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Municipality of Marondera Client Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire

The Municipality of Marondera is conducting a survey to gauge the level of client satisfaction
and improve its service delivery and communication. We kindly seek your participation in this
process by recording your input, views and suggestions on the questionnaire below. NB Please
note that if any question is not applicable to you, please leave it blank. If you are
submitting the form electronically, please send it to 0778241856 (WhatsApp) or email it to Thank you

1. Age □ Below 15 years □ 15-35 years □ 36-59 years □ 60 and above

2. Sex □ Female □ Male
3. In which area/ward do you reside?
□ Ward 1: Dombotombo □ Ward 2: Dombotombo

□ Ward 3: Ruware Park, Ruvimbo Park, Rusike Phase 1 & Morningside

□ Ward 4: Yellow City, Rusike Phase 2 & 3 □ Ward 5: Rujeko


□ Ward 6: Rujeko (Cherima) □ Ward 7: Rujeko


□ Ward 8: Nyameni, Ruzawi □ Ward 9: Cherutombo

□ Ward 10: Paradise Park, Lower Paradise, Lendy Park, Winston Park, Elmswood
(Garikayi) & Lendyview Park

□ Ward 11: Town CBD and Industrial Area □ Ward 12: Cherutombo
4. Select your property status
□ Rented □ Employer owned □ Owned

5. Which sector do you belong to?

□ Business Community □ Schools □ Informal

□ Resident □ Church □ Youth

□ Women □ Persons with Disabilities □ SMEs

□ Media □ Ratepayer □ Residents


□ Workers Union

□ Other, please

6. Please select a rating from 1-6 for each question: 1-Very Poor, 2-Poor, 3-Average, 4-
Good, 5-Very Good and 6-Excellent
1 2 3 4 5 6
How would you rate our speed of service (time taken to be
How do you rate our response to queries?
How do you rate our service quality?
How do you rate our ability to communicate? (access to council
notices and information)
How accessible are the Municipality of Marondera services?
What is the level of customer care that you get when being
served by our staff?
Please rate our provision of the following municipal services
Water Supply
Refuse collection
Road maintenance
Public lighting
Health Services
Education (Council Schools)
Emergency Services (Fire and Ambulance)
Social Amenities (Parks & Gardens, Cemeteries, Community
Halls and Sports Facilities)
Regular Service Notices
Monthly Bill Statements
Parking Marshals

7. Indicate your rating by ticking (√) the appropriate rating

Typically, how long does it take to Prompt Hours Days Weeks Month Never
attend to the following?
Sewer blockages
Burst water pipes
Road repairs
Query response
Building Inspection
Plan Approval
Lease application response

8. How do you prefer the Municipality of Marondera to communicate with you?

□ WhatsApp groups
□ Facebook
□ Website
□ Print Media (newspapers)
□ Radio
□ Phone call
□ X (Twitter)
□ Other, please specify
9. Do you have any other specific areas or issues of improvement?


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