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The use of social media has experienced significant growth in recent years.

While there are advantages

to the use of social media, this has undoubtedly had an adverse effect on worldviews. As posited by Hall
(2024) who quoted Sire (2004) a worldview is a profound feeling which determines our perception of
reality and is communicated through stories and or a particular premise. The rise of social media has had
a negative impact on worldviews since it spreads misinformation, reduce face to face socializing and re-
enforces a narrow mindset and maladapted behaviours.

Firstly, I am deeply concerned about the prevalence and impact of social media on the spread of
misinformation. According to Mari, Zuniga et al (2022) social media platforms facilitate the rapid
dissemination of false information and conspiracy theories. This in turn causes individuals to often
mistrust traditionally reliable news sources and leads them to entertain conspiracy theories. Since
provocative content tends to gain more traction and visibility online, people often share sensational or
inaccurate information more readily. Additionally, given the mechanics of social media algorithms,
increased engagement further amplifies the visibility of such misinformation to a wider audience.

Secondly, the increased use of social media has significantly reduced face to face interactions in secular
as well as Christian communities. I recall a time when children would spend their days outdoors playing
games with friends and engaging in meaningful conversations. However, those days now seem like a
distant memory. Nowadays, people of all ages are glued to their smartphones, engrossed in social
media, games, and various other digital distractions. Gone are the days when individuals formed their
own unique worldviews; instead, many now unquestioningly accept what they see online, leaving little
room for independent thought. It must be also noted that physical meetings have always been a very
important part of Christian fellowship as it fosters a greater bond and comradery among believers. This
support among Christians has been diminished due to the increase in online engagement.

Another aspect to consider is that the prevalence of social media can lead to narrow-mindedness and
encourage maladapted behaviours. Social media platforms often normalize and even incentivize toxic
behaviours (Bergman, 2023) due to the lack of real-life consequences. This normalization can facilitate
cyberbullying, harassment, and online trolling, behaviors. These same individuals would often refrain
from these behaviours in an offline setting where others with different viewpoints may intercede. This
unmitigated use can lead to a reduced appreciation of diverse perspectives. Narrow-mindedness may
result from individuals only engaging with users who share the same view. Christians will also run the
risk of not being exposed to critical thinking and open discussions about scriptures and other viewpoints.

In conclusion, the overwhelming prevalence of the use of social media results in numerous negative
consequences. This excessive use usually leads to the sharing of false information, reduced face-to face
communication and increase in a narrow mindset and inappropriate behaviours. Social media platforms
are rife with misinformation and may cause individuals consume information that only align with their
opinions. Additionally, it may encourage undesirable behaviours and discourage physical socialization
and support.

Hall. G, (2024) Do you really understand “worldview”?


Mari, Zuniga et al (2022) Conspiracy theories and institutional trust: Examining the role of uncertainity
and avoidance and active social media use.
43(2) political phychology

Burgman.M, (2023). Social media and risky behaviour.


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