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Waste Removal in Humans

Humans produce three main types of waste: carbon dioxide, urine, and feces.
animals, too, have many of the same organs and mechanisms for removing waste
gaseous waste: carbon dioxide from cellular respiration
liquid waste: urine, produced by the kidneys and containing nitrogenous materials, such as urea
solid waste: feces, compacted in the rectum as a result of food digestion
different waste- a separate organ system, and removed from the body in different locations
related to that system. Waste removal is critical in maintaining homeostasis in the body.
The respiratory system excretes carbon dioxide.
In Cellular respiration, glucose and oxygen- ATP and carbon dioxide- a waste product
Constantly ATP, constantly carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide from the blood- lungs- as the way oxygen come in
The liver filters waste from the blood and produces urea.
Component of urine from liver.
Digested food – small intestine-> liver for processing and filtration-remove nitrogenous waste of
the protein digestion-> waste product, urea-> kidney
Liver also remove and store the toxins
Kidneys filter blood and produce urine by removing urea and other soluble materials.
Urine- 95 percent water, 2.5 urea and 2.5 other soluble materials
In kidneys,
 Renal artery brings in blood for filtration.
 Renal medulla is the part of the kidney where blood branches into smaller arteries and is
sent to a filtration area.
 Renal cortex is the site of filtration, and it contains functional units of the kidney called
 Renal pelvis acts like a funnel to collect urine, and directs it to the bladder via the ureter.
 Renal vein is how filtered blood leaves the kidney.
Nephrons are the structural units of the kidney that filter blood.
renal cortex lie millions of nephrons: structure in the kidney in which blood filtration takes
nephrons-remove urea and other materials from blood to produce urine
collect more water and waste, reabsorption in vessels and main bloodstream
After being produced in the kidneys, urine travels to the urinary bladder, which stores urine
until it is excreted from the urethra.
bladder, which is a muscular, elastic organ that stores urine
more urine, more pressure, more stretching
stretch far enough, activate the certain nerves to release urine
Two sphincter muscles keep the urinary bladder shut: The first is an involuntary muscle,
while the second you control
double protection to prevent incontinence, or lack of control of waste excretion.
Urethra extends from the urinary bladder out of the body, and is the actual site of excretion
Feces collect in the rectum, the final portion of the large intestine. Feces excrete through the
Feces-->final part of the large intestine called rectum
two sphincter muscles hold the feces, one is involuntarily held, and the other you control

Humans excrete three basic types of waste: carbon dioxide, urine, and feces. Separate organ
systems produce and excrete each type.
Waste Removal
All living things produce waste that must be removed in some manner to maintain homeostasis.
clean and able to have space for continued ingestion of new materials
many types of waste
he more complex an organism, the more complex its system for waste management and disposal
Bacterial waste plays a major role in human existence, naturally and commercially.
waste-carrying vesicles. Remember, this process is exocytosis: the movement of materials out of
a cell by use of a vesicle
truth is nearly all this waste is beneficial, and is even harnessed by humans for commercial and
industrial purposes.
distinct odor, or flavor, depending on the species and the food source
cheese, yogurt, vinegar, soy sauce, and pickles- food by waste 0f bacteria
Plants often store waste inside of leaves.
Waste in central vacuole, in leaves-> fall to ground
Some tree- in bark
Many organisms produce solid and liquid waste.
Solid waste feces, indigestible foods, dead cells, and other larger physical matter via anus
Urine from protein production and other metabolism process, fish and mammals- nitrogenous
reptiles, and birds, urine converts nitrogenous compounds into an insoluble compound called uric
The flatworm excretes solid and liquid waste.
Similar ways- flat worms, sea star, hydra and jelly fish
Insects, reptiles, and birds excrete solid waste.
combined together with fecal waste
via cloaca
Many birds remove their waste in such a way as to prevent bacterial growth and disease.
young of some bird species excrete waste in fecal sacs
Many mammals use urine to mark their territory.
Many animals, such as cats and dogs (including wolves)
Too many top-of-the-food-chain predators in one area means intense competition for food
Some organisms also excrete gaseous waste through the respiratory system.
all gaseous waste in a plant exits from small openings in leaves, or stomata
In animals, the main gaseous waste is carbon dioxide from respiration
Maintaining homeostasis includes the removal of waste products.
Viruses are nonliving particles that cause infection in many organisms.
Viruses are not cells.
They do not take in energy from the environment.
They do not grow.
They do not have a metabolism.
made up of a protein coat surrounding a segment of either DNA or RNA
injects its DNA or RNA into the cells of living organisms. The living cell then makes many new
copies of the virus.
In lytic cycle,
The viral DNA directs the living cell to assemble new viral particles
Circle the steps
In the lysogenic cycle,
On earth, there are vastly more prokaryotes than eukaryotes.
Domain of life

Bacteria make up one large, prokaryotic domain.

Classification over
Obtaining energy: autotrophs: organisms that produce their own organic molecules for energy
and nutrition using energy from light or from inorganic chemical sources, heterotrophs:
organisms that obtain energy and nutrients by absorbing or ingesting other organisms
Obtain oxygen: some are tolerant aerobic and anaerobic but some are intolerant anaerobic
Although Domain Bacteria is very diverse, bacteria share some basic characteristics.
Bacteria are prokaryotes.
They are all single-cell organisms lacking a nucleus.
Their DNA is one single, circular chromosome.
Bacteria are surrounded by a strong cell wall made of a molecule called peptidoglycan.
Bacteria have distinct amino acids in some of the proteins they produce.
Shared characteristic with eukaryotes and Archaean
process called binary fission. In binary fission, the bacterial chromosome replicates, and the
bacterium pinches into two separate cells
conjugation: exchanging DNA
Bacteria can be helpful as well as harmful.
Domain Archaea includes another broad group of prokaryotes.
While both domains are made of prokaryotic cells, the two groups differ in several fundamental
Archaean cells are protected by unique cell walls made up of lipids unlike those found in either
bacteria or eukaryotes.
Unlike bacteria, archaean cell walls do not contain peptidoglycan.
Archaeans and eukaryotes also have similar proteins in their ribosomes. These proteins are
different from those found in bacterial ribosomes.
Some archaeans live in extreme habitats, but many live in places such as soil and seawater.
in extreme habitats, such as the extremely salty water of the Great Salt Lake in Utah
One species of archaean made possible much of the DNA revolution.
This Yellowstone hot spring is home for unique archaean species because of polymerase.

The prokaryotic domains are Archaea and Bacteria. Viruses are not living things.
Scientists use a unique, two-part name to refer to every species on earth.
The two-part name identifies a species and consists of a genus name and specific epithet
Today, scientists classify life on earth into a ranking of groups. Each group is more inclusive than
the one that precedes it.
The broadest, most inclusive grouping of life on earth is the domain. All life is classified into one
of three domains.
Scientists only recently began to divide life into domains.
biologist Carl Woese at the University of Illinois
study the RNA sequences of prokaryotes, and to the surprise of many scientists, he suggested
that prokaryotes should be divided into two very distinct categories.
Domains Archaea and Bacteria both include single-cell prokaryotes.
Archaeans at a Black Smoker Vent

Learn about a single-cell organism that is uniquely adapted to survive in hydrothermal vents; in
this case the vent is located at a depth of more than 2000 meters in the ocean.
Domain Eukarya includes all organisms made of eukaryotic cells.
Every species on earth has a unique taxonomy.
Every organism can be described taxonomically.
A phylogenetic tree shows how groups of organisms are related through common ancestry.

Scientists organize all life on earth into groups based on shared traits.

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