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Republic of the Philippines


Formerly Surigao del Sur State University
Cantilan Campus
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

Business-Level Strategy: Creating and Sustaining Competitive Advantages

The case study of the “World Wrestling Entertainment 2019” As a student, this
case teaches me important lessons. Just like WWE listens to its fans, I can learn to
understand and respond to the needs of my studies. Adapting to challenges, similar to
WWE's strategies against competition, shows the importance of flexibility in my learning
journey. Vince McMahon's leadership highlights the impact of taking initiative in my
academic pursuits. WWE's move to scripted entertainment reflects the need to make
learning engaging. The global strategy of WWE inspires me to broaden my horizons,
and the family involvement emphasizes seeking support in my educational path.

In the study of strategic management regarding business-level strategy, the

focus is on competitive advantage, with three generic strategies outlined by Porter:
overall cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. Each of these strategies has the
potential to surpass industry rivals. Overall cost leadership involves creating a low-cost
position throughout the value chain. Differentiation requires creating unique and valued
products or services. Focus strategy involves directing attention to narrow product lines
or specific markets. Successfully attaining these strategies enhances a firm's power in
the industry. However, pitfalls must be avoided, such as imitable strategies, reduced
flexibility, and eroding cost advantages. Combining cost leadership and differentiation
can result in superior performance but poses challenges. Sustainability of competitive
advantage depends on factors explored in a manufacturing industry example.
Considering the industry life cycle is crucial in determining business-level strategy, with
different emphases at each stage. Turnaround strategies, including asset cost surgery
and productivity improvements, are essential for repositioning a firm's competitive
position in an industry.

To sum it all, learning about business-level strategy has taught me important

skills for both school and real life, like being adaptable and innovative, understanding
how businesses position themselves in the market, and making balanced decisions; it
has also shown me the significance of thinking long-term, considering the different
stages a business goes through, and being resilient and good at problem-solving, which
I believe will contribute to my personal and career growth.



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