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SAP: 70144694
DATE: 15/03/2024
The 4P’s of Marketing

 Product
 Price
 Place
 Promotion
1. Product:
 Privacy-Focused Search Engine: DuckDuckGo's core product

is its search engine, which stands out for its commitment to

user privacy.
 User-Centric Design: It's designed with simplicity and user-

friendliness in mind, offering a clean interface without the

clutter of ads or tracking.
2. Price:
 Free to Use: DuckDuckGo doesn't charge its users for its

search services. It's a free alternative to other search

 No Hidden Costs: There are no hidden costs associated with

using DuckDuckGo. Users don't pay with their privacy, as

DuckDuckGo doesn't track or personalize search results.
3. Place:
 Accessible Everywhere: DuckDuckGo is available across

multiple platforms, including web browsers, mobile devices,

and browser extensions, ensuring accessibility for users
wherever they go online.
 Global Reach: It's not limited to specific regions, making it a

viable choice for users worldwide who value privacy in their

online activities.
4. Promotion:
 Word of Mouth: DuckDuckGo relies heavily on word-of-

mouth marketing, leveraging its reputation as a privacy-

focused alternative to traditional search engines.
 Educational Campaigns: They often run educational

campaigns to raise awareness about online privacy issues

and how DuckDuckGo addresses them, building trust and
credibility among users.

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