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“So d-damn cold,” mumbled Stanley as he trudged through the snowy sidewalks

of his neighborhood, gripping himself tightly, “S-Stupid frickin’ ca-car…”

It was Christmas Day and Stanley was on his way to a Christmas Party a couple
of blocks from his home. He was walking there through the deep snow and chilly
temperatures, not because he wanted to, mind you. It was because of his darn car
and driveway, completely snowed over and blocked.

With none of his friends or family at the party picking up (probably too busy
chatting away), the young man was forced to hoof it over there himself. He’d
probably catch a ride back with someone when it was all done and over.

“S-s-s-so c-c-cold,” he stammered, his arms tightening around his body, “Wh-
why today of a-all d-d-days? I-I-I-I w-w-wish I-I h-had a warmer jack-jacket it.”

“Did someone just wish for something important?”

Stanley paused, his head glancing around the area. All he saw were tall
snowbanks, snowy yards, and no one foolish enough to be outside but him. M-
must have been my imagination, he thought, turning to continue on.

“Hold your horses there!” FWOMP! Bursting out from a snowbank, a tall,
slender, curvy figure in a black snow coat & pants appeared. Beneath the thick
layers was a green woman, a witch with a rather pleased expression.

“What the hell?!” Stanley yelled, jumping backwards and nearly falling onto the
front lawn of someone home.

The witch snapped her fingers between her wooly gloves, and Stanley shot back
up onto his feet. She casually dusted him off and said, “Good afternoon, dear sir.
My name is Beatrice and I heard you had a problem! You are just too gosh darn
cold and could use a warmer coat!”
“...Are you spying on me?”

“Santa’s the only one who can see and hear everything! ...I mean, my powers are
more limited and narrow in scope, but do roughly the same thing! Any who, let’s
get down to business! How about a nice, warm coat? I got the magic and warmth
and it can all be yours!”

Stanley stared at her harshly, mumbling, “what’s in it for you?”

“Just giving out a free, loving present to someone in need this holiday season!
Isn’t that enough?!” Beatrice clapped her hands this time and na old bottle
appeared in her grasp, looking similarly shaped to that of a soda pop.

“ that Coca-Cola?”

“I’m not legally allowed to sell that, so how about this special brand instead? I
call it Polar-Cola! Not yet trademark, but yet very delicious and guaranteed to
warm you right up! Have a sniff!” The witch casually popped the cap off the top of
the soda and held it up to Stanley, holding it beneath his nose.

The young man rolled his eyes and was about to push the bottle away when he
froze. There was a strong, rather fragrant scent rising from bottle’s top. Definitely
smelled like a basic cola product to him, but… there was something else to it that
he couldn’t exactly put his finger on it. Whatever it was though, it was rather

“Mmmm, smells, like, yummy!” Stanley’s brow furrowed. He shook his head and
hit his chest once, speaking in his normal tone, “Ahhh, I mean… it smells good.”

“Then have a drink! It’s on the house! Don’t want ya to freeze now, do I?” Stanley
remained incredibly skeptical of this “generous” offer, but part of him now wanted
to try the drink. Didn’t matter that it would warm him up. He just wanted to give it
a shot.
Carefully, keeping na eye on the witch, he took the bottle from her and took a
swig of it. Like with the smell, the drink was very similar to any basic cola product
out there for him in taste. Somewhere in between the taste of Pepsi and Coca
Cola, but perhaps a tad sweeter. However, it also had this certain other twist and
kick to it that he couldn’t name. It almost seemed familiar, but yet, not quite that

Either way, the taste sent a shiver down his spine and relaxed him. A dopey smile
crossed his lips as he slid a tongue across them. “Mmmmm, it, like, tastes yummy

After he licked his lips, there was something odd to them. They looked a tad
darker and almost gummier. He licked them again, and they turned completely
black. Not unhealthy black, but just black. Like the lips on na animal or

However, a change of color and texture wasn’t the only thing to befall them.
Around his lips, white fuzz was sprouting up. It was light at first and spread around
under his nose and across his jaws and cheeks, like a five o’clock shadow. But the
longer it went on, the more it was not the case.

The hairs thickened, more sprouting up in between them and hiding his skin
beneath the coating. From his cheeks, it flowed up and over all of his face,
crawling across his forehead and flowing between the hair follicles on his head.
His eyes thinned but darkened to a gray to pop more upon his face.

The only place not covered in fur by the end of it, besides for his lips, was his
nose. It turned black as his lips instead. It did not smooth over or become gummy
in texture though, but rather bumpy and cold, with a touch of wetness to it. His
nostrils flared up and outwards, his tip stretching out and pulling up as well. His
snout extended out by a full inch and rounded in shape, looking very animalistic
“Oooooh yes!” Stanley declared, his voice lighter and airier, “Like, totally good!
...but, ummmm… don’t think you know, but this drink isn’t making me feel

“Oh give it time!” Beatrice stated casually, pulling back her coat sleeve and
checking her wrist, “The magic will do its work in a moment. Anyways, I must be
off. I got more people to help and warm up if possible. Carry on!” With those
words, she fell backwards back into the snow pile and vanished into it, leaving no
trace of herself behind.

“Well, someone is in a rush,” huffed Stanley, shaking his head as he took another
sip from his bottle. His ears grew white fur before they moved up his head na inch
or so. They shrunk in size, rounding out in shape and flattening within. His ursine
ears twitched gently, now set into place.

He pulled the bottle from his mouth as he finished his drink, but it almost
seemed to fight having it taken away from it. His nose twitched and lips trembled,
his jaws stretching forward. His teeth sharpened within his maw as his face pulled
out a few inches, trying to reach the retreating bottle. However, it stopped after a
bit, forming a cute, bear muzzle.

Stanley licked his chops casually, a long, thick tongue sliding across his furry
face. Not noticing a thing, he shrugged and began walking again. Oh well! He
thought as he moved along, even his inner thoughts sounding lighter and cheerier.
Maybe this drink will warm me up eventually. Like, better keep movin’ before I
freeze my big tush off!

He continued trek towards his destination, trying to keep warm as best as he

could. Thankfully, with his new, facial coating, his mug didn’t feel cold anymore.
Not that he knew that, still oblivious to his own body morphing.

His wool hat started feeling awkward though, his hair scrunching up within and
feeling out of place. He shivered slightly and reached up with his free hand,
yanking it off. Out tumbled long, snow white hair. It was flowed down to his waist,
shimmering despite the cold conditions and looking absolutely flawless in its

He whipped his head to the side, his hair tossing within it like out of a shampoo
commercial. He casually brushed some of the long locks from his face as he
stuffed his hat away into his coat pocket. Gees, he thought, I don’t know why I
even bothered with that. I hope my locks are still totes good!

Stanley took another sip from his bottle, stuffing the top into the tip of his
muzzle. His body shivered gently and warmed as the liquid went down. From his
face, his white, soft fur flowed down his neck and onto his torso. It quickly shot to
the left and right, engulfing both of his shoulders before reaching his biceps.
Swallowing them whole, his shoulders almost seemed to contract in just a tad, no
longer as broad as they once were.

Fur flowed down his arms, over his hands, and straight to his fingertips. As fur
settled onto his hands, thick, puffy, black pads sprouted out on his palms and
fingers, completely animalistic like his face. None of this was visible at all with his
thick clothing and gloves, the only sign of it being that his attire grew slightly bulgy
with the extra layer of fuzz added onto him.

The same applied to his torso and legs as well. White fur rolled down his torso
like na avalanche, eradicating all smooth or slightly hairy skin in snowy fluff. It
didn’t matter where, his stomach, behind, crotch, legs, or between his toes. All
was coated in a warm, pleasant pelt that make his clothing a bit bulgy on him.

More importantly though, he felt warm, much more than before. He paused for a
moment when the realization struck him. “Hey!” he declared, holding the bottle up
to his face with his bear paw, “This stuff, like, actually works! I’m not cold

He took a swig from it, slamming down a bunch of the cola all at once. His whole
body trembled and shook with delight as the tasty liquid poured into him. Between
his coat and pants, a small, nubby, furry tail popped out. One that was befitting for
a bear such as himself.
He pulled the bottle away and sighed, licking his chops once more. “Mmmmm,
that, like, was sooooo tasty! What a yummy drink.”

A spacey giggle escaped his maw as he continued his strut, moving to the party
with much more confidence than before. I’m sooo toasty and warm, he cheerfully
thought, totes warm! Hehehe, I’m, like, gonna need to take off my clothes if I get

As he stepped along, one of his paws slowly inched over to his jacket’s zipper.
He was getting a bit too warm now, his jacket bulging further out. In fact, it was
getting too tight as well. He needed to fix that right about now.

He stopped in front of a random house and grabbed the zipper. He carefully

tugged at it, slowly pulling it down. Doing so relieved so much pressure on him, his
body starting to relax and cool, just a tad. So much better…

Just then, the door of the house he stopped in front of opened. A large, anthro
black bear stepped out with a broom and started knocking a few icicles off the
gutter. He mumbled something about them before turning his attention to Stanley,
who had his back to him.

Curious, the anthro called out, asking, “You okay? Something wrong?”

Stanley paused, his hand pulling away from the zipper and his body turning to
face the anthro. “Oh, everything is, like, okay and stuff! Just fixin’ my zipper!”

Even though he did not finish unzipping, his body finished the job quite nicely.
His torso ballooned forth, pushing outwards to make itself known. His stomach
was a bit tubby, definitely more than muffin top now with some serious flab to it
that stretched his undershirt considerably. However, his chest was the main
attraction, having swelled and burst forth into a large, furry set of E-cup sized
breasts. The top of his undershirt ripped, revealing some fuzzy cleavage and the
tops of his black areolas beneath.
The bear man’s broom dropped from his hand, followed by his jaw dropping and
hanging low. Beneath his fur, a soft blush appeared as he stared upon the
curvaceous, ursine beauty before him. He stuttered and stammered, taken aback
by the beauty.

Not fully getting his stunned shock, Stanley merely giggled and waved good-bye
to him, declaring as he walked away, “See ya Mister Bear!”

Stanley continued on his walk, taking one last drink of his bottle. He slammed it
all down, finishing off its fine, sugary liquid. His body trembled with delight, his fur
standing on end as his arms and legs thickened, adding some nice, extra blubber
to his fine shape.

“Ooooooh man,” he declared, his bear cheeks getting a bit chubbier as he licked
his chops. He looked at the bottle and giggled, “This was, like, the best soda ever!
Ooooh, I wish I had more of it to share with the party!”

He glanced around, but nothing happened. He huffed, mumbling, “Humph,

guess she won’t grant all of my wishes.”

He trembled again, rubbing his large, bear thighs together as his pants groaned,
stretched too far by his own weight and fur now. Within his crotch though, the
tightness began to dissipate. The bulge that resided there shrunk back, the area
flattening little by little until nothing remained. Underneath all the clothing, his
package had pulled back into him, leaving behind a female slit.

Her pants stretched greatly, threatening to rip right off of her form despite some
relief. Her hips widened, growing rounder and shapelier by the second. In the
back, her ass swelled and swelled, ballooning out into a round shape itself. It was
a bit flabby and thick, but very nice and soft; her butt crack poking out above her
Frustrated, she reached down and unzipped her pants. Her hips swelled just a
bit more, holding her trousers in place. Everything felt much more comfortable,
even if her clothing was hanging on desperately.

The new polar bear girl sighed, tossing the bottle into a nearby recycling bin, left
out in the cold, long forgotten by its owner. She wiped her brow and looked
around, spotting her destination just up ahead. “Phew!” she declared, “Finally
there! Like, memo and stuff, get a cute hunk to give me a lift next time. Too much

She hurried across the snowy road to the other side of the street. Pausing to
catch her breath, she heard a loud rip. Blushing, she glanced down at herself. The
seams on her pants in the back had torn.

“Awww man!” she declared, pouting and putting her hands on her wide hips, “I
liked those jeans. Oh well, shopping spree tomorrow! Hehe, today, time ta party!”
She hurried on over to the front door and knocked on it, eagerly awaiting the door
to be open.

Soon, she would be inside amongst friends and family, all strangely human
despite being a big bear like herself. Soon, she would no longer need to think
about staying warm. Soon, her only concern would be having a good time… and
maybe hitting on Bruno, that handsome brown bear neighbor that always attended
these parties. Maybe he’d be up for some lovin’ from a cute gal like her.


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