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Question 1:

How can generative AI be used in virtual reality applications?

A.) To improve user interactions in virtual reality

B.) To create virtual characters with human-like behavior
C.) To enhance visual effects in virtual reality experiences
D.) To simulate realistic environments
Correct Answer: To simulate realistic environments

Question 2:

What is LLM?

A.) Large language models

B.) Large Library Models
C.) large machine learning models
D.) All are correct
Correct Answer: Large language models
Question 3:

What is DALL-E?

A.) DALL ·E 2 is an AI system that can create realistic images and art from
another image.
B.) Al1 are correct
C.) DALL.E 2 helps generate images randomly without any input.
D.) DALL •E 2 is an AI system that can create realistic images and art from a
description in natural language.
Correct Answer: DALL E 2 is an AI system that can create realistic images and
art a description
from in natural language.

Question 4:

What is the size of the training dataset used for training DALL-E 2?

A.) Thousands of images

B.) Billions of images
C.) Millions of images
D.) The exact number is not disclosed
Correct Answer: Billions of images

Question 5:

How does ChatGPT generate responses?

A.) By performing web searches in real-time

B.) By accessing a vast database of pre-defined answers
C.) By randomly selecting responses from a predefined
D.) By analyzing user inputs and generating relevant responses
Correct Answer: By analyzing user inputs and generating relevant responses
Question 6:

What is the main input to DALL-E 2 for generating images?

A.) Hand-drawn sketches

B.) Text descriptions
C.) Pre-existing images
D.) Audio recordings

Correct Answer: Text descriptions

Question 7:

What is MuseNet?

A.) Video Generator

B.) Text Generator
C.) All are correct
D.) Music Generator

Correct Answer: Music Generator

Question 8:

What is DALL-E 2?

A.) A natural language processing model

B.) A computer vision model
C.) A generative model for images
D.) A reinforcement learning algorithm

Correct Answer: A generative model for images

Question 9:

Which of the following are Gen AI tools?

A.) ChatGPT
B.) Stable Diffusion
C.) Google Bard
D.) All are correct
Correct Answer: All are correct
Question 10:

What is the role of generative AI in drug discovery?

A.) Automating drug manufacturing processes
B.) Generating new molecules with desired properties
C.) Predicting the effectiveness of existing drugs
D.) Analyzing drug interactions in patients
Correct Answer: Generating new molecules with desired properties

Question 11:

What is the responsibility of developers using generative AI in ensuring ethical


A.) Providing generative AI models to unauthorized users

B.) Ensuring transparency and explainability of the AI models
C.) Ignoring potential biases in the generated outputs
D.) Prioritizing model performance over ethical considerations

Correct Answer: Ensuring transparency and explainability of the AI models

Question 12:

ChatGPT is a

A.) Text to Text generator

B.) Image to Image generator
C.) Image to text generator
D.) A1l are correct

Correct Answer: Text to Text generator

Question 13:

What ethical concerns are associated with generative AI?

A.) Usage of generative AI for video game development

B.) Accuracy of training data
C.) Bias in generated outputs
D.) Availability of computational resources

Correct Answer: Bias in generated outputs

Question 14:

How can generative AI contribute to privacy concerns?

A.) By generating content that respects user privacy preferences
B.) By limiting access to generative AI models only to authorized individuals
C.) By ensuring data security during the training process
D.) By generating personalized content without user consent
Correct Answer: By generating personalized content without user consent
Question 15:

Which of the following is NOT a key aspect of Prompt engineering?

A.) Using domain-specific knowledge in prompts
B.) Optimizing computational efficiency
C.) Crafting specific and unambiguous prompts
D.) Understanding the capabilities of the AI model
Correct Answer: Optimizing computational efficiency

Question 16:

What is the primary advantage of using generative AI in content creation?

A.) Reduced need for human creativity
B.) Increased productivity and efficiency
C.) Limited scope for human intervention
D.) Elimination of errors in content production

Correct Answer: Increased productivity and efficiency

Question 17:

Which of the following are Gen AI text to text tools?

A.) ChatGPT
B.) Google Bard
C.) Both A and B

Correct Answer: Both A and B

Question 18:

Who created ChatGPT?

A.) Amazon
B.) Google
C.) Microsoft
D.) Open AI

Correct Answer: Open AI

Question 19:

Can ChatGPT understand multiple languages?

A.) Yes, it can understand and generate responses in multiple languages

B.) It cannot understand any languages
C.) No, it only understands English
D.) It can understand, but can only generate responses in English

Correct Answer: Yes, it can understand and generate responses in multiple


Question 20:
What is a Prompt?

A.) A virtual assistant

B.) A programming language
C.) An Input Text string
D.) An Output text

Correct Answer: An Input Text string

Question 21:

Who created the Midjouney?

A.) Amazon
B.) Google
C.) Midjourney. Inc
D.) Open AI

Correct Answer: Midjourney. Inc

Question 22:

Which of the following is an example of generative AI in robotics?

A.) Automating repetitive tasks in manufacturing
B.) Programming robots to follow pre-defined instructions
C.) Teaching robots to navigate in unknown environments
D.) Developing human-like facial expressions in robots
Correct Answer: Developing human-like facial expressions in robots
Question 23:

Which aspect of generative AI focuses on generating human-like conversations?

A.) Reinforcement Learning (RL)
B.) Computer Vision
C.) Natural Language Processing (NLP)
D.) Genetic Algorithms

Correct Answer: Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Question 24:

Which of these statements is correct?

A.) ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by AI technology
B.) All are correct
C.) ChatGPT is not a natural language processing tool driven by AI technology
D.) ChatGPT is not an AI model. It just answers pre-configured questions.

Correct Answer: ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by AI

Question 25:

What is use of Generative AI in telecom domain?

A.) All are correct

B.) Improving Network security
C.) Network performance improvement
D.) Improving Customer service

Correct Answer: All are correct

Question 26:

How can generative AI models contribute to misinformation and fake content?

A.) By promoting transparency and accuracy in content creation
B.) By generating realistic but false information
C.) By limiting the access to generative AI technologies
D.) By only generating content from sources
Correct Answer: By generating realistic but false information
Question 27:

What steps can be taken to mitigate ethical issues in Generative AI?

A.) Conducting thorough testing and validation of the generated outputs
B.) Regularly updating generative AI models without considering biases
C.) Limiting the availability of generative AI technologies to specific
D.) Providing generative AI access to unverified and unreliable data sources

Correct Answer: Conducting thorough testing and validation of the generated


Question 28:

Midjourney an creates
is excellent example of generative AI that images based

A.) image prompts

B.) Videos inputs
C.) Sound prompts
D.) Text Prompts

Correct Answer: Text Prompts

Question 29:

What is Generative AI?

A.) An AI technique that predicts future outcomes

B.) An AI technique that creates random outputs
C.) An AI technique that generates new data based on existing data
D.) An AI technique that analyzes patterns in data
Correct Answer: An AI technique that generates new data based on existing data
Question 30:

What is the purpose of Prompt engineering in Gen AI systems?

A.) To increase the computational complexity of AI systems

B.) To improve the overall performance and output quality of AI models
C.) To ensure fair and unbiased decision-making by AI models
D.) To enhance the interpretability of AI model outputs

Correct Answer: To improve the overall performance and output quality of AI


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