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Delivering an


Part 1. Definition
What is a presentation?

Many people use the words

“presentation” and “slides”

This is wrong.

Presentation is the delivery of a

certain information, idea, or message to an
audience of people.

Slides are one of the tools that can help

the person deliver the presentation.
Presentation vs Speech

It is possible to convey an idea to an

audience without any visual aids.
Think of political leaders who do not use
any slides to aid them.

This is called a speech.

Speech is a lot more difficult as the only

tool you have is YOU.
To deliver a powerful speech one needs to
use their leadership skills, charisma, and
pay attention to their mimics and
Presentation Structure

Presentations, on the other hand,

typically consist of the following:
Q&A Session (optional)
Handouts (optional)
Audience engagement activities (optional)

High quality slides are one of the most

important tools that keep the
audience interested.

But keep in mind that however good

your slides are, if your speech is
weak, slides won’t rescue you.

It is important to have a synergy

between the slides and the speech.
Speech (Public Speaking)

Public speaking is difficult.

I have delivered hundreds of

presentations and speeches,
but I am still a bit nervous
every time I do it.

It is ok to be nervous.

It means you care about your audience.

Remember: Develop your public

speaking skills! Take a course, read
books, and follow #ktmpm

Handouts are usually paper printouts

(or they can be digital)

They can include:

the slides in a printed format
the visual aids such as graphs, charts, diagrams
the agenda or contents of the presentation
the tools given to the audience for certain
engagement activities you have planned
Engagement Activities

Depending on the audience and the

presentation topic, the speaker may
employ certain engagement activities to
make the presentation more interactive.
These can include:
Directing a question to an audience member
Conducting a poll / survey
Interactive quizzes and competitions
Short group activities or debates
Live experiments
Follow my posts to learn more about
Projects and Project Management!

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