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Mae Ann Estoras Anfone



March 02, 2024

What part of the SIP is perceived by you as Very important? Why

For me Phase I: Planning is the most important. Planning is

clearly an essential management function in all schools, regardless of
geographic location or grade levels served. The perspective that was often
held by planners tended to be one that viewed planning as the totality of the
process of organizational improvement: if you plan it, it will be! Developing a
wonderful plan is one thing; implementing that plan—creating change, and
seeing that that change is institutionalized and stable across the organization,
and through time, is something else again. Concerns for implementation and
institutionalization must be recognized in the planning process. Well-
designed school improvement plans can guide and catalyze transformative
practices in schools.
An effective School Improvement Plan is one that is implemented
and leads to improvement in the achievement of the school community. The
process of School Improvement Planning promoted here is designed to foster
a close relationship between the school and community through the
participation of all stakeholders. Learning Goals that focus on the
achievement and personal development of students and community members
are set with and by the stakeholders of the school community rather than for
them. They work together to develop Action Strategies to ensure that the
Learning Goals are achieved.

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