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The internal structure of Chandrayaan-3 would likely follow a similar pattern as Chandrayaan-2

or other lunar missions. It would consist of the following components:

 Orbiter: This component would remain in lunar orbit to study and communicate with the
lander and rover. It carries scientific instruments to gather data about the moon's surface
and surroundings.
 Lander: The lander is designed to make a soft landing on the lunar surface. It would
contain instruments for conducting experiments on the moon's surface. It's expected to
have a propulsion system, landing legs, and communication equipment.
 Rover: If Chandrayaan-3 includes a rover, it would be carried by the lander and deployed
on the lunar surface. The rover would have wheels or tracks for mobility and be equipped
with scientific instruments to analyze the lunar soil and rocks.
 Scientific Instruments: Both the orbiter and the lander/rover would carry various
scientific instruments for studying the moon's surface, composition, and environment.
These instruments might include cameras, spectrometers, seismometers, and more.
 Communication Equipment: Chandrayaan-3 would be equipped with communication
systems to transmit data back to Earth. The orbiter plays a crucial role in relaying data
between the lander/rover and Earth.

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