, 2004).

7. Expected Outcome

The purpose of this proposed study is to examine how well circularity procedures work

when producing building materials for use in construction. The goal of the study is to

comprehend the possible environmental benefits by concentrating on the allocation of

Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) for recycling as opposed to landfill disposal. In

particular, it will evaluate how circular behaviors contribute to a significant 22% decrease in the

overall environmental effects. The impact on human health will be the main focus, and recycling

CDW is expected to result in a notable 14% decrease. It is anticipated that the total

environmental consequences of building residential dwellings will be significantly reduced by

43% through the reuse and recycling of building materials. This reduction includes a 14%

reduction in resource impacts, a 9% drop in ecosystem impacts, and a 20% decline in impacts on

human health (Papadaki, 2022).

Additionally, the study will examine the recovery times for several types of

environmental harm, finding values for the environmental impact dimensions of 1.69, 1.28, 2.47,

and 1.22 years. The impact of metal depletion is noteworthy since it persists throughout the

lifecycle of both energy systems, even with the energy gains from energy production in both

systems. To promote the development of more sustainable energy systems, circular processes

must be integrated into material recycling and reuse, especially in the construction and

Renewable Energy Systems (RES) fabrication sectors. In summary, the goal of this study project

is to explore the implications of circularity approaches in the production of building materials

and the construction industry, with the ultimate goal of offering important insights for the

incorporation of sustainable practices in these vital fields.



Papadaki, D., Nikolaou, D., & Assimakopoulos, M. N. (2022, March 29). Circular

Environmental Impact of Recycled Building Materials and Residential Renewable

Energy. Sustainability.

Energy, E. C. (2023, December 1). Utilizing Recycled Materials in Sustainable Engineering

Practices. Utilities One.


Núñez-Cacho, P.; Górecki, J.; Molina, V.; Corpas-Iglesias, F.A (2018). . New Measures of

Circular Economy Thinking In Construction Companies. J. Eur. Res. Bus. 2018, 2018,


Jiménez, J.R.; Ayuso, J.; Agrela, F.; López, M.; Galvín, A.P (2012). Utilisation of unbound

recycled aggregates from selected CDW in unpaved rural roads. Resour. Conserv. Recycl.

2012, 58, 88–97

Pereira, P., & Vieira, C. S. (2022, October 26). A Literature Review on the Use of Recycled

Construction and Demolition Materials in Unbound Pavement Applications.


Stephanie Munn (2004). The issues of using recycled materials in architecture. Anzasca

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