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A Novel Approach for Low-Light Image Enhancement using Multi-Scale

Laplacian Blending scheme


This study introduces a pioneering method for enhancing low-light images

without relying on depth estimation or costly refinement processes. The
proposed approach employs a sequence of gamma-correction operations to
artificially under-expose the original low contrast or low light image. Through
this process, a set of multiply exposed images is generated, which are
subsequently merged using a multi-scale Laplacian blending scheme to produce
an enhanced output. Extensive experimental evaluations, encompassing
qualitative and quantitative analyses, demonstrate the effectiveness of this
technique. The results indicate remarkable improvements in scenarios where
existing image enhancement methods struggle to deliver high-quality outcomes.
This innovative approach showcases the potential of multi-scale Laplacian
blending in mitigating the impact of low-light conditions on image quality,
promising significant advancements in the field of image enhancement.


The quest for high-quality image enhancement under challenging low-light

conditions remains a persistent challenge in the field of computer vision and
image processing. Visual degradation due to inadequate lighting or inherent blur
often plagues images, rendering them suboptimal for analysis, presentation, or
human perception. Traditional methods reliant on physical models or depth
estimation often fall short in addressing these issues effectively. Consequently,
there exists a critical need for innovative approaches that can transcend the
limitations of existing techniques.

This work endeavors to present a groundbreaking solution for enhancing images

afflicted by low contrast or insufficient light, without resorting to intricate depth
estimation or computationally intensive refinement processes. Our proposed
methodology leverages a novel multi-scale Laplacian blending scheme, offering
a paradigm shift from conventional approaches.

The conventional paradigms in image enhancement typically rely on modeling

the physical formation of image degradation caused by blur or inadequate
lighting. However, such models necessitate complex inversion processes,
extensive computational resources, and often demand accurate estimation of
depth in the scene. These requisites impose limitations, especially in scenarios
where depth estimation might be unreliable or costly to achieve.

In this context, our approach takes a departure from the reliance on depth
estimation. Instead, we introduce a method that respects the fundamental
assumptions underlying image degradation due to low light or low contrast. By
artificially under-exposing the original image through a sequence of gamma-
correction operations, we generate a series of multiply exposed images. These
images, exhibiting varied exposure levels, serve as the basis for our proposed
enhancement technique.

The core innovation lies in the subsequent merging of these artificially under-
exposed images using a multi-scale Laplacian blending scheme. This blending
technique operates across multiple scales, allowing for the fusion of information
from different exposure levels while preserving important image details.

The primary advantage of our method lies in its ability to effectively mitigate
the impact of low-light conditions without the need for costly depth map
refinement processes. Moreover, by sidestepping the reliance on accurate depth
estimation, our technique proves robust in challenging scenarios where existing
methods often falter.

This paper presents a detailed exposition of our novel approach, elucidating its
theoretical underpinnings and providing comprehensive insights into the
experimental evaluation. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses are
undertaken to assess the efficacy of our technique in comparison to established
image enhancement methodologies.

Through this research endeavor, we aim to showcase the potential and viability
of the proposed multi-scale Laplacian blending scheme as a pioneering tool for
image enhancement, particularly in scenarios characterized by low-light
conditions or inadequate contrast. The subsequent sections will delve into the
technical aspects, methodology, experimental setup, and the results obtained,
thereby illustrating the merits and efficacy of our approach in revitalizing
images suffering from visual degradation due to low-light environments.

Existing work:

The challenge of low-light image enhancement remains a significant hurdle in

various imaging applications. Current methodologies heavily reliant on depth
estimation or physically based inversion models often encounter limitations in
accurately restoring image quality under such conditions. This study proposes a
distinct method that respects fundamental image degradation assumptions
without mandating precise depth estimations. By deliberately under-exposing
the original image through a series of gamma-correction operations, a set of
multiply exposed images is generated. Subsequently, a multi-scale Laplacian
blending scheme is employed to merge these images, offering a comprehensive
approach to image enhancement that operates across various scales, effectively
preserving crucial image details.


Computational Complexity: Some advanced image enhancement techniques,

especially those involving complex blending schemes or multi-scale operations,
might require significant computational resources, limiting their real-time
applicability or efficiency on resource-constrained devices.

Artifact Introduction: Certain enhancement methods, when pushed beyond their

optimal parameters or applied to highly degraded images, may introduce
artifacts. These artifacts could include noise amplification, halos around edges,
or unnatural textures, compromising the visual quality of the enhanced image.

Sensitivity to Input Parameters: Some models might be highly sensitive to the

input parameters or initial conditions. Choosing incorrect parameters could lead
to suboptimal results or even exacerbate image degradation in some cases.

Limited Performance in Extreme Conditions: While innovative, certain models

might struggle to perform well in extreme low-light scenarios or under
extremely high levels of blur. These conditions may fall outside the training
scope or design assumptions of the model, limiting its effectiveness.

Over-smoothing or Loss of Details: Methods employing smoothing techniques

or blending operations may inadvertently lead to over-smoothing, causing a loss
of important details or sharpness in the enhanced image, especially in regions
with fine textures or intricate patterns.

Generalization and Adaptability: Models trained on specific datasets or

conditions might struggle to generalize well to unseen data or diverse
environments. Lack of adaptability could limit their utility in real-world
applications with varying lighting conditions or scene complexities.

Subjectivity in Evaluation: Assessing image quality enhancement is often

subjective. Quantitative metrics might not fully capture perceptual quality,
leading to discrepancies between objective assessments and human perception
of image quality.

 This work presents a new image enhance technique that can remove the
visual degradation due to blur or light without relying on the inversion of
a physical model of this formation, but respecting its main underlying
assumptions. Hence, the proposed technique avoids the need of
estimating depth in the scene, as well as costly depth map refinement
processes. To achieve this goal, the original low contrast or low light
image is first artificially under-exposed by means of a sequence of
gamma-correction operations. The resulting set of multiply exposed
images is merged into a enhanced result through a multi-scale Laplacian
blending scheme. A detailed experimental evaluation is presented in
terms of both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The obtained results
indicate that the fusion of artificially under-exposed images can
effectively remove the effect of low light, even in challenging situations
where other current image enhancing techniques fail to produce good-
quality results.


Mean and Background Initial contrast,
Input G-plane
SD foreground saliency, weight
image B-plane
separation calculation separation calculation

Output Saturation
Fusion pyramid
image Append


 Our method is capable of enhance both small image details, sharp edges and
smooth color transitions.
 Comparatively more accurate.
 Quality of the Image is increasing.



 System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.

 Hard Disk : 40 GB.
 Floppy Drive : 44 Mb.
 Monitor : 15 VGA Colour.
 Mouse :
 Ram : 512 Mb.

 Operating system : Windows XP/7.

 Coding Language : MATLAB
 Tool : MATLAB R2013A

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