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1) Fill in the gaps with the following prepositions:

with, of, between, about, to, from, for, in

NDD refers a condition increasingly affecting individuals, particularly children, who
spend excessive amounts of time indoors, isolated from nature. Screen addiction, characterised
an over-reliance on digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers, exacerbates
NDD, leading detrimental effects on physical and mental health.

Activities such as hiking, camping, and gardening can counteract the effects screen
addiction, providing individuals with opportunities reconnect with the natural
world. Research suggests that engaging outdoor activities can alleviate symptoms
NDD and promote overall well-being.

However, many individuals remain unaware the importance spending time

outdoors and the risks excessive screen time. It is crucial parents and
educators to educate children the benefits nature and the need
balance screen use outdoor play.

By fostering a healthy relationship nature and technology, individuals can mitigate the
negative impacts screen addiction and NDD, ultimately leading improved
physical and mental well-being.

2) Join the sentences below using the relative pronouns and adverbs in brackets.
1. We are spending more time indoors, glued to our gadgets. This makes us feel alienated from
nature and more vulnerable to negative moods or reduced attention span. (which)

2. My biggest concern is with young people. Their brains are still developing from birth
through adolescence. (whose)

3. Some teens are more likely to get depressed. These teens spend too much time in the
virtual world. (who)

4. If you’re feeling stressed out or jaded, go to a nearby forest. There you can listen to the
soothing sounds of nature. (where)

3) Fill in the gaps with the right form of the following verbs.
observe | see | watch | glance | look | stare | notice
1. …………………………. television for hours increases aggression levels.
2. …………………………. blankly at screens for most of the day is distracting you from life
3. The great minds were gifted with an aesthetic appreciation of the world: they loved art and
poetry, and made time to …………..……………
Nature and interact with it.
4. Spend a quiet moment …….……………. at the waves and let them wash away your
5. On a winter night, you can ………………………. myriads of stars and constellations in the
6. If you walk by any group of teenagers, you will ………………………. that most of them
are intently staring at their phones.
7. People who are addicted to their smartphones ……………………….. down at the screen
every few moments. They just can’t help it.

4) Fill in the gaps with the passive Voice of the verbs in brackets.
Orange Is the New Black is an American comedy-drama streaming television series which
(create) by Jenji Kohan for Netflix.
The series (base) on Piper Kerman's memoir Orange Is the New
Black: My Year in a Women's Prison (2010), about her experiences at FCI Danbury, a
minimum-security federal prison.
It tells the story of a woman who (sentence) to prison and
(put) behind bars.
The film (produce) by Tilted Productions in association with Lionsgate
Television. In February 2016, the series (renew) for a fifth, sixth, and
seventh season.
Its seventh and final season (release) on July 26, 2019.
The series (acclaim) throughout its run.

5) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

1. If he (study) harder, he would pass the exam.
2. If she had more time, she (travel) the world.
3. If they saved money, they (buy) a new car.
4. If it (rain) tomorrow, we (stay) indoors.
5. If she lived closer, she (visit) us more often.
6. If they (learn) to cook, they wouldn't eat out as much.
7. If it (be) warmer, we would go for a picnic.
8. If you (build up) your confidence, you will perform better on
9. If she were more organised, she (forget) important dates.

6) Rephrase the sentences using if-clauses Type 3:

1. He didn't delegate tasks effectively, so the project fell behind schedule.

2. They didn't communicate openly with their peers, so conflicts arose within the team.

3. Sarah didn't consider different perspectives, so she alienated her team members.

4. They didn't prioritise team collaboration, so they missed out on valuable ideas.

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