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I also have one wish that I have been dreaming of.

I bet everyone
also has a wish to achieve in life, right? I have been dreaming about one
thing in my life and I hoped that I could fulfil it before I left the world.
My only wish in my life is I want to make my parents live comfortably
and not struggle anymore. I think that is every child's dream. I have
witnessed my parent's difficulties, and they were struggling to earn
money to raise me and my siblings. They were sacrificing their time and
their life for us.
My dad once said that he wanted a house on an island. At that time,
we thought that he was joking as my dad loves to joke. However, when I
grew up, I feel like I have to fulfil his wish. I will repay their hard work
with my hard work. I wish that I can satisfy them and I can even buy
what they wanted with my own money. I will pamper them with my
own money and I hope to do so in the future.
My goals in life are will study and work hard to give everything my
parents want. I will become prosperous and be a devoted daughter to
my parents. I will repay their sacrifices with what I achieve in life.
I hope to make my parents more delighted than ever and not feel
remorseful for raising us and I promised myself to be the ultimate
daughter in the world and respected their advice. I hope that I can be at
least favourable as a daughter of my parents and give them the best life
I hope in the future, I can be the person I wanted to be and make my
mom and dad the happiest person in the world and live their best.

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