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Reflection #6: Perspective in Strategic Planning


Ph.D. (ASCOT) – Educational Management

Subject: DEM 321

AY: 2022-2023

The reporter presented the different perspective when it comes to strategic planning. As

discussed by previous reporters, strategic planning is a process in which an organization's leaders

define their vision for the future and identify their organization's goals and objectives. The process

includes establishing the sequence in which those goals should be realized so that the organization

can reach its stated vision.

One of the perspectives in strategic planning is “Down-board Thinking”. In this perspective, it

explains that effective strategic planning produce scenarios and consider the consequences of this

scenarios in the light of competition and the response of another environment factor. I can connect

this perspective in running a school or an educational institution, in which a strategic plan is vital in

ensuring delivery of quality education. As the school’s plan is being implemented, there are factors

that can expectedly or unexpectedly experienced by the school. That it is why implementers must

be flexible in dealing with these environmental factors because it can affect the success of a

strategic plan or it can be used as an opportunity to improve it. For example, a school

implementing a plan to maximize the learning outcomes of the students and creates a remedial
program, as the plan is being implemented, the school might experience different scenarios which

can affect the plan, such as schedule problems. The school can adjust the remedial program so

that it will not become a burden to the students especially in times of periodic exams and when

there are so many requirements to accomplish.

The next perspective in strategic planning is “Paradigm Shift”. Because of Covid-19

pandemic, Higher Education Institutions adjusted the delivery of education. It became flexible and

various platforms have been used to respond to the current needs of higher education. In our

school which I am currently employed, we purchased LMS which can be accessed by the students

online and there are schedules for synchronous classes through google meet and through face to

face mode. While in NEUST, they cater students even those who are outside the country. This only

proves that implementers in an Education-based strategic plan must continuously adopt to the

current needs and challenges of education. This perspective taught me the need in disassembling

our old and conventional ways of seeing, doing thinking, and assessing a thing because they no

longer apply with reality and the present. The “new paradigm” calls for a broad, flexible, eclectic,

creative and futuristic mental framework.

Planning orientation is the last perspective presented by the reporter. I learned that in a

plan, it is important that the Mega, Marco and Micro levels are aligned to provide a clarity of goals

especially in the field of education. There are international guidelines which are being produced to

serves as guide to the implementers. I remember listening to one of our guest speakers in the

GRADSCONference sponsored by NEUST, which I learn the different international standard for
research. Macro level plan is also important to provide guidance to the Micro level plan where they

will have an aligned goals and strategies. As a college instructor it is important to align our strategic

plan to the current mandate of the Commission of Higher Education, which our school will work to

provide quality education for the growth and development of the students.

Strategic Planning is a serious aspect of an institution’s growth and improvement. As an

aspiring leader in the field of education, it is my duty to learn and develop my skills in planning. It

requires honesty and a clear sense of commitment to an organization or educational institution.

The creation of the accomplishment of goals rely on a great and well-planed strategy as Abraham

Lincoln said “The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it.”

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