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NIM : A12122135
“Memories of when Dad left us”
One day, August 15 2021, at 01.00, my father was taken to the hospital because he felt
pain in his head. He refused to be taken to the hospital, but because our family insisted he finally
agreed. When he arrived there, he was immediately examined by the hospital. There I cried
because he stared at me continuously, as if he wanted to convey something that until now I didn't
understand the meaning. After being examined, my father was taken to the inpatient room.
The next morning, my father was somewhat better. He can eat well. That day I had time
to go home to get my father and mother's clothes. When I arrived at the hospital I chatted a little
with my father about his condition.
Long story short, after 3 days of being treated in hospital, my father came out again. He
was no longer able to respond when spoken to. Finally, my mother decided to take my father to
another hospital outside the city, precisely in Palopo, South Sulawesi. But we had to wait a while
because the ambulance from the hospital was on its way. When the ambulance arrived, my
mother gave permission to go to the toilet and let go of my father's hand, it turned out that at that
moment he breathed his last breath. My father died on August 17 2021 during the red and white
flag lowering ceremony. At that moment I felt my world was destroyed. I paused for a moment
to understand this situation, the situation I had been afraid of for those 3 days. I saw my 2 older
brothers who were crying, and my mother who had fainted. I cried when I heard my oldest
brother say, "My father is no longer there."
At the funeral, I kept crying when I saw my father's body which was about to be buried.
The funeral was like a reminder that my father would never be with us again in this world. Every
corner of the house is full of memories with my father, from funny stories to wise advice that is
always remembered. I feel like I have lost a figure who always provided support and affection.
Every day after my father left, I felt empty. I'm used to talking to him, but now, I have to learn to
live without his presence. Celebrating moments of happiness without him makes everything feel
incomplete. However, I am aware that all humans will return to Allah SWT. Even though
sadness still haunts me every day, I continue to try to be sincere and pray for my father.

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