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Notes on Managing for Creativity and Innovativeness:

1. **Value of Creativity and Innovation:**

- Creativity and innovation are crucial for scientific and technological excellence in research

- A research manager's main role is to create an environment that fosters creative energy and
encourages innovation.

2. **Creativity Defined:**

- Creativity is the ability to generate new ideas and bring into existence something entirely new.

- It involves processing diverse, seemingly unrelated information and making novel and meaningful

- Creativity requires study, inspiration, and perspiration, often involving the cross-fertilization of ideas.

3. **Preparation for Creativity:**

- Creativity doesn't occur in a vacuum; it's akin to problem-solving.

- It arises when a person collects and processes data, understands the problem, and considers possible

- The creative solution is usually direct, simple, elegant, and effective.

- It cannot be precisely programmed and occurs when the right inputs align.

4. **Factors Influencing Creativity:**

- Internal factors include personal needs for accomplishment, problem-solving, and valuing creative

- External factors include a climate of exploration, freedom, safety, challenge, tolerance,

encouragement, and group interaction.

5. **Enhancing Creativity in Organizations:**

- Organizational and management practices that enhance creativity:

- Colleagiality and professionalism with less formalization of relationships.

- Open communication channels connecting knowledgeable units.

- Granting discretion, autonomy, and participation.

- Less management by direction and control (flatter structures).

- Measuring results and evaluating based on accomplishments.

- Output-oriented management, focusing on actual results.

6. **Innovative Spirit:**

- Innovation is the product of the creative process.

- The innovative spirit drives the creative process towards solving problems or practical use.

- It combines creativity with utility or positive application of new ideas.

7. **Innovation Process:**

- In technology development, the innovation process involves research, invention, trial, piloting, and

- Technological innovations create opportunities for individual and corporate wealth.

8. **Summary:**

- Creativity and innovativeness are essential for research and development institutions.

- Creativity generates new ideas, while innovativeness translates these ideas into practical solutions.

- Both individual and organizational factors contribute to fostering creativity and innovation.

Overall, fostering a culture of creativity and innovativeness is vital for organizations to explore and
develop original ideas effectively.

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