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Baelyn Rackey

Professor Jamie Johnston

Communication 1010

February 24, 2024

ePortfolio Reflection: Interpersonal Communication

1.) 5 6.) 4

2.) 5 7.) 3

3.) 4 8.) 3

4.) 3 9.) 5

5.) 5 10.) 4

Total Score out of 50: 41


Explain one specific theory or concept about interpersonal communication that

applies to the relationship. How has that theory about interpersonal communication

changed your perspective on the relationship or helped you gain understanding? How

can that theory about interpersonal communication help you improve upon the

After going through taking the Intrapersonal Communications test I scored a 41/50. With

this being said the lower end of the score was 10 and the highest score was 50, I had ranked

myself as a good communicator within intrapersonal communication. Now I believe that this is

the type of communication that I am the most well versed in, it allows you to really take a step

back and have a one on one conversation or a small group conversation. The theory That I

wanted to discuss around this subject was proxemics, and the relationship that I would like to

share would be between me and my girlfriend. The reason I selected this relationship is because

we live with each other so communication plays a monumental part of our everyday life. My

girlfriend struggles with autonomic diseases and chronic illnesses, so oftentimes it can be a little

more difficult for her and I to be on the same level of communication, this is why I have decided

to talk about proxemics.

Proxemics is the study of how people interact with the space around them to help

communicate with each other. A personal example I would like to share would be how we share

our space together. Because we have lived together for so long it has allowed me to become keen

to when she is not feeling well, such as when I see her sharing a close intimate space with me

like cuddling or when she just needs a shoulder to lean on I can notice it before she might do it

by how she is interacting with the space between us whether that be lighting our favorite candle

to enjoy a nice movie night together, or see her prepping an IV bag. I notice these small cues of

how she is interacting with the space and it allows me to proactively help her, such as cleaning

up the room after she lights a candle or grabbing all of her necessary medical supplies to assist

her running her fluids. With proxemics it has allowed me to better understand what my partner

might be looking for or trying to achieve without direct communication.

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