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Question: If you were in the situation of the characters who are involved in an

arranged marriage, what would you feel? What would you do in this kind of

Arrange and fixed marriages nowadays are not as common as in the old days.
But if I will be in a situation like that in the poem. At my young age now if I will be
in an arranged marriage, I will not be happy about it. Knowing that my freedom to
choose who I will be with for the rest of my life will not be up to me is heartbreaking.

But for me, as much as I want to follow my heart. I want to see my parents
happy. Because I know that their intentions are for my future. I will honor my
parent’s wishes since I’m still young. But later in life if I’m not this young and will
be in a similar situation I believe things will be different. My perspective will change.

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