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1. Heredity is the transmission of genetic traits from parents to offspring,

involving the passing of DNA through reproductive cells. Genetics is
the scientific study of heredity and variation, exploring the principles
and mechanisms governing the inheritance of traits in living organisms.
Chromosomes, the carriers of genetic information, occur in pairs, with
homologous chromosomes containing identical sets of genes.

2. Genes, the units of inheritance on chromosomes, control specific

characteristics. Alleles are alternative forms of a gene, determining an
organism's genetic makeup. Homozygous individuals possess identical
alleles, while heterozygous individuals have different alleles for a
particular gene.

3. An allele is one of two or more variants of a gene that occupy a specific

position on a chromosome. Alleles can be identical (homozygous) or
different (heterozygous), influencing an organism's traits and genetic

4. Mitosis is a cell division process in which a single eukaryotic cell

divides into two identical daughter cells. This process ensures the
growth, repair, and maintenance of tissues. It involves a series of
stages, including prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

5. Meiosis is a type of cell division that reduces the chromosome number

by half, producing haploid cells from diploid cells. It is crucial in
sexual reproduction, creating genetic diversity. Alleles segregate during
meiosis, leading to unique combinations in offspring.
1. Define the following: (i) chromosome (ii) gene (iii) allele :

(i)Chromosome – In humans there are 46 chromosomes inside the nucleus of

each cell. Each chromosome is a separate structure which came from a parent
and is made up of a strand of DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid. Each
chromosome has its homologous partner which came from the other parent.

(ii) A gene is a small part of a chromosome. It has the code to make a specific
protein which may lead to a specific physical characteristic.

(iii) An allele is the form a gene can take. It is the actual code of the gene.

2. Define the following: (i) Genotype (ii) Phenotype :

(i) The genotype of an organism is the total combination of all the alleles that
make up that organism.

(ii) The phenotype describes the specific physical characteristics that can be
seen and result from the genotype and the effect of the environment.

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