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Leadership and Commitment:

Leadership commitment is paramount in TQM implementation. Senior managers must not
only endorse TQM philosophies but also actively participate in and drive the change. This
involves setting a vision for TQM, aligning it with the organization's strategic objectives, and
demonstrating a consistent commitment to quality in every decision and action. Leadership
must also establish clear communication channels, ensuring that the TQM objectives are
understood and embraced at all levels of the organization.

3. Customer-Centric Approach :
TQM places the customer at the center of all activities. Understanding and meeting customer
needs and expectations are critical. This involves not only delivering high-quality products
and services but also ensuring excellent customer service and support. Regularly gathering
and analyzing customer feedback, and using this data to drive improvements, is a crucial
aspect of a customer-centric TQM approach.

4. Employee Involvement and Empowerment :

The success of TQM depends significantly on employee involvement. Employees at every
level should be empowered and encouraged to take ownership of quality improvements. This
involves providing training and resources, fostering an open environment for feedback and
suggestions, and recognizing and rewarding quality improvement efforts. When employees
are involved and invested, they are more likely to contribute effectively to continuous
improvement initiatives.

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