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GEC 4 – Purposive Communication


1. As a college student, I categorize myself as a systematic

communicator. In group projects, I tend to organize
information logically, ensuring clarity and understanding
among team members. For example, during a class
presentation, I structured our discussion points in a clear
and sequential manner, allowing for effective collaboration
and comprehension.

2. My cultural environment in the Philippines aligns with the

dimension of collectivism. This affects me as a
communicator by emphasizing group harmony and collective
decision-making over individual expression. It encourages me
to consider the needs and opinions of others in my
communication interactions.

3. As a college student in the Philippines, I encountered

language variety during a cultural event on campus. While
mingling with fellow students, I conversed with individuals
who spoke different Filipino dialects, such as Tagalog, Yogad,
and Ilocano. Despite the diversity in languages, we
connected through a shared understanding of Filipino
culture and mutual respect for our linguistic differences.

4. Throughout my journey in "GEC 4 – Purposive

Communication," the concept of active listening has
influenced me the most. Understanding the importance of
listening attentively to others' perspectives has enhanced
my communication skills and fostered better interpersonal

5. GEC 4 experience: Enlightening, practical, transformative,

collaborative, empowering.

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