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logging radioaktif 1
Perka Bapeten no 5 thn 2009

Well Logging adalah semua kegiatan yang

meliputi penurunan dan pengangkatan alat ukur
atau alat yang mengandung zat radioaktif atau
yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi zat radioaktif
tersebut di dalam lubang bor untuk tujuan
mendapatkan informasi lubang bor atau formasi
geologi di sekitarnya dalam eksplorasi dan
eksploitasi minyak, gas, panas bumi, termasuk
geophysical logging untuk mineral dan batu bara

logging radioaktif 2
Perunut (Tracer) adalah kegiatan yang
merupakan bagian dari kegiatan Well
Logging di bidang industri yang digunakan
khusus untuk minyak dan gas.

logging radioaktif 3
Test Sumur

logging radioaktif 4
Since the exploration of petroleum began,
geologists have found that deposits of oil
do not accumulate by chance.
Deposits are found in places where
necessary geologic elements are
combined to make an oil field possible.

logging radioaktif 5
For petroleum to accumulate, there must be:

1. a source rock of oil and gas,

2. a porous and permeable bed of reservoir
3. a trap that acts as a barrier to fluid

All three of these conditions must be present. If

one is missing, there will be no oil field.

logging radioaktif 6
Pembentukan Minyak dan Gas
Jenis dan Karakter Batuan Reservoir

Sources Rock; kaya zat organik (umumnya shale)

Seal Rock; padat, tidak berpori (umumnya shale)
Reservoir Rock; batuan berpori (sandstone, limestone,
Rock Type Chemical Composition
Limestone CaCO3
Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2
Anhydrite CaSO4
Sandstone Sand
Coal Carbon
Shale Clay, ie Kaolinite: Al4Si4O10(OH)8
Penentuan Cadangan Minyak
Aplikasi Nuklir

Interpretasi Log Cutting & Analisa Coring


Analisis Tekanan dan Temperatur

Y Aplikasi Nuklir

radioaktif 9
electric logging tools
Electric logging tools have several things in
common. Most of them are shaped like a long,
heavy pipe, 20 to 90 feet long.
They are narrow enough to go into the hole, which is
usually about 8-10 inches in diameter. They are
lowered into the hole on a "wireline", a thick, flexible
sheathed cable that conducts electricity down to the
"tools", and transmits the tool readings back up.
The truck carries enough wireline on a large spool to
lower the tool many thousands of feet.
logging radioaktif 10
Well Logging

logging radioaktif 11
Logging Truck

logging radioaktif 12
electric log
The electric log tools produce a long piece of
paper called an "electric log". "Electric log" is a
general description for any of several kinds of
logs, including rock type, porosity, presence of
oil, water, or gas, and many other things.
Common types of electric logs include gamma-
ray, caliper, resistivity, density, and neutron
porosity. There are dozens of other, more
specialized, types.

logging radioaktif 13
The Well Logging Operation

logging radioaktif 14
logging radioaktif 15
Data Well Logging
1. Log Listrik/ Log Resistivity
2. Log Kaliper
3. Log Sonik
4. Log SP
5. Log Neuton
6. Log Gamma
7. Log Densitas

logging radioaktif 16
4. Log Nuklir

logging radioaktif 17
Log Gamma
Log sinar gamma alam

Kelimpahan zra alam karakteristik untuk
setiap jenis batuan.
Batuan reservoir relatif kecil kandungan
radioaktivitas alamnya dibandingkan dg
batuan non reservoir (Moore, 1992).

logging radioaktif 18
Gamma Ray
Radioisotop yang umum di reservoir
adalah 40K, 232Th, dan 238U.
Selama proses pembentukan
batuan (erosi, degradasi),
cenderung terkonsentrasi di shale
(shale lebih radioaktif dibanding
Pengukuran menggunakan detektor
scintilasi, umumnya NaI(Tl).
Jumlah cacah radiasi (cps)
dikonversi ke GAPI (Gamma Ray
American Petroleum Institute).
200 GAPI = cacah yg terbaca
detektor pada campuran 13 ppm U,
24 ppm Th and 4% K.
Det GM/ Scintilasi

logging radioaktif 20
The Gamma-Ray
and Resistivity Log
This is an
example of the
use of the
Gamma ray
(GR), SP,
Resistivity (Rsn,
Ril), Neutron
(CNL), and
Density (FDC)
logs to identify a
gas-rich zone.

logging radioaktif 21
The Gamma Ray and SP indicate the
location of the reservoir bed, the high
Resistivity at the top of the bed shows that
it is saturated with hydrocarbons, the
cross-over of the Neutron and Density logs
shows that the hydrocarbon in question is

logging radioaktif 22
The Gamma-Ray Portion
The gamma-ray tool reads natural gamma-
ray radiation given off by rocks.
Shales release a lot of natural gamma-
rays, so they read high on the gamma-ray
Sandstones and limestones do not release
many gamma-rays, so they read low.

logging radioaktif 23
Look at the log.
The gamma-ray log is on the far left side.
The scale, in gamma-ray API (American
Petroleum Institute) units, is at the the top
– There are 10 divisions on the gamma-ray
scale so each division = 12.5 units. If the line
should run off the right side of the log, it will
reappear on the left, then the "backup scale"
(125-250) is used.

logging radioaktif 24
The thick black horizontal lines
drawn on the log represent 10-
foot sections. The thinner
black lines between them are 2
feet each. I drew a thick blue
line on the log at a depth of
14,600 feet. This is the top of
a sandstone.
Look just below the blue line,
and you will see that the
gamma-ray log is reading about
15-20 units. This low reading
indicates a sandstone or
logging radioaktif 25
Now look above the thick
line. The gamma-ray is
reading about 62
units. This indicates a
shale formation.
Sandstones and limestones
are usually easy to tell from
shales when you have a
gamma-ray log, because
their gamma-ray readings
are usually less than about
50 units, and really clean,
nice sandstones or
limestones often read 20
units or less.

logging radioaktif 26
Log Densitas
Densitas dpt dipakai sbg indikator jenis
batuan misalnya: sand, shale, clay.
Digunakan radiasi gamma (mis 60Co atau
137Cs) yg dipancarkan ke formasi.

Intensitas radiasi gamma yg terhambur

akan berbanding langsung dg densitas
bahan di sekitarnya.

logging radioaktif 27
Prinsip log densitas

logging radioaktif 28
The probe contains a small collimated gamma
source and two high-sensitivity scintillation
gamma detectors.
– The detectors are protected against direct radiation
from the source or via the borehole by extensive
heavy-metal shielding.
– The active windows of source and detector are
maintained firmly in contact with the borehole walls by
a motorised back-up arm that also provides a
borehole caliper measurement.

logging radioaktif 29
Gamma radiation from the source is
backscattered by the formation (Compton
effect) and reaches the two detectors
where the relative count-rates provide a
measure of formation bulk density. The
probe includes a third gamma detector
mounted remotely from the source to allow
‘stripping’ of natural background radiation.

logging radioaktif 30
Log neutron
Porositas memberikan informasi seberapa byk
formasi mengandung fluida (air, minyak bumi,
dan atau gas alam).
Unsur H adalah unsur dominan dalam fluida.
Karakteristik interaksi n dg H dpt
mengindikasikan keberadaan fluida dlm batuan
Keberadaan fluida berkaitan dg rogga batuan,
mk byknya H menggambarkan porositas batuan.
logging radioaktif 31
Interaksi Neutron dg Materi
1. Hamburan
elastik inelastik

2. Absorbsi
(n,p) (n,alpha)

tangkapan fisi

logging radioaktif 32
Neuton ditembakkan
ke batuan. Stl
mengalami bbrp kali
tumbukan n akan
termalisasi dan
dicacah sbg nth.
proporsional counter

logging radioaktif 33
Sumber netron

2   Be C  n

logging radioaktif 34
Peralatan Log Neutron

logging radioaktif 35
logging radioaktif 36
logging radioaktif 37
Respon log terhadap formasi
untuk kedalaman 6700-6800 ft

logging radioaktif 38
Gamma Ray Spectroscopy
Radioisotop yang umum di reservoir adalah 40K , Th232, dan
U238 yang jumlahnya bervariasi pada tiap batuan.
Dari spektroskopi gamma dapat diketahui besar kandungan tiap
unsur yang memberi informasi tambahan mengenai karakter
Detektor yang umum dipakai adalah detektor scintilasi; NaI(Tl)
atau BGO (Bismut Germanganat)
Analisis Coring

logging radioaktif 40
logging radioaktif 41
Data Coring dan Interpretasi Log
yg saling mendukung

logging radioaktif 42
Untuk diskusi
Di mana peran seseorang yang mpy latar
belakang pendidikan Teknik Nuklir dalam
logging radioaktif?
Apa saja yang harus diperhatikan dalam
logging tsb untuk menghindari kesalahan?

logging radioaktif 43

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