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Ass… My name Eva Zuli Oktavia,

I will present my mini research…

The Title is The Effect of Progressive Muscle Relaxation on Anxiety in Pregnant Women TM 3

Alasan judul…


 In third trimester pregnant women,

 Most pregnant women feel uncomfortable and want to get through this period, so far,
people view anxiety and what is experienced by pregnant women at TM 3 as a natural thing,
even though anxiety in pregnant women if not handled properly will cause depression, lack
of concentration in activities, verbal learning disorders, memory disorders, interfere with
speech articulation, sensory disorders, emotional conditions that are easily explosive, stress,
motor disorders, and hypertension in pregnant women

 One of the non-pharmacological therapies to overcome anxiety levels in third trimester

pregnant women is progressive muscle relaxation.

 Progressive muscle relaxation techniques are relaxation that focuses on a muscle activity by
identifying tense muscles and then reducing tension by performing relaxation techniques to
get a relaxed feeling

Manfaat penelitian

The benefits of this research are….

The are 3 benefits of research Pregnat women, Poltekkes, next researcher


The results of this study are expected to be used as additional information and knowledge in
reducing anxiety for pregnant women in the third trimester. And pregnant women can
choose non-pharmacological methods with progressive muscle relaxation because it is safe
in overcoming anxiety.
The results of this study can be used as input for further research processes and can be used
as a comparison of authenticity
 Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai tambahan informasi dan
pengetahuan dalam mengurangi kecemasan bagi ibu hamil trimester 3. Serta ibu hamil
dapat memilih metode non farmakologi dengan relaksasi otot progresif karena aman
dalam mengatasi kecemasan
 Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan bahan masukan bagi proses penelitian selanjutnya dan
dapat dijadikan perbandingan keaslian


 Quasy experimental research, pretest posttest design with control group design. The
number of respondents is 30 people. The sampling technique was accidental
sampling, with 15 intervention groups and 15 control groups. Data analysis includes
the Shapiro Wilk Normality Test and the bivariate Test With Paired T Test and
Independent T Test


21 (twenty one)

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