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In this ever-changing world, families tended to stay within their horizon of customs.

Nowadays, there are many concerns and discussions about professional choices for the youth.

It is of no doubt that a social unit allows their children to select their own career, whereas, on the other
hand, many traditional families; themselves choose a profession for their successors.

Firstly, some parents could not get the opportunity to become something which they wanted to due to
some circumstances.

They want to make their dreams come true of having the perfect job through their child. Additionally,
some parents are educated, and they want to suppress the same education level to their younger
generation to maintain professionalism in the family. Thus, it takes freedom away from children.

Now in this modern world, children are more aware of their future desires as compared to the past. Each
individual in this modern society has a right to live their own dreams.

Because a person can only know his interest and abilities better than everyone else. One of the studies
done at Harvard University stated that 50% of pupils know his/her subjects and area of interest more
than their biological parents so they can easily pick their line.

If one doesn’t choose his/her own career path, it will hinder children’s possibility in the future and no one
can take responsibility of one’s life but yourself.

Pursuing a desired career encourages children to study harder and gives a sense of independence and
responsibility. If they choose their professions by themselves, they will not give up their career easily,
and they gain more satisfaction from work.

If they had been forced to choose an uninterested job, it would be stressful to continue the job and they
are more likely to leave the position. Thus, having the freedom to one’s profession is highly important.

In a recent study by UNICEF it was held that heir who has pursued their careers confirming the parental
influence is facing health issues at a very early stage. On the contrary, the youngsters who followed their
passion are happier and contented.

However, it is understandable that parents want to give some advice on their children’s future, wishing
for the best for their offspring.

Since they have ample amount of life and work experience, they can guide their kids to select the proper
careers by high-lightening real aspects of the work.

In conclusion, every citizen can make up their own life by their own struggles and successes. In my
opinion, a young one can go for their employment. Thus, choosing one’s own career will make a sense of
responsibility which will show that they are ready for the real world.

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