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HƯỚNG DẪN SỬ DỤNG TÀI LIỆU ............................................................................... 4
TOPIC 1: PERSON ............................................................................................................ 5
1. Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others ..................................................... 6
2. Describe a foreigner you know who speaks your language (Vietnamese) well ....... 7
3. Describe a person who has interesting ideas and opinions........................................ 8
4. Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with. ...................... 9
5. Describe a sportsperson from your country who did well in a sports event. .......... 10
6. Describe a successful businessperson you know. .................................................... 11
7. Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot. ............................................... 12
8. Describe a person who is good at teamwork. .......................................................... 13
9. Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home. . 14
10. Describe someone you don’t know but would like to know more about ................ 15
TOPIC 2: OBJECT .......................................................................................................... 16
1. Describe an old present that is special to you .......................................................... 17
2. Describe a book you want to read again .................................................................. 18
3. Describe a photo that makes you feel happy ........................................................... 19
4. Describe an impressive work of art you saw ........................................................... 20
6. Describe something lost by others but found by you. ............................................. 22
7. Describe a uniform you wear at your school or company. ...................................... 23
TOPIC 3: EVENT............................................................................................................. 24
1. Describe a time when you saw a child behaved badly in public ............................. 25
2. Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing ...................... 26
3. Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer ....................... 27
4. Describe a time when you gave advice to others. .................................................... 28
5. Describe a party that you enjoyed. ........................................................................... 29
6. Describe a time you received bad service in a restaurant/shop. .............................. 30
7. Describe a period of time that changed your life in a good way. ............................ 31
8. Describe a historical period of time that you are interested in. ............................... 32
9. Describe an occasion when somebody or something was making a lot of noise. .. 33
10. Describe an occasion when you used a map. ........................................................... 34

11. Describe a time when you helped someone you worked or studied with. .............. 35
12. Describe a time when you were very busy. ............................................................. 36
13. Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a
public place (a restaurant or a store). .............................................................................. 37
TOPIC 4: ACTIVITY ...................................................................................................... 38
1. Describe an expensive activity that you enjoy doing occasionally ......................... 39
2. Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future ...................................... 40
3. Describe an activity that made you feel tired .......................................................... 41
4. Describe an activity that you enjoy doing alone in your free time.......................... 42
5. Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else. ................. 43
6. Describe an activity you enjoyed doing when you were at primary school. .......... 44
7. Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently................................. 45
TOPIC 5: PLACE ............................................................................................................. 47
1. Describe a beautiful city that you have visited. ....................................................... 48
2. Describe a perfect /dream house you saw (an ideal house/apartment where you want
to live) .............................................................................................................................. 49
3. Describe a park or a garden in your city .................................................................. 50
4. Describe an open-air or street market which you enjoy visiting ............................. 51
5. Describe a place in your country that you are interested in .................................... 52
6. Describe a place (not your home) you spent time relaxing ..................................... 53
7. Describe a new store/shop that just opened in your area......................................... 54
8. Describe a newly built public facility that influences your city. ............................. 55
TOPIC 6: OTHERS.......................................................................................................... 56
1. Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of . 57
2. Describe a rule that is important at your school or work ........................................ 58
3. Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful .......................................... 59
4. Describe a science subject that you are interested in (biology, robotics, etc.) ........ 60
5. Describe something you did in a hurry. ................................................................... 61
6. Describe an interesting conversation that you had with an old person. .................. 62
7. Describe a job you would not like to do in the future. ............................................ 63
8. Describe an important journey that was delayed. .................................................... 64
9. Describe a movie you watched that made you feel very motivated. ....................... 65
10. Describe a useful skill that you learned when you were a teenager. ....................... 66
11. Describe an ambition that you have had for a long time. ........................................ 67
12. Describe an unusual holiday or vacation you had. .................................................. 68
13. Describe something you do regularly to help you study or work. .......................... 69


Tài liệu này sẽ đưa ra các câu trả lời mẫu cho 58 câu hỏi Speaking Part 2 được chia thành 6
chủ đề trong bộ đề dự đoán quý 1 năm 2024 của học viện IELTS Xuân Phi. Đây là tài liệu
vô cùng chất lượng và tâm huyết được biên soạn bởi đội ngũ Học thuật của IELTS Xuân Phi
và được kiểm tra, nâng cấp bởi giám khảo IELTS David Lang.

Ngoài ra, bộ tài liệu này còn đi kèm phần Audio Recordings từ thầy giáo người bản xứ để
các bạn có thể thực hành luyện Pronunciation và Shadowing, từ đó cải thiện độ trôi chảy và
tự nhiên cho bài nói của mình.

Đây là phiên bản Public với 100% Scripts và 30% Recordings của các câu trả lời. Bản đầy
đủ sẽ dành riêng cho học sinh trong khóa học của IELTS Xuân Phi. Để nhận được phiên bản
đầy đủ của tài liệu quý này, bạn đăng kí khóa học của Học viện bằng cách truy cập đường
dẫn sau:

Trong mỗi chủ đề sẽ có các mục như sau:

Câu hỏi của chủ đề - Câu trả lời mẫu.

Cách sử dụng tài liệu:

• Bước 1: Tự brainstorm ý tưởng cho câu trả lời của mình.

• Bước 2: Tham khảo ý tưởng và ghi chép từ vựng ở bài mẫu phù hợp với ý tưởng của bản
thân vào 1 cuốn sổ rồi học thuộc từ vựng.

• Bước 3: Tự brainstorm lại ý tưởng dựa trên những ý tưởng tham khảo và từ vựng mới đã
học được. (Chú ý: chỉ ghi từ 5-6 từ khóa, không ghi cả câu)

• Bước 4: Đọc câu trả lời mẫu một lượt.

• Bước 5: Nghe phần Recordings trong thư mục tại đây và và luyện tập Shadowing.

Chúc các bạn học tập thật tốt!


1. Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others

You should say:

• Who this person is

• What he/she likes to cook

• Who he/she cooks for

And explain why he/she enjoys cooking.


I used to live in a neighborhood with a fairly diverse population relative to other areas.
There were people from many different countries living together ranging from some
Japanese and Indians to Mexicans and Africans. Every Sunday, we’d have a neighborhood
get-together - a block party almost - where everyone brings their own food and drink. While
all of us would bring this or that decent dish, there was one person’s food that we were most
excited to eat and that was Alberta’s.

Alberta was an American who had moved to my neighborhood for work and she enjoyed
cooking comfort food from the Southern United States like fried chicken, waffles, oxtail,
sweet potatoes and collard greens since she is originally from that region. She told me that
she was taught these recipes as a child by her mother and they’d been in the family for
generations - takes on regional specialties. Alberta really relished cooking for others - I
think it was, still is I’m sure, one of the great pleasures in her life. Also, she once told me
she wanted people to experience the food from her region as not many are all that familiar
with it. Not the healthiest food I’d concede but really good and memorable.

She also once mentioned to me that she really loves the process of whipping up dishes - I
could tell she was a very hands-on person. I think she was successful in the time she lived in
my neighborhood in bringing some southern flair to our corner of the globe.

2. Describe a foreigner you know who speaks your language (Vietnamese) well

You should say:

• Who this person is

• Where he/she is from

• How he/she learns Vietnamese

And explain why he/she can speak Vietnamese well.


I once had an American boss named Jack who could speak Vietnamese very well - really
surprisingly well, in fact. I was working for his company - an import / export firm in Hanoi
and my job was basically to be a lowly intern. More specifically, I was assigned the boss’s
junior secretary, which more or less entailed arranging meetings, filing paperwork and
contacting clients on the boss’s behalf. If there’s one thing I didn’t need to do, it was to be
an interpreter because Jack was fluent enough in Vietnamese to get by conversationally,
more so than most of my foreigner friends.

Jack moved to Vietnam in the mid-1990s from somewhere in the American Midwest I
believe. Prior to that, he had worked in Montana and California in the agriculture industry
as a middleman for large retail chains like Walmart and Target. When I asked him how he
had become so adept in Vietnamese, he told me that he had lived in the country for almost
25 years and just picked it up in the course of having daily conversations with locals.
Sometimes he’d attend a more structured Vietnamese class but most of the time, it came
about naturally. He told me that the best way to learn a language is to actually practice it
with native speakers in real communicative contexts. I’ve taken his advice to heart though
it’s tricky to immerse myself in English since I’m not living abroad.

3. Describe a person who has interesting ideas and opinions

You should say:

• Who this person is

• How you know this person

• What interesting ideas/opinions he/she

And explain you think why his/her ideas are interesting.


I have a friend - a colleague actually - Jake - who has really weird, out-of-the-box opinions
on everything. I’m a software engineer and Jake is in marketing - some kind of executive I
believe. We often meet up around lunch or after work to hang out and so I can pick his brain
about a bunch of zany topics. For example, he always rants about how AI will spell the
doom of humanity by taking away jobs and becoming self-aware to the point where it can
overthrow humanity. That’s not such an odd opinion actually - I’ve heard people parrot
those ideas a ton of times. He also goes on about how the Earth is actually flat, not round.
He presented me with so-called ‘evidence’ of the Earth being flat - he’s a flat-earther, so
that tells you a lot about him.

However, by far the most controversial and subversive opinion Jake has is the fact that there
should be no national governments at all and instead countries should be run by
corporations. Individuals would therefore have to fend for themselves yet they would be
free to do whatever they wanted to do. This is a very libertarian, almost anarchist proposal.
He believes that the concept of a government severely limits personal and financial freedom
and thus shouldn’t exist. Even though I massively disagree with this opinion, I still find it
interesting because it sort of reveals how Jake values personal freedom above all else,
perhaps a bit to the extreme. I just hope he never gets a position of authority beyond doing
some marketing for our company.

4. Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with.

You should say:

• Who this person is

• When you studied/worked with this person

• What you did together

• What this person did to become successful

And explain how you felt about studying/ working with this person.


The first person that comes to my mind for this topic would be a classmate of mine from my
college days, Chau, who was pursuing a degree in English, same as me. We took a few
classes together and had the opportunity to work together on a few different academic

We collaborated on tons of little assignments, presentations, and group projects during our
college years. Our shared interest in English and literature especially created a strong bond
between us, and we often found ourselves discussing and analyzing literary works after
class and by messenger.

What truly set Chau apart from other students in my year was her exceptional analytical and
critical thinking skills. She had a remarkable ability to delve deeply into literary texts and
extract nuanced meanings - she had really original and keen insights. This made our
collaborative efforts on literary analyses and research projects highly insightful and

Chau’s path to success was defined by her dedication to English literature. She not only
excelled in her coursework but also actively engaged in extracurricular activities in the field.
She participated in literary discussion clubs and was an avid contributor to academic
journals, all of which goes a long way to explaining her later success.

Working alongside Chau was a genuinely enriching experience. Her enthusiasm for English
language literature was infectious, and it motivated me to explore literary works more

profoundly. She really emphasized the importance of critical thinking and encouraged her
classmates to question the conventional interpretations of texts. I have great respect for her
academic accomplishments and collaborative spirit - she never talked down to you or made
you feel like you were beneath her.

5. Describe a sportsperson from your country who did well in a sports event.

You should say:

• Who he/she is

• What you know about him/her

• What he/she is like in real life

• What achievement he/she has made

And explain why you admire him/her.


This question kind of caught me off guard cause I’m not a very sporty person - in terms of
watching or playing them. However, I do follow the news generally on social media and I
came across some links recently about an athlete who just won gold in mixed doubles table
tennis at some big tournament. Her name is Tran Mai Ngoc.

I hadn’t heard about her before the event. However, during the SEA Games, there were all
sorts of videos and articles online about how Vietnamese athletes were performing and I
saw a bunch of short videos about a young woman who was advancing and making her
mark in the table tennis world. It was then that I learned about Tran Mai Ngoc. Her
performances were truly remarkable, I was totally taken aback by her lightning-fast reaction
time - how she could return with lots of topspin and handle tricky serves. Her opponent
from Singapore in the final is considered a top rival, and it was something of an upset I

At the age of 11, Ngoc left her home to move to Hanoi to train to become a professional
table tennis player. After all those years of hard work and determination, this victory is
definitely a worthy achievement for everything she must have given up over the years. She
has really inspired a generation of young people who have little understanding and interest

in sports like me, to learn and feel proud of Vietnam’s burgeoning sports scene. I think
that’s far more meaningful than just securing a gold medal.

In person, she is super humble and gracious, from media reports at least. Despite growing
recognition in the table tennis world, she remains approachable and down-to-earth. As a 19-
year-old table tennis player, she has already left an indelible mark on the sport. I hope that
she will be able to achieve more in the future and stay so grounded while doing it.

6. Describe a successful businessperson you know.

You should say:

• Who the person is

• How you know the person

• What business he/she does

And explain why he/she is successful.


I once worked for a company that specialized in making cameras for shooting movies. It
was called Cinecam and it was headed up by a guy named Dave Cooper who founded the
company way back in 2005. Dave used to be a cameraman years ago back in the 80s and
90s in Hollywood, and he was lucky enough to shoot with actors like Bruce Willis and Al
Pacino. But he retired from being a cameraman in the late 90s and decided to run his own
business and develop cameras that could shoot at varying frame rates and ultra-high
resolution. The high-end market.

Now, Cinecam is competing with the likes of Panavision in the professional cinema camera
market, presenting itself as a cheaper and better alternative to those companies. I got to
know Dave personally over the years as he would come by the office and oversee the
production of the cameras firsthand. He came off as a nice and intelligent person who was
passionate about his work, traits which are necessary to being a successful entrepreneur in
any field.

On that note, I would say that Dave became a successful businessman because he cared a lot
about the company and took great pains to ensure his company would flourish in a highly
competitive camera market. Also, he kept a close watch on every aspect of the company,
from accounting and marketing to production and packaging. Cinecam as a result has seen
record profits and received plaudits from cameramen in the movie industry.

7. Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot.

You should say:

• Who this person is

• How you know this person

• What he/she usually talks about

And explain how you felt about him/her.


I have a friend, an acquaintance really, who loves being the center of attention. Her name is
Lizzie and she’s a co-worker of mine at the marketing firm where I work. Lizzie works in
accounting and I’m in IT. She’s a little bit younger than me and I see her at work every now
and then when she needs me to help out with a technical issue.

Sometimes we hang out together with some other co-workers at a bar or coffee shop after
work to wrap up the day. Her favorite topic of discussion is fashion and make-up; she can
rattle off everything about the latest designs from high-end brands like Gucci and Prada.
None of that is really up my alley so I switch off a bit whenever Lizzie talks about them.
But she also likes to talk about movies and that’s a common interest - we’re both really into
Korean films.

Lizzie’s tendency to talk a lot sort of reflects her nature as an extrovert, which doesn’t really
gel with me - I’m someone who likes to keep to themselves and listen a lot. However, that’s
something I quite like about her as she has a real passion for talking and making friends.
Hopefully, one day, I’ll have the same level of confidence as her and we can compete to talk
over each other in a crowded coffee shop.

8. Describe a person who is good at teamwork.

You should say:

• What team he/she joined

• What work he/she did

• What his/her role was

And explain what makes him/her a good member of that team.


I used to work for a company that specialized in producing air conditioners as part of their
internal accounting team. I worked there for more or less 5 years and I was just a junior
accountant. One day, a new member of the team came on board and her name was Francine.
Francine joined as a junior accountant just like me and she was hired on the basis of
qualifications and past experience working in big firms - KPMG and McKinsey. Her
responsibilities were the same as mine I think: calculate revenue, costs, profits and expenses
and deliver financial reports to the CFO before every board meeting. As such, we’d work
together pretty closely most days and go to know each other well over time.

Now, I should say beforehand that I’ve worked with other team members back in the day
who didn’t contribute anything at all to the company and they were just there by the grace
of their connections to the higher-ups at the company - people who never really pulled their
weight. However, this was not the case with Francine. She was a full-on team player - did
her duties promptly and never really complained about the amount of work she was given.
Also, she was open to ideas and suggestions from others - she took on board constructive
criticism really well - and was always available to communicate when it came to urgent
matters. Any company would be fortunate to have someone like Francine pulling for them.

9. Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home.

You should say:

• Who this person is

• When and how you met him/her

• How he/she welcomes visitors

And explain why you think he/she is good at welcoming visitors.


I was once neighbors with an elderly Greek lady who lived on the floor below me in the
same apartment building as me long ago. Her name was Ophelia and she moved into my
building after I’d already been there for some years. She told me once that she had served in
the Greek Air Force as a combat pilot and she was discharged after 15 years in the service.
Afterwards, she worked as an electrical engineer before finally retiring in her 60s and
moving here. Not your run-of-the-mill life story.

I first met Ophelia when she was moving her things into her apartment one by one and she
immediately greeted me as if I was a close friend of hers, even though I wasn’t at that point.
I’d only met her in the elevator when I was popping down to the store. She invited me into
her home and brewed us some warm coffee and served some honey bars as a snack, which
are a delicacy in Greece as I was told. I immediately felt cozy and warm and I didn’t feel as
if I was intruding on her since she had made the effort to be so hospitable.

She was quite good at making visitors feel at home not just because of her warm and
friendly demeanor, but also because of her willingness to be welcoming to others. Like I
said before, she’s from Greece, where they take hospitality very seriously - an ingrained part
of their culture. It was in her nature to go the extra mile to ensure her visitors didn’t feel like
visitors at all.

10. Describe someone you don’t know but would like to know more about

You should say:

• Who this person is

• How you knew him/her

• What interesting things he/she has done

And explain why you want to know more about him/her.


I once met a woman named Abby at a function for environmental protection some years
back. We met and chatted briefly before she left the function a few hours before it was
supposed to end. From what I can remember from our conversation - it’s been a while - she
told me she was a zoologist for the Wildlife Conservation Society in the UK. She
specialized in tracing the origins of various primates - monkeys, gorillas, chimpanzees and
what not - and also making governmental recommendations concerning conservation
strategies. Looking back on it, I see her as following in the footsteps of Jane Goodall. In
fact, she told me she was inspired by Goodall to engage in work and awareness-raising
concerning the welfare of primates.

Even though our conversation was short, it did inspire me to learn more about her so I went
on the Internet and researched a little bit about her work. It turns out that she is currently the
project coordinator for a couple of conservation projects in Africa relating to the protection
of endangered primates. Those projects have been successful in reviving dwindling
population figures for chimpanzees, lemurs, gorillas and baboons. Abby has also been
awarded numerous prizes for her work from the WWF and Greenpeace - all very impressive

I wanted to know more about Abby because I found her work to be very outside the norm
and fascinating. I’m an animal lover myself and want to see all animals flourish and to see
someone doing that kind of work for the betterment of nature is really inspiring to me.
Hopefully I can meet her someday to go more in-depth on some wildlife conservation
efforts and to figure out ways I might be able to contribute.


1. Describe an old present that is special to you

You should say:

• What this possession is

• How long you have had it

• Where it came from

And explain why this possession is special to you.


On Christmas Day five years back, I got a sweater from my aunt - a wool one that she had
knitted and decorated herself. The sweater was white all around except for the front where it
was emblazoned with the shape of a red bird - a sparrow - the kind that’s all around the
neighborhood where she lives. So, I guess that’s where she got the inspiration and
references. It looks rather beat up with strands of wool sticking out, but that gives it a rustic
look and it’s really warm. I’ve still got it to this day and it has aged well since it looked old
from the beginning.

Like I said before, I got this sweater five years ago so I’ve had it for that long. I normally
wear this sweater in the winter since it gets pretty cold where I come from. Temperatures
around this time usually dip to around 10 - 12 degrees Celsius - just cold enough for a light
sweater indoors. Other than that, I hardly wear it since there’s no need in other seasons here
in Vietnam. I enjoy wearing the sweater since not only is it very warm but it also has
sentimental value. I admire the fact that she knits her own clothing and makes all her own
presents - that personal touch is meaningful. Outside of holidays, she’s always giving me
little scarfs and mittens so I can save money.

2. Describe a book you want to read again

You should say:

• What the book is about

• Why you read it

• What you learned from this book

And explain why you would like to read it again.


The book I would love to read again is "The Silence of the Lambs" by Thomas Harris. It’s a
thrilling psychological novel that follows Clarice Starling, an FBI trainee, as she seeks
assistance from the notorious serial killer Hannibal Lecter to apprehend another dangerous
murderer called Buffalo Bill.

I was initially drawn to "The Silence of the Lambs" due to its reputation as a gripping and
suspenseful novel. I’ve always been fascinated by stories that delve into the depths of the
human mind - particularly the darker parts - and explore the intricacies of psychological
suspense. This book offered a captivating narrative that kept me engrossed from beginning
to end.

From reading "The Silence of the Lambs," I gained a deeper understanding of the
complexity of human psychology and the thin line that separates good from evil. The book
provided insights into the chilling nature of psychopaths and delved into themes such as
manipulation, obsession, and the relentless pursuit of justice. It made me ponder the depths
of the human psyche and the moral dilemmas faced by the characters. Most people come
away from the book with sympathy and admiration for Lecter, an odd feeling to reconcile
with his actions.

I would like to reread it since it is a page-turner that skillfully builds suspense. By revisiting
the book, I hope to relieve the thrilling moments and uncover subtleties that may have
escaped my attention during the initial reading. Additionally, I believe that a second reading
would allow me to appreciate the author’s storytelling techniques, character development,

and the intricate plot twists in a more profound way. Plus, I’ve watched the movie since and
want to compare them when I read it a second time.

3. Describe a photo that makes you feel happy

You should say:

• What the photo looks like

• When and where you took this photo

• How often you look at the photo

And explain why it makes you feel happy.


The photo that never fails to make me smile is from way back - my high school graduation
ceremony. It's a snapshot that brings back a flood of happy memories. In the photo, I'm all
dressed up in the iconic graduation gown, complete with a funny-looking, square cap.
Standing alongside me is my closest friend, and we both have these huge grins on our faces.
We're holding our diplomas like they're the most precious things in the world - which they
were at the time. In the background, a bunch of our fellow graduates share in the jubilation,
creating a festive feel for the photo.

This photo was taken a few years ago, on a sunny June morning, right in the school
courtyard, a place where we’d had so many great times. The atmosphere that day was
electric, and everyone was buzzing as we prepared to step up on stage, get our diplomas and
embark on a new chapter of life. I don't look at this photo all that regularly, but I've got it a
special place in an album of important moments from my life. It's one of those pictures that
I revisit to feel nostalgic or when I need a reminder of what determination and hard work
can achieve. It gives me a pick-me-up.

This photo means the world to me because it marks a huge milestone in my life. It's a
reminder of all those late-night study sessions, cramming until nearly dawn, the challenges
we faced, and the incredible sense of accomplishment we felt that day. But more than
anything, it's a symbol of the bonds of friendship that got us through high school life
together. My best friend and I were like partners in crime, and this photo captures that sense

of camaraderie perfectly. It's visual proof that hard work pays off, and it fills me with a
profound sense of pride and happiness every time I take it out to look at it.

4. Describe an impressive work of art you saw

You should say:

• Where you first saw the artist

• What the painting shows

• Who the painter is

And explain why you enjoy it.


To be honest, I’m not an art aficionado in any way so I rarely make a point of heading out to
exhibitions or museums, you know. So, I don’t know all that much about paintings. But
today I’m gonna tell you about a time I came across a piece of art online that left a huge
impression on me. It was a painting by a female artist who has really distinctive, unruly red
hair. I don’t remember her name because I’m lousy with names but I do remember the work.
I saw her video several months ago killing time on Facebook. In the video, she replicates the
same oil painting in 3 different time spans, 1 hour, 10 hours, and 100 hours. That’s the

The painting is called "The Swordsman''. It depicts a soldier kneeling next to an enormous
old tree and behind him are hundreds of swords sticking out of the ground. The way I see it,
it’s about the aftermath of war and the consequences: one man lives but his comrades have
all fallen. She had to create this painting within those 3 different time durations. And the
more time she had, the more complicated the painting got. In particular, the tree bark
patterns on the tree got more shading and sophistication. Also, the layering of colors became
more complex gradually and it brought out a new depth, a greater sense of weight and
space. I admire this artwork not only for the visual impact but also for the creativity of the
painter as she invented a completely new approach to painting which transcends traditional
art spaces and reaches global audiences through the internet. That might be a bit much but it
was a cool video.

5. Describe a useful object in your home that you cannot live without.

You should say:

• What it is

• What you can do with it

• How often you use it

And explain why you cannot live without it.


If there’s one thing that I absolutely cannot live without, then it’d be my vacuum cleaner -
not my phone or computer like you were expecting maybe. Of course it cleans the floor by
picking up dust and other kinds of debris and collecting it in a bag. When the bag is full, I
can then empty it for the next time I work up the energy to clean up. There are lots of
different options that I considered before getting this one - some have long hoses and
wheels so that they can be lugged around easily, others can be held in one hand, making
them more mobile and useful for cleaning places that are particularly hard to reach. I went
with the latter.

I use my vacuum cleaner once a week to clean my apartment of the dust that may be
accumulating on the floor or on other surfaces like my walls. I do live in a place that is
fairly high above the ground and so the wind can easily blow dust into my apartment,
especially when it’s strong or there’s a storm on the way. Thankfully, my vacuum cleaner
can easily absorb all of it in one fell swoop and so it’s a nifty item to have. I must say that I
cannot live without it because I’m a bit of a stickler for cleanliness and a vacuum cleaner
can easily and quickly clean my home - much better and much more thorough than a broom
and a dustpan for example.

6. Describe something lost by others but found by you.

You should say:

• What it was

• When and where you found it

• What you did after you found it

And explain how you felt about finding it.


I remember one time that my younger sister and her toddler and I took a hike into a forest
near my hometown. This was almost 5 years ago. We were walking deep into the woods and
my nephew was carrying his teddy bear with him since he was nervous about going outside
into unfamiliar places. Along the way, however, he lost his teddy bear and at that point he
was pretty much inconsolable. He was sobbing profusely because he loved that teddy so
much. Determined to lift his spirits, I resolved to find it so I told my sister to wait for me
and I went off to find the toy.

For almost an hour, I was scouring the forest floor to locate it. I was tracking back and forth
on the trails we had walked as well as the surrounding shrubbery looking for a brown bear
with black button eyes. After an hour or so, having given up at that point, I stumbled across
the teddy by complete accident. It was lying in a tall grass patch which made it hard to see
from a distance. Elated, I ran back to my sister and nephew with the bear in hand, cleaned
the dirt off of it and gave it back to him. He was so happy that he gave me a hug and
thanked me. He had no idea I’d just bought him a totally new one…

7. Describe a uniform you wear at your school or company.

You should say:

• When you wear it

• Who bought it for you

• What it looks like

And explain how you feel about it.


I work as a flight attendant for an airline called Angel Wings and I’m required to wear a
uniform whenever I’m in the air on duty. The uniform was designed and fitted for me by the
company’s in-house tailor so, in essence, the company bought it for me. The tailor made the
uniform himself so as to reduce costs for outsourcing tailoring labor to another company.
I’m not sure why I know that…

My uniform consists of long black pants that are held up with a long black leather belt, a
long white button-down shirt, a tie adorned with a floral pattern, a grey vest with two
buttons and a pair of black leather shoes. That’s just for the male attendants. For the women,
they get to wear a long brown skirt, a white blouse, a brown silk jacket and a dark purple
pillbox hat. Sometimes the men get to wear a light brown ascot, while the women get to
wear a purple scarf. Both of them are accessories and a source of warmth on cold days.
Needless to say, we look pretty stylish.

I have to say that the uniform does look pretty nice on me. It’s well-tailored and there is a
sense of dignity in wearing it. Also, the uniform creates a feeling that I belong to something
greater than myself, which is an assuring feeling since it is nice to belong to a group and not
just be on my own.


1. Describe a time when you saw a child behaved badly in public

You should say:

• Where it happened

• What the child was doing

• How others reacted to it

And explain how you felt about it.


One time a while back I was out at a park close to my house having a picnic with my friends
- a Sunday afternoon, I think. We were all having convenience store sandwiches and green
tea and laying on a blanket on the grass. It was a sunny summer day and the park was in full
bloom. So, a chilled-out day but I do remember an annoying kid near us.

He was throwing a tantrum and throwing small pebbles at strangers, including other
children as well. I know because I was one of his victims. He then proceeded to run over to
our picnic and started kicking lightly at us. It didn’t hurt but it was annoying nonetheless.
His parents then took him away and apologized profusely to us for his bad behaviour. They
explained to us that he was acting out because they left his favourite toy at home.

I’d say that the other people in the park didn’t take kindly to the kid’s antics from what I
could tell. They were saying that the kid needs to be reined in by his parents and the parents
did feel ashamed judging from their faces. I felt kinda bad for them as they have such an
unruly child to deal with but maybe some of that is on them as well - it’s really hard to
know and to judge from afar. The same cannot be said for the kid though. I felt that he had
disrupted such a nice occasion though even in that case, it’s not really fair to hold a child to
the same standards as an adult. Kids sometimes have poor impulse control - almost always

2. Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing

You should say:

• When it happened

• How long you waited

• Why you waited for a long time

And explain how you felt about the experience.


I hate waiting. I guess everyone does but it seems to drive me in particular up the wall. I
remember one time when I had to make a decision whether or not to wait for a delivery on

In case you don’t know, Shopee is a popular e-commerce platform in Vietnam, which
provides consumers with a variety of products at very reasonable shipping fees. You
probably see the delivery drivers dumping off stuff at apartment building lobbies all the
time. Around three years ago I needed some skincare products to deal with chronic skin
irritation so I went on Shopee and bought some cream from Shiseido to treat my problem. It
set me back around 10 dollars.

Originally it was supposed to arrive in 5 days but unfortunately, the shipping time was
longer than expected due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a consequence, although I debated
internally canceling my order, I ultimately decided to wait for it because I desperately
needed the product. It was a frustrating experience but I think the long wait was worth it.
After 2 weeks, I finally received my order and my skin condition has improved since then
and I’ve reordered it a couple times.

Through this experience, I learned a valuable lesson in patience because as long as we are
persistent enough to wait for something, we have a good chance of getting what we want. I
guess I knew that before this experience but it did drive the point home.

3. Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer

You should say:

• When it happened

• Where it happened

• What the problem was

And explain how you solved the problem.


I remember a specific moment when my computer broke down. It happened around two
years ago - I was working at home thanks to a city-wide quarantine because of COVID. I
was going about my day when all of a sudden, my computer started lagging seriously and
then just completely froze. I restarted it a few times but no luck. Eventually I had to stop my
work and take my computer to a repair shop just right around the corner from my house.
The owner said that he’d have to take a day or two to figure out what the problem was and
then let me know if he could fix it.

The next morning, I got a message from the repair shop owner telling me to come down
because he had figured out what the problem was and it was fixed already. The owner told
me the problem was that the main processor chip was being overworked - overloaded
because it was outdated and I was running too many apps at one - and so it shut itself down,
causing my computer to freeze up. Fortunately, the owner replaced the old chip with a
newer one, one with better processing power that could ensure smoother operation and little
lag. The new chip didn’t cost much to install - just about 50 dollars. When I switched it on,
it ran pretty smoothly and I haven’t had any major issues with it since.

4. Describe a time when you gave advice to others.

You should say:

• When it was

• To whom you gave the advice

• What the advice was

And explain why you gave the advice.


Some time ago, 5 years ago I suppose, I was shopping at a DVD store in my hometown
looking for an old movie. This was back when there were still some shops selling DVDs. I
was looking for something a bit different from the Hollywood cookie-cutter movies I was
used to. A couple of minutes later, another customer came into the store and was looking for
a movie to watch. He was a man named Bill who looked relatively the same age as me and
was also a cinephile. I asked him what kind of movie he was after and he wanted to watch
something that was heavy on drama and had a dark mood to it.

I then suggested Raging Bull, a classic American movie starring Robert De Niro. It's a dark
drama and has a depressing mood to it. He told me he had never seen it and was interested
in watching it since he heard it was one of the best movies ever made. I, having watched
Raging Bull before, told him that it was a masterpiece and that he should watch it and pay
attention to how it is shot and acted. Having taken my sage advice, Bill went ahead and
bought the DVD and then left the store. I gave this advice to Bill because he needed help
with finding a movie to watch and I suggested one he might like. He texted me afterwards to
say that Raging Bull was indeed a great movie and he would be thrilled to get more advice
on movies from me from then on.

5. Describe a party that you enjoyed.

You should say:

• When and where the party was held

• What kind of party it was

• What you did at the party

And explain why you enjoyed this party.


Well, I don’t go to all that many parties these days but there was one event that really stands
out, which was my cheerleading club’s anniversary party about a year ago. Since our club is
a cheerleading club and we always practice outdoors, the party was held at a practice field
near where we typically get together to go over our routines. The party was really simple,
like it wasn’t even jazzed up with lights or colorful balloons or anything so that gave it a
relaxed and chilled out atmosphere.

If my memory serves me right, it was to celebrate our club’s 5th year of operation so all past
members were invited. We sat around on cheerleading mats and snacked on fruit and potato
chips and other convenience store junk food. It was a casual get-together for sure.

During the party, we didn’t have any planned activities like games or musical performances.
We just sat around in a circle, sharing stories and catching up about what had been going on
in our lives. What made the party so enjoyable was the mix of people and getting to know
some of the older members of the group - I say “older” - I mean the original founding
members really. So not only did we get to catch up with old friends, we also had a chance to
make new ones.

At the end of the day, even though our club didn’t hold a spectacular event to mark the
occasion, we still had a great time together because it was an evening filled with laughter,
good conversation, and a feeling of togetherness. Also, the outdoor setting, the relaxing,
carefree atmosphere as well as the food was nice, and it stands out now as one of the most
memorable experiences during my time at university. So I’m really looking forward to
many more such gatherings in the future.

6. Describe a time you received bad service in a restaurant/shop.

You should say:

• When it happened

• Why you went there

• What happened in the restaurant/shop

And explain why you think their service was bad.


Just two weeks ago, me and my friends went to a restaurant called Le Beaulieu which
specializes in French cuisine. We went there to celebrate my promotion at the company I
work for and my friends were treating me to a nice dinner out. As we made our way in, a
staff member told us to wait since the restaurant was full. Naturally we settled down to wait,
but I noticed that another group of people managed to get a table before we did and that was
a sign of things to come. Still, me and my friends found a table shortly afterwards and we
then quickly decided what we were going to order.

We signaled to the wait staff that we were ready to order, but they ignored us for a full 10
minutes before they finally came to our table and took down our order. After 20 or so
minutes, our food and drink had arrived, but the staff seemed resentful for having to carry
the food to our table - that’s what I read on their faces at least. The food was decent, but it
wasn’t enough to offset the rather poor service we were getting that night.

The service at Le Beaulieu was rather poor that evening because the staff was inattentive
and a bit on the rude side. They prioritized other people that came after us for a table and
they were slow taking our order. Also, the staff didn’t show much of a positive attitude
towards their job, and that was reflected in the displeasure they expressed when serving our
food. Would I go to Le Beaulieu again? Probably not, at least not until they fixed their
service issues. I should mention that I’m a very sensitive person and often see perceived
slights where nothing is really going on.

7. Describe a period of time that changed your life in a good way.

You should say:

• When it was

• Who you were with

• What happened at that time

And explain why it changed your life.


The one period of time that changed my life for the better that really sticks out to me was
when I went off to college in the UK for 3 years. Around the autumn of 2015, after barely
graduating from high school, I then decided to pursue a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry in
London. It was a big change for sure, but it was one where I was willing to give it a go
because I wanted to go abroad to study and experience a new environment. So, I went off on
my own to London Metropolitan University and settled down in a dorm with 100 other

One positive change that happened during this period was I became more confident in
talking to people. During high school, I was somewhat reticent to talk to people because I
was afraid of being judged. However, the people I talked to at my college were very friendly
and open-minded so I was more open to communicating with them and thus I became more
assured of myself in my ability to socialize. Another positive change that happened was I
became more disciplined with my schoolwork. Back in high school, I was in the habit of
leaving assignments to the last minute because I didn’t really want to do them, especially
when they were due so far into the future. At this time however, I started doing my
assignments a week or two before they were due so that I would have more time for myself
and not feel stressed out from procrastinating.

My time in college made me a better person because I became more confident in making
friends and I became more dedicated and focused on doing my work to the best of my
ability - no excuses. I’m hoping that these changes will stick.

8. Describe a historical period of time that you are interested in.

You should say:

• When it was

• What you know about it

• How you learned about it

And explain why you are interested in this era.


The Vietnam War era is what comes to mind for me naturally. If memory serves me right, it
spanned from the mid-1950s to the mid-1970s. And this pivotal period played a crucial role
in shaping modern Vietnamese history.

I initially learned about this era through my school's history curriculum, where we covered
key events and the overall context of the Vietnam War on a geopolitical scale. However, my
deeper understanding of this period comes from delving into various documentaries,
historical literature, and first-hand accounts over the years.

Documentaries and books have provided me with detailed insight into the intricacies of the
war, its origins, major battles, and the personal stories of those who lived through it. I’ve
also had the privilege of conversing with some veterans and survivors of the war in person.
These personal interactions offered unique and emotional perspectives on the war's impact
on individuals and Vietnamese society as a whole.

There are a few reasons why I find this era to be so fascinating. It was a time of intense
conflict, political maneuvering, and international interference, making it a captivating case
study for global relations that has some present relevance. The resilience of the Vietnamese
people during this turbulent period is truly inspiring, and their determination in the face of
adversity is a testament to the human spirit. Additionally, the eventual reconciliation and
diplomatic efforts that resulted in Vietnam's reunification serve as a reminder that peace and
unity are possible even under the most trying conditions.

9. Describe an occasion when somebody or something was making a lot of noise.

You should say:

• Who or what made the noise

• What the noise was like

• What you did when you heard the noise

And explain how you felt about it.


There was this one evening when I was sitting at home reading a book. It was a quiet
evening and I was sitting on the couch reading a book by Marcel Proust and I was enjoying
it quite a bit - not to sound too pretentious. All of a sudden, loud music started blasting all
over the neighborhood. I was jolted out of my seat by the music and got up to see where the
music was coming from. It turns out that it was from a party happening just down the road.
They were playing electronic dance music which was heavy on the bass and had a thumping
beat that sounded like it was coming from inside my own chest. Also, the rhythm of the
music was up-tempo and unrelenting, which I presumed helped to amp up the excitement of
the party.

Unwilling to tolerate the loud music any longer, I decided to go out for a walk around town.
I walked for a couple of hours late into the night, enjoying the urban scenery as I strolled
around aimlessly. I momentarily stopped at a coffee shop for a warm cup of coffee before
heading home. By the time I got back, the music had changed to soft jazz and it was a lot
quieter this time. I wonder a bit at how the party transitioned from loud techno to jazz.
Being satisfied with the noise level, I went back inside my house and prepared for bed since
it was well past midnight.

I generally don’t like music when it’s so loud, it can be heard from a distance as it disrupts
my ability to focus and it sometimes just gives me an ear-splitting headache. I try to avoid
loud music by going somewhere away from the music or putting on my headphones to
drown out outside noise.

10. Describe an occasion when you used a map.

You should say:

• When you used the map

• Where you were

• Why you used a paper map

And explain how you felt about the experience.


One time I was hiking deep into the rainforests of Malaysia with my close friends and we
were venturing out into the wilderness with pretty much no prior knowledge or experience
in the area - just the way we like it. Nevertheless, we were super confident that we were
going to make it out of the jungle in one piece. At the start, we were traversing lush
vegetation; with our machetes we were cutting through thick bushes and grass and we went
at it for hours. However, in the midst of our hike, my friends and I wound up getting lost.
We had no idea of our position within the forest and we started to panic.

Luckily for us, we had the machetes and a map with us and we tried to find out where we
were and where a path back to civilization was. With the help of a local we came across, we
figured out that we were at the eastern end of the jungle and the nearest town was about 5
kilometers from our position. So we then charted a course for the town and followed it
closely to avoid getting turned around again. We had a paper map with us since there was
no network coverage in the forest for our cell phones so we couldn’t use Google maps. That
didn’t matter anyway as we knew where to go and after an hour or so we finally made it to
the town.

It was a pretty cool experience to use a paper map during a journey. It reminded me of
stories of famous explorers using maps they’d drawn themselves to navigate. However,
whenever possible, I’ll stick to using my phone with its built-in map since it’s the safer,
more convenient option.

11. Describe a time when you helped someone you worked or studied with.

You should say:

• Who you helped

• Why and how you helped him/her

• How this person reacted to your help

And explain how you felt about the experience.


I used to work in a warehouse for a company that imports food from all sorts of countries. It
was me, twenty other workers and a foreman who were overseeing the loading and shipping
of cargo. One time, while I was carrying boxes of produce to a truck for loading, I saw one
of my fellow workers struggling to carry two full sacks of potatoes to the truck, both
weighing 5 kilograms each (he wasn’t the strongest guy to be honest). But he was one of my
closest friends - Jimmy - and he had a lame leg because of a cycling accident he had been in
as a kid. Nevertheless, he looked like he was determined to carry the sacks by himself, not
needing anyone else’s help so I let him be and struggle on for a while.

However, after a few minutes had passed, Jimmy was still struggling to carry the potato
sacks and so I then resolved to help him out. I asked Jimmy if he needed any help and he
said no. Despite this, I told him that he was going to get my help anyway and so I carried
one potato sack while Jimmy carried the other. We both managed to load the sacks into the
truck and Jimmy said thanks for the help. He told me that he knew he needed help but he
wanted to prove to the other guys that he could do things on his own despite his leg. I
replied to him that I know the feeling (actually I don’t) but sometimes we can’t do
everything on our own and so it’s OK to ask for help every now and then. By the end of it, it
felt nice to have helped someone with a difficult task, especially when they have a disability
that may impede them from getting the job done.

12. Describe a time when you were very busy.

You should say:

• When this time was

• What you had to do during that time

• How you managed the situation

And explain how you felt about being so busy.


I remember one time when I had to work late into the night to get a major assignment done
for my company. This was about 5 years ago and me and my team were asked to write a 10-
page report on the state of foreign direct investment in Namibia and how our company
could take advantage of the situation. We were told to write it before the beginning of the
next day - a pretty tight deadline. But we were still determined to finish it by the given

In writing the report, my co-workers and I had to do an enormous amount of research about
Namibia’s economy and where it was getting investment from - with no real prior
knowledge or expertise. We had to pull from various sources - Internet articles, published
journals and e-books. Though there was a lot of information to parse through, we were
discerning enough to find the information most relevant to our assignment. Next, we had to
determine what the structure of the report would look like. After some deliberation, we
decided to start the report with important context regarding Namibia’s economy, continue it
with information regarding its sources of foreign direct investment, and finish it with some
recommendations about how our company could get in on the action.

Once we had our structure down, we went ahead and wrote the report. Each of us had our
own section to write and I was responsible for the all-important middle part. All of this was
done throughout the whole working day and then some as we worked for four more hours
after everyone else headed home until we had finished at around 9 at night. Mind you, we
didn’t take any breaks and it was so exhausting being this busy. Not sure it was worth it
either since our boss probably just gave it a quick once-over.

13. Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a
public place (a restaurant or a store).

You should say:

• When and where it happened

• What he/she complained about

• What the result was

And explain how you felt about the experience.


Around 5 years ago, I was walking in a local park with a friend of mine. We were just
wandering around and catching up when we came across an old woman complaining about
some skateboarders skating on the footpaths in the park. But before I go into that, I would
like to provide some context. Skateboarders skating around the park on the footpaths is a
rather common sight and there’s no rule indicating that they aren’t allowed to do so. After
all, the footpaths are wide enough to accommodate both skateboarders and pedestrians.
There are some who still complain about these skateboarders, including the old woman in
this incident.

She grumbled to the skateboarders about how they’re endangering people walking in the
park and how they shouldn’t be allowed to skate on the footpaths, no matter what the signs
say or don’t say. The old woman then told the skateboarders to go away and skate
somewhere else. However, the skateboarders countered her complaints by rightfully stating
that there’s no rule prohibiting skating on the footpaths and that they were careful to not run
into pedestrians so her complaints were baseless. By the end of the incident, the old woman
knew she had lost the argument and decided to walk away from it, not wanting to escalate
the situation any further. The skateboarders then continued to skate on their merry way.

It was a pretty wild experience to see someone complain this loudly about people going
about their business enjoying themselves. I would never get into this kind of situation as I
hardly ever complain about things. I don’t want to come off as old and out of touch like this
old lady did.


1. Describe an expensive activity that you enjoy doing occasionally

You should say:

• What it is

• Who you do it with

• Why it is expensive

And explain why you enjoy doing this expensive activity.


An expensive pastime that I enjoy doing from time to time is playing golf. It’s a sport that is
mostly the domain of rich people who play at private golf courses and country clubs. I’m in
a fortunate enough position having inherited a lot of money that I can afford golf clubs,
balls and a country club membership. I usually play golf with friends from school. They’re
in similar positions to me and keen on learning the sport. Sometimes I play with complete
strangers I meet at the country club but that’s kind of rare. I enjoy the leisurely pace of it
and the competitive element - we usually place bets on the games and square up after we
finish 9 or 18 holes.

Golf is an expensive sport because of the costs involved, that’s kind of obvious. First,
there’s the price of golf balls. They cost an average of 50 dollars per box, which is pretty
costly for a ball the size of a kumquat. More importantly, there’s the price of golf clubs.
Typically, they’ll set you back around 400 - 500 dollars for one set, and that’s a cheaper set.
Nevertheless, I still enjoy playing golf because it is a very calming sport that helps me to
relieve my stress and anxiety. I also like the technical aspect of working on my swing,
learning to put, choosing the right club for any given shot, etc.

2. Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future

You should say:

• What it is

• Where you would like to try it

• How difficult it is

And explain why you would like to try it.


I'm going to talk about surfing, a pastime that I’ve been thinking about having a crack at for
a while now. Just so you know - well, as you know, actually - it's a water sport where one
stands on a long plastic or wooden board and rides waves in the ocean. The idea of gliding
across the water and catching the perfect wave is exciting because it’s so out of the
ordinary. Surprisingly, it's widely popular in Western countries but not as much in Vietnam,
which seems unusual considering our extensive coastline and all the stunning beaches
dotting around the country.

I don't know about you but I think of surfing as a challenging and potentially hazardous
water sport. I’ve stumbled upon loads of online videos showing individuals attempting
surfing and failing miserably. So, I really think that enrolling in a surfing course should be
my first step if I want to give it a real go. That would be better for my safety and my
confidence. In terms of the equipment, for a beginner, you'll need a surfboard, a surfboard
leash, fins and a wetsuit. If possible, I’d love to practice surfing in Nha Trang, one of the
more popular coastal beach towns in Vietnam.

There are several reasons why I’m eager to give surfing a go. For one, it provides an
incredible connection with nature - I can immerse myself in the waves, feel their force and
take in the sights around me - I imagine it to be a rejuvenating and exhilarating experience.
For another, surfing offers many mental and physical health benefits. It forces me to use
different muscles - rarely used ones - so in a sense, it's a total body workout. On top of that,
it's also a great way to put my feet up and relieve stress as I can enjoy being out in the
sunshine and having fun in the waves.

Hopefully one day I can paddle out, catch my first wave, and embark on the thrilling
journey of becoming a surfer. Just the thought of it already fills me with excitement and

3. Describe an activity that made you feel tired

You should say:

• When and where it took place

• Why you took part in it

• What the activity was

And explain why it made you feel tired.


I once took part in a marathon almost 5 years ago, a hellish experience. It was the annual
Hanoi Marathon where competitors run 42 kilometers around the city and the first person to
cross the finish line wins the race - that goes without saying. The race track spans all the
major central districts of Hanoi - Hoan Kiem, Ba Dinh and Tay Ho to name a few. Some of
it even cuts through small alleys to make the race more challenging and unique. I took part
in the marathon because I thought it would be a nice challenge for me and I needed to get in
the exercise at the time. I was pretty out of shape back then and my cardio and endurance
were poor to say the least.

The start and finish line was next to Hoan Kiem Lake. We all started the run at 10 in the
morning. In order not to tire myself out too early on, I paced myself. After all, it’s not a big
deal if I don’t finish 1st; all that matters is just finishing the race. And finishing first wasn’t
really on my mind… I managed to run for about 4 hours and 10 minutes covering the full 42
kilometers and by the end I was properly knackered. My legs were shaky and I was
struggling to catch my breath for a while. I was tired because running for 42 kilometers
without stopping was just too much for my body to handle. Perhaps I should wait a while
until giving another marathon a shot.

4. Describe an activity that you enjoy doing alone in your free time

You should say:

• What it is

• How often you do it

• Where you usually do it

And explain why you like to do this activity.


I’m an avid reader so I’d go with reading as my all-time favorite activity when I’m on my
own. I've made it a part of my daily routine to read, even if it's just for a second. On
average, I'd say I spend about an hour or two completely absorbed in the pages of a good
book every day. It doesn't matter if it's a gripping novel, a thought-provoking non-fiction
book, or even some soothing poetry; I'm up for it all. I like changing it up too so that I don’t
get bored of the same genre.

My favorite reading spot… is this cozy corner in my bedroom near the window. I've created
a small reading nook there with a comfortable armchair, a small blanket, and a well-
organized bookshelf. It's the perfect spot for me to forget my worries and escape into a good

The thing about reading that really pulls me in is how it transports me to different worlds
and allows me to explore varied cultures, historical eras and perspectives - all within the
confines of my imagination. It's like taking an imaginary trip that broadens my horizons and
fosters empathy. Secondly, reading is my go-to stress reliever. When I open a book, it's like
waving goodbye to all the worries and stresses of the day and diving into the author's world
where none of that stuff is relevant. It's a form of healthy escapism that helps me recharge
and face life. I think of it as healthy because I learn more than I would just messing around
on my phone. Every book I read contributes a bit more to my understanding of the world,
and it's a fantastic way to build and exercise my vocabulary.

For me, reading is a beloved solo activity because it offers me an escape, broadens my
horizons, relaxes me, and satisfies my innate curiosities about the world. It's a habit that I
treasure deeply, and honestly, I can't imagine a life without the sheer joy of reading.

5. Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else.

You should say:

• What the activity was

• Who you were with

• When and where it happened

And explain how you felt about it.


One exhilarating activity that stands out in my memory is a snowboarding trip I embarked
on with my best friend, Mary, during a winter vacation a couple of years ago. It’s a sport
that I’ve always been eager to try out but never really had the chance here in Vietnam where
there’s hardly any snow to speak of. We chose to go snowboarding on the stunning slopes
of Hakuba Japan Ski Resort - a renowned ski resort in Hakuba Valley, Japan.

It was the peak of winter, with the snow-covered mountains creating a picturesque backdrop
for our trip. The crisp mountain air and the breathtaking scenery set the perfect stage for an
unforgettable day. As we strapped on our snowboards - or our feet rather - and prepared to
descend the slopes, a mix of excitement and nervousness surged through me. Mary and I,
both beginners at snowboarding, decided to take a lesson to grasp the basics. Our instructor
guided us through the fundamentals, teaching us how to balance, turn, and stop on the snow-
covered terrain.

Once we felt somewhat confident, we embarked on our first descent down the intermediate
slopes. The rush of wind against my face and the feeling of gliding down the mountain with
the snow crunching beneath my board was indescribable - well I guess I just describe it
actually. Our initial anxiety transformed into sheer joy and a sense of accomplishment as we
navigated the slopes together.

Sharing this adventure with Mary not only made it more enjoyable but also created lasting
memories. We laughed at our falls, cheered each other on, and celebrated our triumphs. The
adrenaline rush, combined with the breathtaking scenery and the camaraderie, made it an
unforgettable experience that left me with a profound sense of exhilaration and
accomplishment. It also ignited a shared passion for adventurous pursuits and now we’re
always on the lookout for a new skill to learn in an unfamiliar environment - we just have to
earn enough to afford these lavish trips!

6. Describe an activity you enjoyed doing when you were at primary school.

You should say:

• What the activity was

• How often you did the activity

• Who you did it with

And explain why it was your favourite activity.


One of the most cherished activities I enjoyed during my primary school years was flying
kites with a group of neighborhood kids - we formed a close-knit gang of enthusiastic kite
flyers. This fun pastime became a regular occurrence in the late afternoons, especially on
weekends, transforming the open field near our houses into a vibrant canvas filled with
colorful kites soaring against the backdrop of the azure sky.

The allure of flying kites lay not only in the sheer joy of watching our creations dance and
swirl high above but also in the camaraderie shared during these sessions. We spent hours
crafting our unique kites, experimenting with designs and colors, and turning simple sheets
of paper and bamboo into works of art that would eventually take flight. The act of flying
kites transcended mere pastime; it was a lesson in patience, teamwork, and creativity. It
made me the person I am today.

What made flying kites my favorite activity was the sheer innocence and simplicity. It
served as an escape from the structured routines of school, a time when laughter echoed
through the air, and friendships were strengthened. The thrill of watching our kites climb

higher and higher symbolized the boundless possibilities of childhood, where the sky was
the limit.

Looking back, those afternoons flying kites are etched in my memory as a symbol of
carefree joy and the unbridled imagination that defined the best, simplest years of my
primary school experience.

7. Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently.

You should say:

• What the activity was

• Who invited you to participate in it

• Whether you asked for help in the activity

And explain how the activity changed you.


During my first trip to the capital of Vietnam - Hanoi - recently, I had a chance to ride a
paddle boat on West Lake. The idea to give it a shot came from my travel companions, a
group of friends with whom I was exploring Hanoi at same the time. As we strolled along
the lakeside promenade, we noticed a paddle boat rental service and were immediately
drawn to the idea of navigating the serene waters of West Lake. It was a unanimous
decision, and we excitedly embraced the chance to try something new.

Fortunately, paddle boating is a fairly straightforward activity, so I didn't need to ask for
assistance or guidance. The paddle boat rental included clear instructions on how to
navigate the vessel, making it easy even for those without prior experience - no steep
learning curve there. It was a self-guided experience, allowing us the freedom to explore the
lake at our own pace.

The notable change we got from the activity occurred when we ventured toward the center
of West Lake. Surrounded by traditional Vietnamese architecture and the picturesque
cityscape, the atmosphere shifted from a casual paddle to an awe-inspiring journey through
the heart of Hanoi. This change in perspective, from the bustling city streets to the peaceful

expanse of the lake, provided a refreshing and unexpected contrast. A lasting one since I
know now I can head over any time to a nearby lake.

This activity not only offered a fresh perspective on Hanoi but also allowed for a serene
escape from the urban heat and pollution. This outstanding experience, coupled with the
picturesque surroundings, makes it a cherished memory of my time in Vietnam.


1. Describe a beautiful city that you have visited.

You should say:

• Where you went to and whom you went with

• What it was like

• What activities you did there

And how you felt about this city.


Today I want to tell you about one of my fav places, which is Nha Trang, a coastal city in
Vietnam. I’d been eyeing this trip for quite a long time and last summer when I got some
time off and finished my deadlines up, I packed my bags and embarked on the journey with
a group of close friends.

Nha Trang is located in the heart of Khanh Hoa Province, and it is also the political,
economic, cultural, technological and tourist center of the region. With its long sandy
beaches, crystal clear waters, and stunning bays, Nha Trang has been listed as one of the
most beautiful beaches in the world by National Geographic and honored as one of the most
attractive destinations in Asia. The city is full of things to check out beyond the beaches too.

During the trip, I had the chance to enjoy fresh seafood at reasonable prices at some famous
eateries in town. The menus were quite diverse with different kinds of shrimp, crabs, and
fish. Also, I visited some tourist spots - Po Nagar Cham Towers was one - to admire ancient
architecture and sculpture. Vinpearl amusement park on Hon Tre Island was on my bucket
list too. We went on the slides, roller coasters, and even a pirate ship. Last but not least,
traveling from Nha Trang coastal city to the south we entered Ninh Thuan province to take
in breathtaking Vinh Hy Bay. Vinh Hy Bay is a charming and peaceful bay ensconced by
both mountains and blue skies. Being a bit under-the-radar, the bay is pristine and

Visiting Nha Trang was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. If I have the chance, I'll definitely
go back - so maybe not once-in-a-lifetime actually…

2. Describe a perfect /dream house you saw (an ideal house/apartment where you
want to live)

You should say:

• When and where you saw it

• What it looked like

• What special feature it had

And explain why you liked it.


I bumped into a house a week ago while I was taking a walk around my local area. The
house caught my attention because of the modern design - a glass façade, three balconies,
four floors and an ornate wooden front gate. It was located right on the main street in my
hometown where all the shops and offices are. The location is convenient - whoever lives
there can easily go shopping and commute to work. I figure it must be some rich person
who owns the place since the design and majesty of the house really stands out on a really
modest residential street.

Like I said before, the house has a glass façade so that plenty of natural light can pour in and
that must cut down on the electricity bill - crucial I’m sure given the cost of the house. It
also has three balconies with one on each floor minus the ground floor, and many trees and
plants outside including a herb garden and flower beds. The inhabitants can sit outside,
enjoying the fresh air and immersing themselves in the natural world with a cup of coffee -
that’s how I’d use it at least. In contrast to the house itself, the front gate is entirely made of
wood, which sort of juxtaposes the traditional and the modern in a really nice way.

I love the house because it's an interesting mix of both conventional and cutting-edge
architectural stylings, and it also has some nifty features like the glass façade so that the
people living there don’t have to rely on artificial lights - you don’t want to feel like you're
living in an office. Perhaps if it ever goes up for sale and I have enough money, I’ll try to
put in a bid. Wishful thinking, I know.

3. Describe a park or a garden in your city

You should say:

• Where it is

• How often you go there

• What people do in this place

And explain why you like to visit it.


In Hanoi, there’s a cool park called Centre Park that I hit up quite often. It's become my go-
to spot when I need a breather from the daily grind or if I’m in a contemplative mood.

I visit Centre Park at least once a week, typically on weekends. It's conveniently located in
the heart of the city, right between the crowded streets of the Old Quarter and Hoan Kiem
Lake. Most days, it only takes about 15 minutes to walk there from my place. I usually go to
the park with some close friends or my family, but sometimes I go there alone if no one is
up to hang out that day or I’m not feeling it.

Centre Park is often regarded as a picturesque oasis in the heart of Hanoi for locals and
tourists alike. It’s got a lot of green spaces, walking paths, benches and playgrounds. People
head there for group picnics, casual jogs, or simply to part themselves on the benches,
watching people pass by. On weekends, the park is often packed with families getting in
some quality family time together. I find it refreshing to see children playing on the
playground. There’re also big lakes with paddle boats and even a pagoda where one can
seek spiritual tranquility amidst the urban chaos. The vibes there are super chill and
calming, making it the perfect place to recharge and escape all the city noise which is just a
few streets away.

I love visiting Central Park for many reasons. As I just said, it provides a literal breath of
fresh air and a chance to reconnect with nature to some degree without leaving the city. It's a
place where I can unwind, meditate, or simply enjoy a leisurely stroll. A place to get your
head right after a long day.

4. Describe an open-air or street market which you enjoy visiting.

You should say:

• Where the market is

• What the market sells

• How big the market is

And explain why you enjoy visiting this market.


Well, a few months ago, I visited an open-air market with my friends. This market is
popular among locals and tourists alike and I really enjoyed popping over there for the
millionth time. Hanoi night market is located in the heart of the Old Quarter - along Hang
Dao and its surrounding streets. The market typically takes place on Friday, Saturday, and
Sunday evenings, starting around 7 or 8 and lasting until late at night - until curfew I

In the market, just about every product you can imagine is for sale, ranging from household
items, clothing, and jewelry, to handicrafts and souvenirs. Everything is a bit cheaper than
you’d find them in the mall so it’s good for people on a budget or students who are just
scraping by. On top of that, the market is most famous for the food on offer there. There are
tons of little stalls offering regional Vietnamese dishes such as banh mi, pho, fresh spring
rolls, and various grilled skewers. You can eat your fill and then some.

The market is actually pretty massive, stretching for about 3 kilometers in total - I heard that
once. It can get quite crowded, especially during the peak evening hours when locals and
tourists both gather to explore it. I remember the first time I went, I was kinda overwhelmed
by the whole scene. I found myself bumping into a lot of strangers.

But now I love strolling through the crowd to take in the lively atmosphere. It’s a unique
sensory adventure. Here, you can see, hear, and taste the essence of the city come alive as
day turns into night.

5. Describe a place in your country that you are interested in

You should say:

• Where it is

• How you know it

• What it is famous for

And explain why you think it is interesting.


The place that immediately comes to my mind is Ha Giang, a province located in the
northernmost region of my country. In recent years, Ha Giang's remote and unspoiled nature
has gained immense popularity among globetrotters, adventurers and nature lovers alike.
Foreigners but locals too. I’m always coming across breathtaking pictures and videos posted
by friends and influencers on social media of their trips to Ha Giang. A lot of the images are
burned in my mind at this point.

The province is renowned for its stunning natural landscapes. Steep mountain passes, deep
valleys, winding roads and foggy villages all around. Every year, around October and
November, the Ha Giang Mountains are in full bloom. The valleys are carpeted by endless
fields of yellow cabbage, peach blossoms and violet buckwheat flowers. It’s mesmerizing
and most people in Vietnam consider it to be our finest example of raw natural beauty.
However, what appeals to me the most is the pristine terraced rice fields that seem to stretch
endlessly into the horizon. In spring, the terraces are filled with water, creating a mirror-like
effect that reflects the sky and surroundings and is made for taking panoramic pictures.

Moreover, this remote corner of the country is home to numerous ethnic minority groups.
The Hmong, Tay, Dao, and many others have their own distinct traditions, languages, and
customs. They coexist harmoniously, contributing to the vibrant mosaic of cultures that is
often overlooked in Vietnam. Ha Giang's cultural diversity is on full display with colorful
traditional costumes, vibrant local markets, traditional festivals and various rituals. Living in
such remote areas, the locals are known for their resilience, hard work, and character. But
they’re also very friendly and hospitable. While visiting, we can interact with local

communities by sharing meals with local families, listening to their stories that have been
handed down for generations, and participating in age-old ceremonies. Oh, I forgot to
mention one of the most appealing specialties on offer there - the different kinds of rice and
corn and fruity wines they distill themselves!

6. Describe a place (not your home) you spent time relaxing

You should say:

• Where the place is

• What the place looks like

• How you spend your time in this place

And explain why this place helps you to relax.


The quiet place I often retreat to relax is a local cafe in the center of town called Morning
Brew. I head over there at least twice a week but once in a while I may make it out there
around four times if I’m feeling blue and drained from my work and study. I first came
across it when I was riding my bike around the city and I just happened to pass by - I
stopped for a traffic light and it caught my attention.

The coffee shop has a modern look outside, with clean lines and a sleek design. Inside, it
feels welcoming, thanks to the warm oak floors and calming neutral colors on the walls and
furniture. The mix of modern and rustic elements creates a nice and comfortable space,
making it perfect for people to relax and get away from work, study, family…

When I’m there, I usually order a cold lemon tea and a snack - some cranberry cookies or a
chocolate muffin - and settle in for a while. It's one of my favorite spots to read books, paint
pictures, journal, or just listen to some good music while the ice in my drink melts.
Sometimes I’ll invite a friend over so we can catch up though I know I’ll never get any
work done at those times.

As for how I feel about the place, I quite like it in general because the interior is clean and
comfortable. The drinks and snacks aren’t out of this world or anything but they’re decent

enough and cheap, and the atmosphere is really chilled out too - feels more like a library
that serves coffee than a cafe. An ideal retreat to unwind and recharge.

7. Describe a new store/shop that just opened in your area

You should say:

• What shop it is

• What it sells

• How you came to know about this shop

And explain why you like to go to this shop.


I’m gonna talk about a new shop which has been recently opened in Aeon Mall Ha Dong
named "Tech Haven". Since its opening, the store has quickly become a hotspot for tech
enthusiasts, offerring an extensive array of the latest gadgets and electronics, making it a
true paradise for those who crave cutting-edge technology.

I’ve known about this shop when I came across its advertisement about its grand opening on
Facebook, so I decided to visit it the day after. Once time I stepped into Tech Haven, I was
impressed by a sleek, modern, and meticulously designed interior. The store exudes a
futuristic vibe that perfectly complements the innovative products it showcases.

I love this store because of its commitment to providing an interactive and immersive
shopping experience. Rather than simply observing from afar, customers are encouraged to
engage with the products firsthand. This hands-on approach empowers customers to make
informed decisions and ensures they leave the store with complete satisfaction. I also admire
its knowledgeable and friendly staff members who were passionate about technology and
are always ready to assist customers. They can provide personalized recommendations and
expert advice tailored to each customer's unique needs and preferences.

In conclusion, Tech Haven at Aeon Mall Ha Dong is more than just a store—it's an
immersive tech destination that combines sleek aesthetics, a diverse range of products,
interactive experiences, knowledgeable staff, and a top-notch customer service. Thus, I will
definitely come back to this store in the near future.
8. Describe a newly built public facility that influences your city.

You should say:

• Where the facility is

• When it was built

• What people can do there

And what influence the facility has on your city.


A newly built public facility shaping my city today is the Hanoi Metro, the first urban rail
transit line in Vietnam and hands-down the biggest change in recent years. Situated in the
heart of the city, it has significantly transformed the urban landscape and made life more

If I’m not mistaken, the construction of the Metro railway network in Hanoi began in 2008.
The construction was delayed continually and people were speculating about when it would
actually be done for a while. Finally, the first line - Cat Linh Line - opened for service in
November 2021 and it has been a big success as far as I can tell.

People can use the Metro to conveniently traverse the city. It provides a faster and more
efficient means of transportation compared to driving a car for example. Commuters can
now avoid the challenges of traffic congestion and reduce their travel times to and from
work or school. The tickets are affordable too and can be easily purchased at the stations or
through online payment methods.

The influence of the Metro railway network on Hanoi is profound. It not only addresses the
growing demand for efficient public transportation but also reduces traffic congestion and
environmental pollution. The modern and well-planned stations have become pivotal
landmarks in the city's architecture, enhancing its overall urban aesthetic. Moreover,
improved accessibility is boosting economic activity, making various parts of the city more
accessible for both residents and visitors alike. In a nutshell, the Metro represents a
significant step towards a more sustainable and connected future for Hanoi.


1. Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of

You should say:

• What the task was

• How you completed it

• Why the task was difficult

And explain why you were proud at the completion of the task.


A significant accomplishment that I'm particularly proud of is building a website from

scratch. It was a project I undertook during my final year of university, and it turned out to
be a valuable learning experience.

The project involved creating an online testing system wherein teachers can upload exams,
homework, lectures, etc. so that students can check in with the website to complete
exercises, revise lessons and even take tests. I chose this project because I wanted to foster
improved online learning since students often fall behind in lecture halls and need some
individual learning time. Also, I hoped to improve my own web development skills through
a practical project to stand out and be a more attractive candidate for later job applications.

To complete the task, I began by conducting research with my teachers to understand the
specific requirements for this sort of website. I also collected content, including text,
images, and videos, that would be featured on the site. Next, I got really into web
development and started building the website's structure and design from a user experience
perspective. I also used a database management system to store sensitive information like
test results and teacher and student IDs.

One of the main reasons why building this website was challenging was that I had to do it
all by myself since my 2 other team members had already dropped out of the project by the
time we were due to start. Also, I faced time constraints as I was already juggling my
regular coursework with my part-time job. So, I had to burn the midnight oil almost every
day to meet the deadline.

Eventually, I was able to complete the website and I was immensely proud of this
achievement. I acquired new skills in web development and content management. Also, the
project allowed me to improve my time management and problem-solving skills. It was
incredibly rewarding to see the website go live and receive positive feedback from my
teachers. I think this experience has given me the confidence to take on more challenging
projects in the future.

2. Describe a rule that is important at your school or work

You should say:

• What the rule is

• What happens when people break the rule

• Why you think it is an important rule

And explain how you feel about the rule.


Alright, so one of the key rules we have in school is about wearing our uniforms. Let me
break it down for ya.

Obviously, the rule means you have to wear the school’s designated uniform. For our
school, it’s a specific shirt with the school logo, trousers or skirt, and sometimes even a tie
or blazer. The idea is that everyone, no matter who you are or where you're from, wears the
exact same outfit every day to school and that helps break down socioeconomic barriers and
divisions that could crop up.

If anyone is caught not wearing their uniform or making alterations to it, they face
consequences. Sometimes it’s just an initial warning, but if you’re a repeat offender, you
might get detention or even sent home to change.

You know, at first, I used to think, "Why all the fuss about clothes?" But over time,
I’ve come to appreciate the uniform rule. First, it creates a sense of equality among all the
students. No one can show off their fancy branded clothes or make someone else feel like
less because of what they can afford. It puts everyone on the same wavelength in a way.
Plus, it saves a lot of time in the morning! No one has to spend ages deciding on what to
wear because it’s been decided for you in advance. To be honest, there are days when I wish
I could wear my own clothes to express my personality. But overall, I think the uniform rule
is a good thing. It keeps things simple, makes everyone look smart, and like I said before,
fosters a sense of community among the student body. Now when I look back at old school
photos, seeing all of us in the uniform brings back so many fond memories. It makes me
feel nostalgic!

So, yeah, that’s the whole uniform rule thing from my school. Love it or hate it, it has been
a big part of my school life and that’s generally the case all across Vietnam where school
uniforms are the norm.

3. Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful

You should say:

• Where you can see it

• What it shows

• Why you think it is useful

And explain how you feel about it.


I’d like to talk about an advertisement I've been seeing recently that really stands out to me
for some reason.

You can usually catch it during commercial breaks on TV, especially during prime time.
Also, I've noticed it a couple of times on those big digital billboards all around the city.

The advertisement is for this new shampoo brand. It starts with the woman with visibly
frizzy, dry hair, struggling to comb it down into something manageable. But as she starts
using the shampoo, there's a transformation and her hair gets smoother, shinier, and just
overall healthier. You can see this by the graphics on the screen and the well-timed music.

Well, besides the obvious transformation, what makes this advertisement particularly
memorable is its informative approach. It details the key ingredients, I remember argan oil
and keratin, and explains their respective roles in maintaining healthy hair. This educational

approach provides consumers with a clear understanding of why these ingredients are
beneficial, going beyond a simple "buy our product because it's great" message.

Personally, I found the ad refreshingly different from typical shampoo commercials out
there. It’s not just a glamorous model showing off flawless hair - it's relatable, educational,
and to the point. After watching it, I decided to give the shampoo a try, not only because it
promised positive results but also because they were transparent about the ingredients that
I'd be putting in my hair.

I found the shampoo to be pretty good - my hair feels healthier and there is a certain shine to
it. I’m not sure if that’s a placebo effect or not, but it certainly works for me!

4. Describe a science subject that you are interested in (biology, robotics, etc.)

You should say:

• What the subject is

• How you know this subject

• How you usually get information about this subject

And explain why you are interested in this subject.


Truthfully, I wouldn't describe myself as a science enthusiast per se. However, there is one
particular field of science that has always captured my interest, genetics. I first encountered
the fascinating world of genetics during high school as part of our mandatory biology
classes. From the very first lesson about genetics, I was fascinated by the complex
mechanisms of our genetic makeup, which are much more intricate and well-organized than
I had imagined.

Since then, I’ve kept up on a casual basis with the newest developments and discoveries in
the field. The scientific literature in a field like this can be challenging, so I don’t exactly go
into reading papers or looking through the meta-data. I tried a couple of times but getting
my head around scientific papers on genetics is beyond me. I do my best to glean what I
can from articles in the news though. This has led me to sign up for newsletters related to

genetics and even follow some of the leading experts in genetics on social media - they tend
to present things in ways the layman can understand.

The more I immerse myself in genetics, the more I understand that it's not just about
grasping previous scientific findings, but also about keeping up with current projects that
could potentially influence our future. I’m eager to continue expanding my knowledge in
this area and I hope to someday apply what I’ve learned or at least be able to hold a
conversation on the topic reasonably well.

5. Describe something you did in a hurry.

You should say:

• What it was

• Why you had to it in a hurry

• How well you did it

And explain how you felt about having to do it in a hurry.


Well, one memorable occasion when I had to do something in a hurry was last month when
I had to catch a flight unexpectedly. I was actually at work when I received an urgent call
informing me of a family emergency - my father had been taken to the hospital. I had to
leave immediately and rush to the airport to catch the next available flight.

The task at hand was packing my belongings and making it to the airport in time. I had to
prioritize what to take with me, throwing clothes and essentials into my suitcase without
much thought. My mind was elsewhere but I wanted to make sure I didn't forget anything
crucial in the rush.

As for how well I did it, considering the circumstances, I managed to pack everything I
needed, although it was a bit haphazard. I reached the airport just in time to catch my flight,
but the experience was definitely a bit on the stressful side.

Honestly, the whole situation left me feeling a mix of emotions. On the one hand, I was
worried about my dad, and on the other, the chaos of having to pack and leave abruptly was

overwhelming. So not really a mix actually - mostly bad emotions. However, the fact that I
made it in time for my family and handled the urgent crises as best as I could gave me a
sense of relief - once I found out that he was ok at least.

In summary, the unexpected trip required me to act swiftly and decisively. While the
experience was hectic, I did manage to get it done and prove to myself that I’m good in a

6. Describe an interesting conversation that you had with an old person.

You should say:

• Who you had it with

• Where you had it

• What the conversation was about

And explain how you felt about it.


I'd like to share an intriguing conversation I had with my grandmother a few months ago at
her house during a visit to my hometown.

My grandmother is in her late 80s so she has a wealth of life experience. We sat in her
living room, surrounded by photographs and mementos that reflected her long and rich life.
During our chat, we discussed her youth, particularly her experiences during the war against
America in the 60s and 70s. During that period, she worked as a cook in a military base,
serving hundreds of soldiers every day. She vividly recounted stories from her time in the
army as well as the ups and downs she went through, like how she could prepare meals for
hundreds of people on such a low budget and how proud she felt at the time to be part of the
war effort.

Her stories were so captivating that I felt like I was transported to a different era. The
overall experience left me with a profound sense of connection and admiration for my
grandmother. Learning about her past not only provided insights into the history of my
country but also gave me a deeper appreciation for her resilience in the past. It made
abstract history personal and relatable.
I felt incredibly lucky to have such an enlightening conversation with my grandmother. It
not only strengthened our relationship but also left me with a greater understanding of her
past and a sense of gratitude for her sacrifice.

7. Describe a job you would not like to do in the future.

You should say:

• What the job is

• What qualities it requires

• Why you would not like to do it

And how you feel about this job.


Honestly, a job that I can't see myself doing in the future is that of a high-rise window
cleaner. Basically, this job involves cleaning and maintaining windows on tall buildings and
I only really see anything about it in action movies.

The skills required for this job include a high level of physical agility, the ability to work
comfortably in a variety of weather conditions, and most importantly, courage. Can’t look

The primary reason I wouldn't want to go into this line of work is the inherent risk and the
fear associated with working so high up. I have a fear of heights, and the idea of being
suspended high above the ground while cleaning windows is something I find extremely
unnerving - even just imagining it. The thought of relying on harnesses and safety
equipment to prevent a fall is absolutely a nightmare for me - I don’t even like climbing

Also, the job requires long hours outdoors, so workers are often exposed to extreme weather
conditions like the sun and heavy rain. This can have detrimental effects on their health in
the long run, although getting a lot of sun every day is good for you. The combination of the
physical demands, the constant exposure to heights, and potential weather challenges makes
this a job that I would not feel comfortable or happy doing at all.

In conclusion, while I appreciate the importance of high-rise window cleaners in
maintaining the aesthetics of buildings, the fear of heights and the challenging working
conditions associated with the job make it something I would not choose for my future
career. If AI replaces all other jobs on Earth, I still wouldn’t do it - that’s how strongly I

8. Describe an important journey that was delayed.

You should say:

• When it was

• Why it was important

• How it was delayed

And how you felt about it.


I'd like to talk about a trip I took to Da Lat that turned out to be quite the adventure due to
some unexpected delays. It was a couple of years ago during the peak of rainy season in
Vietnam. My friends and I had planned this getaway to Da Lat, a picturesque hilly city, and
we were all geared up for a weekend filled with exploration and relaxation. Those are kind
of in conflict, I know.

The journey was particularly important because it was a rare opportunity for all of us to take
a break from our hectic lives and get in some time outdoors bonding with each other. We
had been looking forward to exploring the beautiful landscapes, trying out local delicacies,
and simply enjoying each other's company.

However, mother nature had other plans for us. As we reached the airport, we were
informed that our flight had been delayed due to severe weather conditions in Da Lat. The
news was disappointing, but better safe than sorry.

Waiting at the airport, I couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and disappointment. We
were all so eager to start our vacation, and the weather seemed determined to test our
patience. Yet, deep down, I understood the necessity of the delay for everyone's safety. It’s
hard to be angry at a storm.
Eventually, after hours of waiting, the weather conditions improved, and our flight took off.
Despite the initial setback, the journey turned out to be memorable, filled with unexpected
twists and turns – a trip we fondly reminisce about now.

9. Describe a movie you watched that made you feel very motivated.

You should say:

• What it was

• When and where you watched it

• Who you watched it with

And explain why it made you feel motivated.


I'd like to share my experience watching the movie "The Shawshank Redemption,” a film
that left an indelible mark on me and really motivated me. I watched it on Netflix a couple
of years ago from the comfort of my home. A friend who had recommended the movie
watched it with me. He’d been telling me about it for ages.

The film tells the tale of Andy Dufresne, a banker sentenced to life in Shawshank State
Penitentiary for a crime he didn't commit. Despite the harsh conditions, Andy maintains his
dignity and works relentlessly to bring hope and a sense of purpose to those around him.

What struck me about "The Shawshank Redemption" was the themes of hope, resilience,
and the ability to find freedom within oneself even in the most confining situations. The
bond between the characters, particularly the friendship between Andy and Red, showcases
the transformative power of human connection.

As the story unfolds, I couldn't help but be inspired by Andy's unwavering spirit and his
ability to rise above the challenges he faced. The film beautifully conveys the message that
one's mindset and determination can shape one's destiny, regardless of external
circumstances. Though there are limits to that idea of course.

So, whenever I find myself feeling down, I rewatch it as a therapeutic escape that lifts my
spirits and brightens my day.

10. Describe a useful skill that you learned when you were a teenager.

You should say:

• What it is

• When you learned it

• Who you learned it from

And explain how you feel about this skill.


To be honest, I’ve been passionate about food and cooking since I was very young. My
grandmother was the one who inspired this interest in me. She owned a Pho - that’s a
Vietnamese beef noodle dish - restaurant in my hometown, and I loved watching her cook
and prepare dishes in the kitchen to serve her customers.

Although I have enrolled in some culinary courses, my grandmother was my first real
cooking teacher. She not only taught me a lot about Vietnamese traditional foods, but she
also shared her general passion for cooking with me. I have fond memories of spending time
in the kitchen with her, learning the techniques and secrets behind each dish. I also learned
the significance of patience and attention to detail in the cooking process. From her, I
learned the crucial importance of using fresh ingredients and the art of balancing flavors in
Vietnamese cuisine. She taught me how to create complex and harmonious flavors by
combining different herbs, spices, and sauces. Her recipes were passed down through
generations, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to employ them and someday I hope to
hand them down as well.

Thanks to my grandmother's guidance in the kitchen, I’m not only able to whip up delicious
meals for my family and loved ones, but I also find joy and fulfilment in the art of cooking
itself. The knowledge and techniques she taught me have also become the foundation that
helps me to learn cooking more varied international cuisines when I’m feeling adventurous.

11. Describe an ambition that you have had for a long time.

You should say:

• What it is

• What you have done for it

• When you can achieve it

And explain why you have this ambition.


Traveling around the world has been an ambition of mine for a long time. I’ve always had a
deep desire to explore different cultures, experience new places, and broaden my horizons.
To pursue this ambition, I’ve taken several steps already.

Firstly, I’ve saved up some money over the years to fund my travels. I created a travel fund
years ago and have made consistent contributions to it. I have also made adjustments to my
lifestyle, such as cutting back on unnecessary expenses, to set aside more money towards
my travel goals.

Secondly, I’ve researched various destinations around the world, read travel blogs, and
watched travel channels on YouTube to learn more about different countries, their cultures,
and the experiences they offer.

Furthermore, I’ve made a list of places I want to visit and created a travel plan. I have
prioritized destinations based on my interests and have considered factors such as cost,
safety, and the best time to visit each place.

As for when I could achieve this ambition, I’m actively working towards it as we speak.
While I’ve already visited some countries, namely Thailand and China, there are still many
more on my list. I understand that traveling around the world is a long-term goal, and I’m
committed to making it happen gradually.

I have this ambition because I believe that traveling is an incredible opportunity for personal
growth and self-discovery. It allows me to step out of my comfort zone, embrace new
challenges, and learn from divergent perspectives. It also helps me appreciate the beauty and

diversity of our world. My ambition to travel around the world drives me to work hard, save
money, and plan meticulously. I’m excited about the adventures that await me and the
valuable experiences I will gain along the way.

12. Describe an unusual holiday or vacation you had.

You should say:

• When and where you went

• Who you went with

• What you did there

And explain why it was unusual.


Well, when it comes to an unusual holiday, I’d like to talk about my 3-day trip to Da Lat,
one of the most popular tourist destinations in my country, a few months ago. Da Lat is
often colloquially known as the city of flowers in Vietnam, famous for its picturesque and
peaceful landscape. The weather here is pleasant all year round so there is almost no need
for air conditioning, in contrast to Hanoi where I am currently.

I went to Da Lat with my sister and some of her colleagues - quite a strange combination, to
be honest. One of my sister’s co-workers is a great photographer. She snapped tons of
beautiful photos of my sister and I. The other co-worker is good at financial management.
She helped us plan the most economical trip, so it was much cheaper than I had expected
going in.

In Da Lat, we went sightseeing at some tourist attractions like Langbiang Mountain, Truc
Lam Zen Monastery and Tuyen Lam Lake. We also took a cloud-hunting tour to admire the
clouds and a Gong tour to explore the local culture. As well as that, we tried out the local
cuisine and it was everything it was advertised as.

The reason why I consider it an unusual vacation is that we set out for Da Lat during the
low season. There weren’t many beautiful flowers in bloom to enjoy. Some tourist activities
like the Gong tours were only available every few days because there were too few tourists.

We missed one trip on our first day in Da Lat, but luckily we got in on it a few days later.
No matter what, it was still a memorable trip for me.

13. Describe something you do regularly to help you study or work.

You should say:

• What it is

• How you learn it

• When you do it

And explain how you feel about it.


Personally, I find myself putting in long hours at work and it really stresses me out. To cope
with that, I’ve hunted around for the perfect way to chill out during my working hours.
After some research, I’ve stumbled upon something that really works for me - taking short
breaks. It's all about intentionally stepping away from work tasks for a bit, and giving
myself a breather to rest and recharge.

To understand how this method works, I delved into a series of articles on the Internet and
found out how people effectively incorporate it into their routines. After cross-referencing
some articles, I decided to put the theory into practice by conducting a few personal
experiments with different break durations. I tried everything from super short breaks to
longer ones, attempting to decipher what works best for my productivity. Finally, I found
my sweet spot, taking a 5-minute break every 30 minutes.

Now, it has become a regular part of my routine. During these short breaks, I tend to watch
funny YouTube videos or listen to chilled out music without lyrics. With this approach, I no
longer find myself feeling utterly exhausted after a long day. It's like a magic formula that
helps me stay locked in and ward off that feeling of tension that creeps in during extended
work sessions. I feel I could work 24 hours a day this way!


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