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In our generation, most of the students inside and outside of the campus have shown how

mobile phones have almost taken a very important role in our lives, like giving us entertainment
and giving us new information about our society, but instead of focusing how it gives us daily
information we have conducted a research of how mobile phones has made an impact on the
students writing proficiency in our generation.

Many articles and studies have shown results of how mobile phones have greatly affected the
students writing proficiency, while most of them have shown great results, our research team
has been working hard to gather results of how our mobile phones can have an impact on our
writing proficiency, we have attempted to relate our topic to other studies in attempt of solving
our questions of how this can be advantageous or disadvantageous to our generations writing

Particularly in emerging nations, the cellular industry is expanding rapidly (Ravichandran, 2009).
Researchers are examining the effects of mobile phone usage on users' daily lives as a result of
the growing trend in mobile phone usage across all demographics (Chung et al., 2003; Shaikh &
Karjaluoto, 2015).
Research studies carried out across the world provide a thorough overview of the benefits and d
rawbacks of cellphone usage among students.
The analysis of several research studies demonstrates that depending on cultural differences, u
sers' levels of maturity, and mindsets, mobile usage can have either a beneficial or detrimental e
ffect on pupils (Ling, 2004).
Smartphones in Society: Users of all ages are more inclined to use mobile phones in the


A descriptive quantitative research design was used in the study. A manageable cap of 250–
300 people was placed on the number of participants. Data were gathered via a questionnaire,
and analyses were carried out utilizing a variety of statistical models for interpretation,
particularly the study of Spearman correlation.

According to the study, visual material like pictures and photos made it
Science concepts, particularly those related to biology, physics, and chemistry, are easily under
stood by the children. The curriculum should incorporate visual media to improve
the kids' degree of comprehension. As a result, the Kuwaiti government should
Promote the use of visual aids in the classroom to improve student learning.

The study did not show what abilities teachers and students may use to their advantage when ut
ilizing visual aids. There's still a difference, too, between having the
abilities and using them in the classroom. advantages of using visual aids in instruction
In our generation, most of the students inside and outside of the campus have shown how
mobile phones have almost taken a very important role in our lives, like giving us entertainment
and giving us new information about our society, but instead of focusing how it gives us daily
information we have conducted a research of how mobile phones has made an impact on the
students writing proficiency in our generation.


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