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Struggling with your coronary heart disease dissertation? You're not alone.

Writing a dissertation on
such a complex topic can be incredibly challenging. From conducting thorough research to analyzing
data and presenting findings, the process can be overwhelming for even the most dedicated students.

Coronary heart disease is a multifaceted subject that requires a deep understanding of cardiology,
epidemiology, and various other disciplines. Crafting a dissertation that adds meaningful insights to
the existing body of knowledge demands not only expertise but also time and dedication.

With numerous responsibilities competing for your attention, finding the time to devote to your
dissertation can be difficult. Balancing coursework, job commitments, and personal obligations while
attempting to tackle such a demanding project can leave you feeling drained and stressed.

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All of these can cause blood vessels to narrow over time. Doctors can strengthen the heart with other
drugs which mimic the action of adrenaline and increase calcium in the myocytes. However, only a
small amount is required to perform these tasks, and the excess is deposited along the arteries,
causing them to become more narrow. A cold laser may be used to remove atherosclerotic plaques
with bursts of ultraviolet light. B and T lymphocytes and natural killer (NK) cells arise from the
lineage. Stressful lifestyles are also often coupled with lack of exercise (sedentary jobs in offices),
smoking, excessive alcohol intake and poor diet. The diagram shows how the coronary arteries look,
when they are normal, half blocked and totally blocked. This is because the hormone oestrogen acts
to protect the arteries; it is thought that oestrogen acts as an anti-oxidant, which clears up the free
radicals, which are involved in the development of atherosclerosis. Arteries are classified into 3
types: large elastic arteries, medium muscular arteries, and small arteries and arterioles. Not getting
enough good-quality sleep, including waking up often throughout the night, may raise your risk of
coronary heart disease. This not only causes the blood vessels to stiffen due to the high hydrostatic
forces but it also increases the work rate of the heart due to when your blood pressure is too high,
your heart has to work much harder to pump enough blood and oxygen to your body's organs. As
there are already many products available which will provide an alternative to cigarettes, then these
should be publicised more and people encouraged to use these when they can. There are two types of
lipoproteins low density and high density. It is composed of striated, involuntary muscle cells
connected to form the contractile pump to generate blood flow. Stress-reducing habits will help
improve overall health. Variant angina occurs when an artery experiences a spasm that causes it to
tighten and narrow, disrupting blood supply to the heart. Hypertension is most often asymptomatic
and is found incidentally as part of a routine physical examination or during triage for an unrelated
medical encounter. Sex Coronary heart disease affects both men and women. Thus, it is likely that
people living in LEDCs will get more physical exercise, thus being more physically fit, thus reducing
the risks associated with inactivity that we know increase the risk of CHD. From this we can judge
that obesity is one risk factor caused by upbringing which makes heart disease a more likely illness
for someone. If the coronary artery becomes 50% blocked there is less blood flow than needed at
periods of increased e.g. exercise which will cause shortness of breath. This can be triggered by
exposure to cold,, medicines, smoking, or cocaine use. A credible theory is that when the LDL
cholesterol is oxidised it damages the endothelial cells on the wall of the vessels. High density
lipoproteins (HDLs) on the other hand are beneficial as it transports cholesterol from places where
there is too much to the liver where it can be disposed of. Cardiac muscle cells get their supply from
coronary arteries (shown below). The risks are even greater if blood sugar is not controlled well.
Atherosclerosis is an incurable disease, for which there are clearly defined risk factors that often can
be reduced through a change in lifestyle and behavior of the patient. Once the catheter is in place, a
tiny balloon is repeatedly inflated and deflated to stretch or break open the blocked area.
Thrombopoiesis takes place primarily in the bone marrow through a series of cell differentiation and
is influenced by several cytokines. In order for this to be prevented, the government should initiate a
plan or encourage GPs to start screening programmes which help recognise people who are more at
risk e.g. those with hypercholesterolemia (high levels of cholesterol) and attempts at lowering their
levels by improving their diets and lifestyle 2.
Atherosclerosis and heart disease appear to run in some families as well. An X-ray machine is used to
detect narrow spots or blockages revealed by the dye. An age-old saying, “what we sow is what we
reap”, aptly holds good for this particular disease. This tends to be a large problem in this country in
particular due to many people now choosing to eat ready-made meals or processed food from
supermarkets, which usually have a high salt content 3. Medication is the first way to treat CHD,
after life style change (preventions). The writing style was excellent, allowing the reader to easily
follow the points the writer was making. A heart attack occurs if the blood supply to an area off the
heart is cut off, for example because a blood clot has blocked one of the coronary arteries.
Cholesterol is present in many areas of the body and is used to produce hormones, vitamin D and the
bile acids that help to digest fat. If the heart attack affects a large area of the heart, it could prove
fatal. (2). Exercising keeps the heart strong since it is being worked and build up the heart muscle
itself. However, only a small amount is required to perform these tasks, and the excess is deposited
along the arteries, causing them to become more narrow. Another problem is that this disease has not
shown any signs of it decreasing amongst the population. The first page of the PDF of this article
appears above. In a small percentage of cases, blood flow is cut off when the muscles in the artery
wall contract suddenly, constricting the artery. This is the build up of fatty substances in the arteries
and can lead to great damage to the walls of the blood vessels 6. The smooth muscle cells begin to
reproduce in response to the growth substances the macrophages produce. Many people who have a
heart attack as a complication of CAD recall having had brief episodes of chest pain over the prior
months. Activity helps to control appetite, which reduces the habit of unhealthy snacking. The 5
cardinal signs of inflammation are pain, heat, redness, swelling, and loss of function. It is thought that
flawed functioning of the endothelium could be the basis of CHD. Aspirin was found to thin the
blood, by reducing the adhesiveness or “stickiness” of the platelets in the blood so that they so don’t
clot as well. However there are some errors with the way that the candidate has referenced the
resources that they have used. This can lead to missed diagnoses, inadequate therapy, and worse
outcomes. Some abnormalities may indicate a problem with blood flow. Bad cholesterol is Low
Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL) which lays down fat in the tissues - including the coronary
arteries. The doctor injects technetium (radioactive material) into the vein. To stop bleeding when the
laser is finished and the surface of the heart reaches the air the blood clots and within 2 days scar
tissue will have formed. If the heart attack affects a large area of the heart, it could prove fatal. (2).
Blood tests are particularly important if the patient. This test also helps distinguish systolic from
diastolic heart failure (the heart is stiff and does not fill properly).
On a final note, the candidate fails to ends this piece work with an appropriate conclusion. Using
your mobile phone camera - scan the code below and download the Kindle app. The following
factors are the most important: Heredity. These drugs help prevent the blood from clotting so easily,
reducing the risk of angina or heart attack. This indicates that environmental factors such as lifestyle,
diet and exercise have serious effects on risks of developing CHD. Saturated fat raises your LDL-
cholesterol level more than anything else in the diet. Many people avoid talking about symptoms or
ignore them out of fear or denial. When hypertension exists with other contributing risk factors, the
risks of occurrences of coronary heart disease are dramatically multiplied. (3). The first page of the
PDF of this article appears above. Sometimes a clot may form which can block the flow of blood to
heart muscle. Coronary heart disease is generally caused by atherosclerosis - when plaque (
substances) build up on the artery walls, causing them to narrow, resulting in less blood flow to the
heart. Put simply, a small length of vein tubing is taken from one part of the body, one end of it is
attached to just before the blockage, while the other end is attached to just after the blockage - the
blood then effectively bypasses the blockage. High blood pressure: It increases the heart’s workload,
causing the heart muscle to thicken and become stiffer eventually leading to a heart attack. If the
hearts oxygen requirements are increased, as during exercise, the blood supply through the narrowed
arteries may be inadequate, and the pain of angina results. Tiny electrical impulses are produced from
the pads and this is displayed on the ECG, electrocardiogram. Clinical presentation is most
commonly with chest pain, but women and patients with diabetes may have atypical symptoms. The
gene responsible for this has been found and now there is a blood test to check your cholesterol and
see if FH runs in the family. The diagram shows how the coronary arteries look, when they are
normal, half blocked and totally blocked. A raised level of fat, especially cholesterol, in the blood is a
major cause of atherosclerosis. The lowered rate reduces oxygen consumption of the heart by about
20%. It also is used for the rate at which new events occur in a defined population. This small
difference in percent is not due to different genetics, but most likely different lifestyles the people
lead. Again they are linked primarily to a diet high in saturated fats. They differ from classical
hormones in that they are produced by a number of tissue or cell types rather than by specialized
glands. Tobacco smoke is known to increase the cholesterol level in the blood- another known risk
factor. The main reasons that CVD runs in families is that it has a genetic component - such as
certain genes that may increase the risk of developing atheromatous plaques. Diabetes: Diabetes is a
serious risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease. In women, menopause often causes an
increase in their LDL-cholesterol and a decrease in their HDL- cholesterol level, and after the age of
50, women often have higher total cholesterol levels than men of the same age. Alcohol. Alcohol
intake increases HDL-cholesterol but does not lower LDL-cholesterol. Therefore, the more LDL-
cholesterol you have in your blood, the greater your risk of heart disease. Major influences come
from the western diet and sedentary lifestyles, but the exact mechanisms likely include a mixture of
genetic and environmental factors.
Instead, they may experience tingling or numbness of the left side of the chest or arm; a sore throat
is also a potential atypical presentation, especially in women. Therefore more blood is required to
supply the heart which clogged arteries may not be able to provide. - Carbon monoxide makes the
blood sticky and more likely to clot causing heart attack. Verywell Health is part of the Dotdash
Meredith publishing family. As your age increases, so does your chance of suffering from coronary
heart disease. By binding with the haemoglobin in red blood cells a given volume in blood is able to
carry less oxygen. Patients who take ACE inhibitors should not stop taking them without first
checking with their doctor - there is a serious risk of rapidly-worsening symptoms. Treatment consists
mainly of lifestyle changes, and perhaps some medical procedures and medications. Additionally,
stress and unhealthy eating habits are risk factors for heart disease, including heart attack. The
second reason is that families share a common environment such as diet and being in an environment
with smoke from cigarettes. This tends to be a large problem in this country in particular due to
many people now choosing to eat ready-made meals or processed food from supermarkets, which
usually have a high salt content 3. There are a number of things you can do to reduce all of the
modifiable risk factors for heart disease and heart attack. This may mean taking steps to improve
your diet, get physically active, manage other medical conditions, and help you quit smoking. Flow is
affected by the pressure gradient and the resistance fluid encounters between 2 points. Variant
angina occurs when an artery experiences a spasm that causes it to tighten and narrow, disrupting
blood supply to the heart. It would also allow protective medical intervention at an early stage. The
triggers for the deposition which will damage the endothelium lining of the artery are associated
with carbon monoxide (which is a product of smoking), high blood cholesterol levels, high blood
pressure and diabetes mellitus. A protein in the blood called plasminogen is converted by this
thrombolytic agent into plasmin, the enzyme that digests fibrin, a main component of the blood
clots. When the pressure is persistently high, this is called high blood pressure. One of the greatest of
these threats is atherosclerosis. By causing a narrowing of the lumen it makes the arteries more
susceptible to being blocked by blood clots. Adhesive electrodes are affixed to the skin surface
allowing measurement of cardiac impulses from many angles. The 5 cardinal signs of inflammation
are pain, heat, redness, swelling, and loss of function. In the USA 7.5% of white people suffer from
heart disease. 6.9% of black people suffer. Usually, coronary arteries widen to allow more blood flow
to the heart when a person is physically active or under stress. This involves replacing the damaged
heart with a healthy donor one. Some of these factors can be changed (controllable) and some
cannot be changed (uncontrollable). Small amounts of plaque can also build up inside the small blood
vessels in the heart, causing coronary microvascular disease. These agents are known as thrombolytic
agents and one is the enzyme; streptokinase and a protein; tissue plasminogen activator. Many
factors help determine whether your LDL-cholesterol level is high or low. Coronary heart disease
commonly causes pectoris (chest pain), shortness of breath, (myocardial infarction) and other

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