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The tower of Babel

The of tower of Babel explains the origins of the multiplicity of languages. God was concerned that
humans had blasphemed by building the tower to avoid a second flood so God brought into existence
multiple languages thus, humans were divided into linguistic groups, unable to understand one

What is the moral lesson of the tower of Babel
Is that we should never become full of pride. We should never try to be equal to God. The story
discusses the concept of the origin of diverse languages. People of the world used to speak the same
language before the construction of the tower of Babel but God changed the language of everyone to
teach them a lesson.

The message of the story of Babel

The story of the tower of Babel was likely originally a way to explain why people speak different
languages. It is also a story about the importance of respecting God’s power.

The lesson that I learned from tower of Babel

The pursuit of self- glory will distract us from seeking God and his purpose for our lives. Like the
people in Babel, people today want to build their own way to heaven. They think if they do enough
good works, live in a good moral life, or if they are religious enough, they can get to heaven. But there
is only one way; God has to come down to us

Anna Cristela Garcia

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