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ABA 108: Business communication



Correct grammar is mandatory both in formal business speaking and writing. For any business message to

communicate effectively, the following aspects of grammar must be used correctly because they enhance

the impact of the message and portray the communicator as conscious of the value of correctness as a

determinant of an efficient communication process. The parameters of correctness are:

i. Correct tense i.e. past, present and future

ii. Correct use of punctuation

iii. Correct use of spacing between words.

iv. Attention to singular and plural forms of words.

v. Correct use of auxiliary verbs e.g. can, may, should


Some writers and speakers prefer words that sound too sophisticated in style. It is recommended that

ordinary words that appeal to readers should be used because the specialized or formal vocabulary items

introduce a bureaucratic tone to the document or speech and detach the sender from the receiver.

The list below is a comparison of technical or highly specialized words versus their ordinary alternative

synonyms. As you will recall, a basic principle of communication is clarity. This is enhanced by simplicity of

meaning. The words and phrases in the right-most column are therefore preferred.

Bureaucratic Ordinary

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ABA 108: Business communication

Accompany Go with

Accomplish Do

Anticipate Expect

Ascertain Find out

Commence Begin

Concur Agree

Demonstrate Show

Endeavour Try

Facilitate Help

Forward Send

Inasmuch as Since

Incumbent upon Must

In lieu of Instead of

In the near future Soon

The words on the left column are usually restricted to legal documents, contracts and other bureaucratic

governmental communication. They should not be allowed to infiltrate into routine business communication

because most readers consider them as loaded in the sense that their interpretation may not be

immediately obvious. They therefore act as a barrier to communication because they require the reader to

strain in order to interpret them. The golden rule is: ‘the simpler the better.’

NB: Since the objective of business communication is to achieve faster results and profits, thoughts and

meanings should not be concealed through technical words i.e. communicators should use transparent

vocabulary that leaves no room for misinterpretation.

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ABA 108: Business communication

Examples of specialized or technical language in sentences include:

1. This warranty is a quality assurance warranty and applicable for repairs and service as stated.

2. This warranty will be rendered invalid if the item is misused / tampered damaged by an

authorized individual/institute during delivery installation or repairs.

3. Hot point appliance limited shall not be liable under any theory of relief including breach of

contract, negligence, strict liability tort or otherwise for incidentals, consequential or other

damages including but not limited to lose of profits, injury to property or lose of use of the


4. The customer shall during the continuance of this contract make payments to the company

monthly in advance in accordance with the schedule over leaf, the first of such payment to be

made not later than the day of commencement.

5. Repetitions make it too bureaucratic. As stated, they are vague overlapping meanings of words.

6. To achieve simplicity, one should avoid ambiguities

To achieve directness, avoid indirectness / figurative / technical language

To achieve precision, avoid innuendo and implicatures

To achieve conciseness, avoid lengthiness or wordiness

Example of a simplification exercise:

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ABA 108: Business communication

Text A:

Each application shall be supported by a comprehensive letter of explanation in duplicate. This

letter shall set forth all the facts required to present to this office a complete disclosure of the


Simplified Version:

You must send us the following: one copy of your application and two copies of a letter explaining

the complete details of your transaction.

Text B :

Subsequently to the passage of the subject legislation, it is incumbent upon you to advice your

organization to comply with it.

Simple Version:

After the law is passed, it is your duty to tell your people to follow it.



Upon completion of this topic, the participant should be able to;

(i) Use correct tone in business messages

(ii) Formulate clear and unambiguous business messages

The style of business documents should be plain, direct and concise for impact. The receiver should not be

rendered confused and the meaning should not be obfuscated. Business writing should be devoid of

figurative and creative literary language. The business writer should therefore be aware of the following

guidelines in order to improve their quality of expression.

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ABA 108: Business communication

1. Avoid figurative language e.g. metaphors, similes like as…as except is adverts.

2. Avoid passive voice e.g. passive: your application has been approved (by the committee).

Active: The committee has approved your application.

Passive: Interviews will be held on Monday and you are included.

Active: We have included you for interview on Monday.

A: You have been a disappointment therefore you are fired.

B: You are fired because you have been a disappointment.

3. Short sentences are preferred:

Sentence – is a unit of a complete thought.

Avoid subordinate embedded sentences e.g. therefore, consequently, hence, however.

4. Avoid meaning overlaps e.g.

Allow me to convey my message of condolences by way of this communication.

5. Avoid contradictions to achieve clarity e.g. ‘you will always be assured of annual increments but

this may be subject to the company’s performance.’

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